Twin Flame Pleasure in Paris

Twin Flame Pleasure in Paris

manifest with orgasmBisou from the ‘City of Love!’

I’m writing this lil’ love note from a swanky cafe Paris. It has these purple velvet damask chairs and great coffee…

Paris turns me on, sI’m inspired to teach you how to attract your Twin Flame using your inner goddess pleasure!

Fittingly, this cafe has a bronze fertility goddess statue. She’s raising a flame up to the heavens, a Twin Flame sign perhaps…

The name Paris comes from its connections to Isis, the Egyptian Goddess of Love. It was formerly called ‘Lutitia of Parisii,’ named after the Isis-worshipping Parisii tribe of Celtic Gauls who came here around 250 BC. 

Did you know that Paris was built on the foundation of the Goddess of Love?

The Parisii settled, built their Temple of Isis, and brought their secret rites and mystery school teachings of the Middle Eastern goddess. 

Paris: Pleasure Capital

Indeed, Paris may very well be the capital of what I call ‘PU$$Y Power‘…

Isis, the Egyptian Goddess of Love, is linked to the same goddess energy of Venus, Aphrodite, Ashtar, Innana, Lakshmi, Kuan Yin, and Mary Magdalene.

Isis and her Twin Flame Osiris gave birth to their daughter, Bast. Bast was the goddess of cats, passion, the moon, the rising sun, of enlightenment, sisterhood, sexuality, pleasure, fertility, bounty, arts, and battler of serpents.

Bast was also called Pasht or Pasch, among other names. 

Pasht is said to be the ancient origin of the word ‘pussy’ and of ‘passion’ too!

To call in your Twin Flame, we women must embrace our inner womb wisdom–aka your PU$$Y Power. 

PU$$Y Power resides within each of us. All women are born with it, though it is meant to be awakened or ‘initiated’ when we go from being the virgin (Divine Daughter), to being the maiden (Twin Flame Bride). 

Unfortunately, most of us received no initiation rite to awaken our PU$$Y Power. Or even worse, some of us underwent negative sexual experiences that harmed our sacred womb wisdom.

Our job then is to clear the womb and to positively reawaken the PU$$Y Power and align it with pleasure… 

twin flame matchmaker

The reason I spell pussy ‘PU$$Y’ this way is because you can see ‘Isis’ within the word, as well as the dollar signs which also represent the Twin Flame Kundalini energy. ISIS=$$, representing the kundalini that runs up and down the two sides of the spine, like infinite dollar signs.

Plus, PU$$Y Power is priceless… When it’s activated, we can attract anything with it with our very own pleasure!

To clear your womb wisdom wounds and awaken to your highest levels of PU$$Y Power, the medicine is stepping into your pleasure.

But many women have problems embracing their pleasure because pleasure brings up past traumas, unresolved heartbreaks, and pain.   

That’s why I work with my clients to clear these issues out while they raise their sensuality and Twin Flame frequencies. 

Parisian PU$$Y Power Pleasure Tip One of the secrets I teach my Twin Flame ladies is to actually create a life full of sensual and spiritual pleasures.

This way, each of your ”11 Twin Flame Chakras‘ are fully spinning at their own tune, singing the song of your Signature Soul Song.  

From the street music, to the tempting sweets, to the perfumeries, to the bounty of art/beauty, which of course includes the Parisian men–all of your senses are piqued with pleasure in Paris!!!

The city tempts your senses in a way no other city can…It’s raw. Sexy. Delicious. 

Imagine yourself in Paris (or other exotic city that ignites your Twin Flame Love). What kinds of pleasures would turn on your senses? 

But you don’t need a ticket here now! Perhaps you can simply integrate a few of these French-inspired pleasures into your life even immediately

FRENCHUALITY – Stimulate Your Senses French Way Goddess Style!:

– TASTE: could you cook up a French or other exotic meal using that recipe you’ve been meaning to try? Eat it tonight by candlelight with a glass of red wine to enhance the Parisian vibes!

– SIGHT: perhaps you could buy yourself some fresh cut flowers to remind yourself that you are BEAUTIFUL. I have been smelling tons of lillies here in churches and BNBs; they smell and look amazing!

– SMELL: I’ve picked up a ton of essential oils in France, like lavender, juniper, grapefruit, and frankincense. Place a few drops on the bottom of your feet or in a foot bath to ascend in heaven like Mary Magdalen (since she was a queen of holy foot anointments!).

– TOUCH: Are you up for a lavendar-rosemary sea salted bath tonight? It’ll feel like the French Riviera…Add some fresh springs of the herb into boiling water to make a bath-tea, or just add a few drops of the essential oils into a base like olive oil. 

– SOUND: Try a French music mix. I like Pandora Radio’s ‘French Cafè’ station!

Here’s me embracing my PU$$Y Power at a Parisian metro station (it’s just a billboard!).

I believe that living in pleasure is what takes to create a and sustain a Twin Flame relationship. I also feel that women are the wisdomkeepers of the family and of the Sacred Union. 

We hold that wombspace for the relationship to thrive, don’t we? That’s why we must start out by pleasing ourselves first.

Having an ongoing sensual practice is so vital. Whether you learn my Manifest With Orgasm (MWO) practice, or use some other daily pleasure practice, keep the pleasure flowing!

Lastly, the odd thing is that we’re programmed to undervalue pleasure, and to over-value looking like we’re living in pleasure when we’re not! 

To create what I call your Twin Flame Life with your divine partner, you’ll have to become the queen of all of your 11 Twin Flame Chakras spinning at pleasure. 

That’s why it’s important to invest in your pleasure: create time, funds, and fun for pleasure. Life is short, and the rewards of pleasure are SWEET!

One of my clients came on a Twin Flame Attraction retreat with me and stepped into her pleasure by activating her wombspace. She began dancing, singing, and even just laying in bed to follow her bliss. A few weeks later, POOF! An amazing man she’d previously known surfaced, and they’re now blissfully married. 

Priestess pleasure is NOT just fluff stuff! It’s powerful medicine–something that you want to consistenly keep high in your life. It is the juice that will call in your Twin Flame, and keep your energy high.

Without pleasure, I would not be in alignment with my Beloved, and we wouldn’t be living our life so blissfully. 
It starts at you, it starts at pleasure, and it takes commitment and consistency.
What are three things you’re committed to doing to keep your PU$$Y Power and pleasure high this week!? 

Post in the comments area below and keep me posted!

XO, Dr Amanda Noelle

The Twin Flame Matchmaker

Top 5 Twin Flame Sacred Sites of the World

Top 5 Twin Flame Sacred Sites of the World

As Twin Flame Matchmakers, it is our job and our pleasure to align the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies through the Sacred Union in Twin Flames.

Jack and I travel to Twin Flame sacred sites around the world to activate and be activated, and to activate these sites themselves.

Here are the top five Twin Flame sacred sites…


One: Ubud, Bali

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With the views of the volcanos, especially Mt. Batur, which is the Earth Portal Chakra or Gaian Chakra of the planet. This anchors us to the deep history and pre-history of Gaia, and corresponds to our deep subconscious. Ubud is part of the famous Eat Pray Love experience, and there are many sacred springs, fairy spottings, temples, and vortexes within and around the town. It’s also a wormhole into the Lemurian Matrix. 

That’s why we lead our group retreat “ReTreat Pray Love” in Bali, and also to get the most divine spa treatments to prepare yourself as the Twin Flame Bride (or Groom).


Two: Arenal, Costa Rica

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This place is a vortex. The volcanos will heat up your Twin Flame fire, the lava yoni energy will open your Divine Feminine wombspace, and the sacred spring waters will heal your feminine. This place is full of sensuality, flow, nature, and devic spirits.

This is a place where I realized it was time for me to call in my Beloved. It woke me up and got me aligned and awake. It’s very refreshing and also doesn’t let you hide anything!


Three: Mount Shasta 

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Mt. Shasta is one of the only two Cities of Light currently anchored at ground level on Earth. An Ascension Temple has been anchored directly above the Shasta peak. Mt. Shasta is one of numerous sacred sites on Earth that houses a Temple of the Sun. Beneath Mt. Shasta is a Lemurian city.

On Mt. Shasta I purified. It was during a huge fire that I slept 11 hours on Shasta, and I woke up both refreshed and also in a haze, as the smoke sat spiraling around me. It was only a few weeks later that I met my Beloved Jack.

Four: The Tor in Glastonbury, England

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Coming straight from the Heart Chakra…
Joseph of Arimathea was the Biblical figure who took Jesus’ body after the crucifixion. According to some legends he was actually Jesus’ uncle, and had visited Britain years before with Jesus in the pursuit of his interests in the tin trade. There was likely a strong Jewish presence in the west of England at that time, many of the tin miners may have been Jewish settlers.

They may have established the first church in England at Glastonbury, and archaeological records show that there may well have been an extremely early Christian church here. Legends say that Joseph buried the Grail at the foot of Glastonbury Tor–a spring of blood gushed forth from the ground. There is a well at the base of the Tor, Chalice Well, and the water that issues from it does indeed have a reddish tinge to it, from the iron content of the water.

Jack and I will be leading a retreat here in 2017 and have been getting a calling due to his Scottish lineage. What’s interesting is that Jack (who connects with Yeshua), has had many visits from a spirit named Joseph that have been very emotionally intense.


Five: Crete, Greece

twin flame greece

Apart from it’s beauty, blue ocean water, and delicious food, Crete had other hidden treasures to be found. I experienced Crete on the astral level, and what I experienced was the death of a civilization. Twin Flames relate to this, as we often feel lost at sea, like we have no home. We are all looking for a home, and that is always within, and Twin Flames have to go within to find it.  In Crete you will feel the remains of the dead who were wiped out along the North Coast due to the tsunami that happened there.

Watch this PBS video “The Secrets of the Dead” to learn more.

I cried my heart out on Crete, and I also connected to soul family there. I met a lover there who helped heal my sexuality as well as my heart. I felt joy return. I felt home in a foreign land, even when I had no home of my own. It is no wonder my Twin Flame looks a lot like Gianhs, the man I dated and love still, but now as a friend!

If you are looking for your perfect Twin Flame sacred site for marriage, self-marriage, Twin Flame Activation, or just exploration, I highly recommend tuning in within. That’s where all your answers are!  If you need support, we’d love to hear from you.

Connect during one of our complimentary new moon raw cacao ceremonies here!

Thanks for reading, see you soon!

Twin Flame Blessings,

Dr. Amanda Noelle

Dr Amanda Noelle


Dr. Amanda Noelle is the Twin Flame Matchmaker, helping thousands of women worldwide to awaken their Sacred Feminine energy, and quickly attract their Twin Flame (ultimate soulmate). Learn more about her upcoming Twin Flame attraction retreat in Bali here.


I Lost My Job and Opened My Online Business Instead, Thank God!

I Lost My Job and Opened My Online Business Instead, Thank God!

Almost two years ago, I suffered from a neck injury that forced me to suddenly quit my safe job and end my 5-year journey as a licensed esthetician. I was so comfy washing faces, prescribing skin cream, and doing advanced peels for a comfortable income in a dark hidden room. I was good at this work, yet it wasn’t my true passion, nor did it challenge me. I had a liberal arts degree from an Ivy League caliber school, a life coaching certification, and a PhD in transpersonal counseling, yet I had no idea how I’d use these and make money as an alternative healer. So I was stuck working at a posh spa in Marin, California even though I hated it, because the money was good, I got health insurance, and I was “safe” in my little hell.

Then, one day at work, a sharp pain shot through my left shoulder for no apparent reason; by the end of the day, I could hardly move. I had to call in sick for the next month, as I couldn’t stand for more than a minute at a time without the pain becoming severe. At that point I’d just become a part-time employee (so I could build my own business), so I didn’t qualify for disability or unemployment. So I was out of commission, and I wasn’t going to be earning anymore commission any time soon! Basically, I was up sh*t creek.

I think my deep dissatisfaction with my work is what made my body fall apart; my job was literally a pain in the neck.

Yet deep down, I knew it was a sign that it was time to quit my “safe job,” so I listened to my body and quit. My boss pretended to feel sorry for me, but I could tell that he was mainly bummed that I was no longer a financial asset to him. It saddened me that I was a disposable commodity, but it confirmed my decision to take off.

I was trapped in my safe spa job and felt hopeless

I was trapped in my safe spa job and felt hopeless

I was both excited to be done with esthetician work forever.  Yet I was forced to move forward in my career next steps, and it freaked me out… How do I make money as a coach!? How will I live off my own salary? Ouchh, my neck really hurt.  I tried not to panic, and tuned into my best vice when I get stuck: prayer.

I meditated and prayed daily. Lying on my back on my couch, there was not much else to do but pray, clarify my business goals, and to start my online marketing launch.

Belly up from that big cozy white couch, I launched my first successful coaching business, Aphrodite’s Apprentice, helping spiritual women attract their Twin Flame. It was a dream I’d had for several years, but finally, I went for it. For I had no other choice!

Me in my office with a view in Crete, Greece

Me in my office with a view in Crete, Greece

Getting a neck injury was the best thing I could have done for myself; it forced me to jump through the fire that I’d been afraid of and avoiding for years.  Through the birth pains, and I created a thriving boutique coaching business; I saw clients from over 30 countries in the world via Skype or phone, and enjoyed it more than ever!

The neck pain subsided immediately after I realized that I was never going to have to go back to the spa again – a job that I’d been feeling stuck at for several years.  Knowing that I was forever going to be self-employed, set my own hours, and never have to listen to another boss telling me what to do uplifted me and inspired my healing. When I sent an email to my ex-boss again thanking him and sharing with him my new business success – to no surprise – I never heard back from him.

I don’t recommend blindingly jumping.  Always make a solid plan to transition from your day job. I actually had one for, but was scared to implement it. So I had gone back to my spa job part-time and procrastinated on launching my biz for about 6 more months. I had made enough money in my spa job to ease into my BLI$$ness over a two year period living really cheaply. The injury was the last push.

Thanks to my neck, my own courage, and to many divine blessing, it took way less than 6-months to succeed in my BLI$$ness. Within the first month, I’d already made $3,000 to my great surprise.

I am grateful I had that cushion of ca$h so I could attract clients in divine timing, rather than in rushed desperation. Desperation scares clients away; I highly recommend all BLI$$ness women start off having a cash-cushion or steady day-job as their BLI$$ness builds.

Now I run my BLI$$ness from all over the world

Now I run my BLI$$ness from all over the world

While I don’t recommend manifesting a neck injury to cut those golden handcuffs, I do suggest stepping through the fire and launching that soul-inspired business/BLI$$ness sooner than later! For me, I think it took a desperate situation to get me to push past my fear. I hope it doesn’t take this much for you.

What I can say is that I have absolutely no regrets on leaving that fear-based J-O-B, don’t miss the work in the slightest (I thought I might), and I have made more money in way less time being self-employed. I also love and adore my “soulmate clients” as I call my clients, and I love the freedom, creativity, and flexibility I have as a BLI$$preneur.

I now get to live between Europe, Asia, and the US coaching, writing, teaching, and running my BLI$$ness, and it’s truly a dream come true.  I so wish you the same BLI$$ings and BLE$$ings to come true and know that each and every one of you have what it takes and that your angels are guiding you.

How to Think Like a Millionaire (a Conscious Millionairess)

How to Think Like a Millionaire (a Conscious Millionairess)

Have you ever secretly (or even admittedly – that’s cool too!) wished you were a millionaire? Yet the thought of being a lame ol’ traditional greedy millionaire makes you want to cringe because you’re a caring spiritual diva? I know you would be a millionaire in a feminine, sexy and spiritual way, as a “Conscious Millionairess,” because that’s your style!
Amalfi, I love you!

Amalfi, I love you!

What I am so excited to share here today is HOT advice to help you to start to think like a Conscious Millionairess so you can be live in luxury and aligned with your spirituality. This for those of you who are deeply committed to earning 6 or 7-figures while living wildly, radically, and freely with the Divine Feminine in Her unlimited and oh-quite-sexy abundance!

Conscious Millionairess signs

We Conscious Millionairesses are a growing segment of women around the globe who love to:

  • do work that feels pleasurable and easeful, working 3 days or less!
  • give back and make a HUGE difference in the world
  • indulge in the best restaurants, boutiques, eco-resorts, spas, sustainable communities, etc
  • eat, travel, pray, love, dine, and drink wine with the Divine!
  • live in luxury and be conscious in all aspects of our lives
wealth goddess

Is this you? Yay!!! If not, close this article ASAP and get back to that soulless underpaying J-O-B you slave at…snore! Or to being a starving hippie chick without a dime in her pocket like I was throughout my 20s, yikes!

I have 3 sizzling secrets to help you unleash your unlimited wealth potential as a Conscious Millionairess (what I often jokingly call PU$$Y Power since it often resides there on an energetic level!).

I also have a special invite to my upcoming retreat in Bali called RetrEAT, Pray Love, CLICK HERE for details.


Tip # 1: YOU get to decide your abundant bliss

Your BLI$$ is up to you. If you wait around for your friends, your parents’ subconscious, or your boyfriend to decide your level of wealth consciousness and earnings, you’re settling for less! It’s like waiting around asking the wallpaper to do your homework for you. If you’re not earning at least 6-figures doing what you love, you’re probably eating someone else’s scarcity beliefs.  All of us have been programmed to do this, so don’t be ashamed, but get out now! The Gates of Goddess Abundance are open to all of us. Yet when you become passive about your wealth consciousness, you’re letting go of your divine role to self-empower yourself.


goddess of abundance No one else can do it for you (darn it!), but luckily God/dess made you quite capable of allowing your destiny to align with your desires. Committing to yourself by loving yourself divinely in every way – including through your finances and abundance consciousness – is an important part of your soul’s evolution.  Stepping into harmonized wealth consciousness heals all parts of your soul, in every single chakra, and makes you feel whole and empowered as a High-Healed Priestess. You become a better teacher, leader, love, bride, mother, and wife when you ground your finances into your lower chakras.


Just like Cinderella had to ask for it to her Fairy Godmother,  you have to call out your wishes and stand with open arms.  But you must ask, and with command! Allow yourself to be cradled in the mother-matter of the earth – “Maternos” (our Divine Feminine earth-material Mother) as the Divine Masculine spiritual essence of Father God “Paternos” – (patterns, or pa-terr-nos “our Father on earth”merges with Her to make you a Conscious Millionairess in the spiritual and real-world realms.  Receive the earthly blessings – cash, gifts, gold, riches, hotel visits, visits to Italy, new clothes, etc.,  as you receive the energetic blessings behind these divine gifts. Then…give back, financially (to charities, projects that heal the planet, small businesses, other healers/practitioners, etc.) and beam out the love!money goddess

 Tip # 2: Write it consciously! 

Journal asking yourself “what does my inner Conscious Millionairess desire?” And let the words flow unedited onto the paper. There are no write or wrongs!  When you write with a stream of open consciousness, you let your deepest yearnings out onto the physical plane (on paper/on your laptop, etc) so they can become manifest in the “real world.” Be creative and permit yourself to fantasize about your dream life, dream BLI$$ness, dream indulgances – what you will do as a Conscious Millionairess. Then, take action based on however your Higher Self guides you.

For instance, I was writing in my diary a few months ago…it came out that I wanted to travel the Mediterranean with my boutique coaching BLI$$ness. I had no idea how badly I wanted this dream to come true (I’ve had it in the back of my mind for a few years now). I also wrote that I badly wanted to finally take a group of women with me to Bali that I had been talking about forever. Wow, how I wanted this badly! Without writing out my desires, I might not have become aware of them.  Without awareness, we’re so much less likely to step into what we want, as quickly as we want it. I then realized that both of these goals were entirely attainable and I booked tickets for Italy and Crete, and instantly several of my current clients started signing up for my Bali retreat. Like magic, write?

goddess couture

Tip # 3: Dress it, eat it, live it, be it… One high-healed step at a time.

Dress for succsexiness. I have a little secret that can help you step into divine wealth a ton faster…  Dress for succsexiness!  Seriously, when you invest in better clothes and dress a little more high-end chic (or a lot more if you’re starting from yoga clothes like I was), it puts an aura of success as well as admirable sexiness around you. People naturally start becoming drawn to you and listen to you more carefully.  By taking your fashion, hair, makeup and accessories more seriously, people see that you mean business (I mean BLI$$ness!).  I’ve also gotten so much more male attention since my Conscious Millionairess fashion makeover – they’re pretty simple-minded folk when it comes to looks eh, and pretty transparent about it!

bliss business

Eat rich. Even indulging in more expensive, exotic, or high-end foods can evoke a Conscious Millionairess vibe around you.  Unless you are alcohol sensitive, make it a habit to sip a glass of sacred wine several times a week. Make it a spiritual practice and sip slowly while feeling the love within the wine!  Buy, order, or make a very special, flavorful and sensual meal for yourself (and your Beloved or a friend if you like) to celebrate your divine abundance as often as you can.  Raw chocolate cake is my personal favorite in the US.  I’ve been eating out every night here and I can’t tell you how much I love being pampered and spoiled by Greek cuisine (and the cute waiters too!).  It’s fueling my energy for my BLI$$ness as well, so it’s almost a business investment, despite what the IRA would say!

Why wait for bliss to come to you, when you can go to it?!!!

Live like a Conscious Millionairess. Travel, live, breath, act as if, and it becomes!  I have officially launched the retreat in February, 2014 in Ubud, Bali, to help you become a Conscious Millionairess. We’ll be staying at a fresh water spring’s resort with yoga, spa treatments, organic food, workshops, and a goddess photo shoot, all included!  Check it out HERE; the early bird discount won’t last much longer!

spiritual millionaire


So, here I am soaking up the Med’s sunshine as I write you this I am in an ancient sea view cave in Crete. I find it pretty amazing that I have an iPhone with internet that works as a hotspot so I can send this article to my beloved virtual assistant! Remember, it’s YOU, conscious one, who must make your wealth consciousness shift. The leap over the ravine is much smaller as it seems, as you’ll be lifted by your angels. You CAN do it, and it’s so friggin pleasurable.  We are doing this together to change the collective consciousness for women worldwide. Your angels are here to help you and guide you every step of the way, and I am so glad to gently guide you along the way from time to time. Sending you so much divine abundance and strength to break through as a Conscious Millionairess, wherever you are on your path!


Why High Heels Boost a Woman’s Confidence

Why High Heels Boost a Woman’s Confidence

As a female entrepreneur and High-Healed Priestess, I teach women how to bliss out, let their hair down, and feel sexy in their businesses while making 6-figures, what I call doing BLI$$ness (business + bliss + big buck$).

People are asking me, “Amanda, what is the deal with the heels?”  So I thought to answer that question in this blog, and also to explain what high heels do for me as a BLI$$ness owner and HHP (High-Healed Priestess).  I have also included a few shots from a recent photo shoot in Florence, Italy to show the transformation that heels can impart.

Before: lacking confidence, shorter, shriveled sense of self-worth, average looking woman.

Before: lacking confidence, shorter, shriveled sense of self-worth, average-looking woman.

Every inch of hard material under a woman’s heels gives her an inch of extra confidence… It’s kinda like inches on a man’s body – (within reason) the longer the better. In fact, women began wearing high heels to be tall like men. Click here for the history of high heels and their invention in Europe. So we walk around on little pedestals to show off that we’re women of leisure, and that we deserve as much respect and power as men do. A woman’s confidence can fluctuate as quickly as her mood and her hormone cycle.  A good pair of heels can help correct a confidence level on a day when it’s, well, tipsy…

Every woman secretly wants to be put on a pedestal. Heels provide a platform for self-confidence.

Is this ridiculous? Certainly.  Should we question it? Most definitely. There are High-Healed Priestessmany reasons not to don heels. Bad backs. Not being able to run away from a rapist when traipsing around shady parts of the downtown at night in your mini dress like your mother taught you not to do (though these heels could definitely come in handy and I bet I could kill someone if I used their sharp point as a weapon as I’ve seen in movies!). Not to mention twisted ankles and monster bunions… All good reasons not to wear heels, right?

Yet I am a HHP and I am not practical all of the time – we priestesses simply cannot resist peculiar customs that make us feel like goddesses, no matter how ridiculous they may be!  We can’t let our lady feet lag around in flats all the time…But with bunions, potential back problems, and the risk of toppling over, are high heels worth it, and are they anti-feminist?

Come on lil' caterpillar...

Come on lil’ caterpillar…

Honestly, I think that wearing heels on a daily basis would be plain dumb. Do I walk around in high heels often? Nope. I’m actually more frequently caught laying around in them on soft surfaces, nibbling things and doing naughty things…They’re much more comfortable that way.  I’m also seen with heels at live business events, but most of the time I am either barefoot or wearing a pear of studded Jimmy Choo/Uggs or sexy slippers with the heels parked nearby.  I value my own comfort and safety more than I value looks (except when I am on camera since those images last forever).

Heels are healing. Like acupuncture: pain now, but good energy for life!

BAM! Heels are healing. Like acupuncture: pain now, but good energy for life! I feel like I can butter-FLY in ‘dese!

Is it unfeminist to wear heels? Wah wah! I find that it feels divinely feminine to strut around in heels, actually (just not longer than is painful). Sometimes I get turned on just wearing them around the house, even while Skyping from my virtual office with my clients who have no idea what I’m wearing down yonder. It’s like wearing sexy lingerie to a board meeting: you’re the only one who knows about your secret weapon. Board meetings, that seems so 80s to me as a BLI$$preneur!

The answer to the above question is: Do I care about being feminist anymore? Should we care? Where did that get us? …to be angry man haters? …acting just like men? OK, it got us to some awesome places, but now it’s time to break the rules again and just do as we please and also think about what intuitively feels right.

I love doing BLI$$ness in the most feminine, pleasurable way possible. In fact, I am so stubborn and also scared $h*tless of things that aren’t blissful and easy, that I tend to not get anything done at all unless it’s done in a High-Healed Priestess playful and sexy manner.  It’s how I’ve had my success and how I teach my tribe of HHPs to build their 6-figure BLI$$nesses, too.

Just be you. As weird as you may be!

That’s the secret to dressing for success and succsexiness.  If you feel better wearing combat boots, by all means do that. I grew up in hippie feminist Berkeley where most moms didn’t wear makeup and all I wanted to do was play with Barbies and dose up on the eyeshadow already.  Call me repressed, but this girl wants to be a little girly sometimes, especially when it comes to stepping on the stage…

And isn’t that what we’re doing as BLI$$ness women? Stepping up on the stage, where others can see us, hear our unique messages, and learn from what we have to speak?  Heels represent that, the little pedestals we walk on. God bless you if you don’t need heels or hair or makeup to feel confident as a woman on stage.  Or if you have flawless skin that doesn’t need concealer, or long legs that don’t need that little boost (and boost of your caboose, which heels do so nicely may I say!).

After: healed, whole, happy in heels hottie with confidence!

After: healed, whole, happy in heels hottie with confidence!

I say this: do whatever turns YOU on, and your clients will come.  Waiting around to do what’s right or what you “should” do will attract no one or just people who are as repressed and boring as you are being, which is going to burn you out fast in your BLI$$ness.

I love working with fun, funky, sexy, freed women who have been waiting to stomp around not caring what other people think.  The magic is when you do that and people still actually want to pay you for your bliss!

“The fact is, sometimes it’s hard to walk in a single women’s shoes. That’s why we need really special ones now and then – to make the walk a little more fun.”

 Carrie Bradshaw, Sex & The City

The moral of the story: high heels make you look hot. You might sprain an ankle, but heels look great with Ace bandages!

The moral of the story:  high heels make you look hot. You might sprain an ankle, but even Ace bandages look great with heels! Careful walking down those uneven stone staircases!


Come on ladies, just put on whatever the f%&k makes you feel like the sexy BLI$$ness bombshell you are and embrace all those A$$ets and come on and do a little dance with me. I’ve kicked my heels off already, since I like to breakdance and belly dance at the same time and it’s too hard to do in heels. Girl, I love you! Now let’s go have some fun.

“You put high heels on and you change.”

– Manolo Blahnik

spiritual business school

Top three tips to wearing high heels like a HHP:

1)Bring a change of flats, here’s a great portable option- foldable shoes with a wrist pouch by Dr. Scholl’s ($12.99) available at most drug stores.

2) Don’t wear really high heels for more than a your feet enjoy, a few minutes at a time perhaps – life is too short to be in pain! Never dance in heels since no one will be looking at your feet anyway, and you won’t fully enjoy the experience.

3) Take as many photos earlier in the evening after you make your grand high-healed entrance. You’ll be forever remembered for those adorable fuck-me-shoes that everyone will see on Facebook for years to come. On top of this, your makeup and hair will be fresh at the beginning of the evening anyways. You’ll pull a Mr. Rogers and switch to the flats. You’ll stay grounded and balanced instead of tipsy (unless you have that new pink cosmo drink). Most people think it’s adorable that you have your little back-ups. Ladies will constantly be asking you where to buy a pair!

Futuristic Fuck-Me’s

Looking into the future with high heels, I see inventions that work with the ever changing foot-fetish needs of the High-Healed Priestess. I pray for the day when someone invents an adjustable high heel so that you can walk comfortably, then click a button at the back of the shoe to elevate yourself 2-5 inches, depending on the height of your date or how much confidence you’re needing that day.  Let’s see if I can patent that before some designer nerd gets to it, I’m sure I’ll make a fortune!

woman entrepreneur fashion blog