How To Plan Your Business Launch Based On New And Full Moon Cycles

How To Plan Your Business Launch Based On New And Full Moon Cycles

Want to grow your business in bliss? Then join the Lunar Priestess Collective, a complimentary monthly gathering for smart, spiritual female entrepreneurs.

Every month we gather to set intentions for the moon cycle, meditate to “download” our visions and soul-guided action steps, and share them with a soul-sister to witness our growth.

Join us live each month, totally free, to build your biz in BLISS! 

Want to grow your spiritual business with more flow and ease? Then do as the ancients did–select key business dates (i.e. launch dates, webinars, live events, courses, retreats etc) that align with the cycles of the moon. 

In this post, we’ll teach you how to plan out your business launch calendar for optimal success, according to the moon cycles. 

Why Is the Moon Powerful?

Lunar energy creates more flow and ease, which means your business can go from striving to thriving

Each month (which comes from the word moon by the way) has its unique flow, its own astrology, and its own business benefits. You can either go with the “flow” or swim “against” the tides.

Speaking of tides, fishermen have always known that during the full moon and new moon, they’ll have the biggest catch. This is called ‘moon-phase fishing’ due to the moon’s effect on the tides and aquatic life, allowing the fish to see better and to feed nocturnally. 

This is the same for spiritual entrepreneurs who are soulfully “fishing” for success, whether it be for likes, views, clients, prospects, or new leads.

To create an abundant and profitable business, every smart spiritual entrepreneur will want to utilize the power of the moon’s cycles. 

What Is the Lunar Cycle?

A full lunar cycle happens for 29.5 days and as the moon happens in 8 phases, 4 are “yin” and 4 are “yang.” 

Yin phases or “active” moons are connected with the feminine energy which are great for “feeling into things” so you can reflect and restore; while Yang phases or “receptive” moons are connected with masculine energy which is good for taking action and getting things done.

Moon Phases for Business


New Moon (New Beginnings) “Yang”

  • Keep manifestations in your mind or write them in a journal or using a new moon manifestation worksheet (click here to download our free Moonifestation Playsheet PDF). Plant your seeds then manifest everything you want by prayer and taking action. Write them out first, then visualize, and say it out loud just to let the universe know what you want. 
  • Join together in ceremony in the presence of other powerful lightworkers to download your visions and increase your manifestation powers on the new noon. We offer a FREE new moon ritual for women entrepreneurs at Aphrodite University, the premier Divine Feminine University and mystery school for Twin Flames. Women who attend the new moon ritual experience powerful shits that align their month ahead in business and beyond. 
  • Be flexible with your soul-guided action steps; you’re testing the waters. Dream big, have goals and visions for your business. Allow in surprises!
  • Answer these 2 questions each month: What would you like to achieve this month? What aspects of yourself are you hoping to develop this month?
  • Keywords like beginning, birth, emergence, projection, clarity are correlated to the new moon. As this new cycle emerges from your vision, inner or outer will be seeded into a new perspective.

Crescent Moon (Set Intentions) “Yin”

  • Create intentions for your manifestations. Manifest everything you want to happen, use the power of the mind. Gather all positive energies, all the people that can help you succeed and let the moon do the work. Plan for the best, while being prepared for the worst outcome so there will be no surprises. Stay open and surrender.
  • Answer these 2 questions: What need does your goal fulfill? How can you guarantee the survival of your vision?
  • Keywords such as expansion, growth, struggle, opportunity can be used with this moon cycle as growth and stability is knocking on your door.

First Quarter Moon (Take Action) “Yang”

  • Start your project and add actions to it. Make an action plan and align your vibrations with everything, expect that it will bring your manifestations quicker. Focus on having progress on any projects you’re working on, picking up the pace sound in the knowledge of what you’re building and working towards. It is essential to make forward strides, really catch onto the abundant growing power of the moon and the momentum that’s underway.
  • Questions to ask yourself are: What can you do to initiate the actualization of your vision for this cycle?  What insecurities are inhibiting you? 
  • Words like action, expression, growth, breaking away can be used as a correlation in this cycle.

Gibbous Moon (Trust & Evaluating) “Yin”

  • Trust the process and manifest abundance. Reevaluate and change direction if it is not working for you. Changes are inevitable so be ready for it. Filter and analyze the information that you have obtained as a result of your previous actions. The confidence of inner vision awakens and releases the power of creativity. 
  • Questions to ask yourself: How can your vision be refined and improved? What details have you overlooked?
  • Keywords like analyze, prepare and trust are the correlated words for this moon cycle as it is time to review your intentions for it to succeed.

Full Moon (Harvesting) “Yang”

  • This is a time to harvest. Plan social activities, make sales in your business or plan the final stage of your launch during the full moon. Your creative intuition will be strong now, so utilize it. Acknowledge all the active energy and maximize its full potential. The function of this phase is to begin the process of reshaping the goals in accordance with the awareness of the true meaning of the original vision.
  • Keywords that go hand in hand with this cycle are: fulfillment, illumination, realization, experience.

Disseminating Moon (Receiving Gratitude) “Yin”

  • Reflect on what you can do to succeed more. Focus on what is blocking you like fear, doubt or anything that makes you not focus on your goal. Free content and have live videos on your social networks. Connecting with your audiences can highly benefit you and your company. Allow yourself to teach what you’ve learned. The power of what is felt to be significant is a propelling force for its distribution.
  • Questions to ask yourself: How do your goals contribute to the welfare of the collective? Has your idealism turned into self-righteousness?
  • Keywords you can use for this cycle are demonstration, distribution, sharing and introspection.

Third Quarter Moon (Releasing & Giving back) “Yang”

  • Release and let go. All the disappointments, resentments, hurt and anger – let it go. Forgive, release and move forward. Clean your life and your soul, change into a positive mind. During this phase you become aware of what is and is not working with respect to the achievement of your goal for the cycle. Action is essential; either take a correcting action or make the final push needed to realize a successful outcome.
  • Realignment, revision, integration, cleansing are the keywords to be used with this cycle.

Balsamic Moon (Surrendering & Connection) “Yin”

  • As this is the last phase of the moon, you’ll feel empty and just want to surrender, get some rest, recuperate and that’s what you need to do. Be kind, gentle to yourself and just breathe. Trust the process.Liberation from the past must be attained in order to begin anew with consciousness and clarity. The function of this phase is to clear out the old patterns in preparation for a new cycle.
  • Questions to ask yourself: What do I need to release? What do I choose to take with me into the next cycle?
  • Keywords for this cycle are transition, release, transformation, renewal, purity. 

How to align your goals according to the moon phases

  • Have a Lunar Calendar – It is advisable to have a physical copy as it makes it more accessible to you.
  • Know what are the moon effects – before journaling, track the feeling you have each phase. Include everything – your energy, sleep patterns, eating habits, how you’re feeling e.g. motivated, lazy, happy, disappointed, etc.
  • Goals and the moon – after a month of reflection and analysis, you’ll have an idea of how impactful the moon is to you. Setting your goals per phase is the next step.
  • Make changes as necessary – there are million other things that affect us every day so don’t panic when things don’t go as planned. Find patterns, make small changes to avoid repetition, and just absorb those changes.

Even if there are 8 moon phases, focus on the 4 main phases.

  • New Moon
  • First Quarter
  • Full Moon
  • Last Quarter

The End of the Eclipse Season (August 2018), Twin Flame Energy Report

The End of the Eclipse Season (August 2018), Twin Flame Energy Report

Eclipse season recap:

  • solar eclipse on June
  • Total lunar eclipse on June 27
  • Solar eclipse on August 11
  • Mercury in retrograde from July to August

Twin Flame Energy Report (nope, we’re not done yet!):

On August 13, Mars moves from Aquarius to Capricorn.

Though I love the medicine of Capricorn (and I am a Capricorn if you couldn’t tell) this could raise particularly challenging circumstances in relationship and at work.


Since Mars is often referred to as the “angry planet” there could be more conflicts, disagreements, head-butting, etc.

You’re probably thinking, “when will this ever end??” “Can I ever get some Astrology with good news??” 

“When do I get a break from this madness?”

But Mars in Retrograde can help us realize our strengths and weaknesses on a much deeper level.

It can help us gain understanding of and get control over our wiry emotions (if we surrender our egos that is). If not it can allow our emotions to control US (the shadow side of Mars in Retrograde).  

Which is it for you? Let us know in the comments below.  Also, give us a like if you enjoy our channel, and if you’re excited about all these stellar changes!


It’s time to break your old habits! It’s the perfect time to let go of those negative habitual emotional reactivity and impulses. Can you imagine what your life is going to look like when you let these go! Think of how much better your relationship, life, diet, morning routines etc are going to be!

If we do become reactive and get stuck in the old impulses, we can simply PAUSE…breathe, and set time aside to meditate about it, become aware of our own negative patterns, and apologize to those whom we may have impacted in a harmful way… Then focus on what we DO want and go for it!  Whatever you do, don’t get caught up in victim mode beating yourself up as this leads to nowhere.

Jack has a few more tips to share about the Mars in retrograde Twin Flame energy report, but first I wanted to share an exciting announcement with you…

For those of you committed to attracting your Twin Flame in pleasure, I’m running an upcoming Bali Retreat on 11/11 for committed divine feminine goddesses of love who are ready to align with their feminine power and Twin Flames fast.

It’s happening on November 6-13 2018 in Ubud, Bali…

Retreat Pray Love is right for you if you’re ready to

  • Swiftly attract and keep your Twin Flame, ultimate beloved, the pleasurable way
  • Tap into your Divine Feminine energy, without being too open or vulnerable
  • Awaken your Sacred Sexuality so you can become naturally magnetic to your beloved and
  • Become more magnetic to anything you wish to attract–such as high-paying Soulmate Clients, opportunity, and synchronicity!
  • The retreat is designed to help you reveal your full feminine power in a safe and sacred space
  • You’ll get to participate in deep healing work in a tribe of badass spiritual women for 7 full days
  • This retreat is also for those who are ready to celebrate and rebirth in body mind and spirit with organic vegetarian food, massages, raw chocolate, spa and holy water bathing rituals, and relax in a beautiful villa and tropical paradise setting, among smell the scent of Bali flowers, incense, and essential oils!

Imagine if you were on the journey with us…Tune in and feel the energy–just hearing about Bali retreats this can be a healing activation!

At Retreat Pray Love in Bali we will…

  • Stay in Ubud, the setting of Eat Pray Love, for 7 nights and days, the spiritual mecca paradise in Bali, just 1 hour from the Bali airport (Denpasar)
  • Do Twin Flame activations, psychic meditations, Divine Feminine readings, channeling, a self-marriage ceremony, yoni healing, womb clearing rituals, spa self-love pampering, designing our own self-marriage rings, and making a deep prayer to heal ourselves and Mother Earth!
  • Stay at a magical Balinese retreat equipped with a private pool, healthy food options, yoga deck, massage tables, and a private villa
  • Attend juicy workshops on self-love, Twin Flame Love, Sacred Sexualilty,  Pussy Power, galactic healing, channeling, meditation, goddess beauty secrets, tantra, and abundance attraction!
  • Drink activated crystalized spring water for the 6 days to help realign your aura’s crystalline field
  • Eat some of the most delicious, erotic, healthy, abundant organic food that will stimulate your senses
  • Body-image makeovers and seductive goddess photo shoots in rice paddies, on beach, and by the pool
  • Reunite with soul-family sisters for some dancing, healing, praying, anointing, adoring, accessorizing, creating, and giggling
  • Group goddess spa excursion
  • Self-marriage ritual and ring making with Pelé Jewellery
  • Take a day trip to the vulva-cano, the magical volcano of Mt. Batur and swim at a hot springs in the distance

JACK: While I won’t be leading this goddess retreat for you ladies, I will be leading a workshop for you on healing with the Divine Masculine, so I can’t wait to meet you in Bali!

Back to Mars in retrograde! This can help us see through our own delusions of reality. Holler if you are brave enough to admit you have had any of those!  

I was so delusional in money-reality once, I was convinced that if I used the Law of Attraction I could create financial abundance without taking any action. I visualized my business taking off, but I ended up emptying my savings and going into debt instead, living at home with my parents and going back to my engineering job. It was tough to step out of illusions! But when I did, I committed to honoring myself by taking action; I then began honoring the Divine Feminine too by helping Amanda out in her work. I stepped up and gave 100%, which is when the abundance truly started coming true.

If we are living in a fantasy, we’ll be given a large dose of the truth at this time.

If we try to hold onto our illusions and delusions, it will be incredibly painful, challenging and difficult to navigate our lives and relationships during this time.

But when we take the time to meditate, relax and practice patience, we’ll be able to see and hold space for a deeper and more beautiful truth to reveal itself.

We’ll awaken even more to the truth of ourselves, our relationships with others and to reality itself. This is exciting

Yet be careful with big decisions at this time. It’s a delicate phase.

Please practice patience as it pays off.

Instead of making decisions impulsively, try waiting and moving forward slowly from your deepest knowing.

If you make impulsive decisions, you could get burned when you wake up and smell the spilled coffee. Don’t rush! Let it cool, sip, and savor…

If you know your Human Design, and you’re a being with emotional authority it’s particularly important for you to sit with every decision before moving forward.

Amanda is a Generator with emotional authority. I am a Projector with emotional authority.

AMANDA: That is true!

OK Gaias, I imagine you don’t want to jump into something hot and exciting, only to realize you made a complete mistake that is out of alignment and then need to backtrack. This can potentially impact others who are affected by the miscalculated decision!

I’ve been there before 🙂

In fact, recently Jack and I made a really impulsive decision to book a flight and spend a month in Florida for a retreat. We were SO excited!

But to our shock, we slept on it and the next day we noticed something felt really off. We sat with our decision some more and realized it was completely out of alignment, and that our gut was practically screaming at us to cancel our plans—so that’s what we did. Then we found out that it was going to be a hot humid mess during this period, which would have been a disappointing trip.

However, it affected other people’s expectations so we had to call them and apologize to clear up the messiness we made. It was hard to realize that our premature excitement could negatively impact others–we had to also process our feelings of shame and guilt of disappointing or inconveniencing others.

It is never fun to UN-RSVP so it was a great reminder to take more time to meditate.

But the real truth is, we’re human and we make mistakes. Forgiveness is one of the most beautiful things.

JACK: Here are some MORE suggestions on how to deal with the energy at this time:

You are very likely still in the process of integrating this powerful recent astrological season of eclipses in July and August 2018—in fact you may be integrating for the next many months or even years!

That’s why it’s important to continue allowing deep emotions to rise, and have clearing conversations with family, lovers, friends, and even enemies.

Allow yourself to be vulnerable, while at the same time having the warrior strength to set strong boundaries towards those who are cruel or toxic to open up your energy to.

Once you learn to set strong, clear boundaries with people, you can feel more safe to open up and expose yourself in the name of growth and healing.

In the process of opening up, you can heal old wounds so that you can become a more mature, strong, and grounded adult–a sovereign being who can be of service and hold space for the awakening of humanity.

You can only be a healer and lightworker for others to the degree that you heal and hold space for yourself.

It starts with you first. Only then you can serve others.

This is the same in your Twin Flame partnership.

You must be committed to healing and taking responsibility for yourself first, otherwise you won’t be able to harmonize with your ultimate soulmate, aka your divine mirror reflection and sacred sexual Union.

AMANDA: But the truth is, the work is worth it and it can be pleasurable. And very pleasurable once the harmony occurs within your Twin Flame Union and in your chakras, that get set spinning.

Speaking of which, I think it’s time to get off this video and do other things. Thank you for watching. If you’re ready to step up in your Twin Flame relationship and you’re curious about joining us in Bali, please click the link I’ve placed in the description box to learn more.


What Is Feminine Energy?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...

Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.

3 Twin Flame Manifestation Secrets

3 Twin Flame Manifestation Secrets

Hi there Twin Flame Lover,

It’s Dr Amanda Noelle, here the Twin Flame Matchmaker, and today I am going to share with  you my 3 Twin Flame Manifestation Secrets for Light Speed Twin Soul Attraction.

Don’t you hate playing the waiting game while you’re in the dating game? Days, months, or even decades pass  you by and you find yourself single and disconnected from true love?

Maybe you’ve tried every online dating site or app under the sun, but all you’ve attracted are sagas, sad stories, and several heartbreaks…

Or, maybe you’ve gone the other way because you know about the Law of Attraction, where thoughts create things, so you’ve decided to give up searching, and start meditating on what you want, so you fly off to Bali to explore your bliss, journal about your envisioned life partner, hoping that Prince or Princess Charming might literally fall in your lap…

But then all that happened in Bali was a few sexy lap dances at the Yoga Barn during an Ecstatic Dance, and you flew back home empty-handed and empty-lapped too!


Perhaps lately, you’ve come to the conclusion that neither of these approaches work! It’s NOT about having the perfect dating strategy or algorithms; nor is it just about using esoteric spiritual concepts while floating on a cloud of your own shaky slowly awakening consciousness.

Yes, let’s admit, none of us here are enlightened masters yet, and if you say you are you probably know that you have a way to go to reach Nirvana and align it with a partner who doesn’t freak out and run away from your blinding light.

We’re all just kindergarteners on Earth when it comes to love. Maybe some of us are 3rd graders or 6th graders, but al of us are healing our broken hearts scarred by millennia of heartbreaks, and heart shut down, that has kept the Twin Flames apart.

I know you are probably a very wise and loving person if you’re here on a Twin Flame path, doing your best to reunite with your “other half” but if you’re still single or stuck in the Twin Flame Runner Phase, you probably don’t have a solid idea around what actually will pull in your Twin Flame fast.

And I know you don’t have forever, don’t want to wait years to caress and co-create with your True Love, and that you simply cannot afford another artery-rupturing heartbreak! That’s why these 3 Twin Flame Manifestation Secrets are arriving you at perfect timing. You deserve them, and you deserve your Twin Flame, a mirror to your soul.

Yet I also know there’s a lot of misinformation out there on the internet, and it’s hard to tell what approach to take when it comes to attracting a divine partner, or what is just for the sell.

You need information that is tried and true, easy enough to apply, and that gets real results.

What you don’t need is just another theory taught by someone who either (a) never broke a nail (or heart) seeking their Twin Flame because they were born with golden karma that makes it look SO easy, or (b) those who are teaching and preaching but who are just as single as the clients they’re attempting to help find their mate.

Now I don’t want to shame anyone or finger point–I myself was a little hopeless in my love search 5 years ago and I still made a killer matchmaker, for what I lacked in ability to apply my advice to my own life, I was able to support giving service to others….

I also know that there are people here on the planet who have it easy when it comes to finding a Twin Flame or soulmate, they were just born lucky, or it’s not their karma or dharma (soul purpose) to untangle shitty Twin Flame codes of ancestral entanglement. These people didn’t have to work on themselves for years or decades getting stuck in what I call “Shitty Love Codes” – where the karma is as thick as molasses and you keep spinning your wheels the harder you try!

I have to admit I am envious of these types of people, and I honestly think I will choose an easier Twin Flame path my next lifetime. But at least I have good karma now to serve myself and my Twin Flame clients and friends who are equally blocked in the love department!

So this is Twin Flame Manifestation Secret #1: Release Envy of Other Twin Flame Couples and Teachers, and replace it with Love and Gratitude.

So I had to learn to laugh at my Twin Flame envy problem, and learn to send love to those happy cover issue couples, and not point fingers at anyone who meets their Twin Flame on like the 3rd try (gosh DARN them, I think mine was the 3,000th attempt!) as finger pointing never helps, especially because through the Twin Flame Mirror finger pointing means that you’re just pointing that pretty little pointer at yourself! And we don’t want to do that either, because basically it sets us up for failure, envy, and single-DOOM!

This brings up Twin Flame Manifestation Secret #2: It’s Shame-Shedding.

What are you ashamed most ashamed of?

How is pushing your Twin Flame away from you protecting you from facing your shame?

What experience in your past remains unhealed that is keeping you stuck playing the stuck-in-shame single-game?

I was a High-Healed Priestess wobbling through MOUNDS of shame; for years I went to weddings a lonely single girl pretending that I was cool with it, but I was truly ashamed of my insecurities that were keeping me single. I watched all of my childhood, high school, and college friends ride off into their fairytale on a white horse into the sunset while I stewed in my single shame and some slight rage about it to boot!

YES, I had serious shame issues, especially in my 20s, because I was so stuck in the un-mastery of Twin Flame Manifestation Secret #1 – I was so envious and compared myself to everyone else, which beat my ego down to the point where I was a mockery of myself.

I went from being an A-playing Ivy League overachiever sorority girl with guys asking her out on dates, and a sexy body,, and at least a sense of FAKE confidence, to being lost, broke, full of candida/fatigue, and I was heartbroken to the point that I was making on average 5,000 dollars a year and dating men with whom I had absolutely NO future. It was sad, and I was so ashamed!

Was I a victim of this? Or was I creating my own reality based on unresolved shame…

It turns out that I had experienced several things during my childhood, wounds and traumas that left me feeling safe, scared, and scared in the world and I concluded I was on some level a shame to be seen and just a shame period!

Developmental Psychologist Bruce Lipton says that 95% of our thoughts are tucked away in our subconscious mind.

So in my subconscious shame state, I decided to do what every spiritual girl with any self-respect does: I found a way to sabotage myself and my shot at finding my Twin Flame for over a decade.

I found really advanced ways of hiding and bypassing my shame from the world.

I used advanced techniques like, “I’m spiritual so I don’t care about anything ego related, money, dating etc” and I went counter-culture alternative and cut myself off from society and immersed myself in the alternative Burning Man and yoga, and tantra and ecstatic dance communities that I didn’t have to face myself anymore and the eyes of my competitors.

Shame is never the way to get your ultimate true love, or get anything you want, at least not in the long term.

Sure, shame is a sure fire impetus to get you out there and dating–since no one wants to be that old maid or perpetually single gal who feels like she has an infectious disease that might rubs off on society.

But instead of shame we must create deep compassion to call in a life long partnership, a lasting marriage, or a Twin Flame Union. When we convert our shame (a negative energy) into self-acceptance and compassion (a positive energy) we neutralize the energy that repels a Twin Flame into one that attracts a Twin Flame.

It’s not about hiding your shame, it’s about showing up in your shame and loving yourself. Even laughing at yourself!

Can you go on dates and see the hilariousness of it all? You want to be in a sacred union more than anything, you try so hard at it, and it’s the one thing that you have absolutely sucked at? When you can love this and laugh at this, I guarantee you the energy will lighten up and you’ll get closer to your Beloved.

While I know it’s hard not to get swept up in the story, “Well everyone else seems to be getting happily hitched,” or “Why does she have her Twin Flame and all I have is heartbreakers!”  But that will only lay you down into a spiral of shame and you’ll come from fear, envy, and competition and your lovers will thus be fearful, envious, and competitive and that’s NOT sexy! Change the thought patterns to: “Thank you Universe for showing me these happy Twin Flame Couples!” They are showing you what you desire, and also parts of what you may not desire so you can manifest accordingly.

This brings up Twin Flame Manifestation Secret #3 Heal your ancestral stories

Is your Twin Flame not coming into your reality because you have Shitty Love Codes stuck in your DNA?

Where are your parents, family members and ancestors happy or unhappy in their relationships?

Epic genetics are real. genes and DNA can be manipulated by a person’s beliefs. Examples….

Signs that you have epigenetics funking up your Twin Flame Attraction process is:

  1. No matter what you do you’re still stuck
  2. You know of ancestors who never got into a healthy relationship
  3. Everyone in your family is worried about your dating habits and  you can’t figure out why you’re so effed up! That’s when it skips a generation usually

Do you have epigenetic glitches in your Twin Flame DNA?

This may take some digging around either asking family members, doing genealogical research to fully understand how your genes and DNA have be thrown off track by your ancestors’ negative experiences and beliefs.

Oftentimes, children of Holocaust survivors have terrible nightmares where they are being chased, persecuted, tortured or killed, as if they were re-living the Second World War. Some even suffer from debilitating anxiety and depression disorders that block their ability to cope with stress. This can even prevent them from functioning at work and within society. These individuals exemplify how humans can absorb repressed emotions and energy such as those experienced during their ancestors’ Holocaust trauma. We can and do inherit the unconscious minds of our parents and ancestors, yet we can also un-inherit by becoming conscious of the patterns and finding solutions to heal them back into healthy “codes” in the DNA.

What Is Feminine Energy?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...

Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.

Twin Flame Past Lives, Atlantis, and Atlantean High Priestesses

Twin Flame Past Lives, Atlantis, and Atlantean High Priestesses

Are you a single spiritual woman who believes in past lives?

This article will help you get educated on the significance of past life healing. I will offer you a few tips on how to clear your Twin Flame past lives in order to be fully clear and present to your Twin Flame…

I will also talk about lifetimes in Atlantis, and how to utilize Atlantean energy for Twin Flame Attraction!

Why Heal Your Past Lives for Twin Flame Attraction?

I believe that in order to call in what you want in THIS lifetime, you have to clear out your past lives…

Here are the 3 major reasons to consider focusing on clearing your past lives in order to prepare for your Sacred Union:

  1. Past life clearing is required in order to call in our Twin Flame, vs a Karmic Soulmate or Twin Flame Counterfeit (aka False Twin Flame).
  2. We also want to tap into the GIFTS of our past lives; these healing skills are needed on the planet at this time.
  3. Twin Flames tend to be powerful healers who are here to align the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies…

5 Common Types of Past Lives Twin Flames Experience

Here are the 5 most common types of past lives I have had to clear in dozens of past life regression sessions with my clients who are seeking their Twin Flame:

  1. Traumatic past lives involving war, disease, and death
  2. Oppressive past lives with authorities like governments, religions, and family
  3. Past lives where a Karmic Soulmate–in a past life, a soulmate left you and you perceived they were your true Twin Flame (so they show up in this lifetime to make you feel the same way, but this lifetime it’s your job to see their abandonment behavior as abuse, not love)
  4. Past lives where your Twin Flame is totally in love with you (a healing memory that can be used to strengthen the subconscious mind)
  5. A traumatic past life where you were separated from your Twin Flame (must be cleared)

To learn more on how to clear your past lives, click here for a brief article and mini video training to help you clear your past lives:

Click here for: How to Do Past Life Regression: Remember Twin Flame Past Lives

Atlantean Twin Flames and Past Lives in Atlantis

I see so many of my clients with lifetimes in Egypt and Atlantis.

Atlantis is no myth…

Archaeologists have discovered that Cretan soil contains micro-organisms that are usually found only on the ocean floor. The only way they could have been deposited on land is by a powerful tsunami.

Watch the video, “Signs That You’re an Atlantean High Priestess” here:

Signs that You're an Atlantean High Priestess (for Twin Flames and Lightworkers)

Many of us Twin Flames are currently holding onto old stuck debris, traumas from the fall of Atlantis.

What was Atlantis?

Around 1600, B.C., wealthy Minoan seaport Akrotiri was shaken by a violent earthquake after an volcanic eruption occurred at Santorini.

This eruption was one of largest in human history. It blasted over 10 million tons of ash, rock, and gas 25 miles into the atmosphere.

Atlantis was both a civilization and an energetic grid. It was an advanced society with high level spiritual, political, educational, and healing systems.

Many Twin Flames remember (in dreams and through past life recall) their most difficult lives taking place in Atlantis, where they became separate from their Twin Flame Beloved during this great deluge.

Atlantis represents our peak potential juxtiposed by our greatest demise. The deluge represents our over eagerness and greed, but the current rise of Atlantis through the Divine Feminine represents our come back!

It’s time to rise Atlantis again….

As a past life regression therapist, I will never forget my client Michelle, whom I regressed back into an island Ancient Greece.

Michelle recalled lighting incense in the temple to appease the gods who were angry due to the greed of humanity. She then remembered a giant quake. She ran outside to find her beloved. Unfortunately, she wasn’t too lucky; while she was awaiting him, the cliff broke and she fell into the ocean.

This lifetime, Michelle had also been unlucky with love; she’d lost her fiance in a bike accident after they had gotten into an argument and he’d stormed out of the house. It wasn’t until Michelle and I cleared her Atlantean karma that she could move forward as a free woman and call in true love…

Do you have Atlantean codes? Atlantean karma stored in your Akashic Records? Click here to find out!

About 10 years ago, I started having vivid dreams about Atlantis, and I started remembering past lives there.

I have had many bizarre signs and synchronicities with Atlantis, as do many of  my clients and fans.

It is my belief that what was intended to happen in Atlantis–which was experiencing and creating Heaven on Earth–has not yet happened. Yet the Codes of Atlantis are held in our soul, and in our subconscious mind and we Twin Flames often feel called to complete the mission.

Atlantean High Priestesses can usually tap into certain specific healing gifts and energies, not knowing why or how they’re doing it. They also make powerful channels.

Hey, priestess, I would LOVE to hear from you! Share on the comments area here and share any Atlantean or other past life priestess secrets you may be holding!

Love, Amanda

What Is Feminine Energy?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...

Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.

Valentine’s Day and The Twin Flame Theory As Per Plato’s Symposium

Valentine’s Day and The Twin Flame Theory As Per Plato’s Symposium

You’ve heard the term “Twin Flame,” and maybe you’ve even become a bit obsessed, scouring the web for answers.  Valentine’s Day is a time that can invoke the embers of your Twin Flame Union, and it can become very painful if you’re still separate from your Twin Flame Union.
To call in your Twin Flame this Valentine’s Day season, I do feel it’s helpful to have an opinion or at least some perspective on Twin Flames and the Twin Flame theory… For thoughts create things, and when you have a made a conscious choice on what Twin Flame Love means to you, you will have it!

A Disclaimer: No Dogma Please!

While it’s most important to listen to your own heart and soul, and decide for yourself what the Twin Flame concept means to you, it can also be helpful to look back in time to derive your clear concept of Twin Flame Love today.

As a Twin Flame Matchmaker and theorist, I am so tired of hearing clients and fans go crazy over the theory and become Twin Flame extremists, almost like fundamentalists who get entrapped in their own theories. It’s easy to become dogmatic and judgmental about others when we’re insecure about ourselves, so keep the self-love high while reading this…
The Twin Flame Theory is OLD…In fact, it dates back to the beginning of time.
To read my other article about the Origin of Twin Flame Theory, click here. One of my favorite Twin Flame theorists is Plato, of which I will share in this blog today.

About Plato (and no…NOT Play-Dough, the stuff you rolled into a ball and ate as a kid!)

Plato the Classical Greek philosopher was the founder of the Academy in Athens, where he taught Aristotle. He was the most pivotal figure in the development of Western philosophy. Plato’s entire œuvre is known to have survived intact for over 2,400 years, longer than any other known philosophic teachings.



Plato’s Theory on Twin Flames

In his dialogue The Symposium, Plato has Aristophanes present a theory via his myth about the creation of Twin Flames. Here’s how it goes…
In the Symposium, Aristophanes states that humans originally had four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces.  These were the original Twin Flame Beings. 

That’s kinda how we look when we make love to our Twin Flames, right?

According to Plato’s dialogue, there were three genders: man, woman, and the “androgynous human.” Today we call this androgynous a hermaphrodite, which today happens in about 1 in 1500 to 1 in 2000 births, according to medical studies. 
Each Twin Flame Being with four legs and four arms also has two sets of genitalia, with the androgynous human having both male and female genitalia.
The men were children of the sun (aka solar/soul-are), the women were children of the earth (aka embodied) and the androgynous human were children of the moon, which was born of the sun and earth (hybrids of earth and soul).

The Twin Flame Threat

In The Symposium, it is said that humans had great power and threatened to conquer the gods; thus the gods were then faced with the prospect of destroying the humans with lightning as they had done with the Titans. However, then they would lose the assets given to the gods by the humans.
Therefore, Zeus came up with a plan to split us human Twin Flames into two halves, as a “punishment” for humanity’s pride. This of course doubled the number of humans who would give their power to the gods.
We Twin Flames were thus cut in half, and became entrapped in a paradigm of separation, suffering, and enslavement to the gods.
The trauma of our Twin Flame Separation augmented to the point where we couldn’t go on any longer… We humans starved ourselves and started to die off. The gods noticed this, and saw that their source of labor and human energy was declining, so would no longer provide for the gods.
Thus, it is said that Apollo came up with a solution… He had to make sure that we humans would not be so powerful as to overpower the gods, and yet not be so disempowered that we would die off thus not being able to provide enough energy to uphold the Higher Dimensional godly beings with our precious human resources and energy. 

The Twin Flame Reunion Phase

His solution was to sew us back together. This “Twin Flame Reunion” reconstituted our bodies as reunited Twin Flames, but in two separate bodies containing the same soul. with the navel being the only sign remaining marking our original Twin Flame united form.

Each human would then have just one set of genitalia and would forever desire the unification, a Twin Flame Union, with his/her other half. Thus, we Twin Flames today are reconstituting a long awaited dream of reuniting with our other soul half, becoming owners and keepers of our own selves. Becoming gods and goddesses and android deities for our own power and free will.
There is no joy higher than reuniting fully with ones Twin Flame. It takes a great deal of healing in order to do so. Mainly, it requires a deep self-love and emancipation from past karmas upon one’s bloodline (earthly incarnations) and lightline (soular incarnations).

The Purpose of Twin Flames

We Twin Flames have a job to do, to take our power back and align with our Creator!
We are not above or below the gods. In The Emerald Tablet, Alchemy teaches us that “As Above So Below,” which means that we are not meant to be enslaved by anyone. This includes our Divine Masculine mind.
There is a tendency for the Above to want to rule below, as there is a tendency for a 5th grader to enslave a 2nd grader–they tell the 2nd graders what is cool to say and do. There is also a tendency for the Divine Masculine (logic) to evolve out of the Divine Feminine (chaos) and want to tell the chaos what to do. This is absolutely normal, but what often happens is the Divine Masculine becomes Hitler-like and doesn’t see the value of the more chaotic Divine Feminine aspect.
Twin Flames are here to reunite and come together to claim freedom on earth, and to serve themselves and others on the planet to create a King-Queendom on Earth, a Heaven on Earth that we call the Garden of Eden.
To do so, Twin Flames must integrate our Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects. We have to emancipate our human self from our Higher Self, the “gods” Plato speaks about in The Symposium.
The Higher Self may know more from Above/Heaven, but he does not know what we know as embodied humans. Therefore, as we unite our human self and Higher Self, we embody our soul and align with Twin Flame Love. We align the Twin Flame 11s as we align the Twin Flame Heaven on Earth. Turn the 11s and you get an “=” (equals sign) where Heaven and Earth are aligned as One.
Plato also reminds us that Twin Flame Love can be found in heterosexual, bisexual, and homosexual couples and that all types of sexual and gender statuses are divinely equal, despite what has been mistranslated and manipulated in the Bible.

Can you call in Your Twin Flame?

Yes you can, if you feel a deep divine calling, and you’re willing to do the work it takes to clear all of your 11 Twin Flame Chakras of past karmas and limiting beliefs. We all have the ability to reclaim our Twin Flame, but we can’t do it alone.
While we all have the freedom to claim the Divine Abundance that awaits us, it can take a healer and a guide, someone who is an expert at connecting you with the Twin Flame Codes and guiding you out of the darkness.
Truly, there is no God or Goddess above us that we cannot become, for we are each from the One, dividing, subsiding, remaining, acting, adding, subtracting, besetting, and forgetting that we are the Divine. When we can work together, we can quickly create our Heaven on Earth, aka New Earth together, which is the vision the Creator (aka YOU) have had since the beginning of time. And since there is no such thing as time, the time is NOW. 
Want some help calling in your Twin Flame? I’m happy to help. Take your next step and come to my upcoming Twin Flame Valentine’s Day webinar here.
Dr. Amanda Noelle
Twin Flame 1111 Rituals | For Magic and Manifestation on 11/11/17

Twin Flame 1111 Rituals | For Magic and Manifestation on 11/11/17

The date 11/11 is a Twin Flame number and offers a Twin Flame Love frequency.

In this post, I will share with you a list of things that you can do to invoke Twin Flame Love on 11/11/17, or on any 11/11 date, or even at 11:11 time, any day, to create an invocation or Twin Flame awakening ritual. 

There are an infinite number of ways to create Twin Flame 1111 rituals, but I have found that several things have worked to help my clients attract their Twin Flames at light speed so I’ll share them here.

I think you’ll find this guided Twin Flame Reunion Hypnosis Meditation supportive in preparation for your Twin Flame ritual. You can listen to it now, and if you can, re-listen regularly over a period of several days before doing your 1111 ritual!

⇒ Watch the Twin Flame Reunion Hypnosis Meditation Video HERE

Twin Flame Reunion Hypnosis Meditation (Good For Sleep!)

11 Twin Flame Ritual Tips for 11/11 or 11:11

  1. Do a count down and light a candle at 11:11:11pm
  2. Celebrate with arms wide open with the sound “eeeee” (like Spanish/Latin “i” sound) which is a Twin Flame frequency
  3. Do a clearing burning ritual by burning something representing energy from old love(s)and Twin Flame runners
  4. Do a Twin Flame Activation ritual in a group
  5. Unite the elements of fire and water in some way, which represents the Yin and Yang Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine counterparts
  6. Wear your favorite colors representing Twin Flame Love
  7. Wear crystals on your heart such as amethyst, rose quartz, clear quarts, and rhodonite that attract Twin Flame Love
  8. Connect with dolphins on 11/11/17, through music, statues, photographs/art, or actual dolphins if possible
  9. Feel into the frequencies that are available on 11/11 during your meditation
  10. Tune into the 432 hz tuning fork energies for Twin Flame love
  11. Spend time alone out in nature connecting with your Twin, or if you re in Divine Union already, bring them with you to celebrate!

There are many ways to celebrate the beautiful frequencies that are indeed always here, but come in through the celebration of the numbers 11/11 and 11:11.  Find your own unique way to harness Twin Flame Love that day and every day!

Whoa! Synchronicity!!!:

I love this… I just noticed the time of publishing this blog; I copy-pasted the time just now before publishing! “Last edited by Amanda at 11:11 pm.” Holy cow, 1111 is for real! 🙂

Lots of love and 1111 Twin Flame Blessings,

Dr. Amanda Noelle, the Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps women attract their Twin Flames at light speed and create soul-purposed missions that heal the planet.