“I think I’ve met my Twin Flame.”
I hear this everyday. So, you’ve heard the term, and vaguely you know what it means… And certainly somewhere inside you, you know that you’ve always wanted to meet yours, and with deep longing and passion! You feel your soul’s destiny: to be with the love of all loves of your life… Your Twin Flame.
But what exactly is a Twin Flame?
The term, “Twin Flame” (sometimes capitalized, also known as a Twin Soul) was coined only several decades ago in the new age community, and brought forward into the mainstream by spiritual channels such as Magenta Pixie.
“Twin Flame” has certainly become a buzz word, which fits, since 2012 was the beginning of the Twin Flame Golden Era, so to speak.
Want to tell if someone is your Twin Flame? Watch my brief video, “Best Twin Flame Quiz! How Do I know if Someone Is my Twin Flame, 11 Questions to Ask! “
But what is the correct definition of a Twin Flame in the first place?
In this article, I’ll help you navigate the understanding of the term ‘Twin Flame,’ as well as soulmates. You’ll also gain an understanding about the true difference between them.
Though ‘Twin Flame’ is being defined differently by different groups and individuals, Twin Flame experts often agree that Twin Flames can be defined as two people who come together vibrating at identical electromagnetic frequencies, who are polarized counterparts of the same soul.
In a way, your Twin Flame is your one true soulmate. He or she is not a Karmic Soulmate – a soulmate through which you have to resolve karmic lessons or past karmas.
Your Twin Flame instead is the other half of your soul, which is a human reflection of your soul’s light. He or she is a polarized reflection: someone outside of yourself who represents polarity: co-active dependence and independence, male and female aspects, spiritual and physical harmony, and cosmic and Earth love.
He or she is here for you to see, smell, touch, taste, and feel in 3-D as well as to energetically feel, emotionally feel, to love, and to connect with in the Higher Dimensions. In fact, your Twin Flame is really is you in the Higher Dimensions–you share the same soul that has reincarnated into two separate bodies. When you align with your Higher Self via aligning all 7 chakras in your Light Body, you can attract your Twin Flame in the physical.
Your Twin Flame helps carrying out your soul purpose, and also is attracted into your physical world once your soul-purposed mission is activated.
The year 2012 was a turning point for Twin Flame Love on many levels–it was a period of Ascension leading into a Golden Era, which is just another new-agey term referring to the big energy shifts that happened on upon our planet that cleared out Patriarchal control energy that was blocking Twin Flame Love.
During these shifts, we see the Divine Feminine coming into her power, and aligning with her counterpart…
The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are becoming harmonized at the heart, which is why many souls feel restless. Those of us who have been doing our spiritual homework may feel ready to be with our one true beloved Twin Flame. Exciting times…!
Twin Flame Sacred Sexuality
And what’s most exciting is, because you are a sexual being, your one true Twin Flame tends to be the sexiest and most likely suitable mate for you on the whole entire planet…pretty sexy and spiritual if you ask me! However, with your Twin you will redefine sexuality in a sacred way, and will have to face fear, trauma, and blocks that are old blueprints standing in the way of your Twin Flame Connection.
A lot of Twin Flames think the sex will be instantly hot and fiery. For many
That’s why in order to attract our Twin Flames, we must heal our sexuality and ground our root chakras. In fact, to have a Twin Flame Reunion, we must ground all 7 chakras at our own healed bliss frequencies.
What’s the difference between a soulmate and a Twin Flame?
Well, a soulmate can be just about anyone: a soulmate for business purposes, past-life karmic purposes, familial relations, romantic, teachers, etc –souls who arrive when there are lessons for each of you to be learned. Soulmates are here for your soul’s growth, and through the Law of Attraction, you meet various soulmates in divine timing for the specific lessons to be learned. If you don’t learn the intended lesson, you repeat the course, so-to-speak, with the next soulmate. This is why it can seems like the soundtrack is on repeat when it comes to love relationships sometimes! we can be slow learners, it can take a few tries or even many lifetimes. In sum, your Twin Flame is a type of soulmate, the most royal and sacred category of soulmates. There is only one Twin Flame for you, whereas there are many types of Karmic Soulmates. In fact, you probably have interacted with several soulmates today already!
The Twin Flame is a mirror to your soul, one that carries your unique Beloved Frequencies.
Your Twin’s vibration is both the same and the polar opposite of yours, like the solid and the void existing at once to create the Zero Point. I liken it to the heat and cold coming together to create the perfect climate for growth, like the fiery sun warming the cool earth to sustain life.
When you meet your Twin Flame, you are essentially staring at your own soul, which is why the Twin Flame Reunion usually happens with a feeling of deep soul recognition. Even though you are seeing this person for the first time, it feels as if you are remembering a part of yourself, like you have known them all along. In fact, this is true, on the soul level.
Why are we separated from our Twin Flame in the first place?
According to Plato’s Symposium in Greek mythology, humans were originally 2 of hearts (and 2 heads, 4 legs, etc) until Zeus began to fear the power of the combined human form, and so cut humans in half, separating them into males and females, resulting in a perpetual ache of separation and a longing to regain the completeness by finding one’s soulmate. 2,500 years ago, Plato put it:
” … and when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of himself, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other’s sight even for a moment…”
We are separated from our Twin Flame so that we can awaken to and remember who we are. For soul growth. To know ourselves. That’s what it takes: your soul happy, balanced, and whole, so that your electromagnetic field can sing its frequency, the tune that attracts your twin. Trust me, I know it’s not easy to get there, but when you do, the whole universe is at your fingertips!
Your Twin Flame doesn’t complete you; your Twin Flame arrives when your soul realizes her wholeness.
The arrival/attraction of your Twin is only a reaction to this blissful state of Oneness, love, and the mastery of allowing in an entire universe of love from the inside out. Welcome home…
Dr. Amanda Noelle, is a Twin Flame Matchmaker specializing in helping stellar spiritual women attract their Twin Flame quickly so that they can birth Starchildren and align with their soul-purpose.