Sacred Alchemy of Love: Law of Attraction and Sacred Sexuality in Divine Partnerships

Sacred Alchemy of Love: Law of Attraction and Sacred Sexuality in Divine Partnerships

In this insightful conversation, we explore the powerful interplay of the Law of Attraction and sacred sexuality within divine partnerships.
Discover practical strategies to magnetize your life partner or elevate your existing relationship to a divine union.
Gain profound insights into healing toxic relationships, breaking free from karmic patterns, and removing blocks that may hinder your journey towards lasting love and happiness in intimacy.
Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock the secrets of sacred alchemy and embrace a path of profound connection and personal growth.
Check out the channeled message from Goddess Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love…
Here’s the link to podcast:
How to Manifest Like a Goddess: Attract Love, Money, and Whatever Ya Want!

How to Manifest Like a Goddess: Attract Love, Money, and Whatever Ya Want!

Are you ready to learn How to Manifest Like a Goddess using self-love, the Law of Attraction, and some super spicy goddess secrets?

Whether it’s your Twin Flame you’re seeking, more abundance and magic in your life, or something else you wish to manifest, get the skinny on how to do it fast with Dr. Amanda Noelle’s High-Healed Priestess help here!:

How to Manifest Like a Goddess | Twin Flame Love, Attract Whatever Ya Want!

In this video “How to Manifest Like a Goddess,” you will:

  • Take The Secret to the next level with this missing piece!
  • Receive a beautiful prayer and blessing for abundance
  • Learn how to step into your sacred flow, the easy Divine Feminine way
  • Clear old stuck codes that block women healers from living bold, big, and powerful!

Before Dr. Amanda became the Twin Flame Matchmaker, she was stuck in financial blocks, made around $5,000/year and suffered from chronic heartbreaks!

It wasn’t until she learned to manifest like a goddess and clear out her Twin Flame Love Blocks that she shifted her life into a 6-figure bliss with her Twin Flame hubby Jack.

Are you a single sister who is ready to call in your Twin Flame in the next 6-12 months?

Sign up here and join Dr. Amanda for a free Twin Flame Attraction training at Aphrodite University, the premier love-based university for Twin Flame women!

Click here to get started!

Here’s to manifest like the absolutely f&cking fabulous goddess you are!



You’re a powerful woman. A Divine Feminine healer, and possibly one of the most powerful people you know. Yet as an entrepreneur, you struggle in your biz. Sometimes you’re terrified, and you’re not even sure exactly why. You keep procrastinating, getting stuck, and you’re holding back. You have so much to offer, yet getting paid in abundance for your expertise hasn’t happened yet, and it’s almost killing you.

You know that you must have had something bad happen in your past that took away your power. You may even have had visions of being burnt at the stake, or just have a knowing that you were part of a witch hunt.

Is that lifetime(or lifetimes) being burned at the stake still holding you back in your business, life, and self-empowerment?

Hi, I’m Dr. Amanda Noelle, and I help women Divine Feminine entrepreneurs take back their power so they can make money in ease and have more impact. Most of my clients and students are like myself–they’re magical women who were burnt at the stake in past lives and they’re still getting over it. They have ascended as spiritual masters on some level, and must come back down to earth and ground. Yet there’s tons of old pain and terror standing in the way from living in true freedom.

It’s my soul purpose to help women overcome their past life persecution so that they can launch their soul-aligned 6-figure bli$$nesses, and fully live their soul purposes.

Every day I show up for work passionate, fired up, and also somewhat terrified, because I too am healing from lifetimes of persecution. And as all healers know, healing is an ongoing process, with layers of discovery into our subconscious. Yet I have gone from being stuck in fear and hiding, to running a sexy 6-figure bli$$ness that I love, traveling the world, leading retreats, and creating my dream bli$$ness called Aphrodite University, the world’s first Divine Feminine based MBA program for High-Healed Priestesses.

Here are the biggest three ways I see past life witch hunt fears show up in Divine Feminine entrepreneurs:

money mantras#1: Fear of Success

Most of my clients blame themselves, saying that they’re afraid of failure, which is also true. But I would say that the most common reason they’re terrified is that they’re actually afraid to succeed.  They are afraid that if they succeed and step into their power, it will be taken away yet again, and they’ll have to feel their past-live death experiences.

How to handle this:

Comfort yourself, reminding yourself that this is not that lifetime, and although it was tough now, you have come so far in your lifetimes and there is no one who can stop you anymore. You can also know that you chose death in those past lives because we (the Divine Feminine holders of the Light) wanted to show our devotion to the Divine. We learned and very strongly agreed NEVER AGAIN! And so it is. You do not have to fear actual death, thank God.  Your only true thing to fear is that you will let life pass you by, and that you’ll be living a life stuck in fear vs. living fully in service and bliss.

Affirmation: I choose life and I live it fully!

money goddess#2: Fear of Financial Instability

You’re probably not going to die because of a witch hunt. Yet your root chakra is programmed to believe it’s not safe to own your power. Therefore, your psyche creates all kinds of interesting ways to believe that there’s reason to panic. The best way we High-Healed Priestesses can create struggle, pain, and drama is through our finances.  Being stuck financially is one of the best ways to give away your power and live like a martyr. When you’re poor, you’ll often start off your sentences with:

“I can’t do that because I don’t have the resources”

“I can’t afford that right now”

“I don’t have the money to live the life I want”

Money becomes a fantastic excuse for staying underneath an invisible guillotine, where you feel like you might be executed at any moment, so you can’t feel into your power.  You see, the money systems that we use today were mostly created by dominant patriarchal political figures who did not want the power to go to the masses, and who wanted to keep it for themselves. Ironically, the women who want to free humanity from oppression often feel oppressed by these systems the most. We feel the greed, the pain, the control, and we often manifest headachy money situations that block us from fully living in our power.

How to handle this:

You must simply commit to wealth. Wealth and poverty are two sides of the same scale. Where do you choose to resonate? What frequency brings you the most joy? In order to tip the scale, you must choose to love money, and let money to love you. I call this marrying your Ka$h King, and we do rituals around this at Aphrodite University and in my private coaching work. You’d be surprised by how much old ex-husband or father energy gets in the way of allowing women to let money love them, which is why we have to do spiritual divorce rituals and money exorcisms in order to allow room for Holy MatriMoney with your Ka$h King!

Affirmation: I choose to marry my Ka$h King and we live in eternal Holy MatriMoney

dr amanda noelle #3: Feeling Financially Unworthy

When I look at my Soulmate Clients, fans, and followers, I see goddesses who have to realize how divinely worthy they are. In order to succeed in their soul-aligned bli$$nessses, they first have to see their value so that they can provide services of value that people are willing and excited to pay for.

There are two aspects of value that are important to harness as a Divine Feminine entrepreneur: (1) is self-worth, and (2) is the value that you deliver to your customers/clients.  These two aspects form a powerful trinity of power, which I believe created the success in my 6-figure business.

It’s vital that we as a Divine Feminine Entrepreneurs, work on the self-worth pieces, and remember that when we heal, those around us heal. In fact, I would guess that women across the world who are still being burned at the stake feel our increased self-love and mirror that.

Yes, there are still witch hunts happening to this day in  Sub-Saharan Africa, India and Papua New Guinea. Official legislation against witchcraft is still found in Saudi Arabia and Cameroon, according to Wikipedia. We are lucky to be living in a culture where women have granted so much power, and where there are men lovingly holding the space of the Divine Masculine.

How to handle this:

When you wake up in the morning, I ask you to think about the most important thing that drives you: is it fear, or is it love? As a Divine Feminine entrepreneur, you came here to create Heaven on Earth, and it was something that you have always been willing to die for. So don’t let a little financial fear or self-worth programs hold you back from healing yourself and rocking a revolution.


Dr Amanda Noelle

Dr. Amanda Noelle




I used to suffer from such harrowing perfectionism that it nearly killed me; after graduating from my Ivy League type of school, that I ended up running away from life for around ten years. I made 4-figures and could hardly afford to pay for rent, yet alone the yoga classes I wished I could be taking! I called my poverty ‘spiritual growth,’ but on the inside I know it it was the avoidance of facing my worst demon: PERFECTIONISM. During a soul awakening at age 29, I saw my soul purpose, which frightened the $h*t out of me! I lucidly saw myself committing to helping women free themselves from financial scarcity, to resurrect the New Earth Money Codes. My guidance told me that I would need to be strong, and never back down. I couldn’t “afford” to be perfectionist anymore… So I went and found an imperfect job as an esthetician that brought me a stable 50K income that year, and stayed there for 2 years. I was terrified of leaving my steady-paying gig and had no idea how to run my own business, but I knew I had to or my soul would crush me. Still, I held on because I was afraid I’d do business wrong–my perfectionism was still subconsciously holding me back. Until my neck went out and I suddenly couldn’t work at my old job. My worst fear was going to be faced: I would HAVE to face my soul purpose and possibly fail terribly. Yet I had nothing to lose…

I had already been failing massively by not doing anything.

started using money affirmations and prayers to get me started, and tried out what I now call my 4-Hour Aphrodisiac Marketing System…spending 4 hours a day doing marketing in a spiritual way. You do NOT have to be perfectionist to make 6 or 7 figures. In fact, you really cannot afford to be! All you have to do is try. Do your best, and the rest will come. Keep showing up, perform at the best level you know how, and let the rest shush!  Those harrowing voices in your head need to be replaced with affirmations as simple as “I can do it!” “I keep going and I succeed!” or, “I am brilliant and abundant.” Here are 7 steps that you need to create a successful 6 or 7-figure bli$$ness:
  1. Activate your soul purpose from your ‘PU$$Y Power.’ PP is the the intuitive divine feminine creative womb space that can manifest with ease when you’re aligned with your soul purpose
  2. Birth your Sexy Signature System (SSS), a 3-7 step system that you can use as the backbone to everything in your biz, to solidify your presence as an expert, brand yourself, and create a true body of work.
  3. Create Your 7-Figure ORGASMIC Website, one that generates leads, creates conversions (clients/customers who buy), and that up levels your brand and what you can charge.
  4. Do a Soulmate Client Attraction Launch. This is High-Healed Priestesspreneurs wobble: they create a website, bli$$ness, or service, and they don’t launch their biz in a systematic way, which results in no client enrollments/sales! Launching is one of the biggest keys to getting your online biz going.
  5. Seductive Selling. You gotta learn to sell your offer in a juicy way, taking potential clients from the Pain Bank to the Pleasure Bank of the Sales River.
  6. Luxury High-End Branding. Girl, you gotta go from average, woo woo, or even worse, hippie-chick, to high-end and chic! Uplevel your brand so that you can raise your rates sister.
  7. Aphrodisiac Marketing. You gotta get on a 4 hours a day program and kick butt attracting your Soulmate Clients while delivering them TONS of free content that helps them fall in love with you while getting some results. 4-Hour Aphrodisiac Marketing System
I used to suffer from such harrowing perfectionism that it nearly killed me; after graduating from my Ivy League type of school, that I ended up running away from life for around ten years. I made 4-figures and could hardly afford to pay for rent, yet alone the yoga classes I wished I could be taking! I called my poverty ‘spiritual growth,’ but on the inside I know it it was the avoidance of facing my worst demon: PERFECTIONISM. During a soul awakening at age 29, I saw my soul purpose, which frightened the $h*t out of me! I lucidly saw myself committing to helping women free themselves from financial scarcity, to resurrect the New Earth Money Codes. My guidance told me that I would need to be strong, and never back down. I couldn’t “afford” to be perfectionist anymore… So I went and found an imperfect job as an esthetician that brought me a stable 50K income that year, and stayed there for 2 years. I was terrified of leaving my steady-paying gig and had no idea how to run my own business, but I knew I had to or my soul would crush me. Still, I held on because I was afraid I’d do business wrong–my perfectionism was still subconsciously holding me back. Until my neck went out and I suddenly couldn’t work at my old job. My worst fear was going to be faced: I would HAVE to face my soul purpose and possibly fail terribly. Yet I had nothing to lose…

I had already been failing massively by not doing anything.

started using money affirmations and prayers to get me started, and tried out what I now call my 4-Hour Aphrodisiac Marketing System…spending 4 hours a day doing marketing in a spiritual way. You do NOT have to be perfectionist to make 6 or 7 figures. In fact, you really cannot afford to be! All you have to do is try. Do your best, and the rest will come. Keep showing up, perform at the best level you know how, and let the rest shush!  Those harrowing voices in your head need to be replaced with affirmations as simple as “I can do it!” “I keep going and I succeed!” or, “I am brilliant and abundant.” Here are 7 steps that you need to create a successful 6 or 7-figure bli$$ness:
  1. Activate your soul purpose from your ‘PU$$Y Power.’ PP is the the intuitive divine feminine creative womb space that can manifest with ease when you’re aligned with your soul purpose
  2. Birth your Sexy Signature System (SSS), a 3-7 step system that you can use as the backbone to everything in your biz, to solidify your presence as an expert, brand yourself, and create a true body of work.
  3. Create Your 7-Figure ORGASMIC Website, one that generates leads, creates conversions (clients/customers who buy), and that up levels your brand and what you can charge.
  4. Do a Soulmate Client Attraction Launch. This is High-Healed Priestesspreneurs wobble: they create a website, bli$$ness, or service, and they don’t launch their biz in a systematic way, which results in no client enrollments/sales! Launching is one of the biggest keys to getting your online biz going.
  5. Seductive Selling. You gotta learn to sell your offer in a juicy way, taking potential clients from the Pain Bank to the Pleasure Bank of the Sales River.
  6. Luxury High-End Branding. Girl, you gotta go from average, woo woo, or even worse, hippie-chick, to high-end and chic! Uplevel your brand so that you can raise your rates sister.
  7. Aphrodisiac Marketing. You gotta get on a 4 hours a day program and kick butt attracting your Soulmate Clients while delivering them TONS of free content that helps them fall in love with you while getting some results. 4-Hour Aphrodisiac Marketing System
Healing Sexual Shame of the Innocent Inner Child

Healing Sexual Shame of the Innocent Inner Child

I went through my old photo albums today to heal some inner child stuff in regard to sexual shame.

It turns out that I always had PU$$Y Power – but by the time I was a five, I somehow learned to partially shut it down because it’s not safe or okay to have a pussy or be a turned on female.

It’s not safe to be a strong holder of the Feminine because it’s bad, or because you’ll get attacked or raped. Or even worse, because your sacred sexuality will be deemed dirty and wrong.

Somehow in my subconscious, I learned that it would be my fault if the Big Bad Wolf (the dark masculine) wanted to ravish my inner child who was so curious and delighted by her own innocent pleasure, play, and sexuality.

In truth, we are all born out of sex and primal creation energy. The universe is created from sacred sexual energy, and it’s neither good nor bad: it just is.
It isn’t young or old, male or female. Sacrilegious or religious. It just is!
When we embrace our infinite eternal sexuality, and except that it always was and will be okay, then we are free and no longer receive sexual attack energy. Because the sexual attack energy comes in where were we are repressing it; it comes to tell us “wake up” or “I am here!”

Open up. Forgive and accept your sacred sexuality, forgive and accept the attackers as part of your own shadow and love it.

Love everything and everyone who comes towards your sacred chalice or blade (symbols of the sacred feminine and masculine). We exist for one reason and only one, which is to answer the ancient question: “What is creation?” And then from there, everything exists and we got to play… It gets pretty exciting, doesn’t it?!






Healing From Divine Feminine Isolation and Self-Hatred Syndrome

A spiritual woman entrepreneur is only as happy, rich, and successful as how much she loves herself, and how willing she is to receive love and abundance from her beloved friends, clients, and soul family.

Most of us High-Healed Priestesses have been conditioned to hide who we really are, to believe that we are worthless or bad, and to isolate ourselves from other powerful women. Yet we cannot continue living in hiding and shame, for it’s our time to break-free to be successful 6-figure earners who are healing and shifting the planet for good.  You will gain from reading this blog if you experience/feel any of the following:

  • Do you want to attract more female friends and even high-paying female clients into your world and to your BLI$$ness?
  • Have you had a hard time finding and creating healthy relationships with other High-Healed Priestesses like yourself (HHPs)?
  • Do you have an unfulfilled deep desire to reuniting with your Divine Feminine soul family?
  • Have you been hitting up against social isolation, loneliness, depression, female competition, and feeling like you don’t belong (maybe on this planet!) socially?

As a High-Healed Priestess (or spiritual woman), you were programed to believe that there was something wrong with you.  It’s a common belief system that my friend’s ex just underlined here in his verbally abusive email (sending him golden light healing!):

“If you dropped the ‘I am a goddess facade’ and people actually saw the real you I very much doubt that you would have many friends at all…apart from a few other random dysfunctional beings.”

healing depression in womenYuck!!! Ouch…Reading his words hit something in me.  Like I wanted to strangle this guy for talking smack to my friend, but at the same time I knew he was just reading something in her and my sub-consicious mind (after all I would be one of the dysfunctional beings he was talking about!).

He was illuminating a painful piece that has been haunting the Divine Feminine for thousands of years. The High Priestess presence on this earth has been submerged because of this, so we absolutely must look at the wound and start to heal it. Thanks Anthony for your illumination!

And ain’t it funny!? We goddesses can believe deep in our subconscious that we are fake, bad, unlovable, ugly beings!  That we don’t deserve loving relationships and are disgusting, despite the fact that we are love portals and angel-like mortals here to illuminate and love Gaia.

women social isolation



Let’s burn this old false patriarchal belief system that women are somehow filthy, disgusting, and not good enough.  Time to let it go!


For the love of Goddess, can we stop believing this malarkey already!? It has created all kinds of weird and funky symptoms in our psychologies and BLI$$nesses, including:
  1. Eating disorders, binge eating, sugar addiction
  2. Body image issues and sexual shame
  3. Self-hatred
  4. Self-confidence issues
  5. Lack of permission to be self-empowered
  6. Financial self-sabotage, poverty issues, literally “poor self-esteem
  7. Not feeling smart enough (i.e. to run a business)
  8. Feeling hopeless about having deep friendships
  9. Intimacy fears, isolation, thinking people don’t like you
  10. Feeling not good enough with your clients, inability to attract clients
  11. Rejection and abandonment fears with men and women
  12. Perfectionism syndrome, which easily can sabotage your BLI$$ness financially and bliss-wise

I know I have fallen for the oldest trick in the book. It’s fu%ed me over majorly in the past. But I am moving on!

I know I have struggled with this – despite the fact that my heart is so full of love and desire for connection – I have many times found myself alone, isolated, and hurt by myself and others for no apparent reason, over and over.  And I am like “What’s wrong with me? Why don’t people love me!? Why does it seem like everyone has so many friends and I am a freak!?”  It’s not a pretty picture. So un-HHP!
I have worked very hard to heal this BS and thank Goddess it’s healing quickly! I am learning that it’s OK to be a High-Healed Priestess and that we HHPs are needed on the planet. I have attracted very deep female connections and my soulmate clients have come through because I am loving my Feminine. My relationship to men is also improving, and I have so much more to offer men!

New friends, old soul family sisterhood! Or sistarhood!

New friends, old soul family sisterhood! Or sistarhood!

It took me a long time to heal my wounds with women, and it's an everyday process.

We all must heal this wound and FAST so we can be in service and have a great time with our soul sistas.

Let’s erase the code that it’s not OK to be a goddess or god, that you’ll be alone if you come out of your goddess closet. You CAN let your Light shine and speak the truth. It is real Divine energy, and you are Divinely lovable! Let’s heal our inner children who felt rejected and abandoned because we were bright, shiny, happy, and magical, and the world wasn’t yet ready for this. The world needs our love, magic, and sister-bonds NOW!

divine feminine healing
Your love-power heals the planet. Don’t let the illusion of rejection stop you; be the unconditional love you have been waiting for. You will attract your soul family and tribe; it is your birthright.

We can rebuild the Goddess Temple only when we forgive ourselves for being such powerful BIG Goddesses of Love!

Sending you Light and love and asking for you to show up in your Light Power even if you fear that it will blind others or scare them off… Because it won’t! No it won’t!
Loving you….
dr amanda noelle

High Priestess SchoolDr Amanda Noelle


PU$$Y Power Activation: How to Reach 6 & 7-figure BLI$$ as a High Priestess

Hello High-Healed Priestess (modern-day shamanic high priestess, maybe in heels, maybe barefoot!). I know that you’re ready to tap into that unlimited wealth consciousness, the goddess of abundance. I know it is time for the Divine Feminine to rise within every aspect of you – your relationships, your business, your life and bliss. And I am sure that you want your goddess of abundance energies to come (and to cum!) easily like a 6 or 7-figure orgasm, right?

The key to attracting 6 & 7-figure BLI$$ (or anything you want)

pussy power amanda noelle

The key to breaking free to 6-figures or to attracting your Twin Flame ISN’T by using a template, following have-tos, having the perfect hair, or even the perfect product…The Law of Attraction provides some help with manifesting too, but without this key thing, you won’t be able to attract what you want.

Sure, it’s cool if you have an awesome thing going on – a great product, body, brain, whatever thing that the world needs/wants. Yes, you DO have to have something that is genuine, of quality, and that benefits the world by being in service. But that’s NOT enough to take you to reach 6 & 7-figure BLI$$ as a High-Healed Priestess

Nope. It’s something sacred and ancient that is being held in the memory of Gaia. It’s within you. PU$$Y Power, the Divine Feminine sacred essence that resides within the seat of the soul AND body of every woman in her root and sacral chakras, that connects her deeply and ecstatically with Gaia (Mother Earth)and every other Divine Feminine body on this earth. It enables her to connect with other customers/clients who are healing and activating their PU$$Y Power after thousands of years of having it cut off due to a patriarchal paradigm that was part of the collective consciousness’ soul contract. But it’s over now, and the Divine Feminine is rising. It’s time to awaken this sacred ancient diamond that is alive and active in your womb/yoni and rock the PU$$Y Power out of the ball park!

The Isis codes in the PU$$Y Power

isis dollar sign

There are 2 dollar signs in PU$$Y Power.  And this spells Isis. ISIS=Isis=$$. Isis is the Divine Feminine symbol of Ancient Egypt, Sacred Sexuality, and the Divine Mother Goddess is encoded within the double dollar sign $$ = ISIS, as are the two pillars of light representing the two spines of the two Twin Flame Lovers, and the ‘S’ is the kundalini that runs up the spine by activating the PU$$Y Power in the female by her beloved. To learn more about Kundalini from my blog What Is Kundalini Awakening? click HERE.

PU$$Y Power is an untapped market and there is a HUGE need in the marketplace.

goddess of abundanceYour clients are hungry for the activation that you can give them, and you must activate it within yourself. Connecting to Gaia and activating your PU$$Y Power was how I broke free to 6-figure BLI$$ after being in 4-figure agony for all my 20s!

Right now, the Divine Feminine in every woman needs to be healed, and in every man too. When you heal your PU$$Y Power, you become a mentor for other PU$$ies (women, chalice holders) out there. Your clients will be intuitively and magnetically attracted to you because you will have the codex stored within your womb/yoni and woman that can clear and heal her.  It’s all very juicy and exciting!

Check out this video to help you womanifest like crazy!

If you are ready to womanifest Divine Feminine style using the Law of Attraction, watch this video! Grab a pen and paper to take notes. You will learn how to:

  • Receive whatever you want, in money, career, love, etc
  • Stop settling for less! Become a queen of womanifestation
  • Get the Universe working for you, not working against you
  • Clear old ugly limiting patterns that limit your heart’s desires and abundance

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Blessings and namaste,

Dr Amanda Noelle



Dr. Amanda Noelle is the Founder of Aphrodite University, the premier Divine Feminine-based university helping High-Healed Priestesses turn their bliss into 6 & 7-figure BLI$$nesses that heal the world.