How To Plan Your Business Launch Based On New And Full Moon Cycles

How To Plan Your Business Launch Based On New And Full Moon Cycles

Want to grow your business in bliss? Then join the Lunar Priestess Collective, a complimentary monthly gathering for smart, spiritual female entrepreneurs.

Every month we gather to set intentions for the moon cycle, meditate to “download” our visions and soul-guided action steps, and share them with a soul-sister to witness our growth.

Join us live each month, totally free, to build your biz in BLISS! 

Want to grow your spiritual business with more flow and ease? Then do as the ancients did–select key business dates (i.e. launch dates, webinars, live events, courses, retreats etc) that align with the cycles of the moon. 

In this post, we’ll teach you how to plan out your business launch calendar for optimal success, according to the moon cycles. 

Why Is the Moon Powerful?

Lunar energy creates more flow and ease, which means your business can go from striving to thriving

Each month (which comes from the word moon by the way) has its unique flow, its own astrology, and its own business benefits. You can either go with the “flow” or swim “against” the tides.

Speaking of tides, fishermen have always known that during the full moon and new moon, they’ll have the biggest catch. This is called ‘moon-phase fishing’ due to the moon’s effect on the tides and aquatic life, allowing the fish to see better and to feed nocturnally. 

This is the same for spiritual entrepreneurs who are soulfully “fishing” for success, whether it be for likes, views, clients, prospects, or new leads.

To create an abundant and profitable business, every smart spiritual entrepreneur will want to utilize the power of the moon’s cycles. 

What Is the Lunar Cycle?

A full lunar cycle happens for 29.5 days and as the moon happens in 8 phases, 4 are “yin” and 4 are “yang.” 

Yin phases or “active” moons are connected with the feminine energy which are great for “feeling into things” so you can reflect and restore; while Yang phases or “receptive” moons are connected with masculine energy which is good for taking action and getting things done.

Moon Phases for Business


New Moon (New Beginnings) “Yang”

  • Keep manifestations in your mind or write them in a journal or using a new moon manifestation worksheet (click here to download our free Moonifestation Playsheet PDF). Plant your seeds then manifest everything you want by prayer and taking action. Write them out first, then visualize, and say it out loud just to let the universe know what you want. 
  • Join together in ceremony in the presence of other powerful lightworkers to download your visions and increase your manifestation powers on the new noon. We offer a FREE new moon ritual for women entrepreneurs at Aphrodite University, the premier Divine Feminine University and mystery school for Twin Flames. Women who attend the new moon ritual experience powerful shits that align their month ahead in business and beyond. 
  • Be flexible with your soul-guided action steps; you’re testing the waters. Dream big, have goals and visions for your business. Allow in surprises!
  • Answer these 2 questions each month: What would you like to achieve this month? What aspects of yourself are you hoping to develop this month?
  • Keywords like beginning, birth, emergence, projection, clarity are correlated to the new moon. As this new cycle emerges from your vision, inner or outer will be seeded into a new perspective.

Crescent Moon (Set Intentions) “Yin”

  • Create intentions for your manifestations. Manifest everything you want to happen, use the power of the mind. Gather all positive energies, all the people that can help you succeed and let the moon do the work. Plan for the best, while being prepared for the worst outcome so there will be no surprises. Stay open and surrender.
  • Answer these 2 questions: What need does your goal fulfill? How can you guarantee the survival of your vision?
  • Keywords such as expansion, growth, struggle, opportunity can be used with this moon cycle as growth and stability is knocking on your door.

First Quarter Moon (Take Action) “Yang”

  • Start your project and add actions to it. Make an action plan and align your vibrations with everything, expect that it will bring your manifestations quicker. Focus on having progress on any projects you’re working on, picking up the pace sound in the knowledge of what you’re building and working towards. It is essential to make forward strides, really catch onto the abundant growing power of the moon and the momentum that’s underway.
  • Questions to ask yourself are: What can you do to initiate the actualization of your vision for this cycle?  What insecurities are inhibiting you? 
  • Words like action, expression, growth, breaking away can be used as a correlation in this cycle.

Gibbous Moon (Trust & Evaluating) “Yin”

  • Trust the process and manifest abundance. Reevaluate and change direction if it is not working for you. Changes are inevitable so be ready for it. Filter and analyze the information that you have obtained as a result of your previous actions. The confidence of inner vision awakens and releases the power of creativity. 
  • Questions to ask yourself: How can your vision be refined and improved? What details have you overlooked?
  • Keywords like analyze, prepare and trust are the correlated words for this moon cycle as it is time to review your intentions for it to succeed.

Full Moon (Harvesting) “Yang”

  • This is a time to harvest. Plan social activities, make sales in your business or plan the final stage of your launch during the full moon. Your creative intuition will be strong now, so utilize it. Acknowledge all the active energy and maximize its full potential. The function of this phase is to begin the process of reshaping the goals in accordance with the awareness of the true meaning of the original vision.
  • Keywords that go hand in hand with this cycle are: fulfillment, illumination, realization, experience.

Disseminating Moon (Receiving Gratitude) “Yin”

  • Reflect on what you can do to succeed more. Focus on what is blocking you like fear, doubt or anything that makes you not focus on your goal. Free content and have live videos on your social networks. Connecting with your audiences can highly benefit you and your company. Allow yourself to teach what you’ve learned. The power of what is felt to be significant is a propelling force for its distribution.
  • Questions to ask yourself: How do your goals contribute to the welfare of the collective? Has your idealism turned into self-righteousness?
  • Keywords you can use for this cycle are demonstration, distribution, sharing and introspection.

Third Quarter Moon (Releasing & Giving back) “Yang”

  • Release and let go. All the disappointments, resentments, hurt and anger – let it go. Forgive, release and move forward. Clean your life and your soul, change into a positive mind. During this phase you become aware of what is and is not working with respect to the achievement of your goal for the cycle. Action is essential; either take a correcting action or make the final push needed to realize a successful outcome.
  • Realignment, revision, integration, cleansing are the keywords to be used with this cycle.

Balsamic Moon (Surrendering & Connection) “Yin”

  • As this is the last phase of the moon, you’ll feel empty and just want to surrender, get some rest, recuperate and that’s what you need to do. Be kind, gentle to yourself and just breathe. Trust the process.Liberation from the past must be attained in order to begin anew with consciousness and clarity. The function of this phase is to clear out the old patterns in preparation for a new cycle.
  • Questions to ask yourself: What do I need to release? What do I choose to take with me into the next cycle?
  • Keywords for this cycle are transition, release, transformation, renewal, purity. 

How to align your goals according to the moon phases

  • Have a Lunar Calendar – It is advisable to have a physical copy as it makes it more accessible to you.
  • Know what are the moon effects – before journaling, track the feeling you have each phase. Include everything – your energy, sleep patterns, eating habits, how you’re feeling e.g. motivated, lazy, happy, disappointed, etc.
  • Goals and the moon – after a month of reflection and analysis, you’ll have an idea of how impactful the moon is to you. Setting your goals per phase is the next step.
  • Make changes as necessary – there are million other things that affect us every day so don’t panic when things don’t go as planned. Find patterns, make small changes to avoid repetition, and just absorb those changes.

Even if there are 8 moon phases, focus on the 4 main phases.

  • New Moon
  • First Quarter
  • Full Moon
  • Last Quarter

How to Overcome Being a Perfectionist Woman

How to Overcome Being a Perfectionist Woman

Hi Gorgeous Goddess! Are you a struggling overachiever who needs to slow the f&ck down?

This is a love-note for YOU if…

  • You struggle with perfectionism
  • You find yourself trying to please the men (or women) you date before pleasing yourself
  • You try to say and do the right things to please everyone else first and you drain yourself
  • You want everyone else around you to like you, but…
  • You don’t even like/love/or even know yourself enough
  • You are the one who volunteered to save your family and sponge up their negative energy (because somehow, as a kid you decided it was “your job”)

Then sister, I got some nuggets to share with you here.

You have been struggling a lot lately: with men, health, bliss, wealth, etc… 

The good news is you can swiftly shift your struggle into sweet success with the Sacred Feminine.

[Click HERE to watch “Start Manifesting Like a Goddess,” a video that will help].

Everything in my life used to be a struggle too. Sigh.

I worked my body, mind, and spirit into the ground until she nearly broke.

My menstrual cycles dried up, as did my passion for life; I had no more feminine juiciness, so I tried pushing harder.

I thought if I worked hard enough, I would be the perfect woman!

I pushed and pushed for happiness and success. I was like a middle-aged workaholic man from Manhattan…

Until I flatlined. 

I started getting scary-insane sugar cravings, chronic pain, gaining weight, didn’t want to get out of bed, and I got hormonal acne. Not cute!

I also got my heartbroken (for the zillionth time), because the men I dated eventually would see how little self-respect I had–they’d lose affection and their initial sexual attraction would fade.

My friends were all getting married, going to law school, making big money, climbing the corporate ladder–what was wrong with me?!

I felt so lost and alone in my circle of overachievers, I didn’t know where to go.

I couldn’t keep up any longer. 

So, without a choice, I decided to STOP struggling and start following my bliss instead. And guess what?

My life became a dream! 

I’ve got my man (my Twin Flame), my money, my life flowing with ease and abundance without feeling like I’m trying.

I’m not saying this to brag, or to show off–I know this annoys the shit out of people (especially me!). 

I want to help you if you too are a an overachiever so you can have what I have (finally!). Your own desires, owned and realized.  

I want you to call in your Twin Flame fast.

I am not saying it was easy for me; it wasn’t. 

I am just telling you to slow down, tune into your Divine Feminine bliss, and you’ll get what you want as long as you’re committed to your healing and growth.

You’ll get way more out of life the pleasurable way anyway. 

By opening to Divine Feminine bliss you’ll:

  • Attract a Twin Flame, a Highly Conscious Man
  • Receive an abundance of easy money
  • Birth and raise your children ecstatically 
  • Run your business with feminine flow
  • Take on the world with your sacred feminine magic!

Step into your pleasure and commit to it forever. Endless bliss will be yours to kiss!

Why struggle when it can be this blissful and easy!? 

It’s ironic isn’t it? It can feel totally counterintuitive to slow down and follow your pleasure. 

We struggle because it was what our people knew for thousands of years. 

They survived floods, famine, atrocities, and holocausts.
They worked through abuse patterns and survived lots of pain and depression.

But guess what? Life can be peachy if you allow it to be.

You can lead your people to higher ground by living your life in pure bliss, Ananda in Sanskrit.

You don’t really even have to DO that much, except receive love.

If you are an overachieving woman, you will have to be brave to surrender to your Divine Feminine bliss. It won’t be easy!

For me, it was the scariest death of my ego as I had to follow MY truth. MY bliss. MY desires and let go of what others, family, and (perhaps the hardest) men wanted from me.

Here’s a short video about how to stop struggling and start manifesting like a goddess! It’s how I attracted my Twin Flame and everything else that’s yummy in my life…

Click to see it here:

I’d love to hear how you’ve been struggling or making strides [First Name], so please comment on the video here and I’ll do my best to respond to all comments.

Here’es to stepping into your Sacred Feminine succsexiness! 


Amanda + Aphrodite

Twin Flame Abundance Higher Self Channeling

Twin Flame Abundance Higher Self Channeling

Hello Twin Flame Lover!

So many of you have reached out to me sharing how much of a struggle your relationship with men, money, and the Divine Masculine has been….

And I get it!

Some of you have suffered in relationships & jobs that limit your soul (or even suffocate her!), while others of you have refused to do anything that is out of soul alignment, but you’re stuck…you are unable to build your relationship, life, and finances the way your soul desires.

Bottom line is you want abundance, and you want it to align with the infinite nature of your soul. Thus, I sat out on my little porch with the faries today and did this channeling for YOU.

May you meet your Beloved, marry your Ka$h King (your money Twin Flame), and create a union in Holy MatriMoney.

Remember: money and your Twin Flame are the same thing. They’re of the same energy and they both reflect you! Enjoy this channeling knowing that it may spark something in you that will change everything around you, including your man and your money.

Blessed be,


Twin Flame Abundance Higher Self Channeling:

abundance channeling

Amanda: Greetings Angels and Aphrodite! I welcome you now to summons the deepest wisdom within me to share with my beloved Soul Family who long for financial freedom.

The ChannelWe are here, and we are truly happy to help! We love to relieve those in need, quench the thirst of those who are thirsty for knowledge, and strengthen those who have dreamed of becoming warriors. And most of all, we’re delighted to assist those queens and kings who are ready to restore their Divine Abundance. 

Amanda: Amen! Let the abundance channeling begin….

[Deep breathing]

The ChannelYou can and always have been able to manifest what you wish.

You are able to create any reality you wish in fact.

Currently, you are already creating your own reality, whether you are aware of this or not.

You can choose to change the dial on your ‘creation frequency’ if you so wish, and you can create or visit any channel you wish to create!

There is so much more freedom and flexibility than you allow your current consciousness to access, especially in terms of your ability to create money and financial freedom.

You have been programmed by your Belief Systems that you cannot ‘change the dial’ because the channels themselves were created by some outside source.

When we are able to realize that the channels we tune into are not only chosen by ourselves, but were originally built by our own subconscious imagination, the ‘Image-I-Nation’ — or a nation state of consciousness of our Creator expressed through image, we rise above the chaos and become Creators ourselves. 

Are you ready to become a Creator?

Only then can we experience–truly experience–our own creation.

This experiment is only fully experienced when we recognize that we are living within the petri dish, that we built the petri dish, and that we are the scientists too.

We must recognize that we are the genius and imagination of the scientist as well, and that we are this entire experiment in ALL of its parts.

Only then do we get to create the experiment’s desired outcome, and we become powerful Creator Gods and Goddesses.

It only appears not to be so through the Illusion of Separation, or the divide within the Divine Mind, and within our own imagination. 

This crack arose during the ‘Great Quake,’ when the Divine Mind itself split into two parts: the Conscious and the Subconscious Mind. 

The Divine Mind did this to learn about itself consciously and subconsciously, so it could experience itself as both itself, and as it were of another.

You see, the Universe would be very lonely if She/He only had Him/Herlself to date! So She/He created a subconscious version of Him/Herself, who ‘forgot’ who S/He was as the Almighty Creator. 

In some regard, the Universe created its own Twin Flame from its desire to know itself. 

He created His Twin Flame to know Himself, as She created Her Twin Flame to know Herself. 

You too created your own Twin Flame to know yourself!

A tool to bring together these two minds and re-hinge the Divine Doors of the I AM Self and the two Twin Flame halves is the use of plant medicine.

Plant spirits have had it easier than human spirits have, in some regards. The Higher Mind of the plant kingdom have never experienced the type of separation from its Lower Mind that humans have experienced.

The body of a plant is correlated to its Lower Mind. The medicine held in the body of a plant is aligned with the plant’s (subconscious) Higher Mind. 

Contrarily in the human being’s Conscious Mind became so advanced in order to support its highly advanced human body that the Conscious Mind seemingly ‘grew past,’ or more accurately put, grew apart from the (subconscious) Higher Mind.

Thus, plant medicine can be a gateway to bridging the gap of the Lower and Higher Mind. There are many forms of plant medicine, and the best way to prescribe yourself plant medicine is to ask your Higher Mind which plant to use. Or, you can ask the perfect plant to present

Yet they are truly never separated, as you can never remove the Divine Mind (subconscious Divine energy) no matter how unconscious we are.  

Nor can you separate the Divine Mind from matter, or anything at all. It can simply go unconscious to the Divinity that is there.

Now matter how out of alignment the human consciousness goes, God is always ‘there.’

Other ways to integrate the Higher and Lower Minds to integrate Spirit and Matter are through meditation, music experienced with trance, drumming circles, chanting, prayer, hypnosis, regression therapies, channeling, intuitive readings, and spiritual guidance.

Or simply communing with Mother Nature and connecting with the plant intelligence.

One other way is to connect with your Future Self, or your Higher Self that is experienced in a future timeline where he or she has already learned. Where she is a master teacher.

You may be surprised to ‘see’ yourself in a future timeline, or to experience yourself as your future self a hundred, or even thousands of years into the future. Or light years!

Be not afraid–have fun with this version of yourself, as your Future Self loves to play with you and will be delighted to support you in manifesting anything you wish for!

A great time to connect with your Future Self is when you’ve tried everything and nothing else works, and you have no where else to go.

Your Future Self, like a parent, is designed to lift you up and pick you up, and make it all better by problem solving.

Give your problem up to your Future Self, and it won’t be a problem.

If you are concerned about not being able to create or manifest something you want, then perhaps it’s time to tune into the Higher Levels by asking your Future Self for some compassionate care.  Let him or her turn the dial on the channel you have chosen to a new and better station! One that is easier and lighter. 

For sometimes in the Law of Attraction Game of Life, you can only win your pot of gold by letting go of the reality with the dreary skies. You must be willing to let go and tune into a higher level, one with blue skies and a big bright rainbow!

Know Dear One that you do not have to do this alone–your Higher Self, Future Self, is here to assist you on your path of manifesting the greatest abundance possible. 

And truly everything is possible when you are willing to let your Higher Self turn the dial!

A big blessing on your new wave of abundance. Let yourself desire deeply and call in the help you deserve.


Is Money the Root of all Evil, or Is Your Root Chakra Just Needing Love?

Is Money the Root of all Evil, or Is Your Root Chakra Just Needing Love?

I ask spiritual women how much money they’d like to be making one year from now, and they so often respond “I want to make 50K a year.”

I don’t blame them for asking for so little; I was there too once. I used to make just 5,000 bucks a year when I was in grad school, and I was in grad school for a long time! I was afraid that I didn’t deserve money, or even that money was the root of all evil. Ultimately, I just didn’t get how to blend money and my bliss, and I am a bliss girl. If life isn’t fun and easy, I don’t want to participate.

Remember, you are worthy of being remunerated in abundance. You are worthy. Period.

As a Divine Feminine entrepreneur you should be charging upwards of $200/hour–and that’s minimum wage. And why not ask for more?

How do I charge $5000-$50k to help people, you ask?

There are a million ways to do this, but it’s a combination of strategy plus a high-dose of falling in love with money.

tantra of moneyBut in’t money bad, evil, inherently wrong?

Look, I get that you are a spiritual woman, and that you have a big purpose. So you’re wondering how you could charge upwards of $5,000 to a client to do what you love. It may seem ridiculous at first, especially when you’re used to working so hard for money. Money for many means misery. But it doesn’t have to be that way. I prefer the Divine Feminine blissful way of merging with money’s Masculine attributes. Follow me…

Doesn’t it make more sense to work for yourself, instead of working for ‘the man,’ where you’re not making an impact on the planet?  Doesn’t it make sense to quit your day job and start a path of entrepreneurship, if you can make 6-figures working 3 days a week?  Why aren’t more people joining us here?

So many humans are brain-washed to believe life has to be hard and painful. I was one of them.

Honestly, there is no correlation between how much you can earn and hard you have to work. With the internet, the Law of Attraction, and outsourcing, you can make as much as you want in as little time as you want (eventually).  There are tools and tactics you use, plus the limiting beliefs you gotta shed…but if you choose it, it is yours to claim.

Are you just running away by playing small and not charging your full value?

It can be uncomfortable to step into your biggest power. It can be terrifying to ask what you deserve, especially if you are a woman who watched many women around you (even your mother) not stand up for what she’s worth. Maybe you’ve dated men who milk you for your energy and who don’t value you. Maybe you don’t value yourself. So you cannot imagine charging more than $60/hour for your time.

Why not value yourself like you are a goddess, and align your divine gifts with what consumers need, and serve them?

Sure, I look forward to a time when we can give so generously that we do not need money systems.

I would love to buy a plane ticket based on divine love, or get medical care for free like I’m at Burning Man. I’d like it if we didn’t have to worry about money at all. But we are not there yet ladies.

It is not time to give up on the money systems yet, it’s time to embrace them and step into your power as the goddess you are. It’s time to activate the money systems with your Divine Feminine energy.

Despite appearances, you are divinely limitless. You’re infinitely abundant–and YES this does translate into the physical world if you learn to ground your wealth properly. Most spiritual women give up before they hit the ground; they assume that money has to be a source of pain or otherwise it’s wrong.

Money can bring up the deepest pain and shame–even the deep trauma of a rape from a grandmother who stayed in that marriage because she had to because of money limits at that time.

Women label themselves as being wrong or bad if they like money (but who really likes poverty or taking vows of poverty!?). Money can be a ticket to freedom if you use it lovingly.

But like anything without alignment with your soul, it can be darkness or poison. So I urge you to have a loving and sacred marriage with money. I call it Holy MatriMoney.

Are you carrying ‘money demons’ that tell you that your money is wrong? Darling, you must clear these hairy demons out so that you can live and work without fear, lack, or limitation. It is your divine truth after all my abundant sister!

We will not stay stuck in this limitation paradigm forever, but we do have to break free from it and not live in hiding within it. Please stop hiding behind false limitations. Don’t stay stuck at that small shallow corporate job pretending it’s OK and waiting for some day.

Some day your prince will come if you quit that painful path and claim the path of pleasure. Connect with your Ka$h King, your ultimate pleasure form of money.

What if money were the most pure divine expression of exchange between two beings–people or organizations? What if you were to relish in the exchange of money, in large amounts, between you and others–like water cycling between the sky and the earth, evaporating and raining and cycling back again?

What if currency exchange was ecstatic, fun, and even erotic?

And what if you were to discover that money were simply a currency of divine abundance–an electrical energy flow, honoring each other in divine value?

You are the Divine Gold. You are the Golden Child, a reflection of the Great One. Your money is a golden reflection of you and your divine worth. Even if you have none, you are infinitely loved.

Yet expressing your abundance with others can be an act of divine devotion if you allow it. In God We Trust, says our USD. And why have we forgotten to trust our own abundance?

It’s time to reclaim your abundance, your own unique currency and emit your own frequency through the USD, Euro, Peso, Bit Coin, etc! Namaste

Please enjoy this goddess abundance video to activate your money codes:

Money Magic: How to Slay Pain Demons to Loads of Love Bucks...

Hula for Moolah: 3 Secrets to Dancing in AbunDance

Hula for Moolah: 3 Secrets to Dancing in AbunDance

Dancing is an ancient sacred ritual all humans have done through the ages to heal, celebrate, purify, and co-create. One of the little known things about dance is that it can be a secret Law of Attraction weapon, particularly in the area of attracting financial abundance, or ‘AbunDance.’ In this blog, I will teach you how to hula/hoolah in the moolah so that you can live in 6-figure BLI$$ and beyond.

In shamanism and metaphysics, everything is energy. Dance has a powerful capacity to move invisible energy through the chakras, auric fields, and across the planet, to bring out healing and awakened consciousness. The energy grids can get stuck in fear, and dance transmutes blocks through with waves, bouncing, and shimmying, and bliss itself. Every time I feel stuck and go dance, it’s like an instant mood makeover, and you get a better body too! thumb

Many of us High-Healed Priestesses are energetically stuck in the past with our spiritual relationship with money.

  1. Some of us make money at day jobs without our hearts in it.
  2. Others of us have become life coaches or spiritual teachers in ways that are more masculine and don’t fully let in our Divine Feminine spiritual gifts.
  3. A large amount of us healers are stuck in a poverty or peasantry vibration, which is just sad to see!

We High-Healed Priestesses – high priestess healers (perhaps in high heels) are meant to go high-end in life: in business, finances, friendship, home, and with Twin Flame Love. At Aphrodite University, I help hippie chick healers, lightworkers, women with powerful healing gifts, and woo woo women to create high-end 6 and 7 figure businesses that heal the world. Here is one of the tips that I share with my Aphrodite University students (SeaStars) to help them quickly call in the big bucks through the Law of Attraction.


So let’s get connected with the Divine Golden vibration, rebuild the Goddess Temples, and create our modern day Atlantis. It’s really easy to do, we’ve just got to dance it in!

Speaking from personal experience, I went from making $5,000/year in 2009 to making $15,000 in a month in 2013 because I allowed my AbunDance to flow into my body, mind, spirit, and piggy bank.  Oink!

money goddess

money and the law of attractionAbunDance Secret #1: Connect with your PU$$Y Power on the dance floor.

PU$$Y Power is the Divine Feminine life force sitting between your legs that births all abundance and life, and it can birth your purse power as well. It activates our spiritual flow on earth, through our sacred sexuality so that the energy moves the the beat of our own divine creation. To learn more about PU$$Y Power, click here. Dancing, and many conscious body movement exercises, activates PU$$Y Power by getting your bliss down in your body and into your root chakra. Dancing also can open up kundalini, the snake like energies that ride up and down the spine, like the pattern of the dollar sign.

AbunDance Secret #2: Join a dance community

Dancing in community is one of the things that has saved my life, allowed me to heal, and gotten me to where I am at in my bli$$ness. I prefer dancing in a tribe where people gather old school and dance barefoot, with no rules or regs. There are many Ecstatic Dance venues around the country where you get to dance in a container of conscious people who love to dance, and it’s super blissful!

At Ecstatic Dance, there is usually limited or no talking, no shoes, and a free flow. I do a psychic grounding warmup, meditate for a bit connecting to my PU$$Y Power, and find the dance slowly moving through my body at first, and at its own pace it melts me open and turns into a DanceGasm! A full body orgasmic dance experience where I feel both completely embodied, and also out of my body in bliss. I get lots of psychic visions, downloads, and my aura becomes squeaky clean at the end.

thumbAbunDance Secret #3: Listen to EDM

I love listening to EDM, electronic dance music, to galactivate my energy fields.  I walk, run, dance, and chillax to EDM on a daily basis, and it feels like home to this starseed!

Here is a great list of the top 25 EDM producers, you really can’t go wrong. I like listening to Pandora (I am an addict) though some prefer Spotify. I choose Pandora because it feels like a friend who knows me, and there are so many great artists that I have discovered through the random love of Pandy. Mmmmm!

So get those dance pants on, or take it all off, dance around the house, on the dance floor, try a new class, and definitely try out Ecstatic Dance. It will change your life! Post your comments about why you love dance below. And hula for moolah!


Dr Amanda Noelle




How to Throw a Money Tantrum

How to Throw a Money Tantrum

For the love of money! Holy MatriMoney Moly!

OK…so here’s a pic of me loving money. And I do. But today I am throwing a TANTRUM about money… Not because I don’t love money or have money in abundance (because I finally do now, though I am still getting used to being a recovering starving healing artist), but because I am holding some ancient emotions about the money systems in my bones and spirit. I feel that while money is meant to serve the planet and to be a symbol for sacred exchange, our money consciousness holds all kinds of crap and is hurting so many good people for no good reason! It’s just that I am pissed about the distribution of wealth having gone into an icky pyramid shape time after time. When truly don’t we all deserve and desire to live like queens and kings!?

egypt money codesSometimes the most enlightened way to release pain and emotion is to do what kids do, which is to throw a tantrum. So put your fists in a ball and stand on your feet, and shout whatever you want, and rant and rave about the wrongdoings of the money system! Promise… It’ll make you feel better.

I am releasing some deep dark money codes this week, and I know it’s unattractive, but necessary stuff, and you might need to do the same. All of us have grown up with many of the same toxic belief systems around money.

Wanna hear my tantrum? OK, but it’s best to put up your psychic screen first, because I am about to whine and spew and release, and it’s gonna be a messy money tantrum…

(Disclaimer: I usually never talk like this, or about this, because I want to stay positive, lover of rainbows n’ butterflies I am! And so I usually only focus on the Light and healing aspects of money. I don’t want to stay in the energy of the tantrum either, but I do have to let it out. So please excuse me as I shout n’ clear out the former BS (belief systems) about money that have been affecting me/us for the past 4-5,000 years…)

My mean money tantrum:

“Goshdarnittt! Why did we create such shady, shamelessly greedy, shitty money systems in Egypt so long ago?! Wasn’t the point of money to mirror the Holy Currency of Mother Nature? Wahhh! I hate the fact that there are so many human slaves still walking this earth for money, and that the collective consciousness regarding money has been so dark, desperate, and dreary. Divided from divinity.

“I hate that money hasn’t nurtured people like mother’s milk as it should! And that money hasn’t spread out resources evenly as it should, and that money hasn’t flowed like water as it should. Oh, and that half of my taxes go to the military – I don’t even like or believe in the military! Oh I would invest in a love military though!

“What pangs my heart most is that we don’t live on a ball of bliss ALL OF THE time, and put money where our bliss is. That parents are too distracted by the stress of paying bills that they don’t have time or energy to delight in the true love of their children and families. Some people live their entire lives like slaves and then they die, just because of the way the money systems were designed thousands of years ago. Haven’t we f$(*%ing evolved beyond this!? When I have all of the money my heart desires I am investing it into bliss-based communities, projects, and people that heal the world and make it more blissful and I am going to build the new love-based military that shoots love out of our heart chakras!”

egypt slavery money


All better!

Phew, I just had to say it, hadda get it out. I feel all better. Can I get a love money piggybank oink? Now you try. Write down or better, scream and shout out your money tantrum and let the ugly old past out, so it doesn’t block your BLI$$ abundance.

To switch it into something positive, money is love.

Love is everywhere. And money is everywhere, so let’s all learn to share, build the new love-based paradigms and blast the bull$hit out of our culture and make sharing resources and tools and technologies cool again. Walk like an Egyptian, way oh way oh….Namaste!

holy matrimony money

With love of the Goddess of Abundance,


Dr. Amanda Noelle is a modern-day high priestess in heels, AKA High-Healed Priestess, helping other High-Healed Priestesess reclaim their sacred position within our culture as leaders, healers, and hot mamas.