How To Plan Your Business Launch Based On New And Full Moon Cycles
Want to grow your business in bliss? Then join the Lunar Priestess Collective, a complimentary monthly gathering for smart, spiritual female entrepreneurs.
Every month we gather to set intentions for the moon cycle, meditate to “download” our visions and soul-guided action steps, and share them with a soul-sister to witness our growth.
Join us live each month, totally free, to build your biz in BLISS!
Want to grow your spiritual business with more flow and ease? Then do as the ancients did–select key business dates (i.e. launch dates, webinars, live events, courses, retreats etc) that align with the cycles of the moon.
In this post, we’ll teach you how to plan out your business launch calendar for optimal success, according to the moon cycles.
Why Is the Moon Powerful?
Lunar energy creates more flow and ease, which means your business can go from striving to thriving.
Each month (which comes from the word moon by the way) has its unique flow, its own astrology, and its own business benefits. You can either go with the “flow” or swim “against” the tides.
Speaking of tides, fishermen have always known that during the full moon and new moon, they’ll have the biggest catch. This is called ‘moon-phase fishing’ due to the moon’s effect on the tides and aquatic life, allowing the fish to see better and to feed nocturnally.
This is the same for spiritual entrepreneurs who are soulfully “fishing” for success, whether it be for likes, views, clients, prospects, or new leads.
To create an abundant and profitable business, every smart spiritual entrepreneur will want to utilize the power of the moon’s cycles.
What Is the Lunar Cycle?
A full lunar cycle happens for 29.5 days and as the moon happens in 8 phases, 4 are “yin” and 4 are “yang.”
Yin phases or “active” moons are connected with the feminine energy which are great for “feeling into things” so you can reflect and restore; while Yang phases or “receptive” moons are connected with masculine energy which is good for taking action and getting things done.
New Moon (New Beginnings) “Yang”
- Keep manifestations in your mind or write them in a journal or using a new moon manifestation worksheet (click here to download our free Moonifestation Playsheet PDF). Plant your seeds then manifest everything you want by prayer and taking action. Write them out first, then visualize, and say it out loud just to let the universe know what you want.
- Join together in ceremony in the presence of other powerful lightworkers to download your visions and increase your manifestation powers on the new noon. We offer a FREE new moon ritual for women entrepreneurs at Aphrodite University, the premier Divine Feminine University and mystery school for Twin Flames. Women who attend the new moon ritual experience powerful shits that align their month ahead in business and beyond.
- Be flexible with your soul-guided action steps; you’re testing the waters. Dream big, have goals and visions for your business. Allow in surprises!
- Answer these 2 questions each month: What would you like to achieve this month? What aspects of yourself are you hoping to develop this month?
- Keywords like beginning, birth, emergence, projection, clarity are correlated to the new moon. As this new cycle emerges from your vision, inner or outer will be seeded into a new perspective.
Crescent Moon (Set Intentions) “Yin”
- Create intentions for your manifestations. Manifest everything you want to happen, use the power of the mind. Gather all positive energies, all the people that can help you succeed and let the moon do the work. Plan for the best, while being prepared for the worst outcome so there will be no surprises. Stay open and surrender.
- Answer these 2 questions: What need does your goal fulfill? How can you guarantee the survival of your vision?
- Keywords such as expansion, growth, struggle, opportunity can be used with this moon cycle as growth and stability is knocking on your door.
First Quarter Moon (Take Action) “Yang”
- Start your project and add actions to it. Make an action plan and align your vibrations with everything, expect that it will bring your manifestations quicker. Focus on having progress on any projects you’re working on, picking up the pace sound in the knowledge of what you’re building and working towards. It is essential to make forward strides, really catch onto the abundant growing power of the moon and the momentum that’s underway.
- Questions to ask yourself are: What can you do to initiate the actualization of your vision for this cycle? What insecurities are inhibiting you?
- Words like action, expression, growth, breaking away can be used as a correlation in this cycle.
Gibbous Moon (Trust & Evaluating) “Yin”
- Trust the process and manifest abundance. Reevaluate and change direction if it is not working for you. Changes are inevitable so be ready for it. Filter and analyze the information that you have obtained as a result of your previous actions. The confidence of inner vision awakens and releases the power of creativity.
- Questions to ask yourself: How can your vision be refined and improved? What details have you overlooked?
- Keywords like analyze, prepare and trust are the correlated words for this moon cycle as it is time to review your intentions for it to succeed.
Full Moon (Harvesting) “Yang”
- This is a time to harvest. Plan social activities, make sales in your business or plan the final stage of your launch during the full moon. Your creative intuition will be strong now, so utilize it. Acknowledge all the active energy and maximize its full potential. The function of this phase is to begin the process of reshaping the goals in accordance with the awareness of the true meaning of the original vision.
- Keywords that go hand in hand with this cycle are: fulfillment, illumination, realization, experience.
Disseminating Moon (Receiving Gratitude) “Yin”
- Reflect on what you can do to succeed more. Focus on what is blocking you like fear, doubt or anything that makes you not focus on your goal. Free content and have live videos on your social networks. Connecting with your audiences can highly benefit you and your company. Allow yourself to teach what you’ve learned. The power of what is felt to be significant is a propelling force for its distribution.
- Questions to ask yourself: How do your goals contribute to the welfare of the collective? Has your idealism turned into self-righteousness?
- Keywords you can use for this cycle are demonstration, distribution, sharing and introspection.
Third Quarter Moon (Releasing & Giving back) “Yang”
- Release and let go. All the disappointments, resentments, hurt and anger – let it go. Forgive, release and move forward. Clean your life and your soul, change into a positive mind. During this phase you become aware of what is and is not working with respect to the achievement of your goal for the cycle. Action is essential; either take a correcting action or make the final push needed to realize a successful outcome.
- Realignment, revision, integration, cleansing are the keywords to be used with this cycle.
Balsamic Moon (Surrendering & Connection) “Yin”
- As this is the last phase of the moon, you’ll feel empty and just want to surrender, get some rest, recuperate and that’s what you need to do. Be kind, gentle to yourself and just breathe. Trust the process.Liberation from the past must be attained in order to begin anew with consciousness and clarity. The function of this phase is to clear out the old patterns in preparation for a new cycle.
- Questions to ask yourself: What do I need to release? What do I choose to take with me into the next cycle?
- Keywords for this cycle are transition, release, transformation, renewal, purity.
How to align your goals according to the moon phases
- Have a Lunar Calendar – It is advisable to have a physical copy as it makes it more accessible to you.
- Know what are the moon effects – before journaling, track the feeling you have each phase. Include everything – your energy, sleep patterns, eating habits, how you’re feeling e.g. motivated, lazy, happy, disappointed, etc.
- Goals and the moon – after a month of reflection and analysis, you’ll have an idea of how impactful the moon is to you. Setting your goals per phase is the next step.
- Make changes as necessary – there are million other things that affect us every day so don’t panic when things don’t go as planned. Find patterns, make small changes to avoid repetition, and just absorb those changes.
Even if there are 8 moon phases, focus on the 4 main phases.
- New Moon
- First Quarter
- Full Moon
- Last Quarter