by Dr Amanda Noelle | Dec 11, 2013 | Law of Attraction, Twin Flame Signs, Twin Flame Spirituality |
It was somewhere around 8am and I was deep in sleep….
My angels were having a chat with me, as they often do when I am in head-to-the-pillow-bliss and not ready to awaken to the ‘real world.’ I used to be afraid of encountering angels, but now I love being bothered by them! It’s such a luxury ‘problem.’ Before my Twin Flame Dark Night of the Soul, I rarely got to communicate with these beloved beings.
I’d shut them out because it was beyond what I was willing to accept, mentally or otherwise… but since I have gone through a soul awakening over the past few years, and passed through darkness through to the Light/other side, I have been able to open my awareness to angelic consciousness. Channeling angelic frequencies happens seemingly naturally now, and I want everyone to be able to do this.
I highly recommend a Power Pet during sleep. Having my chi-beagle Hazel, my shamanic spirit guide dog by my side when I sleep, I feel much safer to surrender during sleep. I highly recommend the power of animal healing guides when working with angelic consciousness.
Perhaps when we are no longer afraid of the angelic consciousness, and have learned that ‘they’ are simply a part of us, representing our highest awareness, we can integrate them into one strain of consciousness.
Here’s what my Twin Flame angels began to tell me…
In order to help more souls, you (Amanda) must teach others how to use the powers of the Divine Feminine to clear out pockets of darkness. Using the Divine Feminine will transmute the gray densities into light, into bliss, into fuel to spark a further rising of the Divine Feminine consciousness.
Archangel Haniel will be the angel to assist in the great portal opening of the Divine Feminine
For they say that it is Haniel who carries the Light of Aphrodite, the Divine Feminine, Innana, Ashtarte, Lakshmi, Venus, her many names. The sensual High Priestess, goddess of love. This hot pink ray of light will melt and transmute all grief, depression, anxiety, and stuck energies. The stagnancies that have been upon your planet for thousands of years will rise to the surface just life sea foam.
The angels suggest that there will be many who fear this Divine Feminine Awakening
They say: there are those who run away from the many faces and facets of the Divine Feminine. But the fact is, they are running away from themselves, from the parts of themselves that resonate within the Feminine Frequencies. For the dark fears the light and the light fears the dark, it is all just a game of polarity. The Angels want you to know that you are not lost in these times of transition in the Golden Era, you are loved.
Most of all, the angels teach that we are love itself, here to rediscover itself through human form! Did you know that you are love, love that was once forgotten, and it re-membered itself through the re-membering over and over again through various incarnations, in-memberations into your thick-skinned membrane? Yesss! You are indeed covered in a membrane of human form, but within you are soul, a soul of pure love and Divine memory. Informatics of Divine form. The Feminine form. and the Masculine form. Holy, pure, real, re-membered entire universes reside within you. It is time for you to wake up, and realize that each of you are aboard on Her Royal Vessel, the Divine Feminine ship of Gaia floating on her orbit in space. Be carried upon her, ride swiftly upon Her salty waters, and rise up like the sea foam, as has done our Beloved Aphrodite.
Connect with the sea, and you will see, the sweet and salty memories of Her, and of your true origin reside within…
Remember, the word memory comes from Ancient Hebrew. Mem Ohr – memory: where Mem meant “water” and Ohr “light/spirit.” The 432 hz sound is carried in harmonized water. Salt, wave like motions, and the 432 hz tuning fork heals the water, and this crystalized water can heal your body and align you with Twin Flame Love.
Memory is simply a way of explaining that information is stored within the 70-percent surface of Gaia. We dear ones are made of water, are of the ocean, so truly the memories lie within. Thanks for joining me Twin Flame Lover, I’ll see you soon.
Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker, swiftly soulmates High-Priestesses with their Twin Flames and Starchildren.
by Dr Amanda Noelle | Dec 4, 2013 | Pussy Power in Business |
Something BIG just happened. It is CRAZY! I am all teary… I chose to believe in magic a few years ago, and I chose to prove it to myself, even if my partner didn’t believe in me and left me heartbroken. Little old me who used to suffer from fear, poverty issues, and low-self esteem had a BREAKTHROUGH tonight!
My piggy bank just squealed with pleasure. It used to writhe in pain.
Like a toddler who realized that she had a handful of gum balls in her pocket, I just realized that I made my first $15,000 month. In a MONTH, and seriously without even trying, not really caring, working 2 days a week while just ‘playing’ and healing. Doing my ‘BLI$$ness thing‘ while traveling in Italy! I have been testing out my theory that High-Healed Priestess wealth comes from a combination of 20% action, and 80% magic. So I have been working very little, and only in flow and bliss, and blissing a lot. And it’s paying off!
Me getting tears of joy tonight!
$15K is what I made in 3 or 4 years during my twenties, on average. Because I had such low self-esteem then, because I’d forgotten who I am.
My Higher Self channels: Dear Ones, do not forget who you are! Do not believe what they say! It is all but a program, like a programmed code. You come from ancient sacred bloodlines, each of you, from the Sangraal, and all you have to do is activate your divine royalty!
It’s time to end self-hadred, spiritual poverty, and PURSEecution
For those of you suffering from low self-esteem, trauma, poverty, and shame: know that inside you is a great God/dess, because you are a reflection of the Great God/dess, The Almightly, The Shakina and you are never alone. Here is a video that I made to share why many women are hurting in their wallets, the low self-esteem and trauma from past-lives and ancestral wounds creates what I call “PURSEcution:”
[fvplayer src=’’]
I’m magical, I’m a fairy, I’m a Starchild, and I am a High-Healed Priestess! As a human woman, I may be a little ridiculous, or even a lot sometimes, but I CAN DO ANYTHING, as long as I don’t forget my Starpowers!
You are a goddess of abundance.
My soul came from the Higher Dimensions to show you (and me!) that if I can do it, so can you. That even a woman in 2010 who fell apart, who was heartbroken, who got arrested for doing mushrooms, who was dirt poor, and who almost gave up on herself can make it, anyone can. I healed myself using 100% pure unconditional love, and I didn’t allow the fears to stop me. I know you can too.
I am a Little Shakina, and I am RISEN! Who is ready to join the self-realization love revolution!?
Dr. Amanda Noelle, Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps stellar spiritual women swiftly attract easy abundance and their Twin Flame so they can live like goddesses.
by Dr Amanda Noelle | Dec 3, 2013 | Pussy Power in Business |
I have discovered the coolest and weirdest business niche ever! It’s something that I would have never thought of, because it doesn’t exist yet (to my knowledge) and it’s even hard to explain. But it’s working, it’s what’s been bringing me clients and growing my near 6-figure BLI$$ness this year, and I believe I’ve discovered the Holy Grail secret to picking a niche for your spiritual business!
Everyone knows that without a niche, it usually takes years longer to fill your healing practice or small business. But most people I see starting off in their businesses, especially spiritual healers, have a really really tough time picking a niche without feeling like they’re wiping out a part of their soul. Luckily for me, I started off in my work as the Twin Flame Matchmaker, because I’d done Law of Attraction matchmaking for free so many times. As a spiritual matchmaker, I teach women how to clarify what they want in a romantic relationship, and to immediately attract it using psychic tools, the Law of Attraction, magic, and what I call PU$$Y Power. The work that I do has helped hundreds of women fall in love with themselves and attract their Twin Flames, and a few little Starchildren have even been born because of it! Check out the video here to see one of my true Twin Flame matchmaking stories that might melt your heart:
[fvplayer src=’’]
My matchmaking BLI$$ness pretty much skyrocketed from the start, and overnight I became a successful business owner. Being a kick-ass matchmaker, I was surprised that I somehow naturally attracted a new wave of female clients who needed coaching on their businesses too, as part of a preparation phase for their Twin Flame relationship.
What I learned more recently is that my “matchmaking magic” works for anything, and particularly works well for BLI$$preneurs who are seeking their “soulmate clients.” And that there is a niche for women who need both soulmate clients and their Twin Flame, and that these two answers I provide are really connected to the same core piece of resurrecting the Divine Feminine, connecting to your PU$$Y Power so that you can attract anything you want.
What Are Soulmate Clients?
Soulmate Clients Are in Your Soul-Family Tree
Soulmate clients are people in your soul family that you have a soul contract with to teach, heal, and love them in exchange for Love Buck$! All of my clients are soulmate clients, and it makes working feel like bliss and not business. Soul-targeting your soulmate clients is a much faster way that doing traditional marketing, branding, and niching.
My soulmate clients need both Twin Flame attraction, and support as High-Healed Priestesses entrepreneurs. That’s why I keep inevitably teaching about both topics: Twin Flame matchmaking and soulmate client matchmaking for
6-figure BLI$$nesses (business + bliss + big bucks), which seems random from a business perspective! Like a niche created by someone who did one too many pink Jello shots.
Yet I’ve discovered that for us women healers, these two topics go hand-in-hand: you can’t master Twin Flame attraction until you master soulmate client attraction, and vice versa. Because when we make our income off of healing energy exchanges with our soul family, it makes us whole, healed, sexy, empowered, abundant, wealthy, and blissful. This prepares us for our Twin Flames.
What’s interesting is that my soul purpose within soulmate client matchmaking has to do with matching female healers with their female clients. 99% of the time my clients want to work primarily with women clients, like I do. So, in a way, I am weaving a web of women, soul sisters from around the world, who are part of a grand soul family.
Plus we are also Twin Flame ambassadors. Thus, through our BLI$$ness networks, we’ll be exchanging money from one Twin Flame High Priestess to the next, and creating a sort of “New Girls Network” (a spoof on the Old Boys Network) and new Divine Feminine based economy, which is really exciting for me! It’s time for Mama Gaia to have powerful women who deeply love and care for her to take charge. No more of this funny violence, greed, corruption, pollution, evil stuff! The High-Healed Priestesses are taking our power back and building a Heaven on Earth paradigm.
Looks like I am going to have to tweak my brand AGAIN to include the BLI$$ness stuff back, as it’s showing up in my coaching no matter how much I try not to (because you’re “supposed to pick just one niche” in business. Blah!). Well, I have just one niche now: it combines two seemingly different things that I feel need to be married together: Twin Flame matchmaking and soulmate client matchmaking, and I love it!
Once we learn to receive like a goddesses, manifest magic like a High Priestesses, and take action like queens, we can create ANYTHING we want in our life. It’s the path of the High-Healed Priestess.
Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps stellar spiritual BLI$$preneurs create successful 6-figure healing BLI$$nesses that align them for swift Twin Flame attraction.