Sacred Alchemy of Love: Law of Attraction and Sacred Sexuality in Divine Partnerships

Hello Twin Flame Lover!
You’re wondering: How do I know if someone is my Twin Flame, or if they are just pulling at your heartstrings and torturing your soul?
Watch the video, Twin Flame Runner Chaser Chaos, or Is it a Karmic Thing? here:
In this Twin Flame Runner and Chaser video, I share my #1 telltale sign that a relationship is NOT in a healthy Twin Flame Union state.
Sister-friend, the craziness stops here…
Actually, I hear that ALL the time: “Amanda, I feel like I am crazy!”
Yes Dear, you are crazy.
And, I am crazy, s/he is crazy…
We’re ALL fu#&ing crazy to be on this ball of Earth, seeking out love!
It’s a beautiful heaven on earth but it’s also a hellhole at times, and everything in between.
Seeking a Twin Flame or any type of true love takes balls. Mega ovaries!
In the above video, you’ll learn a bunch of secrets on how to manifest Twin Flame Love and untangle from Karmic Soulmate love and or the Twin Flame Runner Chaser Dynamic.
Thanks for tuning in, please share in the comments below what you learned from the video, and I salute you for being as crazy as the souls we are and for showing up to create some miracles and magic today…
Dr. Amanda
Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy
Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.
Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...
Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.
In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.
Truly, the feminine is rising.
Does it ever feel like everyone around you eventually leaves you?
Do you sometimes wonder if anyone will ever want you for you?
I’m not just talking about your Twin Flame…I’m talking about real love enfolding you, and never leaving you.
I have spent many years of my life single, longing for deeper connections, and downright lonely.
Sometimes I’ve been invited to fun parties with Soul Family and friends, and yet still felt alone in my world.
Other years I was just plain alone.
Social gatherings can even stimulate thoughts like:
“Am I loveable?”
“Why aren’t they connecting with me?”
“Will anyone ever want me/get me/marry me?”
And sometimes we don’t get invited to the parties or asked out on dates by anyone of quality, or at times even anyone.
Beloved, do you struggle with the following abandonment issues?
Until not that long ago, I often found myself being abadnoned or betrayed–often by the people I loved and trusted most. I called in Twin Flame Runner energy and Twin Flame Counterfeits.
I’ve decided that fear of abandonment is a normal human experience–especially for women.
The Sacred Wound of the Divine Feminine is fear of abandonment by her Divine Masculine Counterpart.
Dig into your abandonment fears.
Face them.
Stay in alone tonight, and close all the shades. Turn off your distractions, and feel the pain arise.
Wallowing in it, and breathing in your loneliness is the greatest gift you can give yourself at this time…
Because if we don’t face our isolation, we’d be running from our issues!
No one will love you if you don’t feel your pain and love yourself in it.
When a woman runs from her abaonment issues, guess what will happen to her?
Abandonment comes to hunt her down.
Her sadness, her pain, her abandonment stuff will only grow louder and louder in all of her relationships.
Maybe this has already happened to you?
Have you ever found yourself in a partnership or social group where you were running from your loneliness together?
The bonds of sex, intimacy, and conversations served as a noise to distract you from your pain.
Perhaps if we just listened to our lone internal howling wolf crying her song of loneliness, we’d actually be able to shut the f*ck up and actually connect with each other…
To be honest, I have struggled with dark feelings of isolation, loneliness, and “I don’t belong” since…well as long as I can remember.
I was born a different type of soul with a specific vibrational field and purpose. My different rhythm made me feel like an outsider.
As a child, my loneliness kept me feeling like i didn’t belong on the group, or on the planet at all. Most of high school and college I spent pretending to fit in but I felt alien there too…
I slept with my first boyfriend hoping sex and intimacy would bandage my pain, but when he left and the bandage was ripped off, I was ripped in two!
I think my biggest problem during my younger years wasn’t my actual loneliness—it was my fear that if anyone found out that I was lonely, I’d be seen as a freak.
So, I pretended to fit in as the overachiever blond volleyball player. I wanted to be well-liked and popular, and while I had my moments, I felt like I would die if anyone found out my big bad secret…
Claiming this piece and allowing myself to face my shadow within loneliness and isolation is how I met Jack and how to call in your Twin Flame.
Are you afraid that if your Beloved knew about your fears of abandonment that you’d just shrink over in horror and humiliation?
It’s time to emancipate yourself from your loneliness now.
It’s not always healing your abandonment and isolation issues. I’ve been there, and that’s why I am here for you!
I have put together super special Twin Flame Love Combo Package for my blog readers.
Normally this package costs thousands of dollars because it includes a ton of high value content and time with Jack and I…
(1) I’ll gift you you 2 tickets to our Twin Flame retreat in San Diego: Twin Flames Live. This retreat cracked each of our guests open to a higher dimension of themselves, they called in a tribe of sisters, and you’ll love the pleasureful way we problem solved your deepest issues.
And of course with the Twin Flame Love Combo Package, I’ll include:
(2) Identify + Bust Your Twin Flame Love Blocks: Home Learning Program We have created a 6-week intensive training course to help you identify and quickly release your Twin Flame Love Blocks from your past lives and current life so you can quickly align with and attract your Twin Flame.
Click here to get started! (scroll down to “Bonus #3” for program details)
After you register on the next page for the Twin Flame Love Combo Package with the coupon code “gift” we’ll follow up to schedule your complimentary session!
The Twin Flame Love Combo Package is valued at over $6,000, and is available for a limited time only for just $333.
That’s right! You get a 6-week course, ticket credit for a retreat with us, and a past life clearing session with me for just $333, and it won’t last!
The 6-week course is an amazing offering to help you clear out the isolation and abandonment blocks and own your true Twin Flame Love power.
That’s an abundant gift and savings to give yourself… Join me using the code “gift” and get all three goodies before the offer expires in a few more hours.
XO, Dr Amanda
PS: Don’t wait, the savings won’t last, so sign up today for the Twin Flame Love Combo Package before prices go back up!
Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy
Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.
Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...
Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.
In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.
Truly, the feminine is rising.
The date 11/11 is a Twin Flame number and offers a Twin Flame Love frequency.
In this post, I will share with you a list of things that you can do to invoke Twin Flame Love on 11/11/17, or on any 11/11 date, or even at 11:11 time, any day, to create an invocation or Twin Flame awakening ritual.
There are an infinite number of ways to create Twin Flame 1111 rituals, but I have found that several things have worked to help my clients attract their Twin Flames at light speed so I’ll share them here.
I think you’ll find this guided Twin Flame Reunion Hypnosis Meditation supportive in preparation for your Twin Flame ritual. You can listen to it now, and if you can, re-listen regularly over a period of several days before doing your 1111 ritual!
⇒ Watch the Twin Flame Reunion Hypnosis Meditation Video HERE
There are many ways to celebrate the beautiful frequencies that are indeed always here, but come in through the celebration of the numbers 11/11 and 11:11. Find your own unique way to harness Twin Flame Love that day and every day!
Whoa! Synchronicity!!!:
I love this… I just noticed the time of publishing this blog; I copy-pasted the time just now before publishing! “Last edited by Amanda at 11:11 pm.” Holy cow, 1111 is for real! 🙂
Lots of love and 1111 Twin Flame Blessings,
Dr. Amanda Noelle, the Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps women attract their Twin Flames at light speed and create soul-purposed missions that heal the planet.
These signs and tips will save you tons of time, headache, and heartache in the dating game, so listen up sexy goddess!
This article is for you if you’re a woman on a fast-track Twin Flame path. You’re either currently dating, or you are currently waiting… preparing for the right moment to strike, for you to find yourself for your ultimate love.
At this point, you’ve probably dated some very possible-yesses, some definite ‘question marks,’ and a drove of heck-nos too!
But by the time you finish reading this blog, you’ll be able to discern what’s Divine Partner material, and what’s just fluffy false Twin Flame stuff.
Make no mistake and pay attention! You’re reading the right words here if:
Glad you’re here smart sister. I’m here to help!
So, you’re on the market to meet your Twin Flame. You’re looking for your dream guy, and you aren’t willing to settle. Good for you!
Yet you feel like you’ve already scoped out every single single man in town, seen and frowned upon every dating profile in your radius (except for those few hot ones who never messaged you back), and you’ve searched nearly every corner of the globe for your long-lost soulmate.
And still, you are empty handed OR you’re with someone but you’re just not sure… And that’s the worst, because who wants to be in a so-so settling-for-less relationship? Not you, I know YOU want to be with your Twin Flame, because now is your time. And you know that the Universe gifted you this life to celebrate to the fullest so why not!?
But never fear! Because the party has just begun.
You Know He’s Your Twin Flame If…
Your head tells you no but your heart says yes, AND rationally things still look pretty good.
This one sounds confusing. Hear me out. I’ve worked with thousands of Twin Flame seeking women to help them call in the one, and I have heard it all. But the main thing I hear over and over again from my clients and fans who attract the real deal is that he or she was not what they were expecting.
The cool thing is, these divine surprises are fun.
And the real women I meet tell me that their true Twin Flame turns out to be way better than they could’ve imagined. Still, there is some shock when they meet their mate, because that person didn’t fit the list that they’d written and had been writing for years.
Where this rule does NOT apply is where your head says one thing, your heart says another, and you make dumb decisions to go after someone who is not (a) healthy for you, (b) committed to you and to partaking in a conscious relationship, or (c) you’re trying to escape being abandoned by someone who doesn’t fully accept all of you (and that seemingly makes it ‘hot’ to you).
Here’s a tip: ask yourself, is he good for me? Does he have potential for growth? Is he truly ready to commit? If the answer is no for now, then move on and find someone who is all of these things to you.
You fall in love AND you love each other, and you’re ready to commit!
Sometimes it takes ups and downs, and everyone can get caught up in the Twin Flame Runner phase. But ideally you can pass through this phase in the first six months.
Here are some typical Twin Flame patterns I see –
At two months into the relationship, you can’t imagine not being with each other. You spend all of your time together and you feel so at home, it’s crazy!
At six months into the relationship you and Mr. Wonderful pass the tests of fear and abandonment, Next, at 12 months, you’re a YES. You’re either engaged or talking about life-long commitment.
OK, everyone is different, there are not solid time-rules, but if you’re a year into it and you’re still not sure, either (a) let’s talk because you need my help, or (b) really ask yourself why you’re not ready to commit yet!
There’s no rush, but if you’re waiting forever for a commitment and no one is discussing future plans, you might not have a future.
OK this is a great sign… You know you are with your Twin Flame if you have attracted a man who can work hard at relationships.
Even better sign if you have a partner who works as hard as he works in his career as he does on his spiritual path and at his relationship…with YOU!
You’re in a true Divine Partnership when your Beloved sticks with it no matter what, even when the going gets tough.
He works with the presence of Spirit especially when the times get ugly and hard. He doesn’t have to be Jesus or have it all figured out, but he must be able to work hard within the heart, the emotions, and intimacy.
When you have a sacred special connection a person, it’s not enough alone. Adult Twin Flame Love requires practice, hard work, and commitment. You don’t just count on the sacred bond itself to save you–that’s a novice move!
As a spiritual master of love, you count on yourselves and you choose your partner wisely! You work hard to evolve, grow, learn, and shift the planet together. You make sure you’ve selected a partner who not only can keep up with you, he can keep things up for you. He plays his part too.
Commitment takes work, but it should be fun work with loads of sexy ‘perks’ for instance.
True Twin Flames don’t give up on each other when there’s funk, like a childhood pattern to be healed, an abuse energy that rears its ugly head, and if a hardship hits, you both work through it.
If you’ve found someone who is willing to roll up his sleeves and do the work, no matter how crappy and sloppy it looks at times, you got yourself a good man.
I learned this one the hard way. I encountered some bad luck with a Twin Flame Counterfeit and I attributed this bad luck to our breakup. But as it turns out, TRUE Twin Flames work on their shit, and never leave each other just because they can’t deal!
I hope you learned something from these three Twin Flame signs.
In a sense, you are the one who births your Twin Flame. This person is simply a mirror to the love that you create within.
Stick to the path of self-healing, self-empowerment, and soul purpose, and you’ll quickly align with your Divine Partner for sure.
Truly, here is no one outside of yourself; your Twin Flame is simply a mirror that you are shining your love upon, that returns itself to you!
In order to call in your Twin Flame and truly live an abundant life, you have to heal every part of yourself, including your past. You can’t hold on to the anger from a past relationship. You cannot send hate to your ex and send love to your current partner and be in soul-alignment: Oneness doesn’t work that way! If you don’t heal your energetic relationships with exes, you will be holding on to heavy weight energy blocks. This will attract Twin Flame Counterfeits, Twin Flame Runners, Karmic Soulmates, etc, and it’s not pretty! In order to attract your one true Twin Flame you must heal all relationships, even the most painful and hurtful past relationship that you thought you’d moved on from.
Exes are like previous seasons who have helped you cultivate your crop. Some are like spring: blooming you into blossom. Others are like winter–giving you a rest and testing your survival. But all the seasons are important to you, as they make you the well-rounded goddess you are!
Above is a photo I recently re-discovered of me and my first long-term relationship. Enrico was the Italian who Shanghaied me, literally to Shanghai China, where we lived for 1.5 years. These were the hardest and most growth-filled years of my 20s, but I don’t regret them. I didn’t speak the language. The weather was harsh in 2 of the four seasons, and the other two were very short. I was constantly on my last few bit of Yuan–so financially broke that I rode a bike in the streets of Shanghai with 1000s of others where I was the only white girl! A sea of black hair, then me. The blond… It was the most painful relationship to let go of in my 20s, but I did it because I new that there was something bigger for me. But it took me a long time to heal from it, and the way I finally healed was through gratitude.
Loneliness was something I learned to deal with on a deep level–both in China, and in my relationship with Enrico. At age 24, I didn’t know anyone in Shanghai, and my man wasn’t compatible on the spiritual level. I was starting to wake up, and my spiritual gifts and pursuits frightened him. So I went into my own world and opened up alone, and hid my passions from him in our relationship. It was some of the most exciting stuff and I wanted to share it with someone, but I was still new to the shamanic world and didn’t think anyone would relate.
Loneliness gets healed when you realize that you are never alone. I started embracing my loneliness and slowly it became apparent that I wasn’t alone. I became friends with a dear friend of mine from Germany who would give me psychic readings and supported me so much during that time. I also became content with being the only blond on a block of 10,000 people and feeling OK with being different. What a gift, actually!
I tried leaving that relationship many times. But there was a great deal of love and compassion (and co-dependence) for each other, and leaving love is never easy. I tried packing up my bags and coming back to California, but something kept me stuck in Shanghai for what felt like a long time. At least Enrico had a great sense of humor, and taught me a lot about not taking life seriously! There were many good times, between the bad… I got to go visit his family just outside of Venice, Italy a few times and experienced some of the best home cooked food of my life!
The problem is that for many years after the relationship, I didn’t focus on gratitude for my relationship with Enrico. I would subtly bad mouth him in front of people, because I hadn’t fully been in my power in the relationship and hadn’t expressed my feelings when I was in it. I wish I had been able to heal my pain and focus on gratitude sooner; I would have probably not have attracted my Twin Flame Counterfeit, taken so long to meet my Twin Flame, and have gone through so much drama!
Life has its ups and downs, but you grow so much on a deep spiritual level, even through your pain.
There is no faking it–sometimes it’s just awful! Like the time I finally had the courage to say goodbye to Enrico and leave him in Shanghai, knowing that I would likely never see him again. But I didn’t cry because it felt done, I had cried so much already. I’d been wanting to do it for a long time, it was complete. And then I cried like a baby saying goodbye to our housekeeper Xiao Ping, my ‘big sister’ who had seen me through my loneliness and pain when Enrico was gone at work and I stayed home working hard at my first business (as a personal trainer and wellness coach, and not succeeding). Being in a relationship with the “wrong guy,” a Karmic Soulmate, seems to call in Soul Family–people who are here to teach you and help you grow. Some of the best friends in my life have come through supporting each other around our relationship issues!
Sometimes you gotta leave and it’s hard. You blame yourself. You have to forgive yourself for what you did then. You chose not to stay stuck in your pain. Celebrate your bravery–you got out!
You don’t need to punish yourself and stick around playing the Twin Flame Runner game: where time and time again you are heartbroken and hurt by men you think is your Twin Flame, or by crushes who don’t requite your love. I see my female clients doing this all the time. They hurt someone in the past so they subconsciously decide they deserve to be hurt rather than getting what they want.
You deserve a deep relationship, with true Twin Flame Love.
Here is the most important key to letting go of exes and moving into a Twin Flame vibration. It is to ask yourself: What did I learn from this relationship? Instead of putting your focus on how bad he hurt you, what it was like when you were so in love, how can you get him back…focus on what you learned. Maybe you learned that you want to not be abandoned, that you want your beloveds to stick around. Maybe you learned that you have more healing to do around being abandoned that came from your childhood. Perhaps you can learn to find partners who are on your spiritual level, versus finding fixer uppers and karmic soulmates. Here are the questions to ask in a mini 20-second exercise:
And here is a powerful affirmation to read over and repeat out loud or in your mind to help you clear past exes and attract your Twin Flame:
I’m grateful for all the seasons of the past – past-lives, past boyfriends, past hurts, and past loves.
Now that you have healed your heart chakra you are ready for your Flame! So now what!? Now that you have healed the past, what will you be grateful for in your next relationship? Your Twin Flame relationship!? Post in the comments below. And if you’re not sure, come join us for the free New Moon Raw Cacao Ceremony this month to help you set intentions and get clear on your Twin Flame intentions!
The parts of ourselves that we love and hate are mirrored onto our Twin Flame.
Dang it! I thought when we found our Twin Flames we were going to live in a magic bubble and never have to deal with problems again.
In this post I want to underline how important it is to accept ourselves, and how the way I have rejected myself showed up in my Twin Flame relationship. I almost became the Twin Flame Runner that I so despised because I nearly rejected myself. I don’t want this for you!
I used to have body image issues. Still do. Which is why I projected that I needed a Twin Flame to be as hot as a conscious Ashton Kusher.
I thought I had to have a man like that to be happy in life. My Twin Flame, as it turned out, has reddish hair and a very red beard, which I was NOT expecting and it took me time to get used to. I’m picky! He’s not dark and tan like the man I always fantasized about. He gets sunburnt on Sundays at brunch. Before I met him, I was sure I had to have a tan muscle-man in order to feel satisfied.
Believe me, my Twin Flame has a sexy body. Great arms, broad shoulders I can grab onto and sink my teeth in. But he’s real. He is man and God, but boy is there no escaping that he (like me) is a raw and real human.
He’s sexy and yet he’s human. Along with the orange beard, he’s got occasional breakouts on his back (sorry babe, hope I can share!). I’m like, “Babe, it’s time to do a back facial to get rid of that bacne! Boys are so lazy. How can you tolerate bacne?!” and he’s like “Woman, men don’t care about that $hit, leave me alone my back is fine.” Then I attack him with a back brush or yummy salt scrub–and he likes it because it reminds him of being groomed by his mother. We play-fight and it’s fun.
What you thought you wanted wasn’t always real. The key pieces that were soul aligned came true:
Will Jack look like a GQ model always and forever? Sometimes he does actually, but as we turn gray some day together, I won’t care about the fact that he doesn’t always scrub his back. Plus, I am starting to get more cellulite and I have to love myself there.
What I am most excited about is the way that he makes me feel, and how I get to make him feel. I am an empath, and so is he; so it pays of to bliss each other out. We adore and love each other. We stick each other out in the hard ugly hairy scary moments.
What’s more is that I am so ready to collaborate deeply with our soul purposes in business, with the new earth eco village dreams I have had, and in raising children. What can I say is more sacred than these pieces? I am lucky, and proud that my Twin Flame is a perfect reflection of me and I will continue to do my very best to live myself and of course thus love him too!