by Dr Amanda Noelle | Jul 25, 2015 | Financial Fertility, Holy MatriMoney, Law of Attraction |
I ask spiritual women how much money they’d like to be making one year from now, and they so often respond “I want to make 50K a year.”
I don’t blame them for asking for so little; I was there too once. I used to make just 5,000 bucks a year when I was in grad school, and I was in grad school for a long time! I was afraid that I didn’t deserve money, or even that money was the root of all evil. Ultimately, I just didn’t get how to blend money and my bliss, and I am a bliss girl. If life isn’t fun and easy, I don’t want to participate.
Remember, you are worthy of being remunerated in abundance. You are worthy. Period.
As a Divine Feminine entrepreneur you should be charging upwards of $200/hour–and that’s minimum wage. And why not ask for more?
How do I charge $5000-$50k to help people, you ask?
There are a million ways to do this, but it’s a combination of strategy plus a high-dose of falling in love with money.
But in’t money bad, evil, inherently wrong?
Look, I get that you are a spiritual woman, and that you have a big purpose. So you’re wondering how you could charge upwards of $5,000 to a client to do what you love. It may seem ridiculous at first, especially when you’re used to working so hard for money. Money for many means misery. But it doesn’t have to be that way. I prefer the Divine Feminine blissful way of merging with money’s Masculine attributes. Follow me…
Doesn’t it make more sense to work for yourself, instead of working for ‘the man,’ where you’re not making an impact on the planet? Doesn’t it make sense to quit your day job and start a path of entrepreneurship, if you can make 6-figures working 3 days a week? Why aren’t more people joining us here?
So many humans are brain-washed to believe life has to be hard and painful. I was one of them.
Honestly, there is no correlation between how much you can earn and hard you have to work. With the internet, the Law of Attraction, and outsourcing, you can make as much as you want in as little time as you want (eventually). There are tools and tactics you use, plus the limiting beliefs you gotta shed…but if you choose it, it is yours to claim.
Are you just running away by playing small and not charging your full value?
It can be uncomfortable to step into your biggest power. It can be terrifying to ask what you deserve, especially if you are a woman who watched many women around you (even your mother) not stand up for what she’s worth. Maybe you’ve dated men who milk you for your energy and who don’t value you. Maybe you don’t value yourself. So you cannot imagine charging more than $60/hour for your time.
Why not value yourself like you are a goddess, and align your divine gifts with what consumers need, and serve them?
Sure, I look forward to a time when we can give so generously that we do not need money systems.
I would love to buy a plane ticket based on divine love, or get medical care for free like I’m at Burning Man. I’d like it if we didn’t have to worry about money at all. But we are not there yet ladies.
It is not time to give up on the money systems yet, it’s time to embrace them and step into your power as the goddess you are. It’s time to activate the money systems with your Divine Feminine energy.
Despite appearances, you are divinely limitless. You’re infinitely abundant–and YES this does translate into the physical world if you learn to ground your wealth properly. Most spiritual women give up before they hit the ground; they assume that money has to be a source of pain or otherwise it’s wrong.
Money can bring up the deepest pain and shame–even the deep trauma of a rape from a grandmother who stayed in that marriage because she had to because of money limits at that time.
Women label themselves as being wrong or bad if they like money (but who really likes poverty or taking vows of poverty!?). Money can be a ticket to freedom if you use it lovingly.
But like anything without alignment with your soul, it can be darkness or poison. So I urge you to have a loving and sacred marriage with money. I call it Holy MatriMoney.
Are you carrying ‘money demons’ that tell you that your money is wrong? Darling, you must clear these hairy demons out so that you can live and work without fear, lack, or limitation. It is your divine truth after all my abundant sister!
We will not stay stuck in this limitation paradigm forever, but we do have to break free from it and not live in hiding within it. Please stop hiding behind false limitations. Don’t stay stuck at that small shallow corporate job pretending it’s OK and waiting for some day.
Some day your prince will come if you quit that painful path and claim the path of pleasure. Connect with your Ka$h King, your ultimate pleasure form of money.
What if money were the most pure divine expression of exchange between two beings–people or organizations? What if you were to relish in the exchange of money, in large amounts, between you and others–like water cycling between the sky and the earth, evaporating and raining and cycling back again?
What if currency exchange was ecstatic, fun, and even erotic?
And what if you were to discover that money were simply a currency of divine abundance–an electrical energy flow, honoring each other in divine value?
You are the Divine Gold. You are the Golden Child, a reflection of the Great One. Your money is a golden reflection of you and your divine worth. Even if you have none, you are infinitely loved.
Yet expressing your abundance with others can be an act of divine devotion if you allow it. In God We Trust, says our USD. And why have we forgotten to trust our own abundance?
It’s time to reclaim your abundance, your own unique currency and emit your own frequency through the USD, Euro, Peso, Bit Coin, etc! Namaste
Please enjoy this goddess abundance video to activate your money codes:
by Dr Amanda Noelle | Nov 16, 2014 | Financial Fertility, Holy MatriMoney, Law of Attraction, Pussy Power in Business, Twin Flame Priestess Lifestyle, Uncategorized |
Dancing is an ancient sacred ritual all humans have done through the ages to heal, celebrate, purify, and co-create. One of the little known things about dance is that it can be a secret Law of Attraction weapon, particularly in the area of attracting financial abundance, or ‘AbunDance.’ In this blog, I will teach you how to hula/hoolah in the moolah so that you can live in 6-figure BLI$$ and beyond.
In shamanism and metaphysics, everything is energy. Dance has a powerful capacity to move invisible energy through the chakras, auric fields, and across the planet, to bring out healing and awakened consciousness. The energy grids can get stuck in fear, and dance transmutes blocks through with waves, bouncing, and shimmying, and bliss itself. Every time I feel stuck and go dance, it’s like an instant mood makeover, and you get a better body too!
Many of us High-Healed Priestesses are energetically stuck in the past with our spiritual relationship with money.
- Some of us make money at day jobs without our hearts in it.
- Others of us have become life coaches or spiritual teachers in ways that are more masculine and don’t fully let in our Divine Feminine spiritual gifts.
- A large amount of us healers are stuck in a poverty or peasantry vibration, which is just sad to see!
We High-Healed Priestesses – high priestess healers (perhaps in high heels) are meant to go high-end in life: in business, finances, friendship, home, and with Twin Flame Love. At Aphrodite University, I help hippie chick healers, lightworkers, women with powerful healing gifts, and woo woo women to create high-end 6 and 7 figure businesses that heal the world. Here is one of the tips that I share with my Aphrodite University students (SeaStars) to help them quickly call in the big bucks through the Law of Attraction.
So let’s get connected with the Divine Golden vibration, rebuild the Goddess Temples, and create our modern day Atlantis. It’s really easy to do, we’ve just got to dance it in!
Speaking from personal experience, I went from making $5,000/year in 2009 to making $15,000 in a month in 2013 because I allowed my AbunDance to flow into my body, mind, spirit, and piggy bank. Oink!
AbunDance Secret #1: Connect with your PU$$Y Power on the dance floor.
PU$$Y Power is the Divine Feminine life force sitting between your legs that births all abundance and life, and it can birth your purse power as well. It activates our spiritual flow on earth, through our sacred sexuality so that the energy moves the the beat of our own divine creation. To learn more about PU$$Y Power, click here. Dancing, and many conscious body movement exercises, activates PU$$Y Power by getting your bliss down in your body and into your root chakra. Dancing also can open up kundalini, the snake like energies that ride up and down the spine, like the pattern of the dollar sign.
AbunDance Secret #2: Join a dance community
Dancing in community is one of the things that has saved my life, allowed me to heal, and gotten me to where I am at in my bli$$ness. I prefer dancing in a tribe where people gather old school and dance barefoot, with no rules or regs. There are many Ecstatic Dance venues around the country where you get to dance in a container of conscious people who love to dance, and it’s super blissful!
At Ecstatic Dance, there is usually limited or no talking, no shoes, and a free flow. I do a psychic grounding warmup, meditate for a bit connecting to my PU$$Y Power, and find the dance slowly moving through my body at first, and at its own pace it melts me open and turns into a DanceGasm! A full body orgasmic dance experience where I feel both completely embodied, and also out of my body in bliss. I get lots of psychic visions, downloads, and my aura becomes squeaky clean at the end.
AbunDance Secret #3: Listen to EDM
I love listening to EDM, electronic dance music, to galactivate my energy fields. I walk, run, dance, and chillax to EDM on a daily basis, and it feels like home to this starseed!
Here is a great list of the top 25 EDM producers, you really can’t go wrong. I like listening to Pandora (I am an addict) though some prefer Spotify. I choose Pandora because it feels like a friend who knows me, and there are so many great artists that I have discovered through the random love of Pandy. Mmmmm!
So get those dance pants on, or take it all off, dance around the house, on the dance floor, try a new class, and definitely try out Ecstatic Dance. It will change your life! Post your comments about why you love dance below. And hula for moolah!
by Dr Amanda Noelle | Jan 16, 2014 | Uncategorized |
Hello High-Healed Priestess (modern-day shamanic high priestess, maybe in heels, maybe barefoot!). I know that you’re ready to tap into that unlimited wealth consciousness, the goddess of abundance. I know it is time for the Divine Feminine to rise within every aspect of you – your relationships, your business, your life and bliss. And I am sure that you want your goddess of abundance energies to come (and to cum!) easily like a 6 or 7-figure orgasm, right?
The key to attracting 6 & 7-figure BLI$$ (or anything you want)
The key to breaking free to 6-figures or to attracting your Twin Flame ISN’T by using a template, following have-tos, having the perfect hair, or even the perfect product…The Law of Attraction provides some help with manifesting too, but without this key thing, you won’t be able to attract what you want.
Sure, it’s cool if you have an awesome thing going on – a great product, body, brain, whatever thing that the world needs/wants. Yes, you DO have to have something that is genuine, of quality, and that benefits the world by being in service. But that’s NOT enough to take you to reach 6 & 7-figure BLI$$ as a High-Healed Priestess…
Nope. It’s something sacred and ancient that is being held in the memory of Gaia. It’s within you. PU$$Y Power, the Divine Feminine sacred essence that resides within the seat of the soul AND body of every woman in her root and sacral chakras, that connects her deeply and ecstatically with Gaia (Mother Earth)and every other Divine Feminine body on this earth. It enables her to connect with other customers/clients who are healing and activating their PU$$Y Power after thousands of years of having it cut off due to a patriarchal paradigm that was part of the collective consciousness’ soul contract. But it’s over now, and the Divine Feminine is rising. It’s time to awaken this sacred ancient diamond that is alive and active in your womb/yoni and rock the PU$$Y Power out of the ball park!
The Isis codes in the PU$$Y Power
There are 2 dollar signs in PU$$Y Power. And this spells Isis. ISIS=Isis=$$. Isis is the Divine Feminine symbol of Ancient Egypt, Sacred Sexuality, and the Divine Mother Goddess is encoded within the double dollar sign $$ = ISIS, as are the two pillars of light representing the two spines of the two Twin Flame Lovers, and the ‘S’ is the kundalini that runs up the spine by activating the PU$$Y Power in the female by her beloved. To learn more about Kundalini from my blog What Is Kundalini Awakening? click HERE.
PU$$Y Power is an untapped market and there is a HUGE need in the marketplace.
Your clients are hungry for the activation that you can give them, and you must activate it within yourself. Connecting to Gaia and activating your PU$$Y Power was how I broke free to 6-figure BLI$$ after being in 4-figure agony for all my 20s!
Right now, the Divine Feminine in every woman needs to be healed, and in every man too. When you heal your PU$$Y Power, you become a mentor for other PU$$ies (women, chalice holders) out there. Your clients will be intuitively and magnetically attracted to you because you will have the codex stored within your womb/yoni and woman that can clear and heal her. It’s all very juicy and exciting!
Check out this video to help you womanifest like crazy!
If you are ready to womanifest Divine Feminine style using the Law of Attraction, watch this video! Grab a pen and paper to take notes. You will learn how to:
- Receive whatever you want, in money, career, love, etc
- Stop settling for less! Become a queen of womanifestation
- Get the Universe working for you, not working against you
- Clear old ugly limiting patterns that limit your heart’s desires and abundance
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Blessings and namaste,
Dr. Amanda Noelle is the Founder of Aphrodite University, the premier Divine Feminine-based university helping High-Healed Priestesses turn their bliss into 6 & 7-figure BLI$$nesses that heal the world.
by Dr Amanda Noelle | Dec 3, 2013 | Pussy Power in Business |
I have discovered the coolest and weirdest business niche ever! It’s something that I would have never thought of, because it doesn’t exist yet (to my knowledge) and it’s even hard to explain. But it’s working, it’s what’s been bringing me clients and growing my near 6-figure BLI$$ness this year, and I believe I’ve discovered the Holy Grail secret to picking a niche for your spiritual business!
Everyone knows that without a niche, it usually takes years longer to fill your healing practice or small business. But most people I see starting off in their businesses, especially spiritual healers, have a really really tough time picking a niche without feeling like they’re wiping out a part of their soul. Luckily for me, I started off in my work as the Twin Flame Matchmaker, because I’d done Law of Attraction matchmaking for free so many times. As a spiritual matchmaker, I teach women how to clarify what they want in a romantic relationship, and to immediately attract it using psychic tools, the Law of Attraction, magic, and what I call PU$$Y Power. The work that I do has helped hundreds of women fall in love with themselves and attract their Twin Flames, and a few little Starchildren have even been born because of it! Check out the video here to see one of my true Twin Flame matchmaking stories that might melt your heart:
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My matchmaking BLI$$ness pretty much skyrocketed from the start, and overnight I became a successful business owner. Being a kick-ass matchmaker, I was surprised that I somehow naturally attracted a new wave of female clients who needed coaching on their businesses too, as part of a preparation phase for their Twin Flame relationship.
What I learned more recently is that my “matchmaking magic” works for anything, and particularly works well for BLI$$preneurs who are seeking their “soulmate clients.” And that there is a niche for women who need both soulmate clients and their Twin Flame, and that these two answers I provide are really connected to the same core piece of resurrecting the Divine Feminine, connecting to your PU$$Y Power so that you can attract anything you want.
What Are Soulmate Clients?
Soulmate Clients Are in Your Soul-Family Tree
Soulmate clients are people in your soul family that you have a soul contract with to teach, heal, and love them in exchange for Love Buck$! All of my clients are soulmate clients, and it makes working feel like bliss and not business. Soul-targeting your soulmate clients is a much faster way that doing traditional marketing, branding, and niching.
My soulmate clients need both Twin Flame attraction, and support as High-Healed Priestesses entrepreneurs. That’s why I keep inevitably teaching about both topics: Twin Flame matchmaking and soulmate client matchmaking for
6-figure BLI$$nesses (business + bliss + big bucks), which seems random from a business perspective! Like a niche created by someone who did one too many pink Jello shots.
Yet I’ve discovered that for us women healers, these two topics go hand-in-hand: you can’t master Twin Flame attraction until you master soulmate client attraction, and vice versa. Because when we make our income off of healing energy exchanges with our soul family, it makes us whole, healed, sexy, empowered, abundant, wealthy, and blissful. This prepares us for our Twin Flames.
What’s interesting is that my soul purpose within soulmate client matchmaking has to do with matching female healers with their female clients. 99% of the time my clients want to work primarily with women clients, like I do. So, in a way, I am weaving a web of women, soul sisters from around the world, who are part of a grand soul family.
Plus we are also Twin Flame ambassadors. Thus, through our BLI$$ness networks, we’ll be exchanging money from one Twin Flame High Priestess to the next, and creating a sort of “New Girls Network” (a spoof on the Old Boys Network) and new Divine Feminine based economy, which is really exciting for me! It’s time for Mama Gaia to have powerful women who deeply love and care for her to take charge. No more of this funny violence, greed, corruption, pollution, evil stuff! The High-Healed Priestesses are taking our power back and building a Heaven on Earth paradigm.
Looks like I am going to have to tweak my brand AGAIN to include the BLI$$ness stuff back, as it’s showing up in my coaching no matter how much I try not to (because you’re “supposed to pick just one niche” in business. Blah!). Well, I have just one niche now: it combines two seemingly different things that I feel need to be married together: Twin Flame matchmaking and soulmate client matchmaking, and I love it!
Once we learn to receive like a goddesses, manifest magic like a High Priestesses, and take action like queens, we can create ANYTHING we want in our life. It’s the path of the High-Healed Priestess.
Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps stellar spiritual BLI$$preneurs create successful 6-figure healing BLI$$nesses that align them for swift Twin Flame attraction.