spiritual marketingSo you have an online healing business, yet you’re not yet hitting 6-figure BLI$$, or not even close? This hot Aphrodisiac Marketing tip is for you High-Healed Priestesses, life coaches, psychics, intuitives, energy healers, reiki masters, channels, holistic nutrition consultants, empowerment coaches, and tantra teachers, holistic beauty consultants, etc who have a million gifts to share, yet you’re not making the big Love Buck$ yet because:

  • Marketing scares you and puts you into paralysis
  • You get distracted, bored, and lazy when you think about doing business
  • The people out there who market to you make you wanna puke
  • You’re an authentic Lightworker, not a creepy marketer-type, business person
  • You HATE sticking to rigid marketing plans and are more right-brained and creative
  • The term “auto responder” seems more complex to you than learning the Pleiadian language

But at the same time, you know you can’t be an abundant healer without learning some business basics. And you are so sick of being poor, of not sharing your gifts with the world, and with playing small.  This top tip will take one small yet giant step for your High Priestesskind.

Here’s the #1 tool to mark your BLI$$ness online.

free opt-in gift

If you don’t do this, you’re shooting yourself in the foot. Do this, and you’ll have a chance at growing your 6-figure BLI$$ness fast!


It’s to have and grow your e-list. What’s that? An e-list is a list of names with email addresses and comes from the opt-in box on your website or landing page where you offer a free gift or online event, and newsletter to entice people to share their name and email address.

Aren’t email, e-lists/ezine marketing getting outmoded?

Nope! Absolutely not. While social media like Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Pinterest are great ways to ATTRACT your Soulmate Clients, email is the preferred way to actually promote products and services and receive actual dollars from your Soulmate Clients.

You need the e-list to stay in touch with your tribe regularly, like with your weekly or monthly newsletters. Also, when people first opt-in on your website, you’ll want to keep in touch with them with a auto responder (set up by say Mailchimp or 1shoppingcart) in the format of a 14-day drip. That’s where you offer tidbits daily or every few days over 2 weeks, like videos, free reports, meditations, etc. to let potential clients sample your work and build up to your offer. An ideal offer for a new business at the end of the 14-day drip is to promote a free strategy or discover session around 30-minutes long. This is a free consultation where you explore the possibilities of working together to see if they are your Soulmate Client.

how to build your e-list

In a recent study on how people prefer to receive their internet-based communications, they broke it up into personal communication and promotional biz communication. The preferred way that people of all ages preferred to get their permission-based promotional messages was through – surprise – email! The older people are, the more likely people are to prefer email marketing over other types of marketing.

Some stats:

The average is 77% for all ages. Even 66% of teens prefer to receive sales promos by em

Dr Amanda Noelle

ail, and the older you get, the higher the percentages.

So, for those of you saying that e-zines and email lists are going outta style, wake up and smell the green tea loves, e-lists are here to stay, so get your opt-in boxes and tempting auto responders and free gifts popping out to spread the love you have in there!

Dr Amanda Noelle

Dr. Amanda Noelle is the Founder of Aphrodite University and teaches women how to create 6-figure healing BLI$$nesses and magical lives.