In this article, I will reveal the 6 secrets to discovering and recovering your Pussy Power so you can:

  • Manifest with more Divine Feminine ease
  • Be more creative
  • Awaken your pleasure and have more orgasms
  • Fall in love with your feminine energy
  • Call in (or create) a partnership that pleasures your body, mind, and soul

But first, What is Pussy Power? 

Pussy Power is the essence of the Divine Feminine, the creative life force that lives within each woman. Pussy Power, which I often spell “PU$$Y Power” includes not only your vagina and also the:

  • vulva
  • labia (inner and outer lips)
  • cervix
  • fallopian tubes
  • ovaries
  • womb
  • the procreative matrix, what I call the “Pussy Portal” or 7th Gate

But Pussy Power goes way beyond the physical dimensions… It exists simultaneously within ALL dimensions, some of which are free from time and space.

The ancients called Pussy Power the Cosmic Womb of Creation. There were many fertility goddesses who represented Pussy Power, such as Aphrodite, Brigid, Ceres, Corn Mother, Demeter, Freya, Gaia, Juno, Lakshmi, and Venus. The ancients called upon them when they wanted to manifest abundance, conceive or birth children, find a life partner, or become more beautiful.

Ultimately, Pussy Power is the essence of your feminine passion, purpose, and your pleasure. You can learn more about it in my article “What Is Pussy Power? PU$$Y Power and Origins of the Word Pussy here.

So, let’s get to the good stuff! Here are the 6 secrets to discovering and recovering your Pussy Power!

1) Pussy affirmations – Pu$$yFirmations

Affirmations are powerful. They aid in reducing stress, becoming more successful, healing our bodies, and in manifestation work.

Did you know that new research from Carnegie Mellon University showed that self-affirmation can protect us against stress during problem-solving tasks?

The study showed that stating a short affirmation was so effective in eliminating harmful effects of chronic stress. So much that chronically stressed participants who did their affirmations performed better under pressure at the same level as participants with low chronic stress levels!

Speak or write down your affirmations, or pussyfirmations as I call them for your pussy – stating things that will remind you of the glory or desires for your PU$$Y Power.

Here are my top 3 pussyfirmations today:

“My pussy is powerful and attracts whatever she needs and repels whatever she doesn’t”

“I have a perfect pussy!”

“My pussy attracts (FILL IN THE BLANK of whatever you want to Manifest with Orgasm!)”

2) Rose quartz insemination

rose quartz yoniSo we all know that crystals are powerful healing agents.  The science behind crystals is fascinating, and you can research more about this on your own. The molecular structure of silica in crystals brings forth a symmetrical “sacred geometrical” chain lattice.  It basically creates and even flow of energy that is healing and balancing. It’s like a reboot to your system.  Rose quartz is a great example – it balances the loving frequencies in a very feminine way, and if you are sensitive and open, you can feel it.  It’s known as the heart-chakra stone, and it’s energy is very healing.  Place this master healing stone inside your vagayjay. Yeah, in your vag. Seriously girls, it’s an ancient secret that you won’t find in your Cosmopolitan magazine, but it’s been passed down through the lineage of the High Healed Priestesses and I pass it to you. Insert the smooth rose-quartz stone (obviously no sharp edges in your honeypot!) after you have cleansed, charged and blessed the stone.

3) Look at your beautiful vagina!

how to look at your pussy in the mirrorWe are all healing from generations of fear of PU$$Y Power.  God forbid your mother or grandmother or X female relative or friend was raped. Unfortunately, many of us are healing from energetic or actual sexual abuse and shame.  So we often fear the beauty of what lies between our legs, because there are too many traumas and old wounds to look.

But do it woman! Get that mirror, get spread-eagle, and stare her in the eye.  She is beautiful!  See her soul, her radiance, and say “I love you, it’s nice to see you again, I honor your power.” And advanced level PU$$Y Powerettes: ask your pussy to respond, and you can even have a conversation with the “soul of your pussy.”  The question would be, do you have an ass-soul?  Hmmm, I don’t know if I’d wanna meet him in a dark alley!  Lol 🙂

4) Look at other pussies!

PU$$Y PowerWhat?!  How do I look at other pussies?  It’s easy. There’s a little creepy fella I met the other day called Google.  Just put the words “pink pussy” into Google, and hit enter. Then hit images for Google Images. You’ll see all kinds of pussies of all shapes and sizes.  You can put other key words next to pussies to get an ethnic mix of pussies.  Any type of pussy you can imagine is on the web…

Wow, to you porn stars, thank you for sharing your innermost flower and PU$$Y Power with us!  

I would say that many porn stars are here to heal sexual shame, and to heal out those lower chakras by expressing their PU$$Y Power openly.

When you see their images, send them love and light and wish them healing as they heal your sexual shyness and shame.  I know that staring at women’s naked bodies on the internet has been very healing for me, as I had a lot of PU$$Y Power shame and it wasn’t pretty. It was only when I could see the variety of other women’s bodies, that I could see how perfect and pretty my pussy was, and it makes it a hell of a lot more fun with my Beloved in bed.

5) Hit up her up with a 432 hz tuning forktuning fork water

There is a little tool called a 432 hz tuning fork that is very cleansing of the water in your body, and water holds onto memory and trauma. To heal out sexual fear, shame, abuse, and stuckness in the lower chakras, banging a 432 hz tuning fork and placing it spread-eagle next to your lovely leg-connector (your crotch area), you can heal out tremendous amounts of fear, grief, anger, etc., and this is important work since you have a big mission and job to do on this planet!  No more stuck blocked lower chakras ladies, you are too precious for that.  Unblock ’em, get moving, and be brave and bold with that PU$$Y Power!

6) Pleasure. Pleasure pleasure pleasure!

Get it girl, pleasure yourself.  You can use your hands, a dildo, someone else’s hands or other body parts, even a penis will do… Kidding! Penises are sacred and that was a bad joke.  Penises connected to a quality loving man will of course more than do!  Thank you men for your magic love-wand-appendages.

My point was, you gotta bring bliss and love and passion into your pussy to activate your PU$$Y Power. A stale and stuck yoni (female part in Sanskrit) holds no water, no nourishment, and this ain’t good!  Get grounded into your Pussy Power through pleasure.

I hope you enjoyed 6 secrets to discovering and recovering your Pussy Power… Which of the 6 did you like most, and which one will you play with today?

XO, Dr. Amanda Noelle


  1. Jen

    Pussy Power Yes!!! I love my Pussy! She is gorgeous, powerful and so sweet!

    Ultimate respect for her and all pussies.

    I love your renewed focus on the direction of your business! We need this voice in the world!!

    • Dr Amanda Noelle

      Fantastic! It’s so refreshing to meet other women who have fallen in love with their pussy, and who honor the Sacred Chalice in all! Amama <3!

  2. Peaka

    Love it, thank you so much!


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