What Is Divine Feminine Energy?

What Is Divine Feminine Energy?

What was once a man’s world…

Even feminist women feel feel like they can’t escape the subconscious programs running in their minds telling them they can’t achieve anything in life they don’t go into agreement with the values and expectations of the old “masculine world.” 

Even the most sensitive men are expected to be strong and taught to ignore their emotional sides. They don’t know how to approach women without seeming sleazy, and gender roles are blurry. 

In order to create healthy, happy communities and relationships (especially the highest vibrational “Twin Flame relationship”), feminine and masculine energy must work together as a whole. 

Stating that one energy is stronger or better than the other is wrong; both male and female energy are necessary for balance. It’s important to understand what feminine energy is, so we can build it and balance it with the masculine.

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble…

Everyone–both men and women–have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced.  Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world. 

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.

Feminine Energy Attributes

Though it’s honestly impossible to ‘boil down’ this sacred energy in its infinite form, in order to assist you in its understanding, we have put together a list of key aspects of feminine energy below. 

Because the feminine cannot exist without the masculine, it’s important to learn about both energies. There is only harmony when polarity comes into agreement. Thus, it helps to study masculine energy to know the feminine side. They are two sides of the same coin after all!

Feminine Energy














Internally focused












divine feminine energy aspects

Where do I find feminine energy?

We can find feminine energy in the Earth, especially in water sources such as lakes, springs, oceans, rivers, wells, and streams. Drinking crystalline water or meditating by bodies of water instantly boosts our feminine energy.

Feminine energy is an internal “yin” energy, thus we can find it in stillness. During deep thought and meditation we can embrace, boost our feminine energy to radiate confidence. 

Feminine energy is the love that the Universe has blessed you with, and as a daughter (or son) of Mama Gaia (Mother Earth), we are all abundant in Her medicine. Mother Earth is very loving, nourishing, and yet powerful, as is feminine energy. 

Feminine energy is healing

With our own individual and unique feminine energy intact, we can heal from insecurity, self-doubt, low self-worth, and past traumas. 

Many girls and women are being called to enhance their feminine energy at this time because the majority of females have struggled with self-worth issues at some point in their lives.

Clinical psychologist Robin F. Goodman of New York University states: 

“A girl’s self-esteem peaks when she is 9 years old, and then takes a nosedive afterwards.”

We can more quickly heal from self-esteem issues by boosting our feminine energy. The feminine energy can heal internal and generational wounds so we can embody the goddess within.

Tips to Boost Your Feminine Energy

ONE: Build your feminine confidence with affirmations

Write positive notes and put them where you can see them every day. Your mind is powerful and when you see the note regularly, it programs your mind and benefits your spirit. When we write these affirmations, it helps us feel more beautiful in our own skin–you’ll likely feel more radiant and confident within two weeks.

TWO: Get creative!

Channel your creative energy into doing something productive that you love. Take out your paint set and turn on some music, really go for it and have fun. Don’t worry about “getting it right.” Instead, just BE creative, and be free; take time every day to be present to your creativity and share it with those you love when it feels good.

THREE: Do what you love

Don’t do things to please…do it to please yourself. That boost your feminine essence! You’ll only understand true happiness when you’re doing what you love, regardless of what others think. Divine Love is an empowering energy that is emitted from our heart chakras when we’re doing what we love. 

FOUR: Sisterhood

You can boost your feminine energy simply by spending time with your female friends, women who understand you through and through, who will listen to you without judgment.

Click here to apply to become part of the Lunar Priestess Collective (it’s FREE!), a powerful priestess tribe of feminie Love Leaders who meet monthly online to set goals, mastermind, and participate in a new moon ceremony.

FIVE: Be open to acceptance

Being hostile can block your feminine energy which means you’re blocking the supplement that you need to blossom. Open yourself up, accept gifts and appreciate people more.

SIX: Look and feel feminine and beautiful

Dress beautifully, style your hair or even have a pamper session to make you feel beautiful. Attract the positivity that you are beautiful and worth it, that increases your feminine energy.

SEVEN: Negate the negativity

If you feel inferior about someone or something, stop your mind immediately. Breathe in and out then focus your mind on what blessings you have. Don’t attract negative energy; instead focus all your strengths in the positive ones. “Wherever I am, I choose love!” is an affirmation we love.

EIGHT: Uplift your female friends

Women are naturally meant to be caretakers, especially to and from other women. Women are only prone to bringing other women down when they’re taught to be competitive, but that’s not our nature! When women stick together we can uplift one another and instantly raise our feminine energy. 

Let go of female competition battles doing this. If you feel envy, don’t hate on her. Instead admire her and say, “I want that for me too!” and feel how the envy shifts to an abundance of “high-havingness” energy.

NINE: Take a “Me Day”

Do what makes you happy for a day…or even for a couple of hours. Relax at the spa, go out on your bike and exercise, or just meditate in your favorite nook if that’s what you want. Like Nike says, JUST DO IT! Don’t think about distractions during “me time” –instead just focus on you.

TEN: Nourish yourself

Understand what your body and soul needs. Eat healthy organic plant-based foods that feed your soul. Read positive books, fill your home with colorful artwork, and absorb it and live by it. What you feed yourself and your senses shows up in your life and influences others too.

In summary, embracing your feminine energy is not only important for balance in your life, but also in creating balance in the world. Take your time with it, enjoy it, indulge a little. Finding your Yin Yang is an art, definitely worth finding and once you’ve started understanding that you are on your way to transition, you’ll love the feeling of self-confidence and beauty from within.

Channeled Twin Flame Message for 2019

Channeled Twin Flame Message for 2019

Dearly Beloved,
Jack and I wanted to gift you this special Twin Flame channeled message for 2019 to prepare you for the BIG year ahead!
We created this channeled message for you [First Name], to give you:
+ BIG Twinspiration for 2019
+ a few tips and predictions to help you find love and success, with ease
+ Jack shares the biggest stumbling block that could stop people from finding their Twin Flame in 2019
+ a bit of magic, loads of love, and Twin Flame sparkles! 🦄
Lately I’ve been remembering the New Year before Jack and I met, and it felt like a BIG year was coming…
It was 2014, when I was working solo as a Twin Flame Matchmaker in Los Angeles. I was single, getting over a heartbreak with my TFC (Counterfeit), and I was a totally different person from who I am today (thank God/dess for Twin Flame Love!).
The year I met my beloved was the year that my ego both puffed up, and then got kicked in the a$$.
I had signed a deal with a major TV network to do a reality TV show (the slant was that I was a sexy paranormal matchmaking guru), which would have signed away 20% of my entire earnings btw!
Though it had always been a dream of mine to live in Los Angeles, and I landed on the beach with water views in a luxury apartment amidst the beautiful BMW driving perfect people who worked “in the Industry,” the dream felt out of alignment, and I felt off.
Even though I was filling my $10,000 matchmaking programs and getting clients results THEY wanted, my soul started feeling empty and I was alone.
“Why can’t I find MY Twin Flame!?” I would shout to no one, when no one was looking!
I felt so ashamed that I was single, because my fame was growing and being a single dating coach/matchmaker in the spotlight felt very…vulnerable.
As time went by, I started to realize that my flashy LA life was not making it any easier to find someone who would really accept me as I was…as it was bringing up my biggest ego stuff and ego bruises.
But because I’m a dreamer, a romantic, and I did NOT give up.
Note to self: never give up! The story always gets better…
So in my vulnerable state, I made my mind to manifest my beloved that year and I followed the advice that I teach my clients and applied each step with love and commitment. 
Ironically, business dropped a bit that year, and so did my highly inflated ego. The major TV network paid me to do the test reel, but then never called back.  Oh well, at least I got to keep 100% of my earnings.
That year, I followed my heart…which was to travel. So I traveled to Greece, Costa Rica, Maui, Italy, and Bali.
That is one of my biggest tips to single women: follow YOUR plesaure (what I call Pussy Power) and you’ll find a partner who loves the same things you do.
I am now planning a year of travel with Jack as we’re currently selling our possessions and planning our move to Bali where we’ll be running 2 retreats in 2019. We also plan to spend the summer in Europe and run a Mary Magdalene retreat in the South of France.
If your big dream this year is to find yourself in full alignment with your ultimate beloved, and you are committed to fulfilling this dream….
Then NOW is an important time to prepare for 2019!
Here are two things that you can do right away:
2) Second, put Thursday, January 3 on your calendar to attend a FREE virtual workshop with me, New Year New Yoni, where we’ll ground your 2019 goals in love and success!
Jack and I wish you a BIG love-filled 2019, and I look forward to seeing you LIVE this Thursday, at 5PM PST/8EST for the free online workshop!
Big love,
Amanda (and Jack)
PS: Get our latest channeled Twin Flame guidance in our video ”Divine Feminine Divine Masculine Message for Twin Flames 2019” here.
PPS: Set your 2019 goals from your Divine Feminine Power at our January 3rd FREE workshop here
1111 Meaning for Twin Flames & the Spiritual Awakening

1111 Meaning for Twin Flames & the Spiritual Awakening

Hi Twin Flame Lover!

It’s me again, Dr. Amanda Noelle, the Twin Flame Matchmaker, helping badass spiritual bachelorettes align with their ultimate beloved so they can not only enjoy epic, ecstatic lasting love, or perhaps birth a starchild or two, but also so they can live on soul purpose and assist in the awakening of humanity!!!

First I’m going to share the numerologic meaning behind 1111, and then how 1111 relates to Twin Flames and the spiritual awakening process. At the very end I’ll give you a sneak peek on the energy and astrology update for 11/11/18…

 So, what is the numerologic meaning behind 1111?

And what does it have to do with Twin Flame energy and the spiritual awakening process?


Before we dive into the training, I wanted to share with you an exciting global event that’s happening on 11/11/18…We’ll be tuning in on live-stream from Bali, the place I married myself on 11/11/11!

Join us live online for a FREE Twin Flame Global Activation on 11-11-18…you’ll receive:  
– A content-rich educational talk about the meaning of the numerology and the impact of the Twin Flame 1111 Codes
– Get a karma clearing on whatever no longer serves you & your Twin Flame Union- Plus you’ll receive a guided meditation to awaken your energy for this shift on 11/11 on an 11 year

-And a potent Twin Flame 11/11 activation channeled by myself Dr. Amanda and my beloved Jack to activate your Twin Flame DNA, awaken your soul purpose, and magnetize your ultimate beloved 

-Plus we’ll gift you some awesome FREE STUFF: tips, meditations, perks, and bonuses from Aphrodite University!

-You’ll also have a few minutes to ask us any questions you have how to call in your Twin Flame fast, at the end!


Back to the meaning of 1111…

We first need to ask “WTF are numbers?” in the first place!  Otherwise, we’re missing a step…

Pythagoras, the ancient Greek philosopher you’ll remember from high school geometry and and history class while you were distractedly checking out that hot guy or gal from across the room, well Pythagoras knew that numbers hold vibration in this mathematically perfect universe that is built from geometry, law, and Spirit.

Numbers hold a primordial, divine VIBRATION.

They can be used as keys to do good, or to cause harm. They are merely tools, keys—or codes.

Numbers can be used to create “new” codes—vibrations and realities made up of universal life force energy…

Numbers are not mere digits you want to get from some cute girl or guy up in the club!

Numbers are the code of the universe, that can write worlds within worlds–they create sound, light vibration, and color.

In fact, speaking of color, each number corresponds to a color, a sound, a vibration, a chakra in the body, a time in history, a point in your yoni or lingam, as everything corresponds to everything else in this Divine Holographic Universe we call WTF is this place, get me outta here!

Truly, the Universe is all about relationship between numbers and patterns.

The base numbers of creation are:

0 and 1.

You and the Universe alike are made up of two tiny numbers, and you are bonded through the One and the Zero Point!

Ones, and zeros folks, that’s the simple ingredient list in this recipe called life, love, light, and the Universe!

OK.The 1s represent the Sacred Masculine (Yang), and the 0s represent the void, the Sacred Feminine (Yin) in the Chinese tradition.

Everything is made up of yin and yang, dark and light, ones, and zeros. We are all One.

To understand the power and meaning of the number sequence 1111, we first have to understand how Creation works.

In the beginning there was nothing. Zilch. Nada…ZERO!

From zero, we get nothing but a big black vortex, a hole, a giant yoni in the galaxy…We can call this, The Yoniverse (for those of you who don’t know, a yoni means Feminine Temple, womb or “Pussy” (which is NOT a bad word at all, the etymology dates back to Ancient Egypt where Puss came from Pasht, or Basset the feline spirit guide of the Great Mother, Isis.

And then, out of nothingness womb, something was born. For there must be something for there to be no-thing! The Universe births itself from itself. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, remember?

Therefore, the Holy Hole, that Holy Grail, or Holy No-thingness of ZERO birthed the concept of some-thingness. It was then that we went from zero to one, and Sacred Feminine to Masculine. And the circle came to be the line.

The masculine phallus, or lingam.

Thus, from the Sacred Feminine Yoniverse there had to be the Sacred Masculine Universe, and they came from each other, and come into each other, like the symbol of the serpent eating itself or birthing itself from its own tail/yoni/lingam.

The entire Universe that ever can will and did exist, and all at once, in every combination has existed through this sequence of 1s and 0s. There truly is nothing we have not already experienced in the combination of infinite codes.

When we see 11:11 over and over it means a few things.

One, is that you’re waking up. Smelling the spiritual coffee so to speak.

Two is that you’re in alignment…with something.  Not necessarily your ultimate Twin Flame. But it is a sign to pay attention to saying “you’re on the right path.”

Three, it means “Pay attention to your thought.” One of the meanings of 11:11 is that the Universe is communicating with your thoughts, which are in alignment. This sequence can mean that your thoughts will manifest almost instantly in your physical reality.

Four, 11:11 (as well as 1:11) is a message from your angels. Your angels are sending you love and guidance, and are reminding you to pay attention to your thoughts

So make sure that you are focusing on the things that you want, and not the things that you don’t want.

And five it means that there is a masculine energy aligning with your feminine energy. A yin-yang, Twin Flame balance.

For behind each one is a zero. The 11s can’t align without zeros at the base. Remember, the Universe is represented by the infinite arrangement of codings of 1s and 0s.

The Zeros represent Feminine Love, or wisdom.

The 1s represent Masculine Light (or consciousness/knowledge). The Sacred Union between zeros and 1s brings an alignment of the 1s in 1111. Light is the Sacred Geometry master, coder, or architect aligning the mathematics. But the Feminine Love is like the glue that brings it all together, and this is felt or emoted, not intellectualized.

So the light cannot do it alone, no matter how much he thinks he can.

Behind every great Master is a great Priestess; similarly, behind every great One is a great Zero, which is why we must balance Masculine Though with Feminine Heart and surrender to the Union once we have found our balance.

Now, more specifically, how does 1111 relate to Twin Flames?

Well, some believe that the Temple of the Twin Flames was originally known by the name the Temple of Solomon.

The Temple of Solomon means Temple of Sun and Moon, representing the Masculine Light (sun/Christ Consciousness) and Feminine Love (moon/Mother Womb) coming together to birth a Christed Child (awakened human).

The Template of Solomon was built in the shape of the human body.

Like Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, the Temple of Solomon serves as a map comprised of specific codes, perfectly measured proportions known as sacred geometry, and was packed with occult symbolism. This was all devised to help humanity awaken, to build a better brain, and to bring the Twin Flames together.

The Temple of Solomon, or the ethereal version which we call the Temple of the Twin Flames is a gateway to Higher Consciousness and spiritual mastery that aligns your Feminine and Masculine in union, so that Heaven and Earth may become one…

The Twin Flame mysteries were embedded into the temple and used as keys, codes, and templates built into the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, which was passed down from earlier mystery schools from Atlantis through Northern Africa and Asia Minor using the Sun, Moon, and Flame Worship.

These secrets then got passed onto the masons of the time who studied and built the architecture and performed initiations within mystery schools. The masons were both temple builders and alchemists, philosophers, and High Priestesses and High Priests who kept their secrets to protect the knowledge, but some kept the secrets to build their wealth.

Unfortunately, greed always leads to wars, haves and have-nots, and we I believe that many so called powerful modern day Freemasons have learned how to use ancient occult tools for good, but some have gotten lost in evil which played out into the Patriarchal era which cut off the head of the High Priestess and shut down the 3rd eye in the majority of the populace, calling it a sin. This was enforced in all religions across the globe, creating a flock of sheep, in all but the elite.

But at the center of your head lies the jewel–the pineal gland. It is ready to be activated and the 1111 codes can help with this as well.

The pineal gland is a key player in aligning with, attracting, and keeping your Twin Flame Union.

We all have different abilities to access our 3rd eye vision at the pineal gland–an open gland allows us to see the truth from the Divine Perspective… Each Twin has 1 gland, and together these create two eyes of our Twin Soul Body.

In order to open the eyes to the God’s Eye level, each twin must individually work on herself, and then come together. This individual work includes keeping the temple body in alignment – calm enough, clean enough, balanced enough, and the chakras/energy clear, as well as the mind in a state of balance and gratitude. Perhaps even joy and excitement! We must also bring alignment into all aspects of our lives, representing each chakra.

So many spiritual people have misaligned and abused root chakras, and many powerful wealthy people have weak upper chakras. True Twins do the work to become powerful in all 11 Twin Flame Chakras. The 7 chakras of the body, the Earth Star or Gain Chakra Below, and the 4 Transpersonal Chakras above the body. THat adds up to 12, but 0-11 is 12 chakras! These are all mapped out in the Kabbalah Tree of Life, in the Temple of the Twin Flames

We use the acronym FLAME: feminine love aligned with masculine energy! Where the pink love combines with blue light (energy) to create the Violet Flame.

Archangel Zadkiel calls the Violet Flame the flame of joy that flows with the Holy Spirit as it awakens humanity and frees every particle of energy that it touches. We’ll be doing an 1111 Twin Flame Activation at the ceremony that utilizes the Violet Flame, so stay tuned for that.

Twin Flame energy as symbolized as the 1111 Codes is the type of energy that can heal world wars, nuclear disaster, and dark control forces. Not because 1111 is all light. It’s because it is the BALANCE of light and love, with dark and fear. 1111 is a number of alchemy, courage, triumph, and also surrender.

Remember, These Twin Pillars are part of the Kabbalah Tree of Life–the pillar of the feminine is called the pillar of mercy and the pillar of severity. They share an central third pillar – the Pillar of Balance, representing the Twin Flame Union, and a balanced left and right brain.

A vedic text  Taittiriya Upanishad Says “Where the skull divides there lies the Gate of God.”  Imagine swimming in the central main chapel, the chapel of the flames where there is water and fire together.

It is in the central chapel that we can bridge our 2 physical DNA strands… That is, the stands science can see that is not the Higher-Dimensional based DNA. The higher dimensional DNA If you count  0-11, you get 12.

Thus, the number 11 becomes a symbol of the 12 strands which align with the 12 chakras. I call this the 11 Chakras and 11 strands of DNA. They also correspond to the 11 balls on the Kabbalah’s Tree of Life (Sephiroth) and the 12 tarot cards.

We’re so excited to see you at the global Twin Flame DNA activating event that’s happening on 11/11/18…An 11 year!

Register now to join us live on 11/11 where you’ll:  

– Learn more about the meaning of the numerology and the impact of the Twin Flames ’11 /11 Codes

 Participate in a karma clearing ritual on whatever no longer serves you & your Twin Flame Union

– Get a guided meditation to awaken your energy for this shift on 11/11

And my beloved Jack and I will  do a Twin Flame 11/11 channeling aimed to activate your Twin Flame DNA, awaken your soul purpose, and magnetize your ultimate beloved! Truly it’s meant to align you with whatever your heart desires, so start dreaming up your Twin-intentions!


On the 11/11 gathering, you can ask us any questions you have how to call in your Twin Flame fast–so start thinking up some good questions 🙂

Reserve your spot now!

Here is the astrology happening on 11/11 2018:

The Sun in Scorpio is sextile Pluto in Capricorn. This lends to dramatic long-term personal changes that involve commitment and focus can be a start of a positive path of development. This is a good time to conceive a new business project, love commitment, or perhaps even a baby!

11/11 is an opportunity to find what you really want from life and go for it with heart, 100%. Utilize your inherent strengths and delegate the rest to those here to support you, perhaps even your other half.

Then I will see you on 11/11!

Namaste, Namast-GO

The 7 Signs To Tell If You Have a Twin Flame

The 7 Signs To Tell If You Have a Twin Flame

Here are the seven signs to tell if you have Twin Flame.

Sign No. 1: Something Has Always Been Missing

From birth you felt a really strong calling. You felt like something was missing, and you wanted to find it. You didn’t necessarily know what it was, but you just felt this like “ugh” feeling–this feeling–a strong desire.

Sign No. 2: Obsession

You have been obsessed with Twin Flames. You’re Googling, you’re checking out all the blogs, you maybe have been read books on Twin Flames, or perhaps you’ve hired a Twin Flame expert or coach. You are so into finding your beloved that you can’t get enough info about Twin Flames and aligning with yours!

Sign No. 3: Intense Relationships

You have been in many or at least a couple of really intense relationships. And you are soaking up all the knowledge and learning about Twin Flames from this experience.  Whether the person you love is your Twin Flame or not, you are in love with learning… You love deep.

Sign No. 4: You’re a Love Machine

You are just a loving person. You care a great deal.  You are PASSIONATE, and even though you may have highs and lows you’re a very loving tender being. You love the planet; this makes you a natural humanitarian and planetary healer.

Sign No. 5: You’re Here to Build the New Earth

You have a huge soul purpose and you want to build the New Earth. You know you’re not here to just have a cute little picket fence kinda nice life with your family. Instead, you’ve woken up to seeing a higher vision–you really wish share your purpose and gifts to heal the world.

Sign No. 6: You Are a Healer With a Purpose

You feel that you have been a healer in many lifetimes, and possibly have been persecuted, maybe even burned at the stake. You are an intuitive with a high level metaphysical skills set that goes beyond the physical world; you’ve woken up to this at least recently, if not as a child. Many of us wake up in different times in our lifetime but you have at least recently been feeling like you wish to share your healing gifts with the world and that you cannot just work nine to five in a soul-suckinng job. Your soul purpose drives you.

Sign No. 7: You Work Hard to Love Yourself

You are willing to do whatever it takes to heal all of you, all of your chakras, and you know that self-love is the only answer. You know that in order to manifest your Twin Flame (ultimate and holy union), you must heal and love thyself. You are so dedicated on your own healing journey that you are willing to do what it takes and receive the help to give you the fastest breakthroughs. You are aware that healing yourself isn’t not only  for you or to attract your own beloved, it’s also for your family, your community, or for the clients/fans who follow you. You’re here to awaken and activate the planet by shifting consciousness, vibration, and taking action.. You can even become obsessed with learning new modalities of healing the planet and sometimes it keeps you up at night. You dream about shifting the planet, because you’re here to create the Ascension for humanity.  You are constantly researching new methods, looking into self-development courses and maybe you’ve hired a ton of experts or healers to improve yourself.

These seven signs will help you determine that you are a Twin Flame, and whether you have a Twin Flame on this earth.

However, many believe that not everyone has a Twin Flame incarnate on the planet…

Are you one of them? Learn more here and let me know… 

If you are a female on a Twin Flame Path, upgrade your love luck by signing up for your complimentary Twin Flame Ignition Kit here.

XO… lots of love!

Dr. Amanda Noelle, Mystical Matchmaker & Love Code Hacker

What Is Feminine Energy?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...

Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.

Happy Total Solar Eclipse Today, on August 21, 2017!

Happy Total Solar Eclipse Today, on August 21, 2017!

Total Solar Eclipse in Leo Meaning and Predictions August 21, 2017 | 3 Things You Should Know

Are you ready for the Total Solar Eclipse today? Yay!

We made it through this intense transition from Lionsgate (8/8) to today’s Total Solar Eclipse!

Perhaps you have been feeling…?:

  • Big energies coming up around the future that make you just wanna give up (but don’t it’s gonna get GOOD!)
  • Both hopeful AND feeling hopeless, sometimes at the same time
  • Super clear about your dreams, about love and life…
  • Frustrated, and like you’re not gonna take it anymore!

If so, we are in the SAME boat together sister–everyone and their mother has been getting “initiated” by the wave of energies before and during this event!

And I am delighted to see how excited everyone has been to learn more about today’s eclipse… I recently released a video called, Total Solar Eclipse in Leo Meaning and Predictions August 21, 2017 | 3 Things You Should Know.

The Total Solar Eclipse will darken skies all the way from Oregon to South Carolina, along a stretch of land about 70 miles wide! The last time the contiguous U.S. saw a total eclipse was in 1979.

Everyone in the contiguous United States, in fact, everyone in North America plus parts of South America, Africa, and Europe will see at least a partial solar eclipse, while the thin path of totality will pass through portions of 14 states.

This event is a solar eclipse in which the moon passes between the sun and earth and blocks all or part of the sun for up to about 3 hours, from start to end, as viewed from a given location.  For this eclipse, the longest period when the moon completely obstructs the sun from any given location along the path will be about two minutes and 40 seconds.

Click here to learn how to rock the energies today: “Total Solar Eclipse Activation Energy August 21 2017” and watch Total Solar Eclipse in Leo Meaning and Predictions August 21, 2017 | 3 Things You Should Know HERE!

I hope you rock an amazing Total Solar Eclipse with your loved ones, or just in your own heart today :)!


Dr. Amanda

PS: Watch my latest two Total Solar Eclipse videos HERE!

What Is Feminine Energy?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...

Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.