Twin Flame 1111 Rituals | For Magic and Manifestation on 11/11/17

Twin Flame 1111 Rituals | For Magic and Manifestation on 11/11/17

The date 11/11 is a Twin Flame number and offers a Twin Flame Love frequency.

In this post, I will share with you a list of things that you can do to invoke Twin Flame Love on 11/11/17, or on any 11/11 date, or even at 11:11 time, any day, to create an invocation or Twin Flame awakening ritual. 

There are an infinite number of ways to create Twin Flame 1111 rituals, but I have found that several things have worked to help my clients attract their Twin Flames at light speed so I’ll share them here.

I think you’ll find this guided Twin Flame Reunion Hypnosis Meditation supportive in preparation for your Twin Flame ritual. You can listen to it now, and if you can, re-listen regularly over a period of several days before doing your 1111 ritual!

⇒ Watch the Twin Flame Reunion Hypnosis Meditation Video HERE

Twin Flame Reunion Hypnosis Meditation (Good For Sleep!)

11 Twin Flame Ritual Tips for 11/11 or 11:11

  1. Do a count down and light a candle at 11:11:11pm
  2. Celebrate with arms wide open with the sound “eeeee” (like Spanish/Latin “i” sound) which is a Twin Flame frequency
  3. Do a clearing burning ritual by burning something representing energy from old love(s)and Twin Flame runners
  4. Do a Twin Flame Activation ritual in a group
  5. Unite the elements of fire and water in some way, which represents the Yin and Yang Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine counterparts
  6. Wear your favorite colors representing Twin Flame Love
  7. Wear crystals on your heart such as amethyst, rose quartz, clear quarts, and rhodonite that attract Twin Flame Love
  8. Connect with dolphins on 11/11/17, through music, statues, photographs/art, or actual dolphins if possible
  9. Feel into the frequencies that are available on 11/11 during your meditation
  10. Tune into the 432 hz tuning fork energies for Twin Flame love
  11. Spend time alone out in nature connecting with your Twin, or if you re in Divine Union already, bring them with you to celebrate!

There are many ways to celebrate the beautiful frequencies that are indeed always here, but come in through the celebration of the numbers 11/11 and 11:11.  Find your own unique way to harness Twin Flame Love that day and every day!

Whoa! Synchronicity!!!:

I love this… I just noticed the time of publishing this blog; I copy-pasted the time just now before publishing! “Last edited by Amanda at 11:11 pm.” Holy cow, 1111 is for real! 🙂

Lots of love and 1111 Twin Flame Blessings,

Dr. Amanda Noelle, the Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps women attract their Twin Flames at light speed and create soul-purposed missions that heal the planet.

Twin Flame Hypnosis: A Channeled Healing Meditation to Heal the Pain and Call in Your Beloved

Have you been desiring more love in your life? Do you want to release the fear, and replace it with pure Divine infinite love? Are you ready to let go of Twin Flame fakes and release Twin Flame runner issues?

Whether you are a woman who is ready to call in your Twin Flame, or just enter into a self-love healing space, this might be the right medicine for you. Experience the breathtaking Twin Flame Reunion inside you.

In this video for Twin Flame women, you’ll participate in a journey of healing with this Twin Flame Guided Meditation, be hypnotize to be ready in calling in your Twin Flame with healing guidance and activation.

You are pure love. Relax and Enjoy!

By Dr. Amanda Noelle, the Twin Flame Matchmaker.

How to Get Your Twin Flame Clients to Hire You

How to Get Your Twin Flame Clients to Hire You

Getting your high-paying soulmate clients to sign up for your high-end coaching programs is just like getting your Twin Flame to sign up for the relationship with you. It comes from divine love and using the Law of Attraction, and it starts by being able to attract and recognize your soul family members. Twin Flame energy is reflected in every aspect of your life, not just through your Beloved. The quicker you harness it, the more Twin Flame Activation you’ll receive in all aspects of your life.  Here’s a Twin Flame Hypnosis Meditation to help you attract your Twin Flame and ‘soulmate clients’ so that you can start brining your soul-family members into your energy field:


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I just enrolled another beautiful soulmate client today for my new VIP 9-month program, and my heart is pouring with joy! I think I’m in love <3. I love how attracting and enrolling clients is becoming an easy, pleasurable process. And even asking for the $$ wasn’t bad! In the past, it wasn’t so… I used to get knots in my tummy when I had to give free consultations and make sales calls. Yick! I just wanted it to be easy and not have to worry about money. I thought business meant busy-ness-in-pain! My inner perfectionist led me. I was always totally freaked about whether or not they’d like me, and I was desperate to receive the money because I had never had much. When I was making the sale, I felt like an awkward dork waiting for someone to ask me to prom, trying to hint at things or even asking and getting rejected. Thank God it’s not like that anymore, as I have figured out something I call ‘Seductive Selling!’

seductive selling

Seductive Selling

I have mastered getting my clients ‘turned on’ and begging for more. It’s magnetic instead of involving me chasing down clients energetically. Instead of me leaning towards them and bending over backwards, they are honoring my High Priestessesness. They love investing with me because it’s the best way to pamper themselves and honor the Goddess Within :). Seductive Selling is about getting your clients to know, see, feel, and vibe in your value. You get them juicy and excited about the potential for change that you can bring into their lives. It comes from a place of you being just a few steps ahead of them, of bringing this into your own life first, and by helping them traverse the gap. I also love teaching my own clients how to attract their ‘Soulmate Clients’ by getting clear on their soul-purposes, creating an ‘Aphrodisiac Marketing‘ strategy, tuning into their ‘Erotic Brand Equity’ and turning it into Holy MatriMoney! How? Through ‘Secuctive Selling,’ you get your future client excited by the power of your work and your soul-family connection. It’s almost the same as Twin Flame or soulmate love, or is in a sense a certain form of it.

client seduction

Free client consultations are like speed dating.

During the free consultation, also known as a free strategy session or discovery session, your clients will be in a vibration of Divine Yes, and selling becomes like an easy seduction of someone who is meant to fall in love with you. These sessions are like 30-minutes or so speed dates to see if it’s a soulmate match. The more highly refined your marketing is with your soul-purpose message, the better potential clients you’ll attract to your strategy sessions. It’s all great practice for the Twin Flame, and it’s such a pleasurable way of doing BLI$$ness 🙂

The bottom line:

To harness Twin Flame Love, we have to tune into our soul purposes and learn how to attract our soul family. This takes finding our inner soul light. We must know on a soular and cellular level what our desires are, what our soul-purpose is, and become ecstatic about our lives. You must bubble up with emotion of how you’re going to change people’s lives and impact the world before it happens.

Your desire to spread your own ecstasy will blast your Law of Attraction skills through the roof. This goes for the TF and for your 6-figure BLI$$ness…Lots of love and Light,

Dr Amanda Noelle




Dr. Amanda Noelle, the Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps align women with their Twin Flame, their soul purpose, and their 6-figure BLI$$ so that they can heal the world and be in service to the Goddess.