You’re a powerful woman. A Divine Feminine healer, and possibly one of the most powerful people you know. Yet as an entrepreneur, you struggle in your biz. Sometimes you’re terrified, and you’re not even sure exactly why. You keep procrastinating, getting stuck, and you’re holding back. You have so much to offer, yet getting paid in abundance for your expertise hasn’t happened yet, and it’s almost killing you.

You know that you must have had something bad happen in your past that took away your power. You may even have had visions of being burnt at the stake, or just have a knowing that you were part of a witch hunt.

Is that lifetime(or lifetimes) being burned at the stake still holding you back in your business, life, and self-empowerment?

Hi, I’m Dr. Amanda Noelle, and I help women Divine Feminine entrepreneurs take back their power so they can make money in ease and have more impact. Most of my clients and students are like myself–they’re magical women who were burnt at the stake in past lives and they’re still getting over it. They have ascended as spiritual masters on some level, and must come back down to earth and ground. Yet there’s tons of old pain and terror standing in the way from living in true freedom.

It’s my soul purpose to help women overcome their past life persecution so that they can launch their soul-aligned 6-figure bli$$nesses, and fully live their soul purposes.

Every day I show up for work passionate, fired up, and also somewhat terrified, because I too am healing from lifetimes of persecution. And as all healers know, healing is an ongoing process, with layers of discovery into our subconscious. Yet I have gone from being stuck in fear and hiding, to running a sexy 6-figure bli$$ness that I love, traveling the world, leading retreats, and creating my dream bli$$ness called Aphrodite University, the world’s first Divine Feminine based MBA program for High-Healed Priestesses.

Here are the biggest three ways I see past life witch hunt fears show up in Divine Feminine entrepreneurs:

money mantras#1: Fear of Success

Most of my clients blame themselves, saying that they’re afraid of failure, which is also true. But I would say that the most common reason they’re terrified is that they’re actually afraid to succeed.  They are afraid that if they succeed and step into their power, it will be taken away yet again, and they’ll have to feel their past-live death experiences.

How to handle this:

Comfort yourself, reminding yourself that this is not that lifetime, and although it was tough now, you have come so far in your lifetimes and there is no one who can stop you anymore. You can also know that you chose death in those past lives because we (the Divine Feminine holders of the Light) wanted to show our devotion to the Divine. We learned and very strongly agreed NEVER AGAIN! And so it is. You do not have to fear actual death, thank God.  Your only true thing to fear is that you will let life pass you by, and that you’ll be living a life stuck in fear vs. living fully in service and bliss.

Affirmation: I choose life and I live it fully!

money goddess#2: Fear of Financial Instability

You’re probably not going to die because of a witch hunt. Yet your root chakra is programmed to believe it’s not safe to own your power. Therefore, your psyche creates all kinds of interesting ways to believe that there’s reason to panic. The best way we High-Healed Priestesses can create struggle, pain, and drama is through our finances.  Being stuck financially is one of the best ways to give away your power and live like a martyr. When you’re poor, you’ll often start off your sentences with:

“I can’t do that because I don’t have the resources”

“I can’t afford that right now”

“I don’t have the money to live the life I want”

Money becomes a fantastic excuse for staying underneath an invisible guillotine, where you feel like you might be executed at any moment, so you can’t feel into your power.  You see, the money systems that we use today were mostly created by dominant patriarchal political figures who did not want the power to go to the masses, and who wanted to keep it for themselves. Ironically, the women who want to free humanity from oppression often feel oppressed by these systems the most. We feel the greed, the pain, the control, and we often manifest headachy money situations that block us from fully living in our power.

How to handle this:

You must simply commit to wealth. Wealth and poverty are two sides of the same scale. Where do you choose to resonate? What frequency brings you the most joy? In order to tip the scale, you must choose to love money, and let money to love you. I call this marrying your Ka$h King, and we do rituals around this at Aphrodite University and in my private coaching work. You’d be surprised by how much old ex-husband or father energy gets in the way of allowing women to let money love them, which is why we have to do spiritual divorce rituals and money exorcisms in order to allow room for Holy MatriMoney with your Ka$h King!

Affirmation: I choose to marry my Ka$h King and we live in eternal Holy MatriMoney

dr amanda noelle #3: Feeling Financially Unworthy

When I look at my Soulmate Clients, fans, and followers, I see goddesses who have to realize how divinely worthy they are. In order to succeed in their soul-aligned bli$$nessses, they first have to see their value so that they can provide services of value that people are willing and excited to pay for.

There are two aspects of value that are important to harness as a Divine Feminine entrepreneur: (1) is self-worth, and (2) is the value that you deliver to your customers/clients.  These two aspects form a powerful trinity of power, which I believe created the success in my 6-figure business.

It’s vital that we as a Divine Feminine Entrepreneurs, work on the self-worth pieces, and remember that when we heal, those around us heal. In fact, I would guess that women across the world who are still being burned at the stake feel our increased self-love and mirror that.

Yes, there are still witch hunts happening to this day in  Sub-Saharan Africa, India and Papua New Guinea. Official legislation against witchcraft is still found in Saudi Arabia and Cameroon, according to Wikipedia. We are lucky to be living in a culture where women have granted so much power, and where there are men lovingly holding the space of the Divine Masculine.

How to handle this:

When you wake up in the morning, I ask you to think about the most important thing that drives you: is it fear, or is it love? As a Divine Feminine entrepreneur, you came here to create Heaven on Earth, and it was something that you have always been willing to die for. So don’t let a little financial fear or self-worth programs hold you back from healing yourself and rocking a revolution.


Dr Amanda Noelle

Dr. Amanda Noelle



Hula for Moolah: 3 Secrets to Dancing in AbunDance

Dancing is an ancient sacred ritual all humans have done through the ages to heal, celebrate, purify, and co-create. One of the little known things about dance is that it can be a secret Law of Attraction weapon, particularly in the area of attracting financial abundance, or ‘AbunDance.’ In this blog, I will teach you how to hula/hoolah in the moolah so that you can live in 6-figure BLI$$ and beyond.

In shamanism and metaphysics, everything is energy. Dance has a powerful capacity to move invisible energy through the chakras, auric fields, and across the planet, to bring out healing and awakened consciousness. The energy grids can get stuck in fear, and dance transmutes blocks through with waves, bouncing, and shimmying, and bliss itself. Every time I feel stuck and go dance, it’s like an instant mood makeover, and you get a better body too! thumb

Many of us High-Healed Priestesses are energetically stuck in the past with our spiritual relationship with money.

  1. Some of us make money at day jobs without our hearts in it.
  2. Others of us have become life coaches or spiritual teachers in ways that are more masculine and don’t fully let in our Divine Feminine spiritual gifts.
  3. A large amount of us healers are stuck in a poverty or peasantry vibration, which is just sad to see!

We High-Healed Priestesses – high priestess healers (perhaps in high heels) are meant to go high-end in life: in business, finances, friendship, home, and with Twin Flame Love. At Aphrodite University, I help hippie chick healers, lightworkers, women with powerful healing gifts, and woo woo women to create high-end 6 and 7 figure businesses that heal the world. Here is one of the tips that I share with my Aphrodite University students (SeaStars) to help them quickly call in the big bucks through the Law of Attraction.


So let’s get connected with the Divine Golden vibration, rebuild the Goddess Temples, and create our modern day Atlantis. It’s really easy to do, we’ve just got to dance it in!

Speaking from personal experience, I went from making $5,000/year in 2009 to making $15,000 in a month in 2013 because I allowed my AbunDance to flow into my body, mind, spirit, and piggy bank.  Oink!

money goddess

money and the law of attractionAbunDance Secret #1: Connect with your PU$$Y Power on the dance floor.

PU$$Y Power is the Divine Feminine life force sitting between your legs that births all abundance and life, and it can birth your purse power as well. It activates our spiritual flow on earth, through our sacred sexuality so that the energy moves the the beat of our own divine creation. To learn more about PU$$Y Power, click here. Dancing, and many conscious body movement exercises, activates PU$$Y Power by getting your bliss down in your body and into your root chakra. Dancing also can open up kundalini, the snake like energies that ride up and down the spine, like the pattern of the dollar sign.

AbunDance Secret #2: Join a dance community

Dancing in community is one of the things that has saved my life, allowed me to heal, and gotten me to where I am at in my bli$$ness. I prefer dancing in a tribe where people gather old school and dance barefoot, with no rules or regs. There are many Ecstatic Dance venues around the country where you get to dance in a container of conscious people who love to dance, and it’s super blissful!

At Ecstatic Dance, there is usually limited or no talking, no shoes, and a free flow. I do a psychic grounding warmup, meditate for a bit connecting to my PU$$Y Power, and find the dance slowly moving through my body at first, and at its own pace it melts me open and turns into a DanceGasm! A full body orgasmic dance experience where I feel both completely embodied, and also out of my body in bliss. I get lots of psychic visions, downloads, and my aura becomes squeaky clean at the end.

thumbAbunDance Secret #3: Listen to EDM

I love listening to EDM, electronic dance music, to galactivate my energy fields.  I walk, run, dance, and chillax to EDM on a daily basis, and it feels like home to this starseed!

Here is a great list of the top 25 EDM producers, you really can’t go wrong. I like listening to Pandora (I am an addict) though some prefer Spotify. I choose Pandora because it feels like a friend who knows me, and there are so many great artists that I have discovered through the random love of Pandy. Mmmmm!

So get those dance pants on, or take it all off, dance around the house, on the dance floor, try a new class, and definitely try out Ecstatic Dance. It will change your life! Post your comments about why you love dance below. And hula for moolah!


Dr Amanda Noelle





Love your Learning Disability and Imperfections, Write Your BLI$$, Get Paid!

This year, I’ve been reclaiming my passion for writing again, despite the fact that I have a slight learning disability that makes it really easy to make typos, get distracted, and become incredibly self-critical.

I used to struggle with low self-esteem, feeling stupid, not good enough, and it petrified me from sharing my voice through writing.  When I did write, it was like pulling teeth, and I had to edit my work like a million times. It was no walk in the park.

It didn’t help that I am now writing about esoteric ‘woo woo’ topics (part of the job as a Twin Flame Matchmaker) that often brings up a lot of my insecurities (like Will they think I’m crazy?!)

how do i blog

As a Twin Flame Matchmaker with a successful private practice, writing has been a key way to access new clients while expressing my heart and soul with the world.

Yet just a few years ago I was blocked in my writing, in my career, in my finances, and in my power. I drove myself so crazy with my blocks, that I nearly wanted to leave the planet because I knew how far away I was from living my talents, dreams, and soul-purpose.

Wahooo….I broke free!

This year’s writing breakthrough helped me heal myself, and my writing has really made an impact on my BLI$$ness (business + bliss + big buck$) which recently hit 6-figures. I am still in shock after making 4-figures all through my 20s! The key secrets to my writing and BLI$$ness success is speaking from my heart, not caring what people think, and being in service while loving myself as a High-Healed Priestess.  Bet you didn’t see that coming, did ya?

Writing was love-hate for me before this year. I hated deadlines, feared critics, and knew that I’d be making loads of ‘mistakes,’ typos, and grammatical errors. Unless I hired a professional editor (which cramps my style and just didn’t appeal), I knew I’d be baring my ass out to the world, which was just embarrassing!  Yet I was called to spread Light, share my message, and teach others that they too could be Lightworkers changing the world without having to be perfect. Oh, and get paid in the process!

Me writing in my 'office with a view' in Crete, Greece

Me writing in my ‘office with a view’ in Crete, Greece

I just love getting paid to write while helping people, like I used to do in my early 20s when I was an expat nutrition and fitness writer in Shanghai (which never made me much money, but it was a start and I was less self-conscious because there was so little competition there as most writers wrote in Chinese!).

Though I am not yet technically a ‘paid writer’ directly through articles or books, I am paying myself with the income I gain from clients who find me via search engines using words like “twin flame soulmate” and “goddess of abundance!” So my writing dreams have come alive again in the most unexpected way!

How to make money off your blog (a few tips):

There is no one right way to make blogs pay off. I know my way has been fast and effective, and it doesn’t include making money directly from the blog, but comes from people finding me through my blog. Blogs can make you good money if you know how to convert readers into paying clients or customers. I highly recommend selling high-end services or products if you’re brand-spakingin’ new in your biz.  I would have starved to death if I started selling products at $5-50/pop.  I see most spiritual people writing blogs and doing services by donation (e-begging) and it makes me so sad to see those PayPal icons when I know they could be helping people while making good money from their high-end services or products.

blogging goddessSelling is also a big piece of the picture, but I will talk about that in other blogs. Mainly I wanted to reiterate how beneficial it has been for me to gain readers via the blog, gain their trust, and then convert them into paying clients whom I love! These Soulmate Clients burst my heart open with joy, and they feel like they know me before even meeting me because of my blogs (and YouTube/social media posts as well). My clients almost always tell me they hire me because they appreciate my rawness, my weirdness, and my unique flavor. It’s almost as if they can recognize that we are soul family before even meeting me, simply by reading my blog or viewing my YouTube channel. And what a marketing time-saver, instead of marketing to individuals over and over – blogs make you money while speaking to a vast number of peeps! Love the spiritual leverage.

Selling through your spiritual blog is really awesome!

twin flame magicLuckily, I have a magical gift in selling to my Soulmate Clients (soul family members who receive your soul-purpose based services in exchange for financial currency).  I am super psyched to be teaching my students at Aphrodite University how to use my Seductive Selling tips to their Soulmate Clients who visit their sites! Because I have converted my blog readers, Facebook followers, and YouTube viewers into paying clients, my 6-figure BLI$$ness has taken me to magical and exotic travel destinations this year, which has unleashed a creative beast in me. I highly recommend trying to make money as a spiritual healer, teacher, writer, Lightworker – your bliss saves your own life as it saves the world!

My perfectionism got converted into my pleasurerrectionism!

how t get over perfectionismWhat’s more, is that I’ve learned to accept my typos as ‘quirks’ and have really let go of perfectionism! This yielded way more readers, better blogs (if you ask me), and wayyyyyy more pleasure on my part. Because of this, I have successfully been able to write a blog a week (and sometimes several per day because I get so excited!). Blog writers’ block GONE….Cheers to having overcome a diagnosed learning ‘BLI$$ability,’ healing shame about the way I learn and express myself. Anyone can do this, because if I can do it, so can you sister!

My writing adventures have taken me and come with me abroad this year. I have made several blog entries on my pink Macbook Pro Retina from San Francisco, Greece, Italy, Costa Rica, and Los Angeles. My favorite writing local was a remote spot on Crete overlooking the ocean, where I got to access internet via my iPhone’s SIM card. Oh, it was from an ancient cave, a house built right into the cave wall!  The views of the ocean, olive groves, and mountains were stunning, and I believe my creativity cracked open on Crete this year (as well as my inner cretan who just doesn’t care what others think about me!).

money goddessI highly recommend visiting Crete to rekindle your ties to Ancient Atlantis, if you feel connected and called. Everyone I know who has gone there has come back with the souvenir of more creativity, an Atlantean activation, and a Higher Self soul-alignment. I highly recommend traveling with your writing to wherever your heart and Higher Self guides you, you won’t regret it.

To me, writing has become an indulgence that happens to help some people (or at least that’s what they’re telling me), that helps me express the real me, that gets my ideas and thoughts solidified. Oh, and expressing my inner love and putting it out there into cyberspace brings me a great deal of joy.  Finally, the BLI$$ buck$ that naturally seems to be following are a hoot too!

twin flame tips

It’s time for you too, baby…

It’s so cool that I’ve used my ‘imperfect brain’ to build a 6-figure BLI$$ness I love! I never would have imagined that my fun goofy side that loves to roll with the punches, channel Pleiadian Light, and be as wild and woo woo and as weird as I want to be could be appreciated, paid, and professional all at the same time! Check out my blog to help you bust blog perfectionism here. 

I say YES to loving and living your dream and writing it all out like a giant ongoing love letter to the world. I say go now, no matter how low your self-esteem is, how imperfect you are, or how stupid you believe you are. I say, the weirder, the better. The world has been suffering of boredom for centuries and it’s making us all sick in the head!

You can achieve your dreams, your bliss, your abundance…Because you are a holy friggin’ awesome child of God/dess and the world needs your love and wisdom and woo woo magic! That’s all the recipe takes. Now go bliss, bless, and blog your heart out to the world in 2014.

Lots of BLI$$ings and good blog fortune.

Dr Amanda Noelle



Dr. Amanda Noelle is a Twin Flame Matchmaker and Founder of Aphrodite University.


How to Attract an Attractive Soulmate: Flaming HOT Twin Flame Attraction

Mild, medium, or HOT? Sometimes salsa just isn’t salsa without the spice–just like your soulmate isn’t attractive without the hot physical package!  We are human and have a taste for beautiful things.  We have evolved from looks oriented creatures: birds, then goats, then gorillas. These animals appreciate beauty and so do we.

twin flame loversLike ducks who choose the pretty mallard feathers, or the she-goats who select the winning mountain goat for his large horns, or the lucky gorilla gal who gets the coveted silverback, we humans can go gaga for good looking guys or gals. In this post, I will talk about how to bag a babe that you actually find attractive–on both physical and spiritual levels! Have I attracted your attention yet?

Attractiveness doesn’t have to be generic

Despite the fact that the soul doesn’t care about physical form, our humanness does. It needs physical beauty and attraction (however you define that) for a healthy soulmate/Twin Flame relationship. Without the spice and attraction, you got yourself a best friend and nothing more.  Nothing wrong with a best friend, but don’t kid yourself.

how do i find my twin flameYou are probably saying, “Amanda, isn’t it superficial to say that attractive people are better than less attractive people on a soul level?” And I’m saying No, it’s not. Because attractiveness is spiritual.  And its not the Hollywood kinda pretty or hot I am talking about, as attractiveness does not have to be generic. True beauty is all in the eye of the beholder. In fact, true attractiveness is simply a spiritual vibration based on high levels of sacred geometry.

The beholder interprets the geometry however he or she “likes” beauty.  True spiritual beauty emanates from our physical form and it resonates with the beloved onlooker–on an eyes, ears, nose, and especially an energetic level. This is the alchemy of seeing your Twin Flame’s true beauty–beauty can only be seen by those who understand the secrets of sacred beauty.

Alchemical attractiveness lesson one: Beauty is unique.

Everyone’s attractiveness taste buds are unique, just as everyone looks unique. So there’s someone for you – there’s someone for everyone!  A perfect mach on all the levels, beauty included.  Throw it out NOW, the old paradigm of everyone wants Brad Pitt. That’s so boring!  Stop trying to look act and be the same as the same old boring plastic model. Be you beautiful one. And stop lusting after generic plastic beauty that lacks substance.

Remember those those generically hot guys or bombshell gals that everyone wanted to date or be in high school (and sometimes they manage to stay ladies men or it girls for many years)? Where are they now?  Most likely they either abused or ran away from or hopefully came to terms with the superficiality of their so-called physical perfection that got them in the door (or nether-region).  A lot of the Hollywood hot people are actually suffocated or suffering with their beauty because no one can see the real them.

twin flameYes beautiful: true beauty is on a much deeper level.  We are all here by Divine Design; we are created by our creator with a perfect divine plan.  We are gifted with the perfect package.  We are all incredibly attractive to our Twin Flame, and vice versa.  We are even granted a certain number of soulmates who find us stunning and make us feel our own attractiveness.  Sometimes it can be annoying when you’re not attracted back to these people (a soulmate whose lesson/gift is to uplift your beauty confidence)! When I was in Italy I got a ton of cat calls and suitors who complimented me to the point where I stopped doing my own beauty affirmations because being told that I was hot all day long by these stallioni burned the message into my subconscious. Ironically, though their compliments helped me get into “I’m hot” instead of “I’m not” thinking, I only ended up being attracted to three men during my 3-year love affair with Italy. More ironically was that none of these men hit on me until later in our dating. Still, I will always be grateful for coming of age in Italy and hope that more American and Anglo men can learn the art of flattery and compliments from their Latin counterparts.

Ultimately, it’s about having both mutual physical attraction and mutual soul attraction for the right soulmate. Guess where it starts? It starts within…

Use the Law of Attraction!

twin flame theoryThe Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like.” Therefore, if you want to attract someone that you find attractive, you must first find yourself attractive. Hopefully you like what you see in the mirror!  It’s no easy feat in this culture, where we limit the ideas of beauty.  Especially for women, right!? I myself suffered from Barbie complex (and I still catch myself in moments sometimes) where I thought unless I looked like the perfect skinny toned perky Californian blondie, I couldn’t be loved or beautiful.  It sucks when you live in fear of cellulite, water retention, wrinkles, pimples, and all the other stuff that comes with being woman/human! That’s not pretty. True beauty is confidence. Self-acceptance. Joy. Trust. Good posture.  Open-heartedness. A smile is beautiful.  In a nutshell, when you are radiant, glowing yourself, your own true Divine frequency out to the Universe, that is beautiful. Then you are a real bite of bait for the right soulmate.

Fall in love with yourself

That’s it. That’s what it takes–become a narcissist!  Kidding. That’s so not the right word…Self-adoring, that’s a better fit! You don’t have to be self-absorbed in a selfish or narcissistic way to love yourself.  True self-love is the kind where you are so in love with yourself that you see God/Goddess in yourself.  Then, you see that God/Goddess and you are one. You feel the oneness of your soul with all souls, with divinity.  You look in the mirror and see love and light that comes from your being a child of God/Goddess. And that you are not separate from God/Goddess.  This becomes very exciting! Then you realize that all beings are little fractions of God, or more like microcosms of the macrocosm through which you can explore Oneness.

There are many potential soulmates out there for you to test out

Some are zany, insane, sexy, scary, goofy, interesting, boring, annoying, beautiful, and highly unattractive reflections of God/Goddess.  Your job: to love everything and everyone in an unconditionally loving and twin flame attraction compassionate way while discerning what is best for you as a human.  It is not wrong to be attracted to certain types and not others.  It is not wrong if you grew up around a certain type of person and feel comfortable marrying only that type of person.  Never date (in the long term, one date is OK!) or marry someone you’re not attracted to.  I do suggest trying to date outside of your race, class, spirituality, social group etc., so that you can understand Oneness through diversity.  You will learn a lot as you seek out your Twin Flame.  Moreover, it is possible that your Twin Flame is not a part of your inner circle/race etc. Many Twin Flames have reported to be living in different parts of the globe yet attract each other through divine guidance (plus online connecting or crossing during travels). They seem to often know that despite the differences of culture/race etc., there is an instant feeling Twin Flame recognition that is quite strong.

Your soul knows what you need, and your human self will be guided and follow the path perfectly to the perfect mate.  It’s OK to kiss a few frogs on the journey too, but do keep in mind that you must be happy, blissful, satisfied!  It all starts with gratitude for where you’re at, which is what I discussed in my article Harnessing Gratitude to Harness  your Twin Flame!

Fall in love with the mirror to attract an attractive partner

Self-Love & Beauty Mirror Ritual:

Twin Flame Love

Look in the mirror and repeat the following prayer/affirmation:

“I am beautiful. I love the soul that I see appearing in the mirror. The soul in the mirror loves me back. She (or he) is me.  I love the home–the temple body of my soul.  My body, skin, face, hair and every nuance of me is perfect.  By Divine Design, I am pure and perfect love. I love myself. I am attractive. I am sexy. I am beauty. I am joy coming into human incarnation.  My lashes are luscious. My skin is soft. Every corner, curve, wrinkle and nerve of me is placed perfectly so that I can attract the right person/people into my life.  My body serves me for my highest purpose and I love her.  My body is pretty sexy! My curves are gorgeous.  My imperfections are totally perfect. I love the things I complain about, and I complain about them less and less.  I love me, for all of me! Thank God/dess for the body I have, and the soul mates with which I share my body are damn lucky!”



Twin Flame Angel Channeling by the Twin Flame Matchmaker

Twin Flame Angel Channeling by the Twin Flame Matchmaker

It was somewhere around 8am and I was deep in sleep….

My angels were having a chat with me, as they often do when I am in head-to-the-pillow-bliss and not ready to awaken to the ‘real world.’ I used to be afraid of encountering angels, but now I love being bothered by them! It’s such a luxury ‘problem.’ Before my Twin Flame Dark Night of the Soul, I rarely got to communicate with these beloved beings.

I’d shut them out because it was beyond what I was willing to accept, mentally or otherwise… but since I have gone through a soul awakening over the past few years, and passed through darkness through to the Light/other side, I have been able to open my awareness to angelic consciousness. Channeling angelic frequencies happens seemingly naturally now, and I want everyone to be able to do this.

I highly recommend a Power Pet during sleep. Having my chi-beagle Hazel, my shamanic spirit guide dog by my side when I sleep, I feel much safer to surrender during sleep.  I highly recommend the power of animal healing guides when working with angelic consciousness.

Perhaps when we are no longer afraid of the angelic consciousness, and have learned that ‘they’ are simply a part of us, representing our highest awareness, we can integrate them into one strain of consciousness.

Here’s what my Twin Flame angels began to tell me…

In order to help more souls, you (Amanda) must teach others how to use the powers of the Divine Feminine to clear out pockets of darkness.  Using the Divine Feminine will transmute the gray densities into light, into bliss, into fuel to spark a further rising of the Divine Feminine consciousness.

Archangel Haniel will be the angel to assist in the great portal opening of the Divine Feminine

For they say that it is Haniel who carries the Light of Aphrodite, the Divine Feminine, Innana, Ashtarte, Lakshmi, Venus, her many names. The sensual High Priestess, goddess of love. This hot pink ray of light will melt and transmute all grief, depression, anxiety, and stuck energies. The stagnancies that have been upon your planet for thousands of years will rise to the surface just life sea foam.

The angels suggest that there will be many who fear this Divine Feminine Awakening

They say: there are those who run away from the many faces and facets of the Divine Feminine. But the fact is, they are running away from themselves, from the parts of themselves that resonate within the Feminine Frequencies. For the dark fears the light and the light fears the dark, it is all just a game of polarity. The Angels want you to know that you are not lost in these times of transition in the Golden Era, you are loved.

Most of all, the angels teach that we are love itself, here to rediscover itself through human form! Did you know that you are love, love that was once forgotten, and it re-membered itself through the re-membering over and over again through various incarnations, in-memberations into your thick-skinned membrane? Yesss! You are indeed covered in a membrane of human form, but within you are soul, a soul of pure love and Divine memory.  Informatics of Divine form.  The Feminine form. and the Masculine form.  Holy, pure, real, re-membered entire universes reside within you. It is time for you to wake up, and realize that each of you are aboard on Her Royal Vessel, the Divine Feminine ship of Gaia floating on her orbit in space. Be carried upon her, ride swiftly upon Her salty waters, and rise up like the sea foam, as has done our Beloved Aphrodite.

Connect with the sea, and you will see, the sweet and salty memories of Her, and of your true origin reside within…

Remember, the word memory comes from Ancient Hebrew. Mem Ohr – memory: where Mem meant “water” and Ohr “light/spirit.” The 432 hz sound is carried in harmonized water. Salt, wave like motions, and the 432 hz tuning fork heals the water,  and this crystalized water can heal your body and align you with Twin Flame Love.

Memory is simply a way of explaining that information is stored within the 70-percent surface of Gaia.  We dear ones are made of water, are of the ocean, so truly the memories lie within.  Thanks for joining me Twin Flame Lover, I’ll see you soon.


Dr Amanda Noelle



Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker, swiftly soulmates High-Priestesses with their Twin Flames and Starchildren.


Embrace the Shakina to Become a Magical Six-Figures Rich Fairy!

Embrace the Shakina to Become a Magical Six-Figures Rich Fairy!

Something BIG just happened. It is CRAZY! I am all teary… I chose to believe in magic a few years ago, and I chose to prove it to myself, even if my partner didn’t believe in me and left me heartbroken. Little old me who used to suffer from fear, poverty issues, and low-self esteem had a BREAKTHROUGH tonight!

My piggy bank just squealed with pleasure. It used to writhe in magic

Like a toddler who realized that she had a handful of gum balls in her pocket, I just realized that I made my first $15,000 month. In a MONTH, and seriously without even trying, not really caring, working 2 days a week while just ‘playing’ and healing. Doing my ‘BLI$$ness thing‘ while traveling in Italy!  I have been testing out my theory that High-Healed Priestess wealth comes from a combination of 20% action, and 80% magic. So I have been working very little, and only in flow and bliss, and blissing a lot. And it’s paying off!

Me getting tears of joy tonight.

Me getting tears of joy tonight!

$15K is what I made in 3 or 4 years during my twenties, on average. Because I had such low self-esteem then, because I’d forgotten who I am.

My Higher Self channels: Dear Ones, do not forget who you are! Do not believe what they say! It is all but a program, like a programmed code. You come from ancient sacred bloodlines, each of you, from the Sangraal, and all you have to do is activate your divine royalty!

It’s time to end self-hadred, spiritual poverty, and PURSEecution

For those of you suffering from low self-esteem, trauma, poverty, and shame: know that inside you is a great God/dess, because you are a reflection of the Great God/dess, The Almightly, The Shakina and you are never alone. Here is a video that I made to share why many women are hurting in their wallets, the low self-esteem and trauma from past-lives and ancestral wounds creates what I call “PURSEcution:”

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I’m magical, I’m a fairy, I’m a Starchild, and I am a High-Healed Priestess! As a human woman, I may be a little ridiculous, or even a lot sometimes, but I CAN DO ANYTHING, as long as I don’t forget my Starpowers!

goddess of abundance

You are a goddess of abundance.

My soul came from the Higher Dimensions to show you (and me!) that if I can do it, so can you. That even a woman in 2010 who fell apart, who was heartbroken, who got arrested for doing mushrooms, who was dirt poor, and who almost gave up on herself can make it, anyone can. I healed myself using 100% pure unconditional love, and I didn’t allow the fears to stop me. I know you can too.

I am a Little Shakina, and I am RISEN! Who is ready to join the self-realization love revolution!?

Dr Amanda Noelle

Dr. Amanda Noelle, Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps stellar spiritual women swiftly attract easy abundance and their Twin Flame so they can live like goddesses.


How to Pick a New Paradigm Niche for Your Conscious Small Business

How to Pick a New Paradigm Niche for Your Conscious Small Business

I have discovered the coolest and weirdest business niche ever! It’s something that I would have never thought of, because it doesn’t exist yet (to my knowledge) and it’s even hard to explain. But it’s working, it’s what’s been bringing me clients and growing my near 6-figure BLI$$ness this year, and I believe I’ve discovered the Holy Grail secret to picking a niche for your spiritual business!

Everyone knows that without a niche, it usually takes years longer to fill your healing practice or small business. But most people I see starting off in their businesses, especially spiritual healers, have a really really tough time picking a niche without feeling like they’re wiping out a part of their soul. Luckily for me, I started off in my work as the Twin Flame Matchmaker, because I’d done Law of Attraction matchmaking for free so many times. As a spiritual matchmaker, I teach women how to clarify what they want in a romantic relationship, and to immediately attract it using psychic tools, the Law of Attraction, magic, and what I call PU$$Y Power. The work that I do has helped hundreds of women fall in love with themselves and attract their Twin Flames, and a few little Starchildren have even been born because of it! Check out the video here to see one of my true Twin Flame matchmaking stories that might melt your heart:

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My matchmaking BLI$$ness pretty much skyrocketed from the start, and overnight I became a successful business owner. Being a kick-ass matchmaker, I was surprised that I somehow naturally attracted a new wave of female clients who needed coaching on their businesses too, as part of a preparation phase for their Twin Flame relationship.

twin flame priestessWhat I learned more recently is that my “matchmaking magic” works for anything, and particularly works well for BLI$$preneurs who are seeking their “soulmate clients.” And that there is a niche for women who need both soulmate clients and their Twin Flame, and that these two answers I provide are really connected to the same core piece of resurrecting the Divine Feminine, connecting to your PU$$Y Power so that you can attract anything you want.

What Are Soulmate Clients?

Soulmate Clients Are in Your Soul-Family Tree

Soulmate Clients Are in Your Soul-Family Tree

Soulmate clients are people in your soul family that you have a soul contract with to teach, heal, and love them in exchange for Love Buck$! All of my clients are soulmate clients, and it makes working feel like bliss and not business. Soul-targeting your soulmate clients is a much faster way that doing traditional marketing, branding, and niching.

My soulmate clients need both Twin Flame attraction, and  support as High-Healed Priestesses entrepreneurs. That’s why I keep inevitably teaching about both topics: Twin Flame matchmaking and soulmate client matchmaking for

divine feminine love6-figure BLI$$nesses (business + bliss + big bucks), which seems random from a business perspective! Like a niche created by someone who did one too many pink Jello shots.

Yet I’ve discovered that for us women healers, these two topics go hand-in-hand: you can’t master Twin Flame attraction until you master soulmate client attraction, and vice versa. Because when we make our income off of healing energy exchanges with our soul family, it makes us whole, healed, sexy, empowered, abundant, wealthy, and blissful. This prepares us for our Twin Flames.Twin Flame Love

What’s interesting is that my soul purpose within soulmate client matchmaking has to do with matching female healers with their female clients. 99% of the time my clients want to work primarily with women clients, like I do.  So, in a way, I am weaving a web of women, soul sisters from around the world, who are part of a grand soul family.

Plus we are also Twin Flame ambassadors. Thus, through our BLI$$ness networks, we’ll be exchanging money from one Twin Flame High Priestess to the next, and creating a sort of “New Girls Network” (a spoof on the Old Boys Network) and new Divine Feminine based economy, which is really exciting for me! It’s time for Mama Gaia to have powerful women who deeply love and care for her to take charge. No more of this funny violence, greed, corruption, pollution, evil stuff! The High-Healed Priestesses are taking our power back and building a Heaven on Earth paradigm.

Looks like I am going to have to tweak my brand AGAIN to include the BLI$$ness stuff back, as it’s showing up in my coaching no matter how much I try not to (because you’re “supposed to pick just one niche” in business. Blah!). Well, I have just one niche now: it combines two seemingly different things that I feel need to be married together: Twin Flame matchmaking and soulmate client matchmaking, and I love it!

Once we learn to receive like a goddesses, manifest magic like a High Priestesses, and take action like queens, we can create ANYTHING we want in our life. It’s the path of the High-Healed Priestess.

Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps stellar spiritual BLI$$preneurs create successful 6-figure healing BLI$$nesses that align them for swift Twin Flame attraction. 

Dr Amanda Noelle