I believe that BLI$$preneurs are the sexiest species of women on earth
It is time women, time for the Divine Feminine to rise in all aspects of ourselves, espeically in areas where we have shut Her out. And yep, we have shut out the Divine Feminine from so many areas, including:
- In our bodies (hence the high rate of hormonal imbalances, high breast and female cancers, etc)
- In our schools and universities
- In childbirth (hence high rates of C-sections and overuse of drugs in birth)
- In medicine in general (overuse of antibiotics, doctors prescribing treatments as if we have too many organs and not enough natural chemicals inside our bodies)
- In business (!!!)
- In our farming practices
- In our finances and banking systems
- In marriage and relationships
Oh Goddess (Lakshmi, Aphrodite, Ashtar, Innana, Kuan Yin, and all of your many other faces and names!),we are ready to bring you into our world, all the way down to the lower chakras. Business takes place in the lower chakras, and I say it’s time to bring bliss down from the Heavens and do BLI$$ness Divine Feminine style.
The Divine Feminine has been hiding from being big and beautiful in Her path on Earth in sooo many ways, and it’s time to change this! We women have been hiding from the Divine Feminine within ourselves for so long, in every aspects of ourselves and our lives, especially in relationship to the masculine, in business and with money. Oops! Yet finally, we are waking up. Finally!!! It’s OK to play big, receive our abundance and wear fancy gowns and crowns again and prance around the temple as High Priestesses (or modern day High-Healed Priestesses in heels as I call us!) with our soul sistas.
It’s time to stop playing small ladies, because that’s no fun. Let us live boldy and ruthlessly and BIG with our Divine Feminine energies channeling throughout all aspects of our lives: love, business, spirituality, childbirth, our farming practices, friendship, fashion, the way we dance, do our hair, touch our children, etc., etc…
It’s also time to stop self-abusing our bodies/minds/spirits, and to stop letting ourselves get abused by anything or anyone. Eat more kale. Wear more of your favorite colors. Take more time to walk the beach. Move somewhere you’ve always wished to live and quit that job that’s literally killing you on the inside. That’s all a game, an illusion: everything is US, everything is Oneness. You are a powerful goddess holding Her light, the Light of oneness through the Feminine so woot woot, embody it baby!
I used to wear all black in order to appear thinner which was really funny because I was thin, a size 2. I wanted to be that perfect model-thin girl and I tried to keep up with the rich preppy kids at my college and I was so miserable. After ten years of trying to be like a man, I belly flopped and became super feminine and spiritual and I guess you could call me a hippie healer. Now I’ve come back to center and I am helping the Divine Feminine rise through the structures of the Masculine in business, and I’ve seen how easy and beautiful it is to let business meet your bliss and make BLI$$ness.
It’s time to let go of the old funky stinky patriarchal paradigms and systems and to create our own that feel so delicious and alive in our Feminine bodies.
Finally: It’s Time for the Divine Feminine to Rise in Business!
Let’s be honest…We all need money to survive and thrive as living breathing goddesses. And we women are indeed reflections of the Great Goddess herself. So let’s stop treating ourselves as peasants, slave girls, rejects, settling for less, believing that we’re “not good enough” or even “not God enough,” for we are God/godess created in her/his/Oneness’ reflection. Business is simply an exchange of goods or services for money, and money is a form of Divine Love brought through an agreed value-exchange. BLI$$ness, as I call it, is the Divine Feminine way of doing business.
The Divine Feminine is rising on Gaia, and She has been rising slowly but surely for the past 5,000 years since the Her fall in Egypt way back when! We are all awakening, remembering, and reclaiming the Divine Feminine and restoring the sacred connection with her Masculine counterpart, the Divine Masculine. Like the ocean rising worldwide, her Feminine wisdom is returning and restoring the memory of the Ancient Sacred ways of the Goddess. I totally get the vivid image of Aphrodite riding the clam as I write this! Here’s a fun artwork my friend/client/graphic artist Cora Flora created for me:
We women have been controlled by limiting thoughts, The Illuminati (the shadow of our collective consciousness), and we have given up our power through the financial systems, through patriarchal marriages, and by being afraid of money and business. We convince ourselves that business isn’t spiritual and that money is the root of all evil in many lifetimes.
We take vows of poverty and swear that we are more holy because we sever the Divine Feminine from our financial lives. What a hoax! What a mistake! Money is a form of Divine Feminine spiritual love. Love coming through a physical masculine form. It’s kinda sexy just talking about this! The tantra of money fascinates me.
Financial systems are meant to reflect the highest potential and sharing and Love of humankind. And guess what? We aren’t meant to run from this potential. We are meant to connect with the great exchange of money and love. As we do this we will:
- Eradicate all forms of slavery and enslavement, sex trafficking etc
- Free ourselves into abundance and financial wealth
- Step into limitless prosperity
- Quit our day jobs that don’t serve our highest potential
- Allow us to be honored with coins of Gold as Goddesses
- Make love to our money, and live in Holy MatriMoney
- Donate massively to charities
- Rebuild the Goddess Temples, which are friggin expensive and beautiful!
That’s all I have to say for now. What a fun article to write. My BLI$$ness is done for the day. Lovin’ you!
So looking forward to the launch of DrAmandaNoelle.com next week. Can’t wait to share it with you luscious ladies!