I used to suffer from such harrowing perfectionism that it nearly killed me; after graduating from my Ivy League type of school, that I ended up running away from life for around ten years. I made 4-figures and could hardly afford to pay for rent, yet alone the yoga classes I wished I could be taking! I called my poverty ‘spiritual growth,’ but on the inside I know it it was the avoidance of facing my worst demon: PERFECTIONISM. During a soul awakening at age 29, I saw my soul purpose, which frightened the $h*t out of me! I lucidly saw myself committing to helping women free themselves from financial scarcity, to resurrect the New Earth Money Codes. My guidance told me that I would need to be strong, and never back down. I couldn’t “afford” to be perfectionist anymore… So I went and found an imperfect job as an esthetician that brought me a stable 50K income that year, and stayed there for 2 years. I was terrified of leaving my steady-paying gig and had no idea how to run my own business, but I knew I had to or my soul would crush me. Still, I held on because I was afraid I’d do business wrong–my perfectionism was still subconsciously holding me back. Until my neck went out and I suddenly couldn’t work at my old job. My worst fear was going to be faced: I would HAVE to face my soul purpose and possibly fail terribly. Yet I had nothing to lose…

I had already been failing massively by not doing anything.

started using money affirmations and prayers to get me started, and tried out what I now call my 4-Hour Aphrodisiac Marketing System…spending 4 hours a day doing marketing in a spiritual way. You do NOT have to be perfectionist to make 6 or 7 figures. In fact, you really cannot afford to be! All you have to do is try. Do your best, and the rest will come. Keep showing up, perform at the best level you know how, and let the rest shush!  Those harrowing voices in your head need to be replaced with affirmations as simple as “I can do it!” “I keep going and I succeed!” or, “I am brilliant and abundant.” Here are 7 steps that you need to create a successful 6 or 7-figure bli$$ness:
  1. Activate your soul purpose from your ‘PU$$Y Power.’ PP is the the intuitive divine feminine creative womb space that can manifest with ease when you’re aligned with your soul purpose
  2. Birth your Sexy Signature System (SSS), a 3-7 step system that you can use as the backbone to everything in your biz, to solidify your presence as an expert, brand yourself, and create a true body of work.
  3. Create Your 7-Figure ORGASMIC Website, one that generates leads, creates conversions (clients/customers who buy), and that up levels your brand and what you can charge.
  4. Do a Soulmate Client Attraction Launch. This is High-Healed Priestesspreneurs wobble: they create a website, bli$$ness, or service, and they don’t launch their biz in a systematic way, which results in no client enrollments/sales! Launching is one of the biggest keys to getting your online biz going.
  5. Seductive Selling. You gotta learn to sell your offer in a juicy way, taking potential clients from the Pain Bank to the Pleasure Bank of the Sales River.
  6. Luxury High-End Branding. Girl, you gotta go from average, woo woo, or even worse, hippie-chick, to high-end and chic! Uplevel your brand so that you can raise your rates sister.
  7. Aphrodisiac Marketing. You gotta get on a 4 hours a day program and kick butt attracting your Soulmate Clients while delivering them TONS of free content that helps them fall in love with you while getting some results. 4-Hour Aphrodisiac Marketing System
I used to suffer from such harrowing perfectionism that it nearly killed me; after graduating from my Ivy League type of school, that I ended up running away from life for around ten years. I made 4-figures and could hardly afford to pay for rent, yet alone the yoga classes I wished I could be taking! I called my poverty ‘spiritual growth,’ but on the inside I know it it was the avoidance of facing my worst demon: PERFECTIONISM. During a soul awakening at age 29, I saw my soul purpose, which frightened the $h*t out of me! I lucidly saw myself committing to helping women free themselves from financial scarcity, to resurrect the New Earth Money Codes. My guidance told me that I would need to be strong, and never back down. I couldn’t “afford” to be perfectionist anymore… So I went and found an imperfect job as an esthetician that brought me a stable 50K income that year, and stayed there for 2 years. I was terrified of leaving my steady-paying gig and had no idea how to run my own business, but I knew I had to or my soul would crush me. Still, I held on because I was afraid I’d do business wrong–my perfectionism was still subconsciously holding me back. Until my neck went out and I suddenly couldn’t work at my old job. My worst fear was going to be faced: I would HAVE to face my soul purpose and possibly fail terribly. Yet I had nothing to lose…

I had already been failing massively by not doing anything.

started using money affirmations and prayers to get me started, and tried out what I now call my 4-Hour Aphrodisiac Marketing System…spending 4 hours a day doing marketing in a spiritual way. You do NOT have to be perfectionist to make 6 or 7 figures. In fact, you really cannot afford to be! All you have to do is try. Do your best, and the rest will come. Keep showing up, perform at the best level you know how, and let the rest shush!  Those harrowing voices in your head need to be replaced with affirmations as simple as “I can do it!” “I keep going and I succeed!” or, “I am brilliant and abundant.” Here are 7 steps that you need to create a successful 6 or 7-figure bli$$ness:
  1. Activate your soul purpose from your ‘PU$$Y Power.’ PP is the the intuitive divine feminine creative womb space that can manifest with ease when you’re aligned with your soul purpose
  2. Birth your Sexy Signature System (SSS), a 3-7 step system that you can use as the backbone to everything in your biz, to solidify your presence as an expert, brand yourself, and create a true body of work.
  3. Create Your 7-Figure ORGASMIC Website, one that generates leads, creates conversions (clients/customers who buy), and that up levels your brand and what you can charge.
  4. Do a Soulmate Client Attraction Launch. This is High-Healed Priestesspreneurs wobble: they create a website, bli$$ness, or service, and they don’t launch their biz in a systematic way, which results in no client enrollments/sales! Launching is one of the biggest keys to getting your online biz going.
  5. Seductive Selling. You gotta learn to sell your offer in a juicy way, taking potential clients from the Pain Bank to the Pleasure Bank of the Sales River.
  6. Luxury High-End Branding. Girl, you gotta go from average, woo woo, or even worse, hippie-chick, to high-end and chic! Uplevel your brand so that you can raise your rates sister.
  7. Aphrodisiac Marketing. You gotta get on a 4 hours a day program and kick butt attracting your Soulmate Clients while delivering them TONS of free content that helps them fall in love with you while getting some results. 4-Hour Aphrodisiac Marketing System
Hula for Moolah: 3 Secrets to Dancing in AbunDance

Hula for Moolah: 3 Secrets to Dancing in AbunDance

Dancing is an ancient sacred ritual all humans have done through the ages to heal, celebrate, purify, and co-create. One of the little known things about dance is that it can be a secret Law of Attraction weapon, particularly in the area of attracting financial abundance, or ‘AbunDance.’ In this blog, I will teach you how to hula/hoolah in the moolah so that you can live in 6-figure BLI$$ and beyond.

In shamanism and metaphysics, everything is energy. Dance has a powerful capacity to move invisible energy through the chakras, auric fields, and across the planet, to bring out healing and awakened consciousness. The energy grids can get stuck in fear, and dance transmutes blocks through with waves, bouncing, and shimmying, and bliss itself. Every time I feel stuck and go dance, it’s like an instant mood makeover, and you get a better body too! thumb

Many of us High-Healed Priestesses are energetically stuck in the past with our spiritual relationship with money.

  1. Some of us make money at day jobs without our hearts in it.
  2. Others of us have become life coaches or spiritual teachers in ways that are more masculine and don’t fully let in our Divine Feminine spiritual gifts.
  3. A large amount of us healers are stuck in a poverty or peasantry vibration, which is just sad to see!

We High-Healed Priestesses – high priestess healers (perhaps in high heels) are meant to go high-end in life: in business, finances, friendship, home, and with Twin Flame Love. At Aphrodite University, I help hippie chick healers, lightworkers, women with powerful healing gifts, and woo woo women to create high-end 6 and 7 figure businesses that heal the world. Here is one of the tips that I share with my Aphrodite University students (SeaStars) to help them quickly call in the big bucks through the Law of Attraction.


So let’s get connected with the Divine Golden vibration, rebuild the Goddess Temples, and create our modern day Atlantis. It’s really easy to do, we’ve just got to dance it in!

Speaking from personal experience, I went from making $5,000/year in 2009 to making $15,000 in a month in 2013 because I allowed my AbunDance to flow into my body, mind, spirit, and piggy bank.  Oink!

money goddess

money and the law of attractionAbunDance Secret #1: Connect with your PU$$Y Power on the dance floor.

PU$$Y Power is the Divine Feminine life force sitting between your legs that births all abundance and life, and it can birth your purse power as well. It activates our spiritual flow on earth, through our sacred sexuality so that the energy moves the the beat of our own divine creation. To learn more about PU$$Y Power, click here. Dancing, and many conscious body movement exercises, activates PU$$Y Power by getting your bliss down in your body and into your root chakra. Dancing also can open up kundalini, the snake like energies that ride up and down the spine, like the pattern of the dollar sign.

AbunDance Secret #2: Join a dance community

Dancing in community is one of the things that has saved my life, allowed me to heal, and gotten me to where I am at in my bli$$ness. I prefer dancing in a tribe where people gather old school and dance barefoot, with no rules or regs. There are many Ecstatic Dance venues around the country where you get to dance in a container of conscious people who love to dance, and it’s super blissful!

At Ecstatic Dance, there is usually limited or no talking, no shoes, and a free flow. I do a psychic grounding warmup, meditate for a bit connecting to my PU$$Y Power, and find the dance slowly moving through my body at first, and at its own pace it melts me open and turns into a DanceGasm! A full body orgasmic dance experience where I feel both completely embodied, and also out of my body in bliss. I get lots of psychic visions, downloads, and my aura becomes squeaky clean at the end.

thumbAbunDance Secret #3: Listen to EDM

I love listening to EDM, electronic dance music, to galactivate my energy fields.  I walk, run, dance, and chillax to EDM on a daily basis, and it feels like home to this starseed!

Here is a great list of the top 25 EDM producers, you really can’t go wrong. I like listening to Pandora (I am an addict) though some prefer Spotify. I choose Pandora because it feels like a friend who knows me, and there are so many great artists that I have discovered through the random love of Pandy. Mmmmm!

So get those dance pants on, or take it all off, dance around the house, on the dance floor, try a new class, and definitely try out Ecstatic Dance. It will change your life! Post your comments about why you love dance below. And hula for moolah!


Dr Amanda Noelle




Hula for Moolah: 3 Secrets to Dancing in AbunDance

How Do I Find my Business Niche? Make More Money, Serve More Peeps

How do you find your business niche? And is niching really necessary to break 6-figures?

This post will help so that you female BLI$$preneurs get excited about developing your niche so you can more easily:

  • Become known as an expert
  • Get paid way more money, way faster
  • Grow your BLI$$ness at light speed
  • Get more biz opportunities such as: speaking gigs, sell to private clients, get YouTube channel hits, make faster sales on your website, get hot book deals etc.

Many of us already know that it’s typically a great deal harder and more time-consuming to build a business without a niche. Generally, unless you have a ton of start up capital to spend on marketing, it’s ideal to have a niche when you’re first getting started in your small BLI$$ness as a solopreneur. When you get started, no one knows who you are; they don’t trust you enough to buy from you.

Trust takes time to build, and it’s faster to build trust when you have a particular niche where you can stand out as the ‘perceived expert’ on something very specific.

There’s lots of competition out there in the marketplace. Other entrepreneurs do the same thing that you do perhaps? Often times who have more experience, with better branding, and at charge cheaper rates?Yes. Indeed. There is a lot of competition out there, especially now that we live online.

You simply have to pop from the crowd and stand out in front of your Soulmate Clients!

But how do you boil your soul purpose down to one teensy tiny expert topic?!

With a  bazillion potential niches, how do you pick just one? This can make anyone crazy, and everyone goes through the niche bitch stage, but we can just as easily turn on the switch and pick our P2PP.
I call a niche a “P2PP”–a Pain to Pleasure Problem–something you solve in people’s lives that they’re happy to pay you for because it saves them a huge headache, time, money, health issues, etc.

divine feminine entrepreneur

P2PP problems are in one of three categories:

1) LOVE                 2) WEALTH/BIZ          3) HEALTH/WELLNESS

Your P2PP, will usually be in the topic of relationships, health, or wealth/biz. Sometimes you can combine two of these, but either way, your P2PP should be super clear and defined so someone can figure it out in a second and go “Oh, that’s for me!” if it’s for them.

Good examples of P2PPs are:

  • Helping tech boys get ten dates a week so they can find their solute
  • Helping spiritual women with their online marketing so they can make more money
  • Helping business women who travel get over jet lag so they can function better

Examples of wishy-washy lame P2PPs would be:

  • Helping empower people (everyone wants to be empowered, but why would they pay top dollar for something vague when they need help from an expert?)
  • Helping women become more confident (still too vague)
  • Life coaching for women
  • Reiki for wellness

The above bad examples are way too vague to charge high-end rates and expect a big following, unless you’re super lucky.  It would be hard to ask someone for a lot of money for simply “empowerment” “health” or “wellness” as you aren’t really an expert. Would you want to go to a general practitioner doctor or a specialist if you had some rare disease? Easy answer, right? For your Soulmate Clients it will be the same: they will hire you when they see you as an expert problem solver to the problem they have on their plate.

how do i pick a niche Get specific! Get more specific. Get even more specific.

Most of us tend to fear niching and we stay vague and our Soulmate Clients don’t want to pay us high end-rates or sign up at all.

Carve out your hot P2PP – the problem in the marketplace that you solve for your specific type of Soulmate Client. She or he is waiting for you and you must speak to her (him) using lingo and concepts that she’s ready to hear! You have to let her know that raging problem she has has a solution: which is you!

Blessings on your unleveled BLI$$ness with your hot P2PP. Share in the comments box what your P2PP is or if you haven’t chosen it yet, some options. Some of us here can give you feedback or ideas!

Namaste and light,



Money and the Law of Attraction

Money and the Law of Attraction

As a BLI$$ness Coach, my mission is to help spiritual women step into their divine abundance so that we can each become a living breathing goddess of abundance and to rebuild the goddess temple. As a spiritual woman, I struggled with poverty consciousness all through my twenties and made a 4-figure salary most of the time.  It got so much better when I had a goddess of abundance breakthrough in my early thirties, and I’ve never looked back! I now get to run my BLI$$ness between Europe, Asia, and the US and have coached women from over 30 countries worldwide, helping clients attract their divine abundance as coaches, healers, channels, intuitives, and holistic therapists.

Unless you love clipping coupons or worrying about where next week’s rent is coming from, poverty is not a high vibration for most people living in the modern world. The Universe is infinitely abundant, so if you’re not tapping in yet, there’s much exciting divine wealth to be discovered!

Here are three tips to quickly build your financial abundance:

goddess of abundance

1) Watch, read, breathe wealth consciousness.

I highly suggest listening to abundance consciousness videos daily, like the ones made by Esther and Jerry Hicks, whom I love.

Esther and Jerry Hicks, New York Times bestselling authors, channel higher dimensional energies and have a huge cult following of Ascension pioneers (people who are waking up). They speak to the connection with money and physical health, as well as the fact that we create our reality.

I suggest reading their books on the law of attraction, such as Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness.

Or you can do a Google or YouTube search for abundance money and the law of attraction reviewsinspiration. Let your divine guidance take you to where your eyes need to wander. I love surfing YouTube with words that pop into my mind like “goddess of abundance” or “law of of attraction money” and watching the first few seconds of a few videos until something starts to speak to me.

I also like using money affirmations, and you can read my blog about this here.

2) Spend time with people who have good wealth consciousness.

Did you know that you are the average income earner of the five people you hang out with the most? This is true for not only money, but just about anything! Like average weight, self-esteem, political beliefs, or education level. We average out the energy frequency of the energy frequency that surrounds us! If you’re constantly spending time with people who have little or no money, or a low abundance-consciousness, it’ll hold you back BIG time. I know saying ciao for now to your poor peeps can be tricky and sad, but it’s vital  to set your high money frequency in place so that you can receive your divine abundance!

goddess of abundance

I hang out with one of my favorite people regularly, and the fact that she sometimes makes $100,000 in one day and is a conscious millionairess perks  up my abundance consciousness every time we meet!  She’s also a darling heart-based woman, an inspiration, and she’s given me some of the best abundance and business tips ever.  I met her at a high-end business coaching program, so it definitely helps to pay to enter exclusive circles!  She also happens to be part of my soul family, which was a nice surprise.

3) Seriously simple tip: set financial goals for yourself.

What is your juicy BLI$$ number!?

People often tell me that they want to know how to make a lot of money or “have a high abundance consciousness,” but that’s too vague for the Universe to grasp. Having real number value on your abundance/income helps align a vibration with a matter-based reality.  What would you like to attract this month? In the next six months? Within the upcoming year, five years, ten years, etc?  I notice that people tend to get unrealistic here. If you’ve been making $1,000/month for the past ten years and want to make $5,000 in 6 months, that might be a shock to your system. Try easing into 3 then $4,000 instead. The slow-and-steady approach tends to work for most people – though it’s not impossible that you’re different. But try not to get caught in setting number goals that are too big and stretched so that you snap in half under pressure!

To your big BLI$$ and abundance blessings!

Dr. Amanda Noelle
