You may have heard about the signs that someone is your Twin Flame, but what you might not know yet are the signs to tell if you have a Twin Flame.

7 Signs to Tell If You Have a Twin Flame

This video, 7 Signs to Tell if You Have a Twin Flame will help you:

  1. Tell if you are a Twin Flame (someone who has an incarnate Twin Flame who is walking the planet.
  2. Help you identify the 7 signs that all Twin Flames have so that you can make sure you are on your Twin Flame path.
  3. Align yourself with the main 7 keys that are required to attract your Twin Flame quickly.

Watch  7 SIGNS: How to Tell if You Have a Twin Flame HERE!

The seven Twin Flame signs shared in the video above will help you determine that you are a Twin Flame, and have a Twin Flame on this earth.

Many believe that not everyone has a Twin Flame incarnate on the planet…

Are you one of them?

Once you decided that you are on a Twin Flame Path, get started doing the work using Twin Flame Affirmations. Then, read my next article, Does Everyone Have a Twin Flame? The Best Way to Tell if You Have a Twin Flame by clicking HERE.

XO lots of love!

Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker

PS: Learn why using Twin Flame Affirmations really works by reading my blog on Twin Flame Affirmations here.  You’ll get 7 Twin Flame Attraction Affirmations that rock!


Work Magic to Manifest Your Twin Flame Fairytale

Work Magic to Manifest Your Twin Flame Fairytale






twin flame story nce upon a time there was a magical little girl who was tricked by an evil toad into believing that she wasn’t Divinely perfect. He told her that there was something innately wrong with her, and that no one could ever truly love her, least of all her One True Love. Even though the evil toad’s words hurt the little girl to the core, she swallowed her tears and persevered through life, knowing that someday she would heal and find her True Love. The girl grew up to be a beautiful-hearted woman, a gifted healer, and a lover of all things Divine. Though she faced many trials and travails, the dream of attracting her one true Twin Flame motivated her through her healing evolution.  She kept her Light shining bright, mended the hurt Inner Child, and realized that it was all a lie — Silly toad! In fact, one day she realized that she was actually a true High Priestess and that she was ready for her Priest. 

The Twin Flame Love frequencies are here, and woman, that girl is YOU!!! 

Check out the video version of this blog!: Work MAGIC to Manifest Your Twin Flame Fairytale!

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All of us grew up believing in fairytales.

twin flame ascensionWhether it was Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, or Anastasia, these tales helped us live in fantasy to escape from our own pain and abandonment as children. Yet they have stuck with us in our adulthood, and these tales are only distorted reflections of our hopes and dreams. In order to realize the true fairytale, we must deprogram the distortion and clarify our realest version of Happily Ever After.  In this blog, I help you do just that if you so wish!

Deprogramming Cinderella Syndrome

twin flame fairytale

Someday My Prince Will Come…Sure, that’s true, but not if you sit back on your laurels in your silly watchtower being trapped by your evil stepmother or queen (the false feminine, as opposed to the Divine Feminine upholding Divine Truth). Someday was a great idea, until someday came along and brought us lots of pain and heartache when we tried to squeeze a Happily Ever After out of the wrong mate, potential partner, or crush obsession. Ouch. Heartbroken and disappointed a few times over, yet that’s what it takes to learn the lesson. That no matter how hard we try, no man, person, place, or thing can heal us until we are willing to do the “dirty work” within ourselves. It is Lightwork actually, even when it seemed dirty and painful at the time, the results are so bright little Cinderella birdies will wanna flutter all around.

twin flame attractionThrough fairytales, we learned the main distorted message: a damsel in distress can be saved from all evil, entrapment, and from being neglected and abandoned, simply by attracting a handsome prince!  In a nutshell, fairytales, though romantic and love-inspiring, teach a distorted message and false promises that can create a lot of heartache and relationship disfunction. Or even divorce… That is not so romantic! To inspire True Love, we must re-write fairytales in a way that empowers us–girls and women–especially the Inner Child.  Ultimately, our fairytales must emphasize the harmonization of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within.  The balance between independence and inter-dependence will triumph over disfunctional co-dependence forevermore.

Healing Cinderella Syndrome

Yes loves, it is time to transition out of Cinderella Syndrome, from Damsel in Distress into Twin Flame Love! These relationships will truly be Awakened ones, and hold full potential for true Happily Ever After. In truth, we Cinderellas out there have to “save” ourselves first.  Being self-saved Power Priestesses makes us very eligible and attractive to the right sexy-souled partner.  That way he or she doesn’t have to take care of us like a wounded daughter or little girl. Further, no one else, I repeate no one, can actually save us when we are up our damsel high towers when we are too stubborn to save ourselves first. To save ourselves, all it takes is a conscioussness.  “I save myself consciousness” instantly dissolves “Save me consciousness”–you will attract an entirely different species of mate. So go do it and enjoy!

high priestess dressAgain, to access Twin Flame Love, or any type of love, we must first realize it within ourselves.  This can seem like no easy feat, especially when we have grown up in a world where our Inner Child was scarred, scared, and felt separated from the Sacred.  However, that was then and this is now; the healed and whole Inner Child can now align with the Inner High Priestess to attract her Divine Partner.  This is the new paradigm of 2012.

Awakening Divine Love within ourselves requires us to first observe and undo the love-limits that have scarred us and blocked us from receiving external love just like the deep moat of water and thorny brambles surrounding a castle preventing Mr. Right from traipsing in. I’ve included an easy meditation below called “Healing Your Inner Child Fairytale Meditation” that is designed to quickly clear out subconscious blocks that limit love.

The Truth about Happily Ever After

True Happily Ever After does not mean being lazy, easy, or loving without compromise. Relationships takework, just like a magical garden takes energy for it to grow. Like a relationship, you must water and plant and weed. You must decide which new fruits and plants you want to harvest; there are a lot of decisions and actions to take. You must remain commited, excited, and focused on the joy of the prizes that arrive daily.  You must be able to cut your losses of the tomatoes that rot on the vine. Further, in the Garden of Love, you may prick yourself on the rose bush on occassion; even when her blossoms are so lovely it still hurts! We are all human, and we must learn from eartlhy lessons.  

 Healing Your Inner Child Fairytale Meditation:

Sit in a safe space and get into a grounded meditation mode.  Relax, sit back, and enjoy the ride. Candles, incense, chakras spinned, and three ohms if you so please! 

how do i find my twin flameImagine yourself as the most spiffy and fantastical fairy-magic castle in your own fairytale.  The castle is YOU, and it also represents the home, hearth, womb, shelter, mother, Feminine, Divine Mother, etc.  See a giant moat around it, and a scratchy overgrowth of thorny brambles that block out the love of your Divine Partner.
Ouch!  Ewwe!

Then, see a thick, heavy drawbridge that attaches to a mighty golden Divine Door to your own Divine Heart of this castle of you. Ahhh… Now acknowledge that the brambles have served you for these many years to protect you from perceived dangers. But also know that you no longer need them, for they were keeping both good and evil out, and blocking you from fully receiving as a High Priestess.  Ask your guides to come into the scene now and allow the drawbridge to come down, allowing the door to your Divine Heart to gently open. Then feel the guides’ wisdom and protection watching over you and the door so that your castle is safe, protected, yet welcome to the right Beloved and loved ones who need to pass over the moat.  Know now that there is no reason to attract thieves or Twin Flame counterfeits who attempt to steal hearts for you are protected, you are loved, you are love, and you are the Sacred Goddess Temple of De-Light.

There will always be joy, there will always be pain, surrender, and loss in creation, growth, and magic sometimes, in the Divine Garden on Earth, and through the Twin Flame Unions here. But on the whole, Happily Ever After can be had, as long as we align with 

high healed priestessGod/Goddess and Divine Love that begins within.  I bless you and praise you for being the brave little girl who is awakening fully to her Divine Feminine light as we speak!


Dr Amanda Noelle

Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps women swiftly attract their Twin Flame and create 6-figure BLI$$nesses as healers.

Twin Flame Love Warrior

Twin Flame Love Warrior

“Your love is like a poison to the demons that slither across the Earth.”

When you are a Twin Flame Matchmaker, you must create sacred shamanic space for your Twin Flame work. Sometimes in creating these spaces, you hit a snakelike energy that wants to interrupt your ritual, wants it not to happen. It’s as if a viper is telling you that you’re not welcome to spread and ignite the Twin Flame Light. Twin Flame Love

Yes. There are times where I get hunted for spreading Twin Flame Love across the planet. But as a huntress who has learned a lot about working with dark and Light, I know that the fastest way to cleanse out this dark force-funky is through love and, ironically, with Kundalini blasts.

To learn more about Twin Flame Kundalini CLICK HERE.

We must must unlock the loving Twin Flame energies that rise up our spines; we must then direct this love towards the darkness to transmute it to Light. Being full of endless divine love, we become like a venomous snake to these snakes. As you too are a Goddess of Love incarnate. It’s our job to rise the Love and to never surrender! No matter how scary it seems or even how silly we look!

This week, I am clearing an ancient astral space that corresponds to Twin Flame Energies and to the Divine Mother on Earth, Also known as the Magdalene, Maria, Mare, Mar (ocean), Atlantis, Aphrodite, Ashtarte, Innana, Kuan Yin, Venus, Earth Tribes, Native Nations, and Shakinah. I must be a Warrior of the Light, and be steady with my Love 946738-bigthumbnail.
You are part of a group of ancient High Priestesses Light Workers who are no longer willing to live a lie, who are called to Twin Flame Reunion and ultimately to awaken to your Divine Self. Your soul calls out to wake up, to shake it up, to writhe, and to create the Golden Era.

I cannot serve this next wave of High Priestesses until this snake energy is cleared. So, I ask for your prayers and love this week as I go to “war” with love and Kundalini as my only weapons. I invite you to pray for your Twin Flame this week, and to feel the Light of the Divine Mother growing ever stronger in your heart.

UnknownFor those of you who are at an advanced level of Kundalini Awakening, please send your orgasmic light (if you feel called and safe) to transmute these serpents of limitation. And bring forth more Golden Light and love to Gaia.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Dr Amanda Noelle



Dr. Amanda Noelle, Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps stellar spiritual women attract their Twin Flames at light speed so they can carry out large soul purposes and birth Starchildren.


Twin Flame Love Warrior

What Is Kundalini Awakening, and What Is Twin Flame Kundalini?

Twin Flame Kundalini 101:

Kundalini (Sanskrit कुण्डलिनी) is the electrical wavelike energy that runs up the base of the spine. It is represented as a sleeping serpent/snake or goddess who awaits to be awakened. kundalini rising This form of feminine shakti, or “corporeal energy” is usually awakened during a deep meditation, an enlightenment experience, the soul’s desire to know God/dess, and/or through sexual bliss.

I often have kundalini signs in the form of snakes coming into my life.

One of the best ways to describe kundalini is the Twin Flame energy: Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine snakes that ride up and down the androgynous (neutral) pathway of the spine.

The Kundalini Energy Pathways

Kundalini energy rises up the spine in snakelike or wavelike motions centered around the spine-axis.

These yin-yang energies drop from Father Sky and rise from Mother Earth, and meet within us in the spine and chakra centers, traveling through electro and biomagnetic fields within our spine and spinal fluid.

Kundalini energy has been represented in cultures around the world in ancient art, from Ancient Greece, Turkey, Mayan Civilizations, India, Egypt, Afghanistan, and beyond. The clues have also been hidden and preserved within Masonic Temples and even in the Christian art.

What Is Kundalini Awakening or Kundalini Rising?

All of us have kundalini energy dormant within us. However, not everyone has awakened kundalini. When we consciously or unconsciously choose to awaken our kundalini energies, an ancient gateway opens that connects us on Earth and to the Cosmos. This Stargate gives us direct access to our Higher Self and to higher spiritual information.

This awakening is called Kundalini Awakening or Kundalini Rising. It can be felt in slight or even dramatic energetic releases or pulsations, as well as in the form of a major spiritual awakening or life crisis. When you have a Kundalini Awakening, it means that it is time for your personality to awaken to the ancient sacred records and memories contained in your soul. There is a need for your human self and your Higher Self to be integrated. Attempting to shut it down a kundalini awakening can create harm to the body and soul.

What Does Kundalini Rising Feel Like?

Kundalini energy can feel similar to subtle chi energy experienced during a tai chi session, acupuncture treatment, or reiki healing. Or, it can be much more intense and can feel like a full-body orgasm where you have to let go and let God!  To me, kundalini energy feels like a combination of a pulsation and a wave, of light, electricity, and water.

I feel it most often while dancing and lovemaking, but a good meditation session can be just as blissful.  I also recommend meditating while self-pleasuring, which I call “masturtation” – imagine the snakelike energy flowing up and down the spine while connecting to the earth and sky. Allow the sexual pleasure from your yoni to conjoin with the electrical pulsations so that human (earthly) pleasures connects with celestial star pleasures.  This is a symbol of the Twin Flame Union as well.

Signs of Kundalini Rising

No two people have the exact same kundalini rising symptoms. Here are some of the most common spiritual signs of kundalini rising, as shared on

  • Feeling different, not fitting in
  • A deep dissatisfaction or a yearning for inner development
  • Inner sensations of light, sound, current, or heatAdam and Eve kundalini
  • A heightened inner or outer awareness; increased sensitivity
  • Feelings of energy flowing or vibrating within
  • Special abilities, capacities, and talents
  • Non-ordinary phenomena
  • Altered states
  • Spontaneous bodily movements or breathing patterns
  • Emotional fluctuations
  • Psychological issues coming forward
  • Atypical sensations or sensitivities
  • An interest in spiritual growth or in metaphysics or the esoteric
  • Compassion and a desire to help others
  • Asense that something non-ordinary, transformative, or holy is happening within
  • Personal development, and optimally, spiritual transformation and realization

Kundalini Syndrome

Kundalini syndrome‘ is used to describe the physical and psychological symptoms manifested through blocked kundalini.  I’ve known many clients and friends who experience kundalini energies rising up their spines during sex, meditation, dance, and in everyday activities. Kundalini awakenings can be pleasant and orgasmic, subtle or slight, or they can be overwhelming and tumultuous. I have also witnessed many who consciously or unconsciously attempt to suppress the awakening process because it terrifies them; or, at least a part of them doesn’t feel ready. Blocking kundalini flow that wants to rise is not a good bet. This can lead to migraines, back pain, chronic candida, anxiety, depression, other health and mental health issues, and root chakra issues, such as poverty issues and survival fears.

It can be a strange experience at first, to feel electrical pulsations riding up your spine and emitting out of your body. If you don’t know what they are, or how to maneuver them, kundalini energy can feel unfamiliar and even scary. I had a friend who had her first major kundalini experience while sitting on the toilet, and it freaked her out. She didn’t know what it was and shouted for it to stop. The energy stopped and she shut it down. Interestingly, this friend also suffered from a chronic case of migraines, chronic pain, candida, and other health issues.

Kundalini is nothing to be afraid of, but I recommend if you’re feeling overwhelmed to get professional support from a healer you trust.  Start going slow, especially if you’re feeling uncomfortable. Always be extra careful when experimenting with kundalni while using plant medicine or practicing tantra.

When I had a kundalini awakening experience in my early twenties, I was subconsciously fighting it and became so sick I could hardly walk.

I had chronic migraines, sinusitis, and fatigue that no doctor could heal. I dove into my spiritual path and used herbs, nutrition, and acupuncture to heal myself. It wasn’t until years later that I put together that what I was having was a kundalini awakening experience!

 Twin Flame Kundalini

As within all of creation, there is the left pillar, representing the Divine Feminine, the right pillar, representing the Divine Masculine, and the spine – the Zero Point, where the two snakes become one in holy union (Divine Oneness). Activated kundalini flow allows a deep soul-healing, can clear away pain and blockages, and emotes the frequency of Twin Flame Love.

Each human has these two “serpents” within them – a male and a female serpent; when activated and harmonized, the two snakes dance together up the spine and create a unique soul-song in the spine that opens up various parts of the brain and creates a hyper-conscious awareness.  It can contribute to increased psychic abilities and an awareness of the Higher Self that makes Twin Flame attraction easy.

Literally, this psychic consciousness allows us to work consciously with the Law of Attraction so you know exactly when and where to meet your other soul half. Twin Flame Kundalini is the merging of the four serpents: the male snake of the female partner merges with the female snake of the male partner, and vice versa (and in same-sex couples it’s the same).

twin flame kundalini

The Twin Flame sexual union marries
together the two soul-halves and through this ancient snake dance; the Twin Flame pair bridges the gap of separation of self from other, heaven from earth. The wound of separation can then be healed, and the Twin Flame partners move forward in the world with a new perspective and divine connection. When the two serpents merge, a new dimension or doorway opens.

This is why during lovemaking, I have had surreal cosmic experiences where I have passed through the Stargates and have co-existed in the two worlds. I have seen my partner shape-shift into various celestial forms, and have watched cosmic light grids appear throughout his physical body.  Further, these experiences have allowed my psychic and channeling gifts to become activated. The experience is fantastically healing.

Kundalini Pre Twin Flame Union

serpent twin flame Within Twin Flames, kundalini usually awakens either in both or one of the Twins prior to the Twin Flame Union. The energy of kundalini is more powerful than any human energy, and to harness it, it helps to practice a kundalini meditation several times per week.  To stimulate a kundalini activation, you can place a piece of Serpentine or Aurora Quartz at the root chakra and at the crown, to draw the kundalini up the spine. Red jasper can also be used at the root chakra as well.

Many Twin Flame Kundalini blessings! 


Dr Amanda Noelle



Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps single stellar spiritual women swiftly align with their Twin Flame and Starchildren.

PS: Courageous, Conscious, Sexy, Single Woman!

If You Are Ready To Call In Your Divine Life Partner, Then Join Me For…


This is a complimentary 90-minute Twin Flame Attraction training for single women.

Get The FREE Twin Flame Masterclass Training Here! >>

With love from my heart to yours!

Going from Starving Hippie Chick to Hip n’ Chic High Priestess Business Owner!

Going from Starving Hippie Chick to Hip n’ Chic High Priestess Business Owner!

Guess what!? Gone are the days where we believed that money is the root of all evil. That was so silly! We fell for the oldest trick in the book in fact. Money isn’t the root of all evil; evil is the root of all evil. Evil people tricked us into believing that it was money so that we could give up our root chakra power and financial freedom to become their slaves. Women got hit the most with these money “belief systems” (BS) because we are more vulnerable due to our smaller size, lesser physical strength, and mainly because we get pregnant and it’s harder for us to run off and be financially independent when raising children.  As a former starving healing artist, I used to have all these BS (belief systems/bull shit ideas) that money was evil. Now that I am making a living doing what I love, I realize that it’s not only not evil, it’s freeing and having money in the hands of good peeps can heal the world fast!

Are you done choosing between:

  • being rich and being spiritual?
  • dating someone spiritual who gets you but who has no cash, and dating someone who has money but who doesn’t understand your High Priestess spirituality?
  •  a life of love and happiness, and a life of success and wealth?
  • living in luxury as an environmental vampire, or living like a peasant as a do-gooder?
  • fitting into the mainstream or being this weird alternative rebel who can’t fit in anywhere but an alternative spiritual (aka poor) community?
divine feminine business

Then this article is for you my soul searching sister! As a High-Healed Priestess, it’s my job to match juicy spiritual women with their soul purpose BLI$$ness. To do so, we have to integrate the inner spiritual hippie chick (fairy/mermaid/goddess/High Priestess, etc), with the adult grounded human, future mother, career maven, stellar woman, etc.

Let’s talk about how to balance you out to integrate the woo woo and the grounded you…

So you’re a bit of a hippie chick. I dig it… I am one too – or at least I was one throughout my twenties. I still am one at heart – in a big way – though you can’t totally tell it from the outside.  See, I wear better clothes now, pay for high-end haircuts, and can actually fit into mainstream crowds. I even own a pair of Jimmy Choo’s. I’m currently hitting up some posh spots Italy in Greece without standing out too much (apart from the fact that my jewelry is way too big and rainbow colored, I have big crazy blond hair, and my dresses are bold and artsy. But they’d never guess that I meditate, talk to fairies, channel, believe in the Law of Attraction, and consider myself a Pleiadian as much as I do an American. Hippie with a capital H, and a mystic too.

What I’ve learned since I graduated from full-time hippie chick university and moved onto living wealth goddesshigh-end hip & chick as a BLI$$preneur.

I am living my dreams as a high-end spiritual matchmaker, writer, and woo woo woman and I want this for every High Priestess on the globe.

In this post, I’ll share the 3 biggest mistakes we hippie chicks make to sabotage our financial abundance, so you don’t make ’em anymore. And, I’ll give you some gems so that forever after you will have endless prosperity, my hip n’ spiritual sister!

Stop fearing money and diving into dumpsters

When I was a starving hippie chick, I used to dumpster dive for clothes and housewares and would brag about how eco-friendly I was because I hadn’t gone shopping for anything new in a few years. I once literally dove head over heals doing a handstand in a dumpster (it was clean!) dragging about $300 of clothing items out. While this was kinda fun in a way, I never liked and truly feared money. When it came to paying for things, I panicked or froze up. Truth be told, I was just too cheap or poor to afford anything nice for myself and I had low self-esteem issues I didn’t want to deal with or admit to. I had to find excuses to seem like I had my $h*t together (when I in hindsight, clearly didn’t). Really, I was $h%t scared of money, and had no idea how I was going to make it through my fear.  My abundance consciousness needed a little massaging to say the least:)

Quit sabotaging streams of income

I was either unemployed, leaving a business I started, planning something new, switching out of something that wasn’t spiritual enough, or moving back in with my parents. Again! Rent is expensive in California, but that wasn’t even a real excuse like I made it out to be – I just wasn’t making more than 4-figures a year! I somehow found a way to avoid receiving money or having to work at all.


Me in my office with a view in Crete, Greece

Me in my office with a view in Crete, Greece

My crash landing and bounce-back

Then I hit thirty, my life fell apart in almost every way – happy 30th birthday Amanda! I pretty much fell out of my skin and absolutely had to make a change in every aspect of my life. You try getting arrested, losing the man of your dreams, getting kicked out of your housing situation, and dying a shamanic death while on magic mushrooms all in the same month!  No, don’t try it..Not recommended at all. After months of panic, humiliation, insomnia, and wanting to leave the planet, I eventually began to sew myself together energetically and financially; and I had to because I was running out of cash and mental stamina.
So I got my first long-term job ever in my life (note, long-term for me means longer than 4 months!).  I worked at a high-end (aka snobby and better paying) spa as an esthetician in a chi chi area of Marin, CA for nearly two years.  Finally, I committed to something with promise that would pay the bills, weren’t my parents relieved!
Yet I was working for ‘the man’ full-time in a dark spa room doing work that robbed my soul on the weekdays, and doing what I loved on the all-too-brief weekends, while dreading Mondays. Wash, rinse, repeat. I was miserable at work; I felt like I was energetically raping myself, and for what? So I could have health insurance that I rarely used (I use TCM, nutrition, and holistic healing instead)?  Or was it so that I could shop at Lululemon and Wholefoods?
The thing was, while working at that spa and making decent money, I realized that I really did like money and the finer thing in life.  I didn’t like how I did it – I didn’t like selling my soul to da man or catering to knit-picky snotty women who wanted me to trim their bush because they didn’t get the memo that you have to trim it to half an inch before a bikini wax.  Oh God, I can’t believe what I did for money! What a waste of my time; pube trimming was not soul purpose at all (thank God!). I am a High-Healed Priestess for Heaven’s sake.
goddess of wealthSo after a year or two, I knew I fearlessly had to escape spa-hell to launch my own dream. I knew I’d do whatever it took. “But I’m a hippie girl!” I self-consciously thought to myself. How could I do business if I am just a hippie-chick? Every other business I’d owned had failed financially. Like Ananda Skin Spa, my own organic spa, and Spot Fitness, my nutrition, fitness, and wellness consulting company I ran for expats in Shanghai. All great ideas and visions, never spot on the money.  Why? Because I sabotaged them!
Here’s the thing: we hippie chicks are truly a magical and brilliant breed. We’re full of creativity, spark, sensual essence, and often a pinch of extra beauty and magic. Hippie chicks can be really HOT selling items if you think about it!  He he he. We also have great ideas once we ground and come to earth.
Lemme break it down for you. Here are three mistakes I made when why I was poor as a hippie chick, and why 99% of the hippie chick community is poor too. I will explain how to start changing that in three simple steps so you can go from starving hippie chick to a stylin’ hip-n’-chick high-end hippie too! Wahoo, I hope that sounds good to you?!

Fail One:

We “don’t like money because money isn’t spiritual.”
Translate: we are fucking afraid of our own Divine Feminine power. We are so petrified by the idea of grounding into our lower-chakras and functioning in the “real world” that we get all dispy-tipsy hippie flaky without taking a reality check for Heaven’s sake. I did this all throughout my twenties. I always said that I would “just manifest everything,” so it would work out, and to be honest I kinda did. But it sucks to live like that forever. How much of an impact can you have on the world if you’re freaking out about how you’re going to make rent or pay for gas? How are you going to manifest a roof over your head for your future kids to be a good mama? How are you going to manifest huge changes in the world through your voice when you can’t even afford a functioning laptop?  Money isn’t not spiritual ladies, it’s food for the physical world. And a healthy physical world is going to provide you with a smoother-sailing spiritual world and energetic body.  All seven healthy chakras start at the root with a grounded first chakra.
Step one here is to have HUGE compassion for your wounds in the lower chakras. I was in denial about mine, and it wasn’t until a horrific experience of getting dumped, arrested, losing my housing situation, and having my finances fall apart all in one week that I woke up to the fact that I didn’t have it all together. It was just a few weeks before my 30th birthday and I realized that I needed money to grow up, and that I had a lot of current and past life trauma sitting in there. Sexual shame, fear of being powerful, and lifetimes of getting persecuted for being a healer and High Priestess. Ouch, it sucked!  My reality check sent me into a spiral of desperation and I took my first full-time job for two years straight. I’m so glad I did it though, because it helped me ground and have a paycheck and pay for stuff, and then transition into being an empowered and successful BLI$$ness owner.
I now love money and money loves me.  Affirm that, it feels really yummy.  You can be both a hippie chick and rich – I am just that, a rich hippie chick. Ahh, doesn’t that feel good to own?

Fail Two: 

We focus on fun and forget about what the marketplace needs
If someone is going to pay you loads of money, don’t you think it’s kinda important to think about what they want before they buy, and what they think they need?
Hippie girls often omit one simple step in their business: marketing!  Argh, why does that seem so hard for goddess of abundanceus? I guess because 99.9% of the marketing out there is crap and not even close to heart-based. We flower children want to change the world and make a difference, so we try to help everyone by spreading our love and light.  But without marketing, we are like little children who have no cash and no mic to spread our voices.  Listen, clean marketing will spread your message to a marketplace. Marketplace is the place where there is a money exchange. Hippie girls tend to hang out in places where there is NO market.  In fact, this is how we best sabotage ourselves financially. We do ‘business’ (or something that resembles business) without anything close to a business plan or strategy or marketing launch.  Translation: self-sabotage, letting your inner child run wild, and not focusing on what your audience – the people that pay you by the way – need.
A few years ago I was in Bali and my friend Anna who owns a popular cafe and also a jewelry company told me that she had to learn to make jewelry and products that sell, not just do things from her passion. How sad! I thought.  But she explained how when she made all this fun colorful jewelry it would sit there and not sell, and when she made too many of the unpopular dishes, they’d rot.  What’s the point of expressing all your creativity if no one’s going to buy?

Fail Three: 

We own businesses without really treating them like businesses.
We hippie chicks are famous for being spiritual know-it-alls and for breaking rules. We do it so much that we’re like “I’m gonna own a business and not even follow any rules on having a business because that’s no fun!”
Posing at Positano, Italy
Fact, if you charge money for something and it’s your main source of income, that’s called a business.  I’m not saying that I want you to do business boring, no, not at all. In fact, that’s why I am a BLI$$ness woman, helping High-Healed Priestesses turn their bliss into 6-figure BLI$$nesses that heal the world in the most blissful way possible.
We do dumb $hit they never recommend in business and act as if it’s spiritual, like procrastinating on getting our message out there because we go play with fairies alll day. Or we discourage a client from working with us because they say they “can’t afford it” yet they invest their money in new clothes, festivals, vacations, etc and they really need our help as healers!
After some intensive healing, some major life changes, and a few miracles, I launched a successful BLI$$ness about a year and a half ago as a Twin Flame Matchmaker.  It’s been an incredible road that I am grateful for and I know it’s because I surrendered my fears to God/dess and have been going balls-out on my mission.
I guess I am a high-end hippie girl now, as well as a grounded High-Healed Priestess. I am free to follow my bliss, both energetically and financially.
I’m currently writing this from Crete, Greece where I am soaking up life to it’s fullest and sending you loads of love; check it out!greek goddess of love
I know we high-end hippie chicks are a growing breed… The High-Healed Priestesses are on a rise and we’re bringing our Twin Flames with us!
Gone are the times when we had to choose between being spiritual, and living in luxury. Gone are the times when we had to choose between being free, and having a husband/marital partner.
To your love, your riches, and to your dreams come true, whatever they look like!
Dr. Amanda Noelle