by Dr Amanda Noelle | Mar 23, 2017 | Uncategorized |
Maybe you’ve heard of the Twin Flame Theory…Perhaps you have a solid understanding or believe of what a Twin Flame relationship is…
And it could be that you are happily single, but getting closer to understanding what Twin Flames are, or perhaps you’ve entered into a special union and you want to learn more about what your soul has called in…
Or maybe you’re as lost and clueless as I was about Twin Flames several years back, before I became obsessed with Twin Flames, and with finding mine.
This article goes beyond the aspect of defining “What is a Twin Flame?” as I have defied in other articles and Twin Flame videos. In this blog, I attempt to define the concept of Twin Flame Love, and share my viewpoint on how Twin Flame Love enters the Twin Flame Union.
It is my hope that this short post will help you understand, call in, and awaken your Twin Flame Love partnership like I did, so you can have a heart that is fully satiated, and so that you can give back to the planet and live on soul purpose!
So, What Is Twin Flame Love?
Twin Flame Love is a Source Energy that holds an energetic alignment of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine polarities.
Essentially, Twin Flame Love is a type of divine or heart-balanced energy that can be channeled into all areas of life.
It’s where Divine Feminine Love is aligned with Divine Masculine Light.
Or as I put it, FLAME = Feminine Love Aligned with Masculine Energy
See below where I define what is feminine and masculine energy in the section, “Twin Flame Energy and the Yin Yang Theory.”
Let’s Look at Twin Flame Alchemy
Let’s talk about Twin Flame energy and how this aligns with ancient alchemical principles.
In the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, which is a short occult work, it states the well-known phrase: “As above, so below, as within.”
Or, in accuracy, the actual statement was: “That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing.”
This means that the microcosm is oneself, and the macrocosm is the universe… where macrocosm (the Universe) is as the microcosm (the Youniverse) and vice versa. Thus, each lies within the other like a yin-yang symbol with smaller yin-yangs inside.
By understanding one’s self (the Youniverse microcosm) a beloved may understand the macrocosm universe, and understand the other beings inside of it, including one’s Twin Flame.
Thus, if we apply this principle to understand Twin Flame Love, we realize that to align with Twin Flame Love, we must align with the love of the universe, which is composed of two polar energies, which is the Yin and Yang or Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies…
Twin Flame Energy and the Yin Yang Theory
I used to be a student of Traditional Chinese Healing, and in the tradition it is thought that everything in the universe is composed of Divine Feminine (yin) and Divine Masculine (yang) energies that balance out each other through polarity.
Here are the general qualities of yin and yang:
Yin – general qualities are dark, cold, watery, hollow, internal, based on the past, behind, subconscious, intuitive, amorphous, circular, wavy, emotional, flowy. Yin is related to the Earth and to the moon.
Yang – light, hot, fiery, solid, external, future-based, in front, conscious, logical, consistent, square, linear, nonemotional, direct. Yang is related to the sun and stars.
There is no separation of yin and yang, and yin lives within yang, and vice versa. Thus, in a similar sense, you live within your Twin Flame, and your Twin Flame lives within you…
Note that we are all made up of yin and yang, both men and women have Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine qualities in our bodies, minds, and spirits.
The goal is to balance all aspects of ourselves with yin and yang, and balance our 11 Twin Flame Chakras. For instance, in general, many people tend to be imbalanced in their root chakras regarding money, where it tends to be either a masculine forcing it energy, or an overly feminine flowy energy that can become ungrounded.
Side note: As a Twin Flame Matchmaker, I have found that women healers in general must learn to anchor their divine abundance with solid masculine structures in order to make money and call in their beloved.
Twin Flame Love Signs
I teach my clients that they are ready for their Twin Flame ONLY once they see the entire universe as their beloved. What does that mean?
I know it sound and can be quite frustrating to embrace everyone and everything under the sun with love. But believe me, though not easy, it is possible. The motto for Aphrodite University is “Love Conquers All” which is Amor Vincit Omnia in Latin and goes back to ancient times. It’s,also translated to “Love Heals All,” which I know to be true.
In order to know whether or not you are in a state of Twin Flame Love, you can watch the video here to learn the 5 Signs of Twin Flame Love:
How to Call in Twin Flame Love
In order to stoke the flames and call in an energy of Twin Flame Love, all it takes is love.
It simply takes connecting to Love, which means allowing your limited Youniverse to connect with the limitless Source Creator.
Where most of us get stopped up is that we feel not good enough to receive love, we feel not good enough…
Most of us feel “not God enough” for our Twin Flames!
This needs to change. We awakened beings, holders of the Flame must awaken to Divine Love and not hold ourselves and our soul missions back by the oldest story in the book that tells us there’s an angry God looking over us, and that if we make one wrong move we’ll be sent to Hell. We won’t!
The Universe is made up of one thing that is divided into the polarity of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. As a High-Healed Priestess (healer in heels) I would say that the most common mistake that stops people from calling in and nurturing their Twin Flame Sacred Union is the lack of integration between their feminine and masculine qualities.
That’s where I got stuck, and what slowed/stopped me for years from getting what I wanted. Until I hired a mentor who helped me with my love blocks, and a business coach who helped me get out of wealth blocks, I simply could not manifest my Twin Flame because I was so out of energetic alignment!
It’s not easy to get through those splits in our soul, places where our Sacred Feminine has gone underground due to thousands of years of patriarchal rule. The healing work can be challenging, lonely, and I know what it’s like to go through a Dark Night of the Soul.
However, there is support, and I would be happy to support you as a woman who has gone through it all and overcome most of it, and will continue healing every step of the way.
I would also love to hear your story, your questions, and your Twin Flame Love signs!
Thanks for reading, much love to you.
Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker
by Dr Amanda Noelle | Dec 11, 2013 | Law of Attraction, Twin Flame Signs, Twin Flame Spirituality, Uncategorized |
In my YouTube video, What the Heck Is a Twin Flame? I define a Twin Flame as the other half of your soul incarnate. It’s living breathing you in the carnage (physical human form) of another. Same soul, different meat-suit.
According to Greek mythology, we were all once attached to our Twin Flame. If we had a male or female other half attached directly to us. But our powers were too strong, we became so godlike that Zeus got jealous and
had humans sliced in half. ‘Til this day, we’re still suffering looking for our Divine Match, according to this metaphorical (I think!?) legend. In another blog article, What Is a Twin Flame? Twin Flame Q & A by A Twin Flame Expert, I talked about the difference between a Twin Flame Love and a soulmate love.
A soulmate in essence is a soul who comes in to teach you a lesson (and vice versa) and it can be romantic or not. If a Twin Flame being the other half of your soul can be a very exciting concept for those of us new to waking up, or those of us who have been awake but not yet totally aligned in relationship. Twin Flame seeking then becomes a very beautiful path of self-discovery then.
Not many people have known about our ability to attract a Twin Flame up until recently.
Many spiritual schools taught that a Twin Flame is something not worth seeking or of importance; some schools teach that it’s outright impossible for most. But it’s 2016, and the matrix energetics are realigning. New perspectives are allowing us to seek the answers within, and often times the answers say “I don’t choose to believe that,” and it is so. We are what we think. Beliefs shift reality. Once indoctrinated to believe we simply couldn’t have what we wanted, now we can indoctrinate ourselves with whatever we choose.
In 2012, we became our own doctors. Our own teachers, masters, gurus, shrinks, and lovers. That doesn’t mean that we can’t get external guidance and motivation along the way and that all external mentors are ineffective. Contrarily, teachers are simply mirrors of ourselves showing us what we believe or deep down know inside of us. When we have false teachings show up, it’s ourselves giving ourselves a test with a trick question on it. Do you (a) Write it off that you can’t have your Twin Flame because someone told you or it hasn’t happened, (b) Believe in Twin Flames but choose that it’s not likely for you, (c) Stay openminded and open-hearted to the idea as you deeply seek deep self-soul love, or (d) Decide that you definitely have to have a Twin Flame or else (you’ll die perhaps!?)? The best answer I suggest is (c). Why not give love a try, with the parachute on your back being the deepest sense of self-love and self care?
How do I know if my partner is my Twin Flame? First, ask yourself, do you even really want a Twin Flame? Here is what is required of being in a Twin Flame relationship:
- Deep soul evolution, being on an Ascension path
- Self-awareness at all times, on all levels
- Being conscious from a Higher Self perspective
- Being grounded in the earth plane and facing your insecurities
- Going through a Dark Night of the Soul, if needed, to get to the Higher Self aspect
- Healing your root chakra and learning to make friends with money, survival, and wealth consciousness
- Being willing to surrender everything you currently “know” as love
- Being willing to leave a bad marriage or even a pretty decent one that is not your Twin Flame relationship
- To learn and know the difference between karmic soulmate love and Twin Flame Love vibrations
- Letting go of the way things look
- Being willing to fall in love with someone who might not fit into the box of traditional relationships
- Being open to your Twin Flame being on another side of the globe or of a different culture
- Tons of clearing, healing cleaning, de-cluttering of your aura, home, finances, and all aspects of your life so they align with the truth
- Finally, and most importantly: deep unconditional self-soul love and gratitude
Darn! That’s a long list, I know you’re saying. It is. Yet think about all the soul growth you’ve already done in your life and even over the past few years. That’s a long list too.
Even if you have just a few things on the list above, you’re already getting Twin Flame set if you so desire. Now back to the question, how do you know if you’re in a Twin Flame relationship? Simply study yourself and how you are showing up in your current relationship.
Twin Flame Examination Starts at the Self.
First focus on YOU, and not the relationship (an external Twin Flame Mirror of you)…
Staring at you allows you to empower yourself and go to the source of the Twin Flame relationship, since you’re the only one you’ll be with 24-hours a day for the rest of your life! And you are the one who decides if someone is your Twin Flame. I have been told by several men that they were likely my Twin Flame and with pressure and persuasion behind it for not so Light reasons…it seems “Hey baby, I think you’re my Twin Flame” could be the latest New Age pickup line!
When we don’t start at ourselves, we often end up in situations of abandonment and needing to heal a broken heart by a false Twin Flame
Here are the questions to ask yourself as you evaluate your current relationship to see if you are with your Divine Beloved:
- Do I deeply know myself?
- Do I love what I see when I look in the mirror?
- Do I spend lots of time doing things I love?
- Do I have a rock solid relationship with rocks, nature, trees, water, earth, fire and even fairies?
- Do I give myself full credit for being as powerful as I am?
- Do I criticize or hate myself in any way and let myself get away with it?
- Can I financially support myself and do so blissfully or do I have a job I hate that gives me migraines?
- Do I have a relationship to my sensuality and understand my sacred sexuality?
- Have I let go of all of my past relationships fully?
- Does my heart feel so open wide that I love all things?
- Do I have a huge dose of unconditional self-love?
- Do I have a huge doses of unconditional love for every being on the planet?
True Twin Flame Litmus Testing to Be Released Next Fall!
Joking:) So you wanna take a litmus test to know if your guy/gal is the Twin Flame for you?! Pee into this panel and I’ll send it off to the lab and tell ya:) Kidding! While they haven’t come out with a Twin Flame fool proof test, you can try this one to get some good ideas:
- Have I “come out of the closet” as a healer, indigo, crystal child, rainbow, etc, or do I hide myself and my talents to “play it safe” in front of my partner?
- T or F? In a way, I know I could leave this person, because we are so entirely at one that on some level it doesn’t matter if we’re together or apart. I have faced my fears of disappointing him or her and my own fears of abandonment.
- Am I staying with this person for the sake of the children, appearances, or out of insecurity?
- Do I find this person attractive on most all levels?
- Has your partner ever abused you verbally, physically, or psychically?
- Is your relationship of service to the planet in a way that serves people outside of the relationship/family? (This can count even if it’s through deep love energetically releasing to the world).
- Is there one single thing that doesn’t fit that keeps eating away at you or the relationship that you can’t let go for over more than a year? Sorry, I hate to break it to you, but this sounds like a deal-breaker…
- Have you not unlocked some really old childhood fears and behaviors and family programs that are inhibiting your current relationship to a great degree? (this is not a total sign s/he isn’t the one, but it’s a good sign that as you heal, your energy will greatly shift making you more TF eligible).
- Does your partner fully love you and support you and accept you?
- Does your partner reject your ideas frequently, or not understand who you are on the deepest level?
- Do you and your partner not know a lot about each others Higher Self energies?
- Would you give your life for this person? If so, that’s not a good sign! You have to always put yourself first:) That was a trick question BTW!
Truly the best way to know if someone is your Twin Flame is to know yourself. Don’t forget that you are your greatest resource at all moments, and you are the Godchild/Goddesschild of the One. Feel free to check out my video How Do I Know if Someone is My Twin Flame?
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Dr Amanda Noelle, the Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps match High-Healed Priestesses with their Twin Flames at light speed while helping them build 6-figure purpose-based BLI$$nesses.
by Dr Amanda Noelle | Dec 11, 2013 | Law of Attraction, Twin Flame Love, Twin Flame Priestess Lifestyle, Twin Flame Signs, Twin Flame Spirituality |
Times are a-changing! In the past, we saw higher levels of world politics, education, wealth, and health industries being dominated by men. Now, the planet is about to get dominated by…
Twin Flame Power Couples!
Since the 1960s, planetary shifts gave way to a rise of feminism and feminine power. We’ve seen high numbers of women on top. But the problem is, many women on top have sacrificed their true Divine Feminine nature in order to step into the spotlight. And, they’re walking alone without a true balance of Divine Love feeding their hearts.
It’s critical to heal the planet with a balance of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies.
So hold onto your hats – we’re in for an exciting new paradigm ride! Post 2012 Shift, we are witnessing the rise of Twin Flame Power Couples stepping into leadership.
We are experiencing the rise of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine and their harmony through union.
We are seeing these love leaders who come together through Divine Union as Twin Flame Power Couples.
But what exactly classifies a Twin Flame Power Couple? In this blog, I will identify the 11 signs of a Twin Flame Power Couple. There are many more than 11, but 11 is a Twin Flame number, so we’ll start there. While each Twin Flame Union is unique, there are certain themes I see over and over again.
Here are the 11 Signs of a Twin Flame Power Couple:
- You are not defined by your ego or led by greed, control, or seeing power
- You are here to heal the planet and serve with the Light
- You two are on a soul purpose mission together
- Your Twin Flame Union is a container for intimacy, yet it also holds your soul purpose
- You want to birth a Twin Flame Legacy – either biological children, or something to impact the greater good of the planet
- You are motivated by bliss and love, not punishment or fear
- You are ready to accelerate your spiritual growth, at light speed
- You are committed to non-violent communication and ahimsa – treating others through Oneness and non-violence
- You are both committed to self-evolution in order to evolve your relationship, the planet, and Oneness
- You are connected on a Higher Self level, not just through your daily life
- You are willing to die for the cause – your passions and love are that strong
As a Twin Flame Matchmaker, I have witnessed hundreds of my clients attract their Divine Partner at light speed.
I myself moved in with my Twin Flame within a week! We fell in love at first sight and felt an instant sense of Twin Flame soul recognition.
You can watch the video about our reunion here:
The Divine Feminine has risen and it’s an exciting time on the planet for women and for planetary healers in general. The rise of the Divine Masculine is catching up with us ladies, and conscious men are on the rise!
Things are happening quickly. Men are reassessing their old roles and are becoming more conscious in their hearts, and are asking their partners and wives to join them in the power seat. This is true for Bill and Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. This is the first time in history where a single couple have both run for president, which is groundbreaking in Twin Flame history!
Men and women are making new waves and are stepping into conscious relationships, Twin Flame Unions, and spiritually-based relationships.
This is a very exciting time for love. Venus energies (the Goddess of Love and the planet of love) is merging with our Earth Consciousness. Our hearts are merging with the lower chakras.
Twin Flame Power Couples operate from the higher, more spiritual chakras, rather than just the lower three chakras (the root chakra, the sacral chakra, and the solar chakra) relating to survival, sex, and power.
Twin Flame Power Couples are aligning their sexual energies via the Twin Flame Kundalini pathways that link through the 11 Twin Flame Chakras. They come together through all seven chakras of the body, the Gaian Chakra, and the three Transpersonal Chakras. These couples are most linked at the heart.
The Twin Flame Union has been relatively rare in its physical form on the planet until recently, humans are still “getting the hang” of Twin Flame Love.
Twin Flame Love is an ancient, timeless, sacred, and raw energy to return to the mainstream systems. Indeed it is needed, and it is time.
Dr. Amanda Noelle is the Twin Flame Matchmaker helping women attract their Twin Flames at light speed.
by Dr Amanda Noelle | Dec 10, 2013 | Uncategorized |
You met a guy, a crush, and you’re feeling it. He melts your heart and maybe your panties too. But is it safe to proceed? You’ve been badly hurt before and don’t want to ride that roller coaster again. So is he a real Twin Flame Fox, or just a Big Bad Wolf? Here’s how to tell…
Ignite your intuition!
ATTENTION: This guy could be a hippie big bad wolf in disguise and might be a player playing flower-child!Let your intuition decide!
The first thing is that you have to trust your intuition. From the outside, Twin Flame Foxes and Big Bad Wolves can appear the same, which is why you need a more spiritually refined gage, a metaphysical-man-thermometer of sorts.
There is nothing worse than getting stunned by the surprise bite of a wolf. The bite-and-run…I have seen it repeatedly. Really great-seeming guys who turn into wolves overnight when they get triggered by something that opens them to their insecurities.
Especially things like early childhood traumas, hidden subconscious energies, and financial issues. From one day to the next, they can go from sweet and soft healer-types, to cold and heartless Twin Flame runners. Ouch! That’s why it’s important to go slow so that you have time to see if you’re building your trust with the right partner. We are manifesting these bite-and-runs because they are simply reflecting our subconscious childhood wounds that need healing. Heal it, and move onto the next with better intuition next time!
Intuition is key. However, as women, we have all kinds of codependence issues and we fall in love too easily, lose our psychic space, so intuition can get overridden by our $h*t. That’s why I suggest going slow and read the signs better until you become a metaphysical-man-thermometer pro!
Slow down and shop for sustainable sexiness
A real fox is more than sexy on the outside. He’s more than just talk about spirituality, intimacy, and relationships. He has a sustainable sexiness. He’s there for you, and sticks with you through the dark periods. Doesn’t leave you for bust, and definitely doesn’t drop you for other ladies when you ‘get too complicated.’ Nope. He adores your complexity, adores your brilliance, and enjoys the depth of your Divine Feminine Love.
A True Twin Flame Fox can offer you the 3Cs, he can: communicate, connect, and commit. Otherwise Mr. Fox is going to turn you on, get your kundalini motor running, open your heart, and leave you hot, hurt, and dry, and burning for more when you can’t get it. For most women (there are exceptions), this isn’t the most pleasurable experience. We get attached and want to bond, and a runner is painful to our Divine Feminine loving energies.
Some Big Bad Wolves keep you in the relationship to feed off of your spirit, and enjoy your codependent tendencies. Beware! If you don’t see the 3Cs present in the relationship and he’s still around, think about whether or not you’re trapped in a love-illusion. When you’re trapped in codependence, there’s no room for growth, leadership, true connection or intimacy, because the relationship is based on fear, jealousy, and limitation.
A real True Twin Fox is only truly sexy when he’s really there for you, cares, and shows up fully. Even if it’s for a short-term relationship, he’s there with good communication and is 100%. He honors you as a goddess, communicates, loves who you are, and can speak with you about the future. He can tell you his fears, his desires, and you can decide like an adult if they align with your goals.
For instance, if you are looking for your Twin Flame and you’re dating someone who tells you he’s not looking for long term and just wants to “see where it goes,” get out. Get out now! You are not looking for self-esteem S&M, are you? You deserve the best. If you’re looking for a LTR (long term relationship), you deserve Twin Flame Love as a High-Healed Priestess. Here’s What Is a Twin Flame, video to help you understand more about the Twin Flame Therory:
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Beware the Big Bad Wolf
A big bad wolf is just bad for you; he opens old wounds, tears up your tender parts, doesn’t empathize with you, and he usually leaves you in the dust. You find his abandonment atrocious and attractive at the same time, because it feels like your familiar childhood pain.
Familiarity=love in our subconsciousness.
Maybe does it over and over again. Big Bad Wolfs are karmic soulmates and Twin Flame Counterfeits. While he’s not necessarily bad to the bone, he’s a part of your shadow showing you where you need healing. Twin Flame Runners are big bad wolves and I see that most of them are usually Twin Flame Counterfeits and never come back. I’ve worked with LOTS of women who have had TF runners; 95% don’t come back and aren’t the real deal.
We are attracted to Twin Flame Runners because our subconscious Divine Feminine energies resonate with the vibration of abandonment by the Divine Masculine. It’s an ancient memory and trauma held in our collective. We as Little Shakinas (daughters of the Divine Feminine) keep replaying the traumas in our lives and blaming ourselves, but it’s simply an old trauma-pattern that needs to be looked at, loved, and released. You are ready to heal. Your relationship failures, men leaving you, abandoning you for other women is not you. It’s not even a failure! It’s just a pattern revealing itself for healing. It’s a stuck pattern. Why else would you want to date “bad boys” when there are really great eligible men out there for you? Don’t let your Divine Feminine abandonment baggage get in the way! It’s over 5,000 years old and doesn’t have to exist anymore! Let’s unstick the pattern…
Let’s create a new Twin Flame relationship paradigm. It starts with us women, us Little Shakinas. It starts at the Divine Feminine by worshipping Her within us. We need to prepare ourselves for the Real Deal. The real deal real sexy foxes – they are good guys (or gals) who are available, emotionally stable, financially stead, ready, supportive, and ready to create a revolution with you. They are knights who defend the Divine Feminine and cannot wait to be close to you, support you, and connect! I am so psyched for you to reunite with them. Let go of the Big Bad Wolves, there is something much bigger out there for you.
Love and Light,
Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps High-Healed Priestesses turn their bliss into 6-figure BLI$$nesses and Twin Flame relationships that heal the world!