Touch Yourself to Touch Your Twin: How to Attract Your Twin Flame Through Orgasm

Touch Yourself to Touch Your Twin: How to Attract Your Twin Flame Through Orgasm

So this isn’t a tip your mother would tell you about, but it works. As a Twin Flame Matchmaker with a proven track record of helping single spiritual women swiftly attract their Twin Flames, I swear by this powerful Twin Flame Attraction tool.

I Touch Myself (when I think about you) was a song I really liked at age ten, before I knew what it meant. What I also didn’t know then is that the vocalist Chrissy Amphlett probably increased her psychic connection with the person she was touching herself about, whether it was her Twin Flame, or just the next lover she wanted to bring in. This post, Touch Yourself to Touch Your Twin: How to Attract Your Twin Flame Through Orgasm, I will share how and why orgasm can align you with your one true beloved.

Oh, and if you haven’t seen it already, I made a video that has gone a little viral, called How To Manifest Your Twin Flame With Orgasm. You can watch it here:

How To Manifest Your Twin Flame With Orgasm

Why Become a Twin Flame Sex Magnet?

The truth is that sexual energy is a very potent, attractive, healing and cleansing energy. Orgasmic energy is magnetic, electric, and only exists in the now.  When we are in the state of orgasm, we are in the present moment because the energy is flowing so quickly, it becomes one with the Higher Dimensions; darkness and stuck energy cannot exist there, so we can easily release the past.

Twin Flame masterbation is a phenomenal tool to bring in liquid light to the 7 chakras, to expedite Twin Flame healing, and to clear the blocks and past traumas. Most people who have met and married their Twin Flame will admit that it’s not been an easy road to arrive at the Twin Flame Union. It takes years of growth, lessons, and healing to align your 7 chakras to self-love (Twin Flame Love is self-love). You must heal your past hurts, pain, and inner child trauma. Then, you get to your Twin as a reward (and there is so much more healing work to come – it’s never-ending work, but hopefully more blissful and with bigger perks).

Thus, orgasms are an ideal time to send out your prayers and intentions.

To call in your Twin Flame, you can tell the Universe that you are ready for him or her through a prayer before, during, and after orgasm.

During our orgasmic state, our wishes, desires, and intentions can be sent to the universe at light speed. We are also more consciously connected to our Soul Family, Twin Flame, and our Oversoul during orgasm. We naturally enter a very open channeled state. Have you ever noticed how spiritually lucid you are after an orgasm?

You can experience orgasms with the soul of your Twin Flame before the Twin Flame Reunion happens in the physical world.

Think about Twin Flame masturbation as chakra target practice, fueling up the fire and desire on the spiritual level, so that you can converge in the physical. It is possible that your Twin Flame could be feeling your orgasmic energies too, so that by the time you meet you’re already experienced with one another!

30 Steps: How to do a Twin Flame Masturtation (Masturbation + Meditation)

  1. Set sacred space (light candles, play music, etc) in your silky sheets or wherever you may be
  2. Never assume you know who your Twin Flame is unless they’re in 100% agreement to committing to you (I meet hundreds of people who think they know who their Twin Flame is but it’s often a Karmic Soulmate coming in from a trauma/past wound or karma). Be open to the mystery in this meditation
  3. You might want to give yourself a gentle full body massage with coconut oil, rose essential oils, sandalwood, frankincense or any other sacred oils that call you
  4. I take a bite of raw chocolate to activate my physical energy centers (Edible Goddess is the highest vibration I can find)
  5. Call in your angels for psychic protection, or use your favorite psychic protection tools
  6. As you begin to touch yourself, start to feel your 7 chakras flowing and flooding with light
  7. Anchor your root chakra to the center of the earth (Mother Earth) with intentions of grounding
  8. Anchor your crown chakra to the cosmos (Father Sky) with intentions of expanding
  9. Bring in a golden thread of light from your cosmic energy to your earth energy, going back and forth, Divine Feminine Earth to Divine Masculine cosmos
  10. Feel your heart “pedals” unfolding, where the earth and sky merge within your body
  11. Envision your sacred sexual centers activating, water and fire coming together
  12. If you are female, contract your yoni and begin to call in your Twin Flame with pulsations and contractions
  13. The job of the feminine is to call in the masculine energy. So if your Twin Flame is the more masculine side of your soul, then call his/her energy in with the energy of the void
  14. Feel the sexiness of your body, mind, and soul. Validate yourself “I am worthy of my Twin Flame”
  15. See or imagine his or her aura coming into the room to meet you, 7 light chakras in the room
  16. As he or she enters your field of light, feel it, study it, savor it. Welcome him or her and see where you connect first
  17. Some Twin Flames connect at the heart first, others may connect at the crown, and others may connect with their 2nd chakras if they are passionate lovers first and foremost. We all have our archetypes!
  18. Adore him or her, and receive the same. Let her or him see you. Drink each other up
  19. Then, this is the fun part. Let your imagination run wild, and experience and play with as many fantasies as you wish!
  20. At some point, call him/her into your g-spot. You will be guided when to do this
  21. Always keep in mind that you are a healer bringing darkness into light, and you’re healing the past into a blissful now. Avoid staying in dark fantasies or engaging with entities

    I highly recommend you don’t judge yourself for anything you see or desire. You may have past lives that need clearing or to be remembered. You may have fantasies that seem strange or unhealthy.

  22. Just hold space from the Higher Self and ask for a clearing of all dark energies or anything that no longer serves
  23. Allow your Twin Flame to support you in healing past wounds, clearing traumas, and releasing the past by envisioning him or her with you as a witness at your side, holding your hand or hugging you
  24. If you were heartbroken, abused, or raped in the past in any way, ask for the loving energy that you need to receive in order to heal. Your Twin Flame is your reflection, so he/she will want this healing for you if you want it for you
  25. During orgasm, allow your Twin Flame’s male seed energy to come into the center of your womb, entering the sacred void space
  26. When hitting the end of your peak orgasmic state, send out a wave or really a grid of light and see it being wrapped around the earth. Ask your Higher Self to find and activate your Twin Flame with this love activation!
  27. Allow for your Divine Feminine energies to receive his/her Divine Masculine energies.
  28. Allow the orgasm to filter into your whole body – don’t hold back no matter how scary it feels. Women, you may have a female ejaculation or not
  29. After orgasm, you may want to take journal, as you want to remember any downloads you may need. You can ask any questions you have, like: “Where will I meet you?” or, “What do I need to do to prepare for you?” or, “What is in the way of our Twin Flame Reunion?”

Wow, I see you cumming right along into the path of your Twin Flame. Enjoy the healing, the play, and know that Twin Flame Love is the eternal medicine we are simply remembering. It’s awakening Divine Love, and resurrecting a Heaven on Earth.

Namaste! Amanda

PS – What’s really a pleasure is supporting women who are smart, successful, and single like you to call in their Twin Flames fast. If you are ready and you want my support, apply for a complimentary Twin Flame Activation Session here (a $697 value!).

How to Get Your Twin Flame Clients to Hire You

How to Get Your Twin Flame Clients to Hire You

Getting your high-paying soulmate clients to sign up for your high-end coaching programs is just like getting your Twin Flame to sign up for the relationship with you. It comes from divine love and using the Law of Attraction, and it starts by being able to attract and recognize your soul family members. Twin Flame energy is reflected in every aspect of your life, not just through your Beloved. The quicker you harness it, the more Twin Flame Activation you’ll receive in all aspects of your life.  Here’s a Twin Flame Hypnosis Meditation to help you attract your Twin Flame and ‘soulmate clients’ so that you can start brining your soul-family members into your energy field:


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I just enrolled another beautiful soulmate client today for my new VIP 9-month program, and my heart is pouring with joy! I think I’m in love <3. I love how attracting and enrolling clients is becoming an easy, pleasurable process. And even asking for the $$ wasn’t bad! In the past, it wasn’t so… I used to get knots in my tummy when I had to give free consultations and make sales calls. Yick! I just wanted it to be easy and not have to worry about money. I thought business meant busy-ness-in-pain! My inner perfectionist led me. I was always totally freaked about whether or not they’d like me, and I was desperate to receive the money because I had never had much. When I was making the sale, I felt like an awkward dork waiting for someone to ask me to prom, trying to hint at things or even asking and getting rejected. Thank God it’s not like that anymore, as I have figured out something I call ‘Seductive Selling!’

seductive selling

Seductive Selling

I have mastered getting my clients ‘turned on’ and begging for more. It’s magnetic instead of involving me chasing down clients energetically. Instead of me leaning towards them and bending over backwards, they are honoring my High Priestessesness. They love investing with me because it’s the best way to pamper themselves and honor the Goddess Within :). Seductive Selling is about getting your clients to know, see, feel, and vibe in your value. You get them juicy and excited about the potential for change that you can bring into their lives. It comes from a place of you being just a few steps ahead of them, of bringing this into your own life first, and by helping them traverse the gap. I also love teaching my own clients how to attract their ‘Soulmate Clients’ by getting clear on their soul-purposes, creating an ‘Aphrodisiac Marketing‘ strategy, tuning into their ‘Erotic Brand Equity’ and turning it into Holy MatriMoney! How? Through ‘Secuctive Selling,’ you get your future client excited by the power of your work and your soul-family connection. It’s almost the same as Twin Flame or soulmate love, or is in a sense a certain form of it.

client seduction

Free client consultations are like speed dating.

During the free consultation, also known as a free strategy session or discovery session, your clients will be in a vibration of Divine Yes, and selling becomes like an easy seduction of someone who is meant to fall in love with you. These sessions are like 30-minutes or so speed dates to see if it’s a soulmate match. The more highly refined your marketing is with your soul-purpose message, the better potential clients you’ll attract to your strategy sessions. It’s all great practice for the Twin Flame, and it’s such a pleasurable way of doing BLI$$ness 🙂

The bottom line:

To harness Twin Flame Love, we have to tune into our soul purposes and learn how to attract our soul family. This takes finding our inner soul light. We must know on a soular and cellular level what our desires are, what our soul-purpose is, and become ecstatic about our lives. You must bubble up with emotion of how you’re going to change people’s lives and impact the world before it happens.

Your desire to spread your own ecstasy will blast your Law of Attraction skills through the roof. This goes for the TF and for your 6-figure BLI$$ness…Lots of love and Light,

Dr Amanda Noelle




Dr. Amanda Noelle, the Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps align women with their Twin Flame, their soul purpose, and their 6-figure BLI$$ so that they can heal the world and be in service to the Goddess.

How to Get Your Twin Flame Clients to Hire You

How to Attract an Attractive Soulmate: Flaming HOT Twin Flame Attraction

Mild, medium, or HOT? Sometimes salsa just isn’t salsa without the spice–just like your soulmate isn’t attractive without the hot physical package!  We are human and have a taste for beautiful things.  We have evolved from looks oriented creatures: birds, then goats, then gorillas. These animals appreciate beauty and so do we.

twin flame loversLike ducks who choose the pretty mallard feathers, or the she-goats who select the winning mountain goat for his large horns, or the lucky gorilla gal who gets the coveted silverback, we humans can go gaga for good looking guys or gals. In this post, I will talk about how to bag a babe that you actually find attractive–on both physical and spiritual levels! Have I attracted your attention yet?

Attractiveness doesn’t have to be generic

Despite the fact that the soul doesn’t care about physical form, our humanness does. It needs physical beauty and attraction (however you define that) for a healthy soulmate/Twin Flame relationship. Without the spice and attraction, you got yourself a best friend and nothing more.  Nothing wrong with a best friend, but don’t kid yourself.

how do i find my twin flameYou are probably saying, “Amanda, isn’t it superficial to say that attractive people are better than less attractive people on a soul level?” And I’m saying No, it’s not. Because attractiveness is spiritual.  And its not the Hollywood kinda pretty or hot I am talking about, as attractiveness does not have to be generic. True beauty is all in the eye of the beholder. In fact, true attractiveness is simply a spiritual vibration based on high levels of sacred geometry.

The beholder interprets the geometry however he or she “likes” beauty.  True spiritual beauty emanates from our physical form and it resonates with the beloved onlooker–on an eyes, ears, nose, and especially an energetic level. This is the alchemy of seeing your Twin Flame’s true beauty–beauty can only be seen by those who understand the secrets of sacred beauty.

Alchemical attractiveness lesson one: Beauty is unique.

Everyone’s attractiveness taste buds are unique, just as everyone looks unique. So there’s someone for you – there’s someone for everyone!  A perfect mach on all the levels, beauty included.  Throw it out NOW, the old paradigm of everyone wants Brad Pitt. That’s so boring!  Stop trying to look act and be the same as the same old boring plastic model. Be you beautiful one. And stop lusting after generic plastic beauty that lacks substance.

Remember those those generically hot guys or bombshell gals that everyone wanted to date or be in high school (and sometimes they manage to stay ladies men or it girls for many years)? Where are they now?  Most likely they either abused or ran away from or hopefully came to terms with the superficiality of their so-called physical perfection that got them in the door (or nether-region).  A lot of the Hollywood hot people are actually suffocated or suffering with their beauty because no one can see the real them.

twin flameYes beautiful: true beauty is on a much deeper level.  We are all here by Divine Design; we are created by our creator with a perfect divine plan.  We are gifted with the perfect package.  We are all incredibly attractive to our Twin Flame, and vice versa.  We are even granted a certain number of soulmates who find us stunning and make us feel our own attractiveness.  Sometimes it can be annoying when you’re not attracted back to these people (a soulmate whose lesson/gift is to uplift your beauty confidence)! When I was in Italy I got a ton of cat calls and suitors who complimented me to the point where I stopped doing my own beauty affirmations because being told that I was hot all day long by these stallioni burned the message into my subconscious. Ironically, though their compliments helped me get into “I’m hot” instead of “I’m not” thinking, I only ended up being attracted to three men during my 3-year love affair with Italy. More ironically was that none of these men hit on me until later in our dating. Still, I will always be grateful for coming of age in Italy and hope that more American and Anglo men can learn the art of flattery and compliments from their Latin counterparts.

Ultimately, it’s about having both mutual physical attraction and mutual soul attraction for the right soulmate. Guess where it starts? It starts within…

Use the Law of Attraction!

twin flame theoryThe Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like.” Therefore, if you want to attract someone that you find attractive, you must first find yourself attractive. Hopefully you like what you see in the mirror!  It’s no easy feat in this culture, where we limit the ideas of beauty.  Especially for women, right!? I myself suffered from Barbie complex (and I still catch myself in moments sometimes) where I thought unless I looked like the perfect skinny toned perky Californian blondie, I couldn’t be loved or beautiful.  It sucks when you live in fear of cellulite, water retention, wrinkles, pimples, and all the other stuff that comes with being woman/human! That’s not pretty. True beauty is confidence. Self-acceptance. Joy. Trust. Good posture.  Open-heartedness. A smile is beautiful.  In a nutshell, when you are radiant, glowing yourself, your own true Divine frequency out to the Universe, that is beautiful. Then you are a real bite of bait for the right soulmate.

Fall in love with yourself

That’s it. That’s what it takes–become a narcissist!  Kidding. That’s so not the right word…Self-adoring, that’s a better fit! You don’t have to be self-absorbed in a selfish or narcissistic way to love yourself.  True self-love is the kind where you are so in love with yourself that you see God/Goddess in yourself.  Then, you see that God/Goddess and you are one. You feel the oneness of your soul with all souls, with divinity.  You look in the mirror and see love and light that comes from your being a child of God/Goddess. And that you are not separate from God/Goddess.  This becomes very exciting! Then you realize that all beings are little fractions of God, or more like microcosms of the macrocosm through which you can explore Oneness.

There are many potential soulmates out there for you to test out

Some are zany, insane, sexy, scary, goofy, interesting, boring, annoying, beautiful, and highly unattractive reflections of God/Goddess.  Your job: to love everything and everyone in an unconditionally loving and twin flame attraction compassionate way while discerning what is best for you as a human.  It is not wrong to be attracted to certain types and not others.  It is not wrong if you grew up around a certain type of person and feel comfortable marrying only that type of person.  Never date (in the long term, one date is OK!) or marry someone you’re not attracted to.  I do suggest trying to date outside of your race, class, spirituality, social group etc., so that you can understand Oneness through diversity.  You will learn a lot as you seek out your Twin Flame.  Moreover, it is possible that your Twin Flame is not a part of your inner circle/race etc. Many Twin Flames have reported to be living in different parts of the globe yet attract each other through divine guidance (plus online connecting or crossing during travels). They seem to often know that despite the differences of culture/race etc., there is an instant feeling Twin Flame recognition that is quite strong.

Your soul knows what you need, and your human self will be guided and follow the path perfectly to the perfect mate.  It’s OK to kiss a few frogs on the journey too, but do keep in mind that you must be happy, blissful, satisfied!  It all starts with gratitude for where you’re at, which is what I discussed in my article Harnessing Gratitude to Harness  your Twin Flame!

Fall in love with the mirror to attract an attractive partner

Self-Love & Beauty Mirror Ritual:

Twin Flame Love

Look in the mirror and repeat the following prayer/affirmation:

“I am beautiful. I love the soul that I see appearing in the mirror. The soul in the mirror loves me back. She (or he) is me.  I love the home–the temple body of my soul.  My body, skin, face, hair and every nuance of me is perfect.  By Divine Design, I am pure and perfect love. I love myself. I am attractive. I am sexy. I am beauty. I am joy coming into human incarnation.  My lashes are luscious. My skin is soft. Every corner, curve, wrinkle and nerve of me is placed perfectly so that I can attract the right person/people into my life.  My body serves me for my highest purpose and I love her.  My body is pretty sexy! My curves are gorgeous.  My imperfections are totally perfect. I love the things I complain about, and I complain about them less and less.  I love me, for all of me! Thank God/dess for the body I have, and the soul mates with which I share my body are damn lucky!”



Twin Flame Angel Channeling by the Twin Flame Matchmaker

Twin Flame Angel Channeling by the Twin Flame Matchmaker

It was somewhere around 8am and I was deep in sleep….

My angels were having a chat with me, as they often do when I am in head-to-the-pillow-bliss and not ready to awaken to the ‘real world.’ I used to be afraid of encountering angels, but now I love being bothered by them! It’s such a luxury ‘problem.’ Before my Twin Flame Dark Night of the Soul, I rarely got to communicate with these beloved beings.

I’d shut them out because it was beyond what I was willing to accept, mentally or otherwise… but since I have gone through a soul awakening over the past few years, and passed through darkness through to the Light/other side, I have been able to open my awareness to angelic consciousness. Channeling angelic frequencies happens seemingly naturally now, and I want everyone to be able to do this.

I highly recommend a Power Pet during sleep. Having my chi-beagle Hazel, my shamanic spirit guide dog by my side when I sleep, I feel much safer to surrender during sleep.  I highly recommend the power of animal healing guides when working with angelic consciousness.

Perhaps when we are no longer afraid of the angelic consciousness, and have learned that ‘they’ are simply a part of us, representing our highest awareness, we can integrate them into one strain of consciousness.

Here’s what my Twin Flame angels began to tell me…

In order to help more souls, you (Amanda) must teach others how to use the powers of the Divine Feminine to clear out pockets of darkness.  Using the Divine Feminine will transmute the gray densities into light, into bliss, into fuel to spark a further rising of the Divine Feminine consciousness.

Archangel Haniel will be the angel to assist in the great portal opening of the Divine Feminine

For they say that it is Haniel who carries the Light of Aphrodite, the Divine Feminine, Innana, Ashtarte, Lakshmi, Venus, her many names. The sensual High Priestess, goddess of love. This hot pink ray of light will melt and transmute all grief, depression, anxiety, and stuck energies. The stagnancies that have been upon your planet for thousands of years will rise to the surface just life sea foam.

The angels suggest that there will be many who fear this Divine Feminine Awakening

They say: there are those who run away from the many faces and facets of the Divine Feminine. But the fact is, they are running away from themselves, from the parts of themselves that resonate within the Feminine Frequencies. For the dark fears the light and the light fears the dark, it is all just a game of polarity. The Angels want you to know that you are not lost in these times of transition in the Golden Era, you are loved.

Most of all, the angels teach that we are love itself, here to rediscover itself through human form! Did you know that you are love, love that was once forgotten, and it re-membered itself through the re-membering over and over again through various incarnations, in-memberations into your thick-skinned membrane? Yesss! You are indeed covered in a membrane of human form, but within you are soul, a soul of pure love and Divine memory.  Informatics of Divine form.  The Feminine form. and the Masculine form.  Holy, pure, real, re-membered entire universes reside within you. It is time for you to wake up, and realize that each of you are aboard on Her Royal Vessel, the Divine Feminine ship of Gaia floating on her orbit in space. Be carried upon her, ride swiftly upon Her salty waters, and rise up like the sea foam, as has done our Beloved Aphrodite.

Connect with the sea, and you will see, the sweet and salty memories of Her, and of your true origin reside within…

Remember, the word memory comes from Ancient Hebrew. Mem Ohr – memory: where Mem meant “water” and Ohr “light/spirit.” The 432 hz sound is carried in harmonized water. Salt, wave like motions, and the 432 hz tuning fork heals the water,  and this crystalized water can heal your body and align you with Twin Flame Love.

Memory is simply a way of explaining that information is stored within the 70-percent surface of Gaia.  We dear ones are made of water, are of the ocean, so truly the memories lie within.  Thanks for joining me Twin Flame Lover, I’ll see you soon.


Dr Amanda Noelle



Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker, swiftly soulmates High-Priestesses with their Twin Flames and Starchildren.


Twin Flame Power Couple Signs

Twin Flame Power Couple Signs

Times are a-changing! In the past, we saw higher levels of world politics, education, wealth, and health industries being dominated by men. Now, the planet is about to get dominated by…

Twin Flame Power Couples!

Since the 1960s, planetary shifts gave way to a rise of feminism and feminine power. We’ve seen high numbers of women on top. But the problem is, many women on top have sacrificed their true Divine Feminine nature in order to step into the spotlight. And, they’re walking alone without a true balance of Divine Love feeding their hearts.

It’s critical to heal the planet with a balance of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies.

twin flame power couple

So hold onto your hats – we’re in for an exciting new paradigm ride! Post 2012 Shift, we are witnessing the rise of Twin Flame Power Couples stepping into leadership.

We are experiencing the rise of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine and their harmony through union.

We are seeing these love leaders who come together through Divine Union as Twin Flame Power Couples.

But what exactly classifies a Twin Flame Power Couple? In this blog, I will identify the 11 signs of a Twin Flame Power Couple. There are many more than 11, but 11 is a Twin Flame number, so we’ll start there. While each Twin Flame Union is unique, there are certain themes I see over and over again.

Here are the 11 Signs of a Twin Flame Power Couple:

  1. You are not defined by your ego or led by greed, control, or seeing power
  2. You are here to heal the planet and serve with the Light
  3. You two are on a soul purpose mission together
  4. Your Twin Flame Union is a container for intimacy, yet it also holds your soul purpose
  5. You want to birth a Twin Flame Legacy – either biological children, or something to impact the greater good of the planet
  6. You are motivated by bliss and love, not punishment or fear
  7. You are ready to accelerate your spiritual growth, at light speed
  8. You are committed to non-violent communication and ahimsa – treating others through Oneness and non-violence
  9. You are both committed to self-evolution in order to evolve your relationship, the planet, and Oneness
  10. You are connected on a Higher Self level, not just through your daily life
  11. You are willing to die for the cause – your passions and love are that strong

As a Twin Flame Matchmaker, I have witnessed hundreds of my clients attract their Divine Partner at light speed.

I myself moved in with my Twin Flame within a week!  We fell in love at first sight and felt an instant sense of Twin Flame soul recognition.

You can watch the video about our reunion here:

Twin Flame Recognition: How Do You Tell If Someone Is Your Twin Flame or Not?

The Divine Feminine has risen and it’s an exciting time on the planet for women and for planetary healers in general. The rise of the Divine Masculine is catching up with us ladies, and conscious men are on the rise!

Things are happening quickly. Men are reassessing their old roles and are becoming more conscious in their hearts, and are asking their partners and wives to join them in the power seat. This is true for Bill and Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. This is the first time in history where a single couple have both run for president, which is groundbreaking in Twin Flame history!

Men and women are making new waves and are stepping into conscious relationships, Twin Flame Unions, and spiritually-based relationships.

This is a very exciting time for love. Venus energies (the Goddess of Love and the planet of love) is merging with our Earth Consciousness. Our hearts are merging with the lower chakras.

Twin Flame Power Couples operate from the higher, more spiritual chakras, rather than just the lower three chakras (the root chakra, the sacral chakra, and the solar chakra) relating to survival, sex, and power.

Twin Flame Power Couples are  aligning their sexual energies via the Twin Flame Kundalini pathways that link through the 11 Twin Flame Chakras. They come together through all seven chakras of the body, the Gaian Chakra, and the three Transpersonal Chakras. These couples are most linked at the heart.

The Twin Flame Union has been relatively rare in its physical form on the planet until recently, humans are still “getting the hang” of Twin Flame Love.

Twin Flame Love is an ancient, timeless, sacred, and raw energy to return to the mainstream systems. Indeed it is needed, and it is time.


Dr Amanda Noelle

Dr. Amanda Noelle is the Twin Flame Matchmaker helping women attract their Twin Flames at light speed.

Using Gratitude and Affirmations to Attract Your Twin Flame

Using Gratitude and Affirmations to Attract Your Twin Flame

7 Twin Flame & Self-Love Affirmations (free download!)

Twin Flame Affirmations Are Powerful.

Are you a smart, conscious single woman who wants to attract her sacred life partner, but you also struggle with the following?:

  • You fear you won’t be able to find and keep the relationship of your dreams
  • You are dating the wrong people, and get so frustrated that you sometimes don’t date at all…You want to give up!
  • You’ve been badly heartbroken, and it’s been hard trying to get back on the ol’ dating horse
  • Even though you’re super spiritually connected, you somehow forget that angels have your back in your dating life and relationships
  • You keep freaking out because you feel like you’re getting too old have your own biological Starchildren, or like life will be over before you know it and you’ll have died without experiencing your Great Love

Thanks for stopping by, Twin Flame Lover!

Hi. I’m Dr. Amanda Noelle, the  Twin Flame Matchmaker. I am sharing these Twin Flame attraction affirmations and guidelines with you today to help call in your Beloved with gratitude, grace, and ease.

Let’s transform your fears into love so that you can attract your Twin Flame and flush out what doesn’t serve.

The vibration of fear slows down the Law of Attraction‘s ability to work for you; it tells the Universe that you’re not ready yet.

Fear blocks us from receiving the divine love that we desire. Take action–you deserve it!

Twin Flame Affirmations Are Powerful.

When it comes to attracting your ultimate soulmate, Twin Flame affirmations can be a major game-changer! Self-love affirmations can also be used to clear out negative family and childhood imprints, stagnation energy, low self-esteem blocks that can be holding you back in your psyche, your aura, even in your cells, water, and DNA.

In order to vibrate at Twin Flame Love, clear out these old karmas and toxins using the following affirmations with gratitude.

Your Twin Flame Affirmations Gift Pack includes the following:

  • 11 Self-Love Affirmations, and my #1 Twin Flame Gratitude Affirmation to amplify your results.
  •  7 Twin Flame Affirmations
  • TF Affirmations Print Out (Suggestion: place it on your mirror)
  • My #1 Twin Flame Gratitude Affirmation

Let it Go, Let the Fear Dissolve, and Let God/Goddess

One of the biggest aids to overcome fear is working with Divine Love. With Divine Love, we can attract and become anything we want (as long as it’s in the Highest Good).

The following affirmations will support you in awakening Divine Love within so you can call in:

  • Your Twin Flame
  • Your Soulmate Clients
  • Abundance/money
  • A soulmate of any sort (friend, employee, housekeeper)
  • Any opportunity you desire

My Twin Flame “prescription” today is to go through theseTwin Flame affirmations using gratitude while feeling into Divine Love.

Staying in an Attitude of Gratitude Always Wins!

Gratitude can start small. Something as small as a smile, feeling the sunlight on your skin, or feeling connected to a pet counts.

Start feeling grateful for something–anything. Love it, accept it, be grateful for it.

Only then can the goodies seem to miraculously fall from the sky.

If there’s one thing missing in your Twin Flame Law of Attraction steps, it’s likely either that you have a Twin Flame Love Block to clear, or that you’re missing the ingredient of gratitude.

You are human; we’re designed to want more than we have, and it’s so easy to get frustrated and forget to be in the present. The present moment is the “mirror” of where your consciousness is currently.

Start seeing that where you’re at is perfect, so you can infuse it with love. It is only in the present moment that we can manifest.

Gratitude Opens You Up to a Vibration of Receiving.

To be in a vibration of gratitude, all you have to do is get into the feeling. Like opening your arms to the Universe and saying “I am open to receiving!” (one of my favorite affirmations!).

You can simply focus on things you’re grateful for, the blessings in your life. Even the imperfect blessings, like your home that is too small, your body that has asymmetry, your children that cause you strife, or your singledom that causes you loneliness at times. You can also be grateful for things you’re manifesting in the future and get excited about them. The subconscious knows no difference between past/present/future. Be grateful for them all.

To get to the Twin Flame vibration, you gotta be grateful for the love that you already have.

You are great. Get grateful for that!

You my single sista’ are worth a million bucks…more, infinite bucks. You are a priceless gift from God/Goddess and it’s not even funny.

gratitude jarGratitude Writing Exercise

Create a sacred space. Write down all the things you’re grateful for now.

This exercise can include things from your past, like “I’m grateful I graduated with honors,” things from your present, like “I am grateful that I have a lovely group of friends,” and things from the future, such as “I am grateful for my Twin Flame relationship that’s coming in.”

Put future manifestations and affirmations in present tense to tell your subconscious that they are happening now, as future tense “I am grateful for my future relationship” perpetually keeps it in the future, which is no good if you actually want that Twin Flame relationship or X thing!

You may want to write these on separate pieces of paper and place them in a gratitude jar. You can pull an affirmation from the jar each day and place it on your desk/mirror to further activate you.

Twin Flame Affirmation Time.

When it comes to attracting your Twin Flame, these affirmations are a very powerful tool.

Self-love affirmations clear out family and childhood blueprints and low self-esteem blocks that can be stuck in your subconscious, in your aura, even in your cells, water and DNA. In order to vibrate at Twin Flame Love, you have to heal and clear out these old toxins. Affirmations are a power tool to do so.

My #1 Twin Flame Gratitude Affirmation:

“I am my love and my love is me. I am grateful for my own love and for the love surrounding me. I am grateful for all the love in my life, down to every last human, every last animal, plant, mineral, and spinning molecule in the Cosmos. I affirm my love and gratitude for God/Goddess, for myself, for all beings, and of my Twin Flame relationship.”

7 Twin Flame Attraction Affirmations:

  1. I AM loved my my Twin Flame
  2. I AM my Twin Flame 
  3. My Twin Flame Reunion happens now
  4. I allow my Twin Flame Union to align naturally with ease and grace
  5. I unblock and cancel all old Twin Flame karmas
  6. I clear all karma with my Twin Flame Counterfeit and any Karmic Soulmates now
  7. I allow my Angels and guides to support me in calling in and aligning my Twin Flame Union

11 Self-Love Affirmations

  1. I AM the Beloved
  2. I AM loved
  3. I love and accept myself fully and completely
  4. I AM divinely lovable!
  5. I AM divinely perfect
  6. My body is my temple, and she is divine
  7. God/dess loves me
  8. I AM a child of God/dess
  9. I AM a child of the Divine Mother
  10. I AM a child of the Divine Father
  11. I am the perfect blend of Twin Flame Love of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine


Repeat your affirmations daily, as much as possible!

Morning and night are great times to journal in bed, affirmations to paper. Daytime I like to do affirmations while I run, dance, and move my body.

To your high-self esteem, high-end, high-income, High-Healed Priestess happiness! In joy, love, and gratitude.

Dr Amanda Noelle



Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps smart spiritual women call in their Beloved at light speed the pleasurable way.

Four Hot Tips to Boost the Law of Attraction to Attract Your Soulmate

Four Hot Tips to Boost the Law of Attraction to Attract Your Soulmate

Applying Twin Flame Law of Attraction to attract your Twin Flame or soulmate is great, but you can’t do it using Twin Flame affirmations, visualization and energy work alone. Mr. or Ms. Right won’t show up up on your doorstep unless you put in a little effort in the ‘real world’ too. Here are four sizzling hot tips to help you meet your Twin Flame fast by playing big, bold, and fearlessly in your Twin Flame dating world!

Tip Number One: Just get the F$%k out There!twin flame coach

I know you might not want to face it, but you’ve gotta start taking action and get moving, shaking, and dating if you haven’t been lately. The molecules should be dancing and spinning at an ‘I am dating and ready!’ frequency in order for  your Twin Flame to arrive in your world. We High-Healed Priestesses can often get lazy when it comes to dating because we get stuck in the spiritual world and often hide there. We make vision boards, write our Twin Flame affirmations, and never get around to actually dating…

Who cares if you’re pretty, popular, or perfect? You deserve love now because you are a Divine creation of the Creator!

Take bold little steps every day. For instance, when you’re in line at the grocery store and like someone, casually chat with him/her. Or even ask him out! Flirt with people by asking them where they got their clothes. Men often like really dumb questions, so don’t get hung up on the words. A simple smile often will do to get things started.

One of my favorite pick up lines that really works is saying this word with a smile: “Hi!”

twin flame reincarnationMy friend Rhea needed to snag her crush before he walked out of the door on the night we did her Twin Flame activation ritual (we were in a pub and it seemed as if her crush was going to leave soon). I told her to run up to him fast and talk to him, and suggested she ask him something random. So she asked him if he was from Texas. He said No, he was from Sweden! Flattered by her bravery, it was love at first sight, they moved in together within a few weeks, and it made one of my favorite Twin Flame success stories success stories!

What do you have to lose? Be bold and playful. Ask him/her to ask you out. Joke and use physical touch to get his attention, even just a little pat on the back or graze of your hand on his. Men love being lightly showered with touch and attention, as do women!

Approach your fears online if it calls you

Ain’t no shame in going cyber-lovin’! Go Twin Flame online dating if you haven’t tried it lately and you feel open to it. A lot of women resist online dating, but a whopping one third of U.S. married couples met online!  This third may not be you just because you decide to hit up the internet for a few dates. If you totally don’t resonate with online dating, just go onto one of the websites and “shop” for men as an exercise, women always get a giggle from this at least, and it puts us in a dating energy. You may browse OK Cupid and not even have to go on an actual date there to meet your soulmate, but the cyber dating energy can be good. It’ll help you get out there, out of your head, possibly out of your house, and back in the dating pool again if it’s been a while.  I’ve heard of some women signing up on spiritual dating sites and then randomly meeting their spiritual partner offline a few days later because they put the energy out there!

Resistance to Success: Online Dating Success Storytwin flame love

My client Jenna hadn’t been on a date in over 6 years. Though she was an amazing goddess–smart, bright, successful, beautiful, and loved to travel, she’d hit a bad heartbreak and then a rut. Before that, she’d dated a slew of bad boyz who didn’t honor the amazingness that she is. She was so super resistant to going online dating, but I told her to get over it and just try it out. So, we worked together on getting her on *a date* to get her back into “dating shape.” So she posted her profile on, and within a week she’d dated two really great guys!  Her skin glowed, her confidence started coming back, and she felt sexy again. Guess what happened? Within only a few short weeks, she met handsome Seth, her awesome soulmate/Twin Flame partner and they lived pretty darn happily ever after, and have two gorgeous Starchildren.

Moral of the story: get online asap, even using Facebook as your safe playground. Especially if you haven’t tried online dating, or if you have been dateless for more than a year. Try out a new site if you have been glued to the same one and haven’t been getting results. Start taking action, it’ll get the energy moving.

Various clients and friends of mine who have been through a dating dry spell will initially get online as a tool to get the juices flowing. Then, with boosted confidence, they’ll randomly meet a guy at the coffee shop, or notice someone at work and end up dating offline, thinking “Why haven’t I met him before!?” Boys attract more boys through the Law of Male Competition.  Everyone wants a queen bee. Moral of the story: online dating breeds more dating! Get out there and try it out.

how do i find my soulmate

Bottom line: be bold and do things you don’t normally do.

You don’t have to go online, it’s just an option. What’s more important is to just get out there and spread your love! So also do things just for you that knock your socks off, that are outside of the box. Take a salsa class, or cooking lesson, or hit up a comedy club with a new friend. Try a vegetarian meetup or start your own one. Get out of your boring daily/weekly rhythm to bring in fresh romance energy. Maybe even get far far away… Take a Twin Flame pilgrimage to that country you’ve always wanted to see! It doesn’t hurt to travel to meet your Twin Flame. Dress a little sexier if you’re normally in sweats… Do something that gets you out of the house even on a chilly day. Girl, just take your pick, make your move, and dive into bliss!

It’s also important to nourish yourself within and take time for yourself of course, and here’s a bath I recommend for Twin Flame Love: Twin Flame Love Spell Bath Recipe.

Tip Two: Don’t Worry About Getting Rejectedtwin flame reunion

Although it goes against our natural instincts, getting rejected is the best medicine to attract your Twin Flame.  It means that you’re able to love yourself most of all when it appears that God (or in this case, some man or human specimen) doesn’t love and adore you back.

Who cares if he doesn’t like you back?! Go find someone who will! In truth, you are God’s lovechild, and there’s no reason not to be loved… However, you do have to realize the somewhat harsh fact that you simply won’t be loved in that soulmate way by all beings because that’s just how it works – and it would be really complicated. Would you want three million karmic soulmates knocking on your door? I think not!  It’s funny how obsessed we become about not being rejected, when truly the main goal should be to get accepted by our one true perfect match.

Finally, I work with many women who have suffered from body image/self-esteem issues, like I have myself. We beat ourselves up for not being perfect and convince ourselves that we have to change in order to get an attractive guy to love us. Don’t fall for it! It was all a misinterpretation from a shampoo ad campaign you watched in the 80s. Real men want real women; humans like honest and real organic beauty more than sliced and diced makeup perfection. Despite what the cosmetic sales people or plastic surgeons may tell you (it’s probably for their children’s college tuition, so don’t take it personally).

Just a little beauty accenting and color highlights for fun and play is OK. Don’t go overboard. Allow your own true beauty to shine through to attract your Twin Flame with your authentic self. If he rejects you because you have a zit or some larger pores or a cellulite butt like I have, move on; that’s not true love! Your Twin Flame will love all of you and find you absolutely sexy.

Tip Three: Activate Your PU$$Y Power

What!? What’s PU$$Y Power? Click here to get a fuller definition. PU$$Y Power is the Divine Feminine fertile almost feline-like energy that can attract anything to through an ancient magic secrets. It is based in your womb and yoni (vagina) area, and it’s also known as the Holy Grail, Sangraal, and is the essence of Divine Feminine creation. To activate your PU$$Y Power, you have to connect with the Divine Feminine aspect of your root chakra and sacral chakra. You have to fall in love with your sacred sexuality, your body, and love your yoni (pussy!).  Watching this video will help activate your precious PU$$Y:


Tip Four: Be yourselftwin flame love

As tempting as it is to play the “perfect girl” to win love by someone who thinks you’re the cat’s PJs and best actress in town, pretending to be someone you’re not is going to get old real fast. Real fast.

Start the date/relationship by just being yourself. This will pay off BIG! Let your true colors fly. It doesn’t mean that you cannot impress your potential mate, or even shine a bit from the start, but do so with authenticity.  Show some imperfections. While wearing the perfect outfit on the first date can be fun, are you able to dress it down after dinner with some walking shoes and a windbreaker to go on that beach hike?  I hope so, because no one wants to be his Royal Prince Charming’s b*tch.  No darling, you are a queen and queen bees get to set their own rules!

It’s so darn simple: it’s super important to find your soulmate from a place of passion and taking inspired action.  It’s all about playing BIG in the outer game, while nurturing your inner game too.

Go go go, girl, you go this one. Here’s to your implementation of these three hot tips to help you meet your divine match by playing a big outer game. Go have a great week and treat yourself with great care while getting out there in a BIG way!  Thanks for reading, see you on the flip side, and please post your comments below and share with your social groups.

In Love,

Dr Amanda Noelle


twin flame love
Dr. Amanda Noelle is a Twin Flame Matchmaker to stellar spiritual women who feel called to birthing big life-purposes and possibly a Starchild or two.