Your false Twin Flame is a actually gift. While I know that a Twin Flame Counterfeit (as I call it) can bring up some of your biggest $h%t, he or she can also catalyze some of your biggest SHIFTS.
Your Twin Flame Counterfeit is a mere reflection of you. Or more accurately, he or she is a mirror reflection of you–helping you mirror those tricky blindspots so you can see where you must absolutely love yourself.
There are no mistakes within the Twin Flame Mirror, the mirror of love that reflects back to you how close you are to deep self-love.
I have helped hundreds of my clients to call in their Twin Flames, and almost every single one of them has gone through some sort of a harrowing situation with a false Twin Flame. It almost seems like a Twin Flame Attraction initiation rite!
Your Twin Flame is simply a mirror of your own self-love. So you may want to ask yourself, why did I attract this false Twin Flame?
I know it is not easy, it can be excruciatingly painful, humiliating, and very confusing. But you didn’t sign up for a life of easy and boring, at least not on the soul level!
Every fairytale has it’s goblins and evil queens. These energies get stuck to our Twin Flame mirrors and cause us to attract distortions of who we truly are.
The key to attracting your true Twin Flame vs a false Twin Flame or a Karmic Soulmate is that you must clear out all the Twin Flame Love Blocks that stop you from fully embracing yourself with the deepest Divine Love.
Divine Love is the glue that brings you and your Twin Flame so close to the mirror that you merge with your divine mirror.
You become one with your Twin Flame when you become one with your two inner halves.
To reunite with our Twin Flame, we are required to merge our polar halves of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. The Divine Feminine corresponds to emotions, emotional intelligence, ocean waves of energy that arrive with unpredictability, chaos, improvisation, and flow. The Divine Masculine corresponds to the mind, intellect, linear energy, predictability, organization, structure, and planning.
The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are truly reflections of each other and cannot exist without each other. They are meant to be separate as much as they are meant to merge. There truly is no separation, only the illusion of separation.
Twin Flames are not really halves of the same soul at all–they’re much more than this. They are two full expressions of love expressed in the mirror. They are Twin Flame mirrors of the whole soul. They reflect the Divine Union of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine counterparts. They reflect each other (not necessarily expressed as a male and female, as Twins can certainly be same-sex) in their same and polar-opposite aspects.
Why did you attract your Twin Flame Counterfeit–that false Twin Flame who is keeping you up at night crying yourself to sleep? You did it for the lessons of love. Deep divine love never leaves you or abandoned you, but you have in some small or perhaps not-so-small way, abandoned yourself. The golden opportunity of pain from a false Twin Flame is to heal this spot, the area that has perhaps long been abandoned. By lovers, parents, ancestors, and by your soul in many lifetimes.
Maybe you didn’t read the signs of the false Twin Flame and so you hit a massive Dark Night of the Soul. Yet such experiences allow us to reclaim parts of ourselves. By looking in the Twin Flame mirror at yourself when you are in the heartache or pain, you are allowed to fully focus on you. On picking yourself up. On loving the inner child. While this time may be tender, you are actually not heartbroken: you are heart broken OPEN!
Without this crevice in your heart, the light couldn’t shine through.
It is the role of the false Twin Flame to bring up your greatest fears around Twin Flame Separation. By cracking open your heart, you feel the deep separation of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within your soul. You feel the deep separation of your Divine Self (I AM Self) and your human self. You feel this mirroring through many aspects of your life. It brings up the separation you feel from your community. The separation you felt as a child from certain family members. It brings up traumas and pains that may seem unrelated to the Twin Flame topic.
Truly, everything in our worlds relates to us, as we are the center of our own universe. You are the beautiful central axis of your Youniverse, despite what we are taught to believe. If you are not at the core of you, who is?
Unfortunately, so many people–women especially–are taught to deny themselves of a self. This has become a generational pattern that creates mental imbalances, mental illnesses, physical ailments, genetic diseases, and spiritual disconnects.
Without finding the self first, you will not find your Twin Flame.
We each have a self. We each need a self. We have been gifted this self from God/the Universe, and when we deny it and try to replace it with the love of another: a lover, a family member, a church member, a leader, a guru etc., we cannot experience the truest joy and divine bliss.
You are at the center of the atom. You are the neutron, with your arms being the Divine Feminine (electron) and the Divine masculine (proton). Your heart is that neutron, that neutral energy, and at the center of the heart lies the self. You cannot take the self away from the self, but you can deny it and forget it. But your self is alway there.
By falling in love with your self, you bring the gift to the world of an awakened one. You become the Beloved who can heal the planet starting at her own heart.
In order to call in your Twin Flame and truly live an abundant life, you have to heal every part of yourself, including your past. You can’t hold on to the anger from a past relationship. You cannot send hate to your ex and send love to your current partner and be in soul-alignment: Oneness doesn’t work that way! If you don’t heal your energetic relationships with exes, you will be holding on to heavy weight energy blocks. This will attract Twin Flame Counterfeits, Twin Flame Runners, Karmic Soulmates, etc, and it’s not pretty! In order to attract your one true Twin Flame you must heal all relationships, even the most painful and hurtful past relationship that you thought you’d moved on from.
It’s time to heal all ex relationships (and even past crushes!)
Exes are like previous seasons who have helped you cultivate your crop. Some are like spring: blooming you into blossom. Others are like winter–giving you a rest and testing your survival. But all the seasons are important to you, as they make you the well-rounded goddess you are!
Above is a photo I recently re-discovered of me and my first long-term relationship. Enrico was the Italian who Shanghaied me, literally to Shanghai China, where we lived for 1.5 years. These were the hardest and most growth-filled years of my 20s, but I don’t regret them. I didn’t speak the language. The weather was harsh in 2 of the four seasons, and the other two were very short. I was constantly on my last few bit of Yuan–so financially broke that I rode a bike in the streets of Shanghai with 1000s of others where I was the only white girl! A sea of black hair, then me. The blond… It was the most painful relationship to let go of in my 20s, but I did it because I new that there was something bigger for me. But it took me a long time to heal from it, and the way I finally healed was through gratitude.
Accept loneliness as part of a Twin Flame path
Loneliness was something I learned to deal with on a deep level–both in China, and in my relationship with Enrico. At age 24, I didn’t know anyone in Shanghai, and my man wasn’t compatible on the spiritual level. I was starting to wake up, and my spiritual gifts and pursuits frightened him. So I went into my own world and opened up alone, and hid my passions from him in our relationship. It was some of the most exciting stuff and I wanted to share it with someone, but I was still new to the shamanic world and didn’t think anyone would relate.
Loneliness gets healed when you realize that you are never alone. I started embracing my loneliness and slowly it became apparent that I wasn’t alone. I became friends with a dear friend of mine from Germany who would give me psychic readings and supported me so much during that time. I also became content with being the only blond on a block of 10,000 people and feeling OK with being different. What a gift, actually!
I tried leaving that relationship many times. But there was a great deal of love and compassion (and co-dependence) for each other, and leaving love is never easy. I tried packing up my bags and coming back to California, but something kept me stuck in Shanghai for what felt like a long time. At least Enrico had a great sense of humor, and taught me a lot about not taking life seriously! There were many good times, between the bad… I got to go visit his family just outside of Venice, Italy a few times and experienced some of the best home cooked food of my life!
The problem is that for many years after the relationship, I didn’t focus on gratitude for my relationship with Enrico. I would subtly bad mouth him in front of people, because I hadn’t fully been in my power in the relationship and hadn’t expressed my feelings when I was in it. I wish I had been able to heal my pain and focus on gratitude sooner; I would have probably not have attracted my Twin Flame Counterfeit, taken so long to meet my Twin Flame, and have gone through so much drama!
Appreciate the spiritual growth
Life has its ups and downs, but you grow so much on a deep spiritual level, even through your pain. There is no faking it–sometimes it’s just awful! Like the time I finally had the courage to say goodbye to Enrico and leave him in Shanghai, knowing that I would likely never see him again. But I didn’t cry because it felt done, I had cried so much already. I’d been wanting to do it for a long time, it was complete. And then I cried like a baby saying goodbye to our housekeeper Xiao Ping, my ‘big sister’ who had seen me through my loneliness and pain when Enrico was gone at work and I stayed home working hard at my first business (as a personal trainer and wellness coach, and not succeeding). Being in a relationship with the “wrong guy,” a Karmic Soulmate, seems to call in Soul Family–people who are here to teach you and help you grow. Some of the best friends in my life have come through supporting each other around our relationship issues!
Sometimes you gotta leave and it’s hard. You blame yourself. You have to forgive yourself for what you did then. You chose not to stay stuck in your pain. Celebrate your bravery–you got out!
You don’t need to punish yourself and stick around playing the Twin Flame Runner game: where time and time again you are heartbroken and hurt by men you think is your Twin Flame, or by crushes who don’t requite your love. I see my female clients doing this all the time. They hurt someone in the past so they subconsciously decide they deserve to be hurt rather than getting what they want.
Gratitude is one of the biggest keys to attract your Twin Flame relationship
Here is the most important key to letting go of exes and moving into a Twin Flame vibration. It is to ask yourself: What did I learn from this relationship? Instead of putting your focus on how bad he hurt you, what it was like when you were so in love, how can you get him back…focus on what you learned. Maybe you learned that you want to not be abandoned, that you want your beloveds to stick around. Maybe you learned that you have more healing to do around being abandoned that came from your childhood. Perhaps you can learn to find partners who are on your spiritual level, versus finding fixer uppers and karmic soulmates. Here are the questions to ask in a mini 20-second exercise:
Why did you attract this person?
What did your relationship teach you?
What will you NEVER do again?
What did you enjoy about this relationship that you wish to carry on in the next?
What were you grateful for about this relationship?
And here is a powerful affirmation to read over and repeat out loud or in your mind to help you clear past exes and attract your Twin Flame:
I’m grateful for all the seasons of the past – past-lives, past boyfriends, past hurts, and past loves.
Now that you have healed your heart chakra you are ready for your Flame! So now what!? Now that you have healed the past, what will you be grateful for in your next relationship? Your Twin Flame relationship!? Post in the comments below. And if you’re not sure, come join us for the free New Moon Raw Cacao Ceremony this month to help you set intentions and get clear on your Twin Flame intentions!
What is the fastest way to your Twin Flame, the ultimate beloved?
I’m a Twin Flame Matchmaker, and I have seen it all. Many women I have worked with have attracted a Twin Flame runner, or even a Twin Flame Counterfeit–someone who looks like the part in every way, but who runs and who cannot sustain a long-term healthy relationship. Some of these ladies obsess over the lost love, but it brings them no where and Prince (or Princess) Charming doesn’t come back until they take this one action:
We must never abandon ourselves. We must crave our own love. We must heal our own hurts and tears and tears in our auras.
It’s simply falling in love with yourself, and aligning all your 7 chakras with YOU, singing at your own soul frequency. Here is a Twin Flame meditation video I hope will help you:
Twin Flame Self-Marriage: Marry Yourself to Marry Your Twin Flame
Enjoy, and marry yourself, knowing that you are always pure love and deserve the very best from your beloved, and most of all, from yourself.
Dr. Amanda Noelle is a Twin Flame Matchmaker and the Founder of Aphrodite University.
I say this with love and compassion. But I also say it with some mama bear passion with my sacred Hell NO!
I have the right to say this, to express my opinion. Especially after watching thousandsof women come to me in tears because their supposed “Twin Flame” has run. I heard the same flipping the story over and over again, like a broken record! It makes you think that there’s probably something wrong with our society, not something wrong with these Twin Flame Runners and Chasers.
Women are constantly blaming themselves for making their Twin Flames run (sometimes without much explanation or even compassion) and she is left to pick up the pieces. In the process, she blames herself, and is often absolutely still sure that this man is her twin.
Here is what I have to say to this scenario: Fuck Twin fLame Runners!
A true man has balls… And he holds the moon for you! I had one of those Lame Flames that would blow out if I breathed too strong. I call him a Twin Flame Counterfeit, the TFC. It taste good, but it’s about as healthy for you as KFC. Killing Friendly Chickens.
For a really long time I believed that the other half of my soul just needed to wake up and that he would possibly come back someday. Just like they tell you in the fairytales… The handsome prince comes back to kiss the sleeping beauty. Though prince charming was distant, focused on his own goals and life without caring about me, I stuck around energetically anyways. Asleep at the wheel for thousands of years waiting for my prince.
Because society told me that this was Twin Flame Love, and I also think I was under some sort of witchy she spell, to be honest.
And so I stayed around for five fucking years holding my breath hoping that Prince Charming would somehow wake up and come back and make me feel loved again, as I had felt the moment we met.
While I send this flame of my past lots of love, I realize that it was a total counterfeit flame that was not serving my light for the long-term. Instead, it was sort of a shadow flame, a dark flame that stoked my passion for love and light. But it was not the love and light itself!
We have to lovingly forgive ourselves for being such freaking idiots in counterfeit love! How did I actually believe that someone who could abandon me in the middle of my deepest opening, activating my ancient wounds, and not stick around and hold me with unconditional love could be my Twin Flame?
I don’t know about you, but the other half of my soul would never abandon me. That’s not my style! I can safely say that the other half of my soul would never leave me high and dry during the most dramatic moment of my life. He would come towards me to resolve the situation the best he could, even if it was messy. My twin flame would never run, at least not for more than a few moments. And that’s how he would treat his children, his family, and his tribe.
My Twin Flame counterpart is a king who loves you and his people and who never leaves you or his people.
That’s why my current partner Jack and I are loving each other up so much. We’re very committed people – to the New Earth, and to Twin Flame Love…and so we don’t abandon. We don’t shut down our emotions and run. We communicate, we look into each others eyes, we work things out. Even when it’s dramatic and traumatic and scary.
Abandonment is not the sacred act of a Twin Flame, it’s not an act of true love. Abandonment is a sin, as sin simply means “to go without.” I never want to “Twin Flame sin” again, to go without my own self-love–to leave and abandon myself by hanging around waiting for some guy to come back. Staying stuck in the pain for thousands of life times while truelove could have been right there at my fingertips. Waiting for someone to come back who has abandon you is the worst thing for the inner child and for children. It touches upon the great father wound that has scarred each of us on the deepest level. In order to heal those heart tissues, we must commit to finding those who do not abandon. And to work on our abandonment issues ourselves.
We, especially women, need to be brave enough to ask for partners who stay.
Who work on the issues. And stop calling those runners our true Twin Flame. Find true sustainable flame he love. That’s 1 million times better than a sexy ungrounded affair that leads to years of pain and wounds… Twin Flame runners will drop the ball on you almost every time. But Twin Flame Stayers will love you and show up to do the work.
My Inner Critic used to be a real B-I-T-C-H. I struggled with her big time, though you wouldn’t know it now, because I am a new woman. At age 30 I died a ‘shamanic death,’ and flew to the Higher Dimensions. When I came back down, I returned to the same body, but began a new life as a high priestess. After communing with the angels and my Higher Self and remembering who I am and that we’re all one, I suddenly didn’t care about impressing people anymore.
Yet straight after my shamanic death, I went through the most painful ego death. AKA a Dark Night of the Soul, and you know what I’m talking about if you’ve gone through one yourself. Not so pleasant! Many of my Twin Flame clients have gone through their Dark Night after having encountered a Twin Flame Counterfeit, a type of Karmic Soulmate who initiates them into Divine Love and then who suddenly disappears. It’s quite excruciating, ego-anhillating, and yet in the end, you come out cleaner, and stronger than ever.
Going through my shamanic death, my Inner Critic went down with my ego (which is still healthy and intact but not in the oppressive way it once was), and my Higher Self finally grounded into my body and 7-chakras so that I could channel the Higher Dimensional energies here into the Third Dimension, the dimension in which we live on Earth. We are currently collectively shifting into the Fourth Dimension and each of us are waking up to this Ascension together.
My Inner Critic no longer holds me back like it did, and I feel like I have a free pass towards shame, guilt, embarrassment and feeling like I’m good enough. I now I put myself out there, and let it all hang out. And I love it! Because I deeply love myself on a soul level. Now I actually enjoy baring my A$$ to the world in hopes that people will join me in the self-love revolution. It’s what High-Healed Priestesses do!
But ten years ago, or even three years ago, it wasn’t this way… I was an Inner Critic victimy mess. I pretty much had a love-hate relationship with myself on every level of my being:
Body image (hated my body, my skin, my hair, and my breasts without a bra on)
Food and binge eating issues (I was addicted to sugar and always roller-coastering back and forth between overeating and over exercising)
Major poverty issues – my self worth in the money department was like a negative number on a scale of 1-10. I was making a 4-figure salary and had so much shame about it!
I thought my boyfriend was better than me. He was 3 years older, a mechanical engineer, and an Italian stallion. Somehow I thought that this meant that he was wiser, hotter, smarter, and sexier than I, and that I had to work hard to keep up with him or I’d be unlovable.
Location. I lived somewhere I dreaded and feared (China) because I followed the stallion to join him and his dream in Shanghai to help boost his career. I was the support role in his life, and meanwhile no one was taking care of me, and it was not an easy place to try to rescue someone! But boy did I love trying to rescue him, as I did with all my boyfriends and lovers in my 20s…
Circa 2004. So, here I am running around in Shanghai China 10 years ago. I used to work on the 35th floor of Jin Mao Tower, which at the time was this new hot icon of Shanghai, the tallest building in the world, at 88 stories (cool number, huh?).
My low-self esteem got me Shanghaied to Shanghai
Getting Shanghaied is a term they used back in the 20s. In San Francisco, they would get sailors drunk and put them on ships to Asia, and they’d arrive in Shanghai finding themselves sobered up by the fact that they had a new culture and country to call home. To this day, they supposedly have a few pubs in San Francisco on the water that have these special back doors that were the doors to Shanghai.
My Italian stallion tricked me too. He promised me that, like him, I’d have a secure $70K salaried job waiting for me there through his family connections. When I arrived with just $2K in savings, they told me to go find an English teaching job for $5/hour at a local elementary school. I’d already been teaching English to Italians for $25/hour a few days a week in Italy and was burnt out on it. In Shanghai, everyone told me I was crazy to come to China then, as the economic bubble had already burst a year beforehand for us foreigners with no tech skills or Mandarin language.
Determined not to starve to death, I networked my little fanny off and found a job through my brother’s Princeton alumni network because I have always been a savvy networker despite the fact that I didn’t really know how to make money off of it!
I worked at a prestigious American law firm as an editor, but really all I did was play around on the internet and get free lunch. So, I certified myself online as a personal trainer and nutrition consultant and at age 25, opened Spot Fitness my first business! I also became a well-known fitness and nutrition writer within the large expat community, and got to attend speaking gigs and taught group classes.
Yet when I left China at 25, I felt like a huge failure because I hadn’t become a financial success, and because my partner got that 70K salary as a mechanical engineer with family connections. Now I look back and I’m like Amanda, that’s amazing! You were 24, went to a country where you didn’t speak the language, and you carved out your own career and became known in your field within a year and a half!
I know you had a hard time in your life in your earlier years where you did the best you could, and you thought it wasn’t good enough. Where you were harsh and criticized parts of yourself that needed nurturing, encouragement, and love rather than the brutal beatings you gave yourself! I want you to go back to those memories and tell yourself how amazing you are. And I want you to forgive yourself for any shortcomings, any dreams that hadn’t come true yet. And now, I want you to live out those big dreams for the little parts of yourself that are insecure and need to be shown that they CAN do it! You can! It’s in you, but it had to come at the right timing, and through deep self-love. One of my favorite tools I teach women is the FUKKIT tool that helps you get over your perfectionism and resistance to getting boring tasks done:
Have you ever followed love and gotten lost? Like literally to the wrong side of the planet? I did.
This is a picture of ME circa 2004 AD in China, when I was a very lost goddess remembering who I was. I got “Shanghaied” (look it up) and taken by an Italian lover to Shanghai, China. I was lost and confused and hit all kinds of self-esteem and money issues, hoping that my beloved would save me. But I had to save myself in the end, and it was complicated!
Ironically, I found myself in a land where no one understood me, literally (that language is damn hard!). I was always running out of money and had no cash to get places and it was kinda scary. I once had to use sign language to ask where the lake was and caught a bus not knowing if it was really going to the lake or if I was going somewhere else in China. I set up my own business there, and there were a lot of good things, impressive ways I grew. Yet it was one of the hardest things I could have done at the ripe age of 23-25!
I highly suggest finding yourself first before following some beloved off to the depth of his/her universe. What is YOUR universe, why are you here? What is your soul’s calling? What do YOU desire? And create that.
My beloved ended up marrying his Twin Flame in China at the end, 3 months after I left him, and it was a bitter sweet result of our 2-year journey together. The life of a Twin Flame Matchmaker in her 20s!
When you lack self-esteem, you lead a life that reflects this lack. It can get you into big trouble. Slaying my Inner Critic and falling in love with myself as a High-Healed Priestess has reinvented my life. Now I love my body, live in community, travel where it blisses me, work with my Soulmate Clients, and make 6-figures following my passions, and so can you.
You met a guy, a crush, and you’re feeling it. He melts your heart and maybe your panties too. But is it safe to proceed? You’ve been badly hurt before and don’t want to ride that roller coaster again. So is he a real Twin Flame Fox, or just a Big Bad Wolf? Here’s how to tell…
Ignite your intuition!
ATTENTION: This guy could be a hippie big bad wolf in disguise and might be a player playing flower-child!Let your intuition decide!
The first thing is that you have to trust your intuition. From the outside, Twin Flame Foxes and Big Bad Wolves can appear the same, which is why you need a more spiritually refined gage, a metaphysical-man-thermometer of sorts.
There is nothing worse than getting stunned by the surprise bite of a wolf. The bite-and-run…I have seen it repeatedly. Really great-seeming guys who turn into wolves overnight when they get triggered by something that opens them to their insecurities.
Especially things like early childhood traumas, hidden subconscious energies, and financial issues. From one day to the next, they can go from sweet and soft healer-types, to cold and heartless Twin Flame runners. Ouch! That’s why it’s important to go slow so that you have time to see if you’re building your trust with the right partner. We are manifesting these bite-and-runs because they are simply reflecting our subconscious childhood wounds that need healing. Heal it, and move onto the next with better intuition next time!
Intuition is key. However, as women, we have all kinds of codependence issues and we fall in love too easily, lose our psychic space, so intuition can get overridden by our $h*t. That’s why I suggest going slow and read the signs better until you become a metaphysical-man-thermometer pro!
Slow down and shop for sustainable sexiness
A real fox is more than sexy on the outside. He’s more than just talk about spirituality, intimacy, and relationships. He has a sustainable sexiness. He’s there for you, and sticks with you through the dark periods. Doesn’t leave you for bust, and definitely doesn’t drop you for other ladies when you ‘get too complicated.’ Nope. He adores your complexity, adores your brilliance, and enjoys the depth of your Divine Feminine Love.
A True Twin Flame Fox can offer you the 3Cs, he can: communicate, connect, and commit. Otherwise Mr. Fox is going to turn you on, get your kundalini motor running, open your heart, and leave you hot, hurt, and dry, and burning for more when you can’t get it. For most women (there are exceptions), this isn’t the most pleasurable experience. We get attached and want to bond, and a runner is painful to our Divine Feminine loving energies.
Some Big Bad Wolves keep you in the relationship to feed off of your spirit, and enjoy your codependent tendencies. Beware! If you don’t see the 3Cs present in the relationship and he’s still around, think about whether or not you’re trapped in a love-illusion. When you’re trapped in codependence, there’s no room for growth, leadership, true connection or intimacy, because the relationship is based on fear, jealousy, and limitation.
A real True Twin Fox is only truly sexy when he’s really there for you, cares, and shows up fully. Even if it’s for a short-term relationship, he’s there with good communication and is 100%. He honors you as a goddess, communicates, loves who you are, and can speak with you about the future. He can tell you his fears, his desires, and you can decide like an adult if they align with your goals.
For instance, if you are looking for your Twin Flame and you’re dating someone who tells you he’s not looking for long term and just wants to “see where it goes,” get out. Get out now! You are not looking for self-esteem S&M, are you? You deserve the best. If you’re looking for a LTR (long term relationship), you deserve Twin Flame Love as a High-Healed Priestess. Here’s What Is a Twin Flame, video to help you understand more about the Twin Flame Therory:
A big bad wolf is just bad for you; he opens old wounds, tears up your tender parts, doesn’t empathize with you, and he usually leaves you in the dust. You find his abandonment atrocious and attractive at the same time, because it feels like your familiar childhood pain.
Familiarity=love in our subconsciousness.
Maybe does it over and over again. Big Bad Wolfs are karmic soulmates and Twin Flame Counterfeits. While he’s not necessarily bad to the bone, he’s a part of your shadow showing you where you need healing. Twin Flame Runners are big bad wolves and I see that most of them are usually Twin Flame Counterfeits and never come back. I’ve worked with LOTS of women who have had TF runners; 95% don’t come back and aren’t the real deal.
We are attracted to Twin Flame Runners because our subconscious Divine Feminine energies resonate with the vibration of abandonment by the Divine Masculine. It’s an ancient memory and trauma held in our collective. We as Little Shakinas (daughters of the Divine Feminine) keep replaying the traumas in our lives and blaming ourselves, but it’s simply an old trauma-pattern that needs to be looked at, loved, and released. You are ready to heal. Your relationship failures, men leaving you, abandoning you for other women is not you. It’s not even a failure! It’s just a pattern revealing itself for healing. It’s a stuck pattern. Why else would you want to date “bad boys” when there are really great eligible men out there for you? Don’t let your Divine Feminine abandonment baggage get in the way! It’s over 5,000 years old and doesn’t have to exist anymore! Let’s unstick the pattern…
Let’s create a new Twin Flame relationship paradigm. It starts with us women, us Little Shakinas. It starts at the Divine Feminine by worshipping Her within us. We need to prepare ourselves for the Real Deal. The real deal real sexy foxes – they are good guys (or gals) who are available, emotionally stable, financially stead, ready, supportive, and ready to create a revolution with you. They are knights who defend the Divine Feminine and cannot wait to be close to you, support you, and connect! I am so psyched for you to reunite with them. Let go of the Big Bad Wolves, there is something much bigger out there for you.
Love and Light,
Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps High-Healed Priestesses turn their bliss into 6-figure BLI$$nesses and Twin Flame relationships that heal the world!