Sacred Alchemy of Love: Law of Attraction and Sacred Sexuality in Divine Partnerships

Sacred Alchemy of Love: Law of Attraction and Sacred Sexuality in Divine Partnerships

In this insightful conversation, we explore the powerful interplay of the Law of Attraction and sacred sexuality within divine partnerships.
Discover practical strategies to magnetize your life partner or elevate your existing relationship to a divine union.
Gain profound insights into healing toxic relationships, breaking free from karmic patterns, and removing blocks that may hinder your journey towards lasting love and happiness in intimacy.
Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock the secrets of sacred alchemy and embrace a path of profound connection and personal growth.
Check out the channeled message from Goddess Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love…
Here’s the link to podcast:
7 Signs of a Narcissistic Man

7 Signs of a Narcissistic Man

Despite their seemingly unbreakable armor, narcissistic men are actually very vulnerable underneath it all. They’re just brilliant at hiding their tenderness from women under their layers of manipulation, lies, illusion, unhealthy behaviors, and possibly playing around with your heart.

Have you ever found yourself in a romantic relationship, and you give him everything, and you’re left with nothing and you feel more powerless than ever before? And you still thought he was your ultimate soulmate or Twin Flame? It’s humbling–you feel drained and super confused as to why this happened to you…. He could be a narcissist man. Here are the 7 signs so you can tell for sure…

Here are the 7 Signs of the Narcissist Man

  1. He has no boundaries and doesn’t want you to set any. If you don’t set your boundaries, you will be victimized by narcissists; narcissists energetically cord into your chakras and leech energy like “energy vampires,” and they’ll do the same with emotions, attention, physical space, finances…and pretty much anything! So set your boundaries and put up psychic protection as well.
  1. He feeds off of your insecurity. He tells her she’s wrong, isn’t entitled to having what she wants, and puts her down to keep her small. If a woman is lonely and desperate and longing for love, she’s likely to attract someone is (a)is attracted to her neediness, and (b) is repulsed by her neediness like he was with his mother. The narcissist man feeds off of abuse and her fear of abandonment, as he has inwardly felt manipulated and abandoned by his co-dependent mother since early childhood. So, by finding a woman who is equally insecure, needy, and longing for love, she makes him feel important–but he has to put her into an insecure state to “keep her.” Macho men who put down women are an example of this. Deep down they’re the ones who are most afraid of being abandoned and heartbroken! That’s why it’s our job as women to take responsibility for our insecurity and heal our Divine Feminine Wounds.
  1. He manipulates, takes without giving, and justifies it every time. An over-giver is always going to be his target, as he feels entitled to taking, taking, TAKING….He actually doesn’t feel strong and secure in the world without a woman’s presence, though that’s the last thing he’d admit.  These manipulators often sleep around with women or are into serial monogamy. The narcissist man has unhealed Mother Wounds–as his mother didn’t set healthy boundaries and was either overly attached or detached. The narcissist man feeds off of his over-giving partner who often gives from guilt, hoping that he’ll stay if she is “good enough” to him.
  1. He leads you to believe that he can give you the whole fairytale, but he never really does.  The narcissist man needs his woman to believe that he’ll soon bring her what she wants, and thus attracts women who are often hopeless romantics, fantasizer types, and dreamers. Deep down these women are wounded by the patriarchy and lack self-esteem so they cannot ask for what they truly deserve. When you’re living in a fairytale waiting for prince charming but you don’t feel good enough, you settle for fakes.
  1. He’s not a truth teller, he’s good at lies, and doing what it takes to get his way. He does this because deep down he doesn’t feel good enough to face the truth. He feels that without embellishing a little (or a lot) he’s not good enough. So he builds up a puffed up false ego that he hopes will attract women in awe. If this is you, if you’ve been duped by a liar, you’ll want to ask yourself, “Where do I feel small, and where am I lying to myself?” This type of man is magnetized to women who are naive and innocent, so make the effort to educate yourself about your circumstances, step into your power, and ask for what you’re worth. If this man can’t give it to you, the right one will!
  1. Lack of empathy. He lacks empathy, you’re an empath. You’re feelin’ for two, baby!  Where he can’t feel, you’re there holding the space for the emotional intelligence…but for him! The job of the empath is to feel how she is feeling, and not get stuck in how others are doing. While easier said than done, the empath female must say NO to any behaviors that feel like a violation. When she starts taking herself and her own emotions seriously, she’ll no longer keep attracting narcissists who don’t have the capacity for empathy.
  1. He’s a perfectionist.  Whether or not he’s trying to be perfect himself, he puts pressure on you either verbally or you just feel it, to be the perfect woman. He is controlling and seeks perfection, and projects this onto you.  So maybe your diet to have the perfect body for him, say or do things to impress or become an overachiever at work…If you’re a perfectionist, end this cycle by choosing not to care about external appearances so much; instead go inward and work on the self-love. Then it’s certain that you’ll no longer magnetize this type of man!

Women, let me know what you felt hearing this list… Have you dated a narcissist? And why do you think you attracted this?  What are you doing now to boost your self-worth to prevent these patterns from happening again? I would love to know in the comments below.

Elephants are a sign of the Divine Feminine, and while the Divine Feminine is awakening rapidly, we’re running out of time. We need to remain calm and steady, but we can’t keep waiting.

We have to let go of our perfectionist ways and take action. We must love ourselves first, feed the Feminine, and heal our wounds.  This is a top priority. We also have to say NO to men who mistreat us, and nurture the little boys and also set healthy boundaries with them so they gain a sense of self.

One of my favorite things to do is donate a percentage of my income to saving the elephants. Click the link below in the description box to donate to the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and help an orphaned baby elephant rehabilitate. Your contribution is not only a cause for African Wildlife but a cause for healing the Divine Feminine Wounds.

Thank you so much, beloved…

Stay tuned and subscribe to my channel, as I will be releasing a few more videos this week about narcissist patterns in men, and after that I’ll be posting about healing the Divine Feminine Wounds, something I discovered I’m deeply passionate about as well.

Thanks for dropping in sister, give a “like” if you want to support my channel, and I look forward to seeing you next time!

Namaste, Dr. Amanda Noelle

The Twin Flame Matchmaker

PS: Donate to the David Sheldrick Wildlife here to save the elephants here.

What Is Feminine Energy?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...

Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.

The 7 Signs To Tell If You Have a Twin Flame

The 7 Signs To Tell If You Have a Twin Flame

Here are the seven signs to tell if you have Twin Flame.

Sign No. 1: Something Has Always Been Missing

From birth you felt a really strong calling. You felt like something was missing, and you wanted to find it. You didn’t necessarily know what it was, but you just felt this like “ugh” feeling–this feeling–a strong desire.

Sign No. 2: Obsession

You have been obsessed with Twin Flames. You’re Googling, you’re checking out all the blogs, you maybe have been read books on Twin Flames, or perhaps you’ve hired a Twin Flame expert or coach. You are so into finding your beloved that you can’t get enough info about Twin Flames and aligning with yours!

Sign No. 3: Intense Relationships

You have been in many or at least a couple of really intense relationships. And you are soaking up all the knowledge and learning about Twin Flames from this experience.  Whether the person you love is your Twin Flame or not, you are in love with learning… You love deep.

Sign No. 4: You’re a Love Machine

You are just a loving person. You care a great deal.  You are PASSIONATE, and even though you may have highs and lows you’re a very loving tender being. You love the planet; this makes you a natural humanitarian and planetary healer.

Sign No. 5: You’re Here to Build the New Earth

You have a huge soul purpose and you want to build the New Earth. You know you’re not here to just have a cute little picket fence kinda nice life with your family. Instead, you’ve woken up to seeing a higher vision–you really wish share your purpose and gifts to heal the world.

Sign No. 6: You Are a Healer With a Purpose

You feel that you have been a healer in many lifetimes, and possibly have been persecuted, maybe even burned at the stake. You are an intuitive with a high level metaphysical skills set that goes beyond the physical world; you’ve woken up to this at least recently, if not as a child. Many of us wake up in different times in our lifetime but you have at least recently been feeling like you wish to share your healing gifts with the world and that you cannot just work nine to five in a soul-suckinng job. Your soul purpose drives you.

Sign No. 7: You Work Hard to Love Yourself

You are willing to do whatever it takes to heal all of you, all of your chakras, and you know that self-love is the only answer. You know that in order to manifest your Twin Flame (ultimate and holy union), you must heal and love thyself. You are so dedicated on your own healing journey that you are willing to do what it takes and receive the help to give you the fastest breakthroughs. You are aware that healing yourself isn’t not only  for you or to attract your own beloved, it’s also for your family, your community, or for the clients/fans who follow you. You’re here to awaken and activate the planet by shifting consciousness, vibration, and taking action.. You can even become obsessed with learning new modalities of healing the planet and sometimes it keeps you up at night. You dream about shifting the planet, because you’re here to create the Ascension for humanity.  You are constantly researching new methods, looking into self-development courses and maybe you’ve hired a ton of experts or healers to improve yourself.

These seven signs will help you determine that you are a Twin Flame, and whether you have a Twin Flame on this earth.

However, many believe that not everyone has a Twin Flame incarnate on the planet…

Are you one of them? Learn more here and let me know… 

If you are a female on a Twin Flame Path, upgrade your love luck by signing up for your complimentary Twin Flame Ignition Kit here.

XO… lots of love!

Dr. Amanda Noelle, Mystical Matchmaker & Love Code Hacker

What Is Feminine Energy?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...

Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.

3 Twin Flame Manifestation Secrets

3 Twin Flame Manifestation Secrets

Hi there Twin Flame Lover,

It’s Dr Amanda Noelle, here the Twin Flame Matchmaker, and today I am going to share with  you my 3 Twin Flame Manifestation Secrets for Light Speed Twin Soul Attraction.

Don’t you hate playing the waiting game while you’re in the dating game? Days, months, or even decades pass  you by and you find yourself single and disconnected from true love?

Maybe you’ve tried every online dating site or app under the sun, but all you’ve attracted are sagas, sad stories, and several heartbreaks…

Or, maybe you’ve gone the other way because you know about the Law of Attraction, where thoughts create things, so you’ve decided to give up searching, and start meditating on what you want, so you fly off to Bali to explore your bliss, journal about your envisioned life partner, hoping that Prince or Princess Charming might literally fall in your lap…

But then all that happened in Bali was a few sexy lap dances at the Yoga Barn during an Ecstatic Dance, and you flew back home empty-handed and empty-lapped too!


Perhaps lately, you’ve come to the conclusion that neither of these approaches work! It’s NOT about having the perfect dating strategy or algorithms; nor is it just about using esoteric spiritual concepts while floating on a cloud of your own shaky slowly awakening consciousness.

Yes, let’s admit, none of us here are enlightened masters yet, and if you say you are you probably know that you have a way to go to reach Nirvana and align it with a partner who doesn’t freak out and run away from your blinding light.

We’re all just kindergarteners on Earth when it comes to love. Maybe some of us are 3rd graders or 6th graders, but al of us are healing our broken hearts scarred by millennia of heartbreaks, and heart shut down, that has kept the Twin Flames apart.

I know you are probably a very wise and loving person if you’re here on a Twin Flame path, doing your best to reunite with your “other half” but if you’re still single or stuck in the Twin Flame Runner Phase, you probably don’t have a solid idea around what actually will pull in your Twin Flame fast.

And I know you don’t have forever, don’t want to wait years to caress and co-create with your True Love, and that you simply cannot afford another artery-rupturing heartbreak! That’s why these 3 Twin Flame Manifestation Secrets are arriving you at perfect timing. You deserve them, and you deserve your Twin Flame, a mirror to your soul.

Yet I also know there’s a lot of misinformation out there on the internet, and it’s hard to tell what approach to take when it comes to attracting a divine partner, or what is just for the sell.

You need information that is tried and true, easy enough to apply, and that gets real results.

What you don’t need is just another theory taught by someone who either (a) never broke a nail (or heart) seeking their Twin Flame because they were born with golden karma that makes it look SO easy, or (b) those who are teaching and preaching but who are just as single as the clients they’re attempting to help find their mate.

Now I don’t want to shame anyone or finger point–I myself was a little hopeless in my love search 5 years ago and I still made a killer matchmaker, for what I lacked in ability to apply my advice to my own life, I was able to support giving service to others….

I also know that there are people here on the planet who have it easy when it comes to finding a Twin Flame or soulmate, they were just born lucky, or it’s not their karma or dharma (soul purpose) to untangle shitty Twin Flame codes of ancestral entanglement. These people didn’t have to work on themselves for years or decades getting stuck in what I call “Shitty Love Codes” – where the karma is as thick as molasses and you keep spinning your wheels the harder you try!

I have to admit I am envious of these types of people, and I honestly think I will choose an easier Twin Flame path my next lifetime. But at least I have good karma now to serve myself and my Twin Flame clients and friends who are equally blocked in the love department!

So this is Twin Flame Manifestation Secret #1: Release Envy of Other Twin Flame Couples and Teachers, and replace it with Love and Gratitude.

So I had to learn to laugh at my Twin Flame envy problem, and learn to send love to those happy cover issue couples, and not point fingers at anyone who meets their Twin Flame on like the 3rd try (gosh DARN them, I think mine was the 3,000th attempt!) as finger pointing never helps, especially because through the Twin Flame Mirror finger pointing means that you’re just pointing that pretty little pointer at yourself! And we don’t want to do that either, because basically it sets us up for failure, envy, and single-DOOM!

This brings up Twin Flame Manifestation Secret #2: It’s Shame-Shedding.

What are you ashamed most ashamed of?

How is pushing your Twin Flame away from you protecting you from facing your shame?

What experience in your past remains unhealed that is keeping you stuck playing the stuck-in-shame single-game?

I was a High-Healed Priestess wobbling through MOUNDS of shame; for years I went to weddings a lonely single girl pretending that I was cool with it, but I was truly ashamed of my insecurities that were keeping me single. I watched all of my childhood, high school, and college friends ride off into their fairytale on a white horse into the sunset while I stewed in my single shame and some slight rage about it to boot!

YES, I had serious shame issues, especially in my 20s, because I was so stuck in the un-mastery of Twin Flame Manifestation Secret #1 – I was so envious and compared myself to everyone else, which beat my ego down to the point where I was a mockery of myself.

I went from being an A-playing Ivy League overachiever sorority girl with guys asking her out on dates, and a sexy body,, and at least a sense of FAKE confidence, to being lost, broke, full of candida/fatigue, and I was heartbroken to the point that I was making on average 5,000 dollars a year and dating men with whom I had absolutely NO future. It was sad, and I was so ashamed!

Was I a victim of this? Or was I creating my own reality based on unresolved shame…

It turns out that I had experienced several things during my childhood, wounds and traumas that left me feeling safe, scared, and scared in the world and I concluded I was on some level a shame to be seen and just a shame period!

Developmental Psychologist Bruce Lipton says that 95% of our thoughts are tucked away in our subconscious mind.

So in my subconscious shame state, I decided to do what every spiritual girl with any self-respect does: I found a way to sabotage myself and my shot at finding my Twin Flame for over a decade.

I found really advanced ways of hiding and bypassing my shame from the world.

I used advanced techniques like, “I’m spiritual so I don’t care about anything ego related, money, dating etc” and I went counter-culture alternative and cut myself off from society and immersed myself in the alternative Burning Man and yoga, and tantra and ecstatic dance communities that I didn’t have to face myself anymore and the eyes of my competitors.

Shame is never the way to get your ultimate true love, or get anything you want, at least not in the long term.

Sure, shame is a sure fire impetus to get you out there and dating–since no one wants to be that old maid or perpetually single gal who feels like she has an infectious disease that might rubs off on society.

But instead of shame we must create deep compassion to call in a life long partnership, a lasting marriage, or a Twin Flame Union. When we convert our shame (a negative energy) into self-acceptance and compassion (a positive energy) we neutralize the energy that repels a Twin Flame into one that attracts a Twin Flame.

It’s not about hiding your shame, it’s about showing up in your shame and loving yourself. Even laughing at yourself!

Can you go on dates and see the hilariousness of it all? You want to be in a sacred union more than anything, you try so hard at it, and it’s the one thing that you have absolutely sucked at? When you can love this and laugh at this, I guarantee you the energy will lighten up and you’ll get closer to your Beloved.

While I know it’s hard not to get swept up in the story, “Well everyone else seems to be getting happily hitched,” or “Why does she have her Twin Flame and all I have is heartbreakers!”  But that will only lay you down into a spiral of shame and you’ll come from fear, envy, and competition and your lovers will thus be fearful, envious, and competitive and that’s NOT sexy! Change the thought patterns to: “Thank you Universe for showing me these happy Twin Flame Couples!” They are showing you what you desire, and also parts of what you may not desire so you can manifest accordingly.

This brings up Twin Flame Manifestation Secret #3 Heal your ancestral stories

Is your Twin Flame not coming into your reality because you have Shitty Love Codes stuck in your DNA?

Where are your parents, family members and ancestors happy or unhappy in their relationships?

Epic genetics are real. genes and DNA can be manipulated by a person’s beliefs. Examples….

Signs that you have epigenetics funking up your Twin Flame Attraction process is:

  1. No matter what you do you’re still stuck
  2. You know of ancestors who never got into a healthy relationship
  3. Everyone in your family is worried about your dating habits and  you can’t figure out why you’re so effed up! That’s when it skips a generation usually

Do you have epigenetic glitches in your Twin Flame DNA?

This may take some digging around either asking family members, doing genealogical research to fully understand how your genes and DNA have be thrown off track by your ancestors’ negative experiences and beliefs.

Oftentimes, children of Holocaust survivors have terrible nightmares where they are being chased, persecuted, tortured or killed, as if they were re-living the Second World War. Some even suffer from debilitating anxiety and depression disorders that block their ability to cope with stress. This can even prevent them from functioning at work and within society. These individuals exemplify how humans can absorb repressed emotions and energy such as those experienced during their ancestors’ Holocaust trauma. We can and do inherit the unconscious minds of our parents and ancestors, yet we can also un-inherit by becoming conscious of the patterns and finding solutions to heal them back into healthy “codes” in the DNA.

What Is Feminine Energy?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...

Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.

6 Signs You’re Ready for Your Twin Flame

6 Signs You’re Ready for Your Twin Flame

6 Signs You're Ready for Your Twin Flame | By Dr. Amanda Noelle

In this video, I share the 6 Signs You’re Ready for Your Twin Flame. These aren’t just signs you’re ready for a relationship. They’re signs you’re ready for an enlightened relationship that reflects the fully unleashed potential of your soul in Divine Partnership.

It’s likely that some (or perhaps all) of these signs are not what you were thinking they’d be… A Twin Flame sign isn’t necessarily there are angel signs and 11:11s everywhere. I learned this the hard way, believe me!

These are the signs that YOU are ready for true love. Twin Flame Love.

Unfortunately, Twin Flame Love isn’t always cut and dry, nor easy to assess at first; I had all the common supposed Twin Flame signs with my Twin Flame Counterfeit.

In fact, I had angel feathers, crazy synchronicity, 11:11s, instant so-called Twin Flame Recognition, and tons of fireworks! I fell instantly in love and we thought we’d get married within a few months. That was until we fell into a traumatic situation, and his love died immediately, and he ditched me (quite literally in a ditch, but that’s a story for another time!).

The reason it died is because I wasn’t fully prepared for my Twin Flame. The signs I share in the above video are real: they’re practical, based on experience, and solid. They’ll tell you whether or not YOU are ready for your Twin, and if you’re not ready DO NOT go out and try to meet him yet, or you’ll be the one who is burned!

The great news is that by aligning with these 6 signs, you will make your Divine Partnership more heavenly than ever… I’ve witnessed these signs in working with 100s of Twin Flames, and you will need to get cracking on mastering all 6 in order to be fully prepared for the intensity of the Twin Flame Union.

I’m tired of watching so many women suffering, trying to hold on to a False Twin Flame. If only they’d known about these 6 signs!

Enjoy the video, and post in the comments what signs you’ve mastered and what you need to work on. I am here to help with any questions you may have.

XO, Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker

PS: Ready to call in your Beloved at light speed? Set up a Twin Flame Activation Session with me here.

PPS: For those of you who don’t know me, I am Dr. Amanda Noelle, the Twin Flame Matchmaker and Founder of Aphrodite University…. I am a bit of a starchild. I create a new video every week to help you awaken your Twin Flame energy, activate your soul purpose, make more money in ease, have more bliss, and open up your Sacred Feminine Power!

My background as a Twin Flame Matchmaker stems from my almost never-ending search for love over many lifetimes, and my passion for helping others, especially single women! I also adore helping empower women financially by creating money from their own Sacred Chalice aka “Pussy Power!” At Aphrodite University, I teach conscious bachelorettes to call in their beloved in 12 months or less, and live in luxury and abundance.

PPPS: Subscribe to my YouTube channel here.
Join my Facebook page here.
Tweet from your twat with me on Twitter here.
Pin with me on Pinterest here.
and watch me on InstaG from time to time here.

What Is Feminine Energy?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...

Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.

Healing Twin Flame Abandonment Issues

Healing Twin Flame Abandonment Issues

Dearly Beloved,

Does it ever feel like everyone around you eventually leaves you? 

Do you sometimes wonder if anyone will ever want you for you?

I’m not just talking about your Twin Flame…I’m talking about real love enfolding you, and never leaving you.

have spent many years of my life single, longing for deeper connections, and downright lonely.

Sometimes I’ve been invited to fun parties with Soul Family and friends, and yet still felt alone in my world. 

Other years I was just plain alone.  

Social gatherings can even stimulate thoughts like:

“Am I loveable?”

“Why aren’t they connecting with me?”

“Will anyone ever want me/get me/marry me?”

And sometimes we don’t get invited to the parties or asked out on dates by anyone of quality, or at times even anyone.

Beloved, do you struggle with the following abandonment issues?

  • Feeling sad that your truest love lied to you, cheated on you, or left you down in a ditch (what a effing b*tch!)…or it just didn’t work out and you miss them
  • Fearing that friends will eventually leave you or lose their loyalty
  • Thank God your family loves you…or do they even really know you?
  • Finding yourself wondering if relationships are real at all, or just based on neediness

Until not that long ago, I often found myself being abadnoned or betrayed–often by the people I loved and trusted most. I called in Twin Flame Runner energy and Twin Flame Counterfeits.

I’ve decided that fear of abandonment is a normal human experience–especially for women.

The Sacred Wound of the Divine Feminine is fear of abandonment by her Divine Masculine Counterpart.

I want to help you help feel more connected to others than ever, so you can say goodbye to the loneliness of heartbreak forever.

#1 Tip to Heal Abandonment: Go dig into the pain. 

Dig into your abandonment fears.

Face them. 

Stay in alone tonight, and close all the shades. Turn off your distractions, and feel the pain arise.

Wallowing in it, and breathing in your loneliness is the greatest gift you can give yourself at this time… 

Because if we don’t face our isolation, we’d be running from our issues!

No one will love you if you don’t feel your pain and love yourself in it. 

When a woman runs from her abaonment issues, guess what will happen to her?  

Abandonment comes to hunt her down.

Her sadness, her pain, her abandonment stuff will only grow louder and louder in all of her relationships.

Maybe this has already happened to you?

Have you ever found yourself in a partnership or social group where you were running from your loneliness together?

The bonds of sex, intimacy, and conversations served as a noise to distract you from your pain.

Perhaps if we just listened to our lone internal howling wolf crying her song of loneliness, we’d actually be able to shut the f*ck up and actually connect with each other…

Loneliness is deep medicine…

To be honest, I have struggled with dark feelings of isolation, loneliness, and “I don’t belong” since…well as long as I can remember.  

I was born a different type of soul with a specific vibrational field and purpose. My different rhythm made me feel like an outsider. 

As a child, my loneliness kept me feeling like i didn’t belong on the group, or on the planet at all. Most of high school and college I spent pretending to fit in but I felt alien there too…

I slept with my first boyfriend hoping sex and intimacy would bandage my pain, but when he left and the bandage was ripped off, I was ripped in two!

I think my biggest problem during my younger years wasn’t my actual loneliness—it was my fear that if anyone found out that I was lonely, I’d be seen as a freak. 

So, I pretended to fit in as the overachiever blond volleyball player. I wanted to be well-liked and popular, and while I had my moments, I felt like I would die if anyone found out my big bad secret… 

I Love My Loneliness (and alone time)!

Claiming this piece and allowing myself to face my shadow within loneliness and isolation is how I met Jack and how to call in your Twin Flame. 

Are you afraid that if your Beloved knew about your fears of abandonment that you’d just shrink over in horror and humiliation?  

It’s time to emancipate yourself from your loneliness now

It’s not always healing your abandonment and isolation issues. I’ve been there, and that’s why I am here for you! 

I have put together super special  Twin Flame Love Combo Package for my blog readers.

Normally this package costs thousands of dollars because it includes a ton of high value content and time with Jack and I…

By using the coupon code “gift” I will give you a killer deal with TWO juicy bonuses:

(1) I’ll gift you you 2 tickets to our Twin Flame retreat in San Diego: Twin Flames Live. This retreat cracked each of our guests open to a higher dimension of themselves, they called in a tribe of sisters, and you’ll love the pleasureful way we problem solved your deepest issues.

And of course with the Twin Flame Love Combo PackageI’ll include:

(2) Identify + Bust Your Twin Flame Love Blocks: Home Learning Program We have created a 6-week intensive training course to help you identify and quickly release your Twin Flame Love Blocks from your past lives and current life so you can quickly align with and attract your Twin Flame.

Click here to get started! (scroll down to “Bonus #3” for program details)

After you register on the next page for the Twin Flame Love Combo Package with the coupon code “gift” we’ll follow up to schedule your complimentary session! 

The Twin Flame Love Combo Package is valued at over $6,000, and is available for a limited time only for just $333. 

That’s right! You get a 6-week course, ticket credit for a retreat with us, and a past life clearing session with me for just $333, and it won’t last!

The 6-week course is an amazing offering to help you clear out the isolation and abandonment blocks and own your true Twin Flame Love power.

That’s an abundant gift and savings to give yourself… Join me using the code “gift” and get all three goodies before the offer expires in a few more hours. 

XO, Dr Amanda

PS: Don’t wait, the savings won’t last, so sign up today for the Twin Flame Love Combo Package before prices go back up!

What Is Feminine Energy?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...

Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.

How to Heal From and Never Attract a False Twin Flame Again

How to Heal From and Never Attract a False Twin Flame Again

false twin flameYour false Twin Flame is a actually gift. While I know that a Twin Flame Counterfeit (as I call it) can bring up some of your biggest $h%t, he or she can also catalyze some of your biggest SHIFTS.

Your Twin Flame Counterfeit is a mere reflection of you. Or more accurately, he or she is a mirror reflection of you–helping you mirror those tricky blindspots so you can see where you must absolutely love yourself.

There are no mistakes within the Twin Flame Mirror, the mirror of love that reflects back to you how close you are to deep self-love.

I have helped hundreds of my clients to call in their Twin Flames, and almost every single one of them has gone through some sort of a harrowing situation with a false Twin Flame. It almost seems like a Twin Flame Attraction initiation rite!

Your Twin Flame is simply a mirror of your own self-love.  So you may want to ask yourself, why did I attract this false Twin Flame?

I know it is not easy, it can be excruciatingly painful, humiliating, and very confusing. But you didn’t sign up for a life of easy and boring, at least not on the soul level!

Every fairytale has it’s goblins and evil queens. These energies get stuck to our Twin Flame mirrors and cause us to attract distortions of who we truly are.

The key to attracting your true Twin Flame vs a false Twin Flame or a Karmic Soulmate is that you must clear out all the Twin Flame Love Blocks that stop you from fully embracing yourself with the deepest Divine Love.

Divine Love is the glue that brings you and your Twin Flame so close to the mirror that you merge with your divine mirror.

You become one with your Twin Flame when you become one with your two inner halves.

To reunite with our Twin Flame, we are required to merge our polar halves of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. The Divine Feminine corresponds to emotions, emotional intelligence, ocean waves of energy that arrive with unpredictability, chaos, improvisation, and flow. The Divine Masculine corresponds to the mind, intellect, linear energy, predictability, organization, structure, and planning.

The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are truly reflections of each other and cannot exist without each other. They are meant to be separate as much as they are meant to merge. There truly is no separation, only the illusion of separation.false twin flame

Twin Flames are not really halves of the same soul at all–they’re much more than this. They are two full expressions of love expressed in the mirror. They are Twin Flame mirrors of the whole soul. They reflect the Divine Union of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine counterparts. They reflect each other (not necessarily expressed as a male and female, as Twins can certainly be same-sex) in their same and polar-opposite aspects.

Why did you attract your Twin Flame Counterfeit–that false Twin Flame who is keeping you up at night crying yourself to sleep? You did it for the lessons of love. Deep divine love never leaves you or abandoned you, but you have in some small or perhaps not-so-small way, abandoned yourself. The golden opportunity of pain from a false Twin Flame is to heal this spot, the area that has perhaps long been abandoned. By lovers, parents, ancestors, and by your soul in many lifetimes.

Maybe you didn’t read the signs of the false Twin Flame and so you hit a massive Dark Night of the Soul. Yet such experiences allow us to reclaim parts of ourselves. By looking in the Twin Flame mirror at yourself when you are in the heartache or pain, you are allowed to fully focus on you. On picking yourself up. On loving the inner child. While this time may be tender, you are actually not heartbroken: you are heart broken OPEN!

twin flame coachWithout this crevice in your heart, the light couldn’t shine through.

It is the role of the false Twin Flame to bring up your greatest fears around Twin Flame Separation. By cracking open your heart, you feel the deep separation of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within your soul. You feel the deep separation of your Divine Self (I AM Self) and your human self. You feel this mirroring through many aspects of your life. It brings up the separation you feel from your community. The separation you felt as a child from certain family members. It brings up traumas and pains that may seem unrelated to the Twin Flame topic.

Truly, everything in our worlds relates to us, as we are the center of our own universe. You are the beautiful central axis of your Youniverse, despite what we are taught to believe.  If you are not at the core of you, who is?

Unfortunately, so many people–women especially–are taught to deny themselves of a self. This has become a generational pattern that creates mental imbalances, mental illnesses, physical ailments, genetic diseases, and spiritual disconnects.

Without finding the self first, you will not find your Twin Flame.

imageWe each have a self. We each need a self. We have been gifted this self from God/the Universe, and when we deny it and try to replace it with the love of another: a lover, a family member, a church member, a leader, a guru etc., we cannot experience the truest joy and divine bliss.

You are at the center of the atom. You are the neutron, with your arms being the Divine Feminine (electron) and the Divine masculine (proton). Your heart is that neutron, that neutral energy, and at the center of the heart lies the self. You cannot take the self away from the self, but you can deny it and forget it. But your self is alway there.

By falling in love with your self, you bring the gift to the world of an awakened one. You become the Beloved who can heal the planet starting at her own heart.

Here is a video to help you identify the signs of a false Twin Flame aka Twin Flame Countefeit:

To your awakened and opened heart.

All my love,

Dr. Amanda Noelle

The Twin Flame Matchmaker