Twin Souls Orgasms

Twin Souls Orgasms

Twin flames can and often do experience transformational events as during the sexual union, the body and soul are involved making love and desire greatly amplified.

Since twin flames are a mirror of your ownself, both have the same energies. Once they engage in sexual acts, they exhange everything: thoughts, feelings, intentions, love, energy, knowledge, and memories. Once you and your twin flame is ONE, there will be no privacy, you’ll be an open book to your twin.

Every time one of the twins has an orgasm or ejaculates, the other feels its effects within himself or herself. This is something that gets stronger the further they get into their relationship and the more spiritual the person gets.

Get to understand more what are the types of orgasms you can explore and what does it do.

10 Different Types of Orgasms

Keep in mind that there are as many types (infinite types!) of orgasms–as many as there are stars in the sky. 

The Yoniverse is abundant and each orgasm you’ll ever have will hold its own unique signature. However, we’ve compiled a list of the most common ones we hear about and have experienced for your orgasmic inspiration! 

Female Ejaculation

  • Aka squirting, however, technically “real” female ejaculation is the release of a thick and whitish fluid from the female prostate, while “squirting” or “gushing,” is the release of clear fluid from the urinary bladder. Confusingly, but a lot of people use the terms interchangeably so here it can refer to either unless otherwise noted.


  • A clitoral orgasm has a definitive build, a clear climax with pelvic contractions, and then a feeling of descent. It’s similar to a penile orgasm due to the 8,000 nerve endings that congregate there.
  • The biggest mistake of a clitoral orgasm is going straight for it… Have your partner (or you if it’s DIY) play with your breasts, your body, your hair, your labia, and everywhere and don’t just dive into dessert first every time! The problem is that it can be tempting to only focus on the clit, especially if other types of orgasms are more difficult to access.


  • According to a study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. Achieving vaginal orgasm usually requires a woman to have longer penetration sessions without cumming, according to a study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. If you want to last longer, you can try switching sex positions often i.e. vaginal, clit, breast, etc.
  • Keep in mind that about 75% of all women never reach orgasm from intercourse alone — that is without the extra help of sex toys, hands or tongue. And 10 to 15 percent never climax under any circumstances. Though I’m a believer that almost anyone can shift this if she wants.


  • Sexual stimulation of the G-spot leads to swelling of a dense blood vessel network in the urethra area and is connected with the clitoral nerves. That’s why clitoral stimulation will warm up the G-spot too. Female ejaculation or squirting often happens while while stimulating the G-spot


  • This kind of female orgasm comes from the stimulation of a small area of sensitive erectile tissue located in a small area between the urethra and the vagina. That’s just above and on either side of the urethral opening. This spot can be stimulated by a toy, finger, tongue, or the tip of the penis in the same way you treat the clitoris.


  • Breast stimulation and massage can give you a natural lift and implant by up to %25 the pleasurable way! The nipples connect to nerves in the female genitals and many women feel a direct connection with their clitoris when their nipples are stimulated. While not all women can have breast-only Os some can.

Full body orgasm

  • During a full body or essentially other type of orgasm, our brains are also flooded with oxytocin, aka the “bonding hormone,” a chemical that makes you feel connected to your lover and with the Universe. Most women would agree that to have a full body orgasm, we need to feel connected to ourselves, our lover, and to the Creator to then go even deeper.


  • The cervix is the deep center of the vagina. A cervical orgasm is more along the lines of a “full-body orgasm,” or an expanded orgasm. The build is less linear as in the clitoral O. While there is an increase of pleasure, where you feel it spread all over your body and then explode into waves you feel from your head to your toes.


  • According to researchers, observing brain chemistry associated with female arousal supports the fact that we can come without being touched at all. This involves a combination of fantasy and breathing to reach orgasm without touch, while others prefer to use pelvic floor exercises and more imaginative romantic scenarios.


  • Aka astral sex. What we can experience when we’re tapped into our Higher Self, which is what Twin Flame Love is all about. This is where the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine merge into one world. It’s a space of cosmic conception where in a sense your womb and entire body becomes a vessel for the Sacred union of the beloved with God/one love.


Every time the twin souls orgasm and think of each other, the closer to each other they become. The arousal of one is felt in the other. Through passion and sexual arousal the twins call each other. It is like beams of light traveling through the ether to the other person. The more spiritual the twins become, the more they will be able to perceive of each other. They will be able to see each other’s very souls. Twin flame sexual energy never dies, and it grows stronger with time.

Want to grow your business in bliss? Then join the Lunar Priestess Collective, a complimentary monthly gathering for smart, spiritual female entrepreneurs.

Every month we gather to set intentions for the moon cycle, meditate to “download” our visions and soul-guided action steps, and share them with a soul-sister to witness our growth.

Join us live each month, totally free, to build your biz in BLISS!

How To Plan Your Business Launch Based On New And Full Moon Cycles

How To Plan Your Business Launch Based On New And Full Moon Cycles

Want to grow your business in bliss? Then join the Lunar Priestess Collective, a complimentary monthly gathering for smart, spiritual female entrepreneurs.

Every month we gather to set intentions for the moon cycle, meditate to “download” our visions and soul-guided action steps, and share them with a soul-sister to witness our growth.

Join us live each month, totally free, to build your biz in BLISS! 

Want to grow your spiritual business with more flow and ease? Then do as the ancients did–select key business dates (i.e. launch dates, webinars, live events, courses, retreats etc) that align with the cycles of the moon. 

In this post, we’ll teach you how to plan out your business launch calendar for optimal success, according to the moon cycles. 

Why Is the Moon Powerful?

Lunar energy creates more flow and ease, which means your business can go from striving to thriving

Each month (which comes from the word moon by the way) has its unique flow, its own astrology, and its own business benefits. You can either go with the “flow” or swim “against” the tides.

Speaking of tides, fishermen have always known that during the full moon and new moon, they’ll have the biggest catch. This is called ‘moon-phase fishing’ due to the moon’s effect on the tides and aquatic life, allowing the fish to see better and to feed nocturnally. 

This is the same for spiritual entrepreneurs who are soulfully “fishing” for success, whether it be for likes, views, clients, prospects, or new leads.

To create an abundant and profitable business, every smart spiritual entrepreneur will want to utilize the power of the moon’s cycles. 

What Is the Lunar Cycle?

A full lunar cycle happens for 29.5 days and as the moon happens in 8 phases, 4 are “yin” and 4 are “yang.” 

Yin phases or “active” moons are connected with the feminine energy which are great for “feeling into things” so you can reflect and restore; while Yang phases or “receptive” moons are connected with masculine energy which is good for taking action and getting things done.

Moon Phases for Business


New Moon (New Beginnings) “Yang”

  • Keep manifestations in your mind or write them in a journal or using a new moon manifestation worksheet (click here to download our free Moonifestation Playsheet PDF). Plant your seeds then manifest everything you want by prayer and taking action. Write them out first, then visualize, and say it out loud just to let the universe know what you want. 
  • Join together in ceremony in the presence of other powerful lightworkers to download your visions and increase your manifestation powers on the new noon. We offer a FREE new moon ritual for women entrepreneurs at Aphrodite University, the premier Divine Feminine University and mystery school for Twin Flames. Women who attend the new moon ritual experience powerful shits that align their month ahead in business and beyond. 
  • Be flexible with your soul-guided action steps; you’re testing the waters. Dream big, have goals and visions for your business. Allow in surprises!
  • Answer these 2 questions each month: What would you like to achieve this month? What aspects of yourself are you hoping to develop this month?
  • Keywords like beginning, birth, emergence, projection, clarity are correlated to the new moon. As this new cycle emerges from your vision, inner or outer will be seeded into a new perspective.

Crescent Moon (Set Intentions) “Yin”

  • Create intentions for your manifestations. Manifest everything you want to happen, use the power of the mind. Gather all positive energies, all the people that can help you succeed and let the moon do the work. Plan for the best, while being prepared for the worst outcome so there will be no surprises. Stay open and surrender.
  • Answer these 2 questions: What need does your goal fulfill? How can you guarantee the survival of your vision?
  • Keywords such as expansion, growth, struggle, opportunity can be used with this moon cycle as growth and stability is knocking on your door.

First Quarter Moon (Take Action) “Yang”

  • Start your project and add actions to it. Make an action plan and align your vibrations with everything, expect that it will bring your manifestations quicker. Focus on having progress on any projects you’re working on, picking up the pace sound in the knowledge of what you’re building and working towards. It is essential to make forward strides, really catch onto the abundant growing power of the moon and the momentum that’s underway.
  • Questions to ask yourself are: What can you do to initiate the actualization of your vision for this cycle?  What insecurities are inhibiting you? 
  • Words like action, expression, growth, breaking away can be used as a correlation in this cycle.

Gibbous Moon (Trust & Evaluating) “Yin”

  • Trust the process and manifest abundance. Reevaluate and change direction if it is not working for you. Changes are inevitable so be ready for it. Filter and analyze the information that you have obtained as a result of your previous actions. The confidence of inner vision awakens and releases the power of creativity. 
  • Questions to ask yourself: How can your vision be refined and improved? What details have you overlooked?
  • Keywords like analyze, prepare and trust are the correlated words for this moon cycle as it is time to review your intentions for it to succeed.

Full Moon (Harvesting) “Yang”

  • This is a time to harvest. Plan social activities, make sales in your business or plan the final stage of your launch during the full moon. Your creative intuition will be strong now, so utilize it. Acknowledge all the active energy and maximize its full potential. The function of this phase is to begin the process of reshaping the goals in accordance with the awareness of the true meaning of the original vision.
  • Keywords that go hand in hand with this cycle are: fulfillment, illumination, realization, experience.

Disseminating Moon (Receiving Gratitude) “Yin”

  • Reflect on what you can do to succeed more. Focus on what is blocking you like fear, doubt or anything that makes you not focus on your goal. Free content and have live videos on your social networks. Connecting with your audiences can highly benefit you and your company. Allow yourself to teach what you’ve learned. The power of what is felt to be significant is a propelling force for its distribution.
  • Questions to ask yourself: How do your goals contribute to the welfare of the collective? Has your idealism turned into self-righteousness?
  • Keywords you can use for this cycle are demonstration, distribution, sharing and introspection.

Third Quarter Moon (Releasing & Giving back) “Yang”

  • Release and let go. All the disappointments, resentments, hurt and anger – let it go. Forgive, release and move forward. Clean your life and your soul, change into a positive mind. During this phase you become aware of what is and is not working with respect to the achievement of your goal for the cycle. Action is essential; either take a correcting action or make the final push needed to realize a successful outcome.
  • Realignment, revision, integration, cleansing are the keywords to be used with this cycle.

Balsamic Moon (Surrendering & Connection) “Yin”

  • As this is the last phase of the moon, you’ll feel empty and just want to surrender, get some rest, recuperate and that’s what you need to do. Be kind, gentle to yourself and just breathe. Trust the process.Liberation from the past must be attained in order to begin anew with consciousness and clarity. The function of this phase is to clear out the old patterns in preparation for a new cycle.
  • Questions to ask yourself: What do I need to release? What do I choose to take with me into the next cycle?
  • Keywords for this cycle are transition, release, transformation, renewal, purity. 

How to align your goals according to the moon phases

  • Have a Lunar Calendar – It is advisable to have a physical copy as it makes it more accessible to you.
  • Know what are the moon effects – before journaling, track the feeling you have each phase. Include everything – your energy, sleep patterns, eating habits, how you’re feeling e.g. motivated, lazy, happy, disappointed, etc.
  • Goals and the moon – after a month of reflection and analysis, you’ll have an idea of how impactful the moon is to you. Setting your goals per phase is the next step.
  • Make changes as necessary – there are million other things that affect us every day so don’t panic when things don’t go as planned. Find patterns, make small changes to avoid repetition, and just absorb those changes.

Even if there are 8 moon phases, focus on the 4 main phases.

  • New Moon
  • First Quarter
  • Full Moon
  • Last Quarter

15 Benefits of Yoni Yoga and Using Yoni Eggs | For Smart Conscious Women

15 Benefits of Yoni Yoga and Using Yoni Eggs | For Smart Conscious Women

As I write this, I am doing something that really helps to tone and tighten my twat.

I share this technique in my latest video, 3 Yoni Yoga & Meditation Tips For Smart Women | Twat Toning Tutorial! HERE. 

Yoni exercise, aka “yoni yoga,” not only increases blood circulation, it stimulates nerve regeneration, increases sensitivity, and produce yoni juice… Yoni yoga also helps tone your pelvic floor muscles to increase energy flow to the area.

Doing yoni yoga has changed my life: my capability to achieve orgasm alone and with my partner; it has given me more conficence. I feel healthier. And I am certain that my toned twat helped me manifest my Beloved using sex magic (and I am currently working on a course that teaches my “Manifest With Orgasm Method.”

I am a believer that every woman should perform yoni yoga regularly–at least 3 times per week. Especially if you are a woman who wants to become a happy and healthy sex goddess…

Yet the exercises should NOT feel boring, a nuisance, or a pressure. That’s why in this video, I share the tips to make doing your yoni exercises easy and fun!

3 Yoni Yoga & Meditation Tips For Smart Women | Twat Toning Tutorial!

Here are the Top 15 benefits of doing yoni yoga:

  1. Stronger vaginal muscles.
  2. Bigger and better orgasms. Oh yeah!
  3. Multiple orgasms.
  4. Increased libido…(am I tempting you yet?)
  5. Increase your ability to experience female ejaculation.
  6. Have an easier childbirth and recover more quickly afterward.
  7. Increased vaginal sensitivity.
  8. Stops urinary incontinence.
  9. Increased metaphysical abilities, your yoni becomes like a powerful gemstone or crystalline “Sacred Chalice.”
  10. A juicier pussy, as increased circulation produces lubrication.
  11. Reduces pelvic organ prolapse.
  12. Increased ability to Manifest With Orgasm, for the qi or shakti, your life-force energy is available to you to channel into your manifestation process, and all aspects of life
  13. Recovery after childbirth.
  14. Reduced menstrual cramps.
  15. Increased ability to isolate certain areas of your yoni (i.e. you can bring your energy up to the right upper hand of your vagina while squeezing).

Yoni eggs can also be used to perform a yoni massage through this method taught by the School of Squirt. 

What is your yoni yoga practice or favorite tip? Share in the comments below.

XO, Dr. Amanda

PS: If you haven’t already, make sure you watch the “3 Yoni Yoga & Meditation Tips” video now to start awakening your yoni to the next level of Sacred Love.

What Is Feminine Energy?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...

Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.



In this article, I will reveal the 6 secrets to discovering and recovering your Pussy Power so you can:

  • Manifest with more Divine Feminine ease
  • Be more creative
  • Awaken your pleasure and have more orgasms
  • Fall in love with your feminine energy
  • Call in (or create) a partnership that pleasures your body, mind, and soul

But first, What is Pussy Power? 

Pussy Power is the essence of the Divine Feminine, the creative life force that lives within each woman. Pussy Power, which I often spell “PU$$Y Power” includes not only your vagina and also the:

  • vulva
  • labia (inner and outer lips)
  • cervix
  • fallopian tubes
  • ovaries
  • womb
  • the procreative matrix, what I call the “Pussy Portal” or 7th Gate

But Pussy Power goes way beyond the physical dimensions… It exists simultaneously within ALL dimensions, some of which are free from time and space.

The ancients called Pussy Power the Cosmic Womb of Creation. There were many fertility goddesses who represented Pussy Power, such as Aphrodite, Brigid, Ceres, Corn Mother, Demeter, Freya, Gaia, Juno, Lakshmi, and Venus. The ancients called upon them when they wanted to manifest abundance, conceive or birth children, find a life partner, or become more beautiful.

Ultimately, Pussy Power is the essence of your feminine passion, purpose, and your pleasure. You can learn more about it in my article “What Is Pussy Power? PU$$Y Power and Origins of the Word Pussy here.

So, let’s get to the good stuff! Here are the 6 secrets to discovering and recovering your Pussy Power!

1) Pussy affirmations – Pu$$yFirmations

Affirmations are powerful. They aid in reducing stress, becoming more successful, healing our bodies, and in manifestation work.

Did you know that new research from Carnegie Mellon University showed that self-affirmation can protect us against stress during problem-solving tasks?

The study showed that stating a short affirmation was so effective in eliminating harmful effects of chronic stress. So much that chronically stressed participants who did their affirmations performed better under pressure at the same level as participants with low chronic stress levels!

Speak or write down your affirmations, or pussyfirmations as I call them for your pussy – stating things that will remind you of the glory or desires for your PU$$Y Power.

Here are my top 3 pussyfirmations today:

“My pussy is powerful and attracts whatever she needs and repels whatever she doesn’t”

“I have a perfect pussy!”

“My pussy attracts (FILL IN THE BLANK of whatever you want to Manifest with Orgasm!)”

2) Rose quartz insemination

rose quartz yoniSo we all know that crystals are powerful healing agents.  The science behind crystals is fascinating, and you can research more about this on your own. The molecular structure of silica in crystals brings forth a symmetrical “sacred geometrical” chain lattice.  It basically creates and even flow of energy that is healing and balancing. It’s like a reboot to your system.  Rose quartz is a great example – it balances the loving frequencies in a very feminine way, and if you are sensitive and open, you can feel it.  It’s known as the heart-chakra stone, and it’s energy is very healing.  Place this master healing stone inside your vagayjay. Yeah, in your vag. Seriously girls, it’s an ancient secret that you won’t find in your Cosmopolitan magazine, but it’s been passed down through the lineage of the High Healed Priestesses and I pass it to you. Insert the smooth rose-quartz stone (obviously no sharp edges in your honeypot!) after you have cleansed, charged and blessed the stone.

3) Look at your beautiful vagina!

how to look at your pussy in the mirrorWe are all healing from generations of fear of PU$$Y Power.  God forbid your mother or grandmother or X female relative or friend was raped. Unfortunately, many of us are healing from energetic or actual sexual abuse and shame.  So we often fear the beauty of what lies between our legs, because there are too many traumas and old wounds to look.

But do it woman! Get that mirror, get spread-eagle, and stare her in the eye.  She is beautiful!  See her soul, her radiance, and say “I love you, it’s nice to see you again, I honor your power.” And advanced level PU$$Y Powerettes: ask your pussy to respond, and you can even have a conversation with the “soul of your pussy.”  The question would be, do you have an ass-soul?  Hmmm, I don’t know if I’d wanna meet him in a dark alley!  Lol 🙂

4) Look at other pussies!

PU$$Y PowerWhat?!  How do I look at other pussies?  It’s easy. There’s a little creepy fella I met the other day called Google.  Just put the words “pink pussy” into Google, and hit enter. Then hit images for Google Images. You’ll see all kinds of pussies of all shapes and sizes.  You can put other key words next to pussies to get an ethnic mix of pussies.  Any type of pussy you can imagine is on the web…

Wow, to you porn stars, thank you for sharing your innermost flower and PU$$Y Power with us!  

I would say that many porn stars are here to heal sexual shame, and to heal out those lower chakras by expressing their PU$$Y Power openly.

When you see their images, send them love and light and wish them healing as they heal your sexual shyness and shame.  I know that staring at women’s naked bodies on the internet has been very healing for me, as I had a lot of PU$$Y Power shame and it wasn’t pretty. It was only when I could see the variety of other women’s bodies, that I could see how perfect and pretty my pussy was, and it makes it a hell of a lot more fun with my Beloved in bed.

5) Hit up her up with a 432 hz tuning forktuning fork water

There is a little tool called a 432 hz tuning fork that is very cleansing of the water in your body, and water holds onto memory and trauma. To heal out sexual fear, shame, abuse, and stuckness in the lower chakras, banging a 432 hz tuning fork and placing it spread-eagle next to your lovely leg-connector (your crotch area), you can heal out tremendous amounts of fear, grief, anger, etc., and this is important work since you have a big mission and job to do on this planet!  No more stuck blocked lower chakras ladies, you are too precious for that.  Unblock ’em, get moving, and be brave and bold with that PU$$Y Power!

6) Pleasure. Pleasure pleasure pleasure!

Get it girl, pleasure yourself.  You can use your hands, a dildo, someone else’s hands or other body parts, even a penis will do… Kidding! Penises are sacred and that was a bad joke.  Penises connected to a quality loving man will of course more than do!  Thank you men for your magic love-wand-appendages.

My point was, you gotta bring bliss and love and passion into your pussy to activate your PU$$Y Power. A stale and stuck yoni (female part in Sanskrit) holds no water, no nourishment, and this ain’t good!  Get grounded into your Pussy Power through pleasure.

I hope you enjoyed 6 secrets to discovering and recovering your Pussy Power… Which of the 6 did you like most, and which one will you play with today?

XO, Dr. Amanda Noelle

What Is Feminine Energy?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...

Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.

3 Tips to Become a Sexy Sex Goddess to Call in Your Twin Flame

3 Tips to Become a Sexy Sex Goddess to Call in Your Twin Flame

This video is about tapping into the three most critical Divine Feminine secrets to attract your Beloved.

No more waiting…Magnetize your most desirable partner by becoming just that within YOU!

The video is for you if you’re seeking your Twin Flame and you are:

  • Struggling to feel sexy in your body
  • Apathetic towards sex or meeting a lover
  • Feel embarrassed to get naked or even be seen in tight clothes
  • Want to turn on your beloved and keep his/her attention!

Not to fear goddess!

Watch the video I posted this week called 3 Tips to Become a Sexy Sex Goddess to Call in Your Twin Flame here:

3 Tips to Become a Badass Sexy Sex Goddess Without Giving a Sh*t!

Hi, I’m Dr. Amanda Noelle and this is the Twin Flame Matchmaker series! On Fridays I post a new video every week on Divine Feminine Sacred Sexuality tips. Then I may post a new experience, insight, or vlog so make sure you subscribe to catch the next one here.

Join me at the “Bring In Your Beloved Now” a FREE Twin Flame training (limited time remaining!). Register here.

What Is Feminine Energy?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...

Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.

How to Do a Sacred Vaginal Steam Shamanic Style

How to Do a Sacred Vaginal Steam Shamanic Style

Today I was guided to give myself my very first V steam!

As a High-Healed Priestess who has helped hundreds of women step into their womb wisdom and womb wealth, I’ve had my eye on the yoni steam trend for the last year or so, as I felt it would be a valuable tool for myself and my clients.

My pussy and I have been on a long journey together…

We have gone through numerous STIs, including one mystery infection that would not disappear for over five years. After trying many prescription drugs and holistic remedies, I gave up on the creams and concoctions, and healed it using my shamanic high priestess trainings in my sleep state!

I will have to teach you how to do that later…

So, I of all people believe in our ability to heal our vaginas with not only natural remedies, but directly through Source-based healing. V steaming is a great option for this.

You can get some fresh vagina tips and shamanic v-steam ceremony inspirations by watching the video here:

Sacred Vaginal Steam Ceremony: Shamanic Herbal Yoni Steaming

As a High-Healed Priestess who has helped hundress of women step into their womb wisdom and womb wealth, I’ve had my eye on the yoni steam trend for the last year or so, as I felt it would be a valuable tool for myself and my clients.

My pussy and I have been on a long journey together…

We have gone through numerous STIs, including one mystery infection that would not disappear for over five years. After trying many prescription drugs and holistic remedies, I gave up on the creams and concoctions, and healed it using my shamanic high priestess trainings in my sleep state!

I will have to teach you how to do that later…

So, I of all people believe in our ability to heal our vaginas with not only natural remedies, but directly through Source-based healing. V steaming is a great option for this.

Did you know that vaginal steams are good for:

  • Increasing blood flow and circulation in the area, which improves clitoral and G spot orgasms?
  • Releasing toxins from the womb?
  • Improving menstrual cycle regularity?
  • Possibly reducing cramps, bloating, and heavy or scanty periods?
  • Improving your odor so you can proudly be the hors d’oeurvres he/she adores?

Yoni steaming is an ancient practice that has been used across the world to heal gynecological and spiritual issues among women. The trend is not only New Age, but is as old as hot springs and herbs, and a wise shaman woman channeling her visions.

Unfortunately, these healing treatments hare largely been lost, as colonists have destroyed the indigenous traditions and records, and replaced them with  “modern technologies,” which often have harmful side effects and do not address the spiritual cause of the ailment, which was my case.

In the video I share how to do a yoni steam. I hope it will help you get in touch with your vag,  and clear out any old energies you have stuff there from this lifetime or even your grandmothers’  stuff, or Nikki energy from past lives.

It ain’t easy being a woman, unless you make it easy. It’s time to sit on the throne, and received a sacred steam on your beautiful pussy. Learn how here!

Inside the video, you’ll get:

  • Step-by-step guidance to do your own yoni steam.
  • Advice on how to set the sacred space for your steam.
  • 3 guidelines to help you set intentions and make it a soothing ritual.
  • A loose-rules approach to selecting your yoni steam recipes.
  • A taste of what it can look like and what to expect during a metaphysical womb space clearing.

I’m feeling a subtle yet noticeable difference after my V steam, and I am feeling drawn to do when weekly, especially during the new moon and full moon.

Ritual is always incredibly powerful for me, and is also often healing for my clients. I believe that each woman is capable of healing herself, and that our bodies are more intelligent and capable than we know.

I feel that vaginal steaming is a very powerful tool that is a trend that will last and yield real results. What I love most about  V steams  so far is the feeling of feminine celebration and pampering. It’s something that we do all two little as busy moms, business owners, lovers, teachers, and healers.

Isn’t it time you celebrated being a woman? You don’t have to have an ailment or issue to participate in a vaginal steam.  Steaming is easy and yummy, and doesn’t have to be a big headache that takes lots of prep and precision.  it takes intention and being in the feeling state of the Divine Feminine.

What are you ready to release or nurture in your Sacred V Steam Ceremony? Post in the comments below have your ceremony went, and anything you enjoyed about the video or this blog! It would love to hear from you.

What Is Feminine Energy?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...

Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.