1111 Meaning for Twin Flames & the Spiritual Awakening
It’s me again, Dr. Amanda Noelle, the Twin Flame Matchmaker, helping badass spiritual bachelorettes align with their ultimate beloved so they can not only enjoy epic, ecstatic lasting love, or perhaps birth a
First I’m going to share the
So, what is the
And what does it have to do with Twin Flame energy and the spiritual awakening process?
Before we dive into the training, I wanted to share with you an exciting global event that’s happening on 11/11/18…We’ll be tuning in on live-stream from Bali, the place I married myself on 11/11/11!
Join us live online for a FREE Twin Flame Global Activation on 11-11-18…you’ll receive:
– A content-rich educational talk about the meaning of the numerology and the impact of the Twin Flame 1111 Codes
– Get a karma clearing on whatever no longer serves you & your Twin Flame Union- Plus you’ll receive a guided meditation to awaken your energy for this shift on 11/11 on an 11 year
-And a potent Twin Flame 11/11 activation channeled by myself Dr. Amanda and my beloved Jack to activate your Twin Flame DNA, awaken your soul purpose, and magnetize your ultimate beloved
-Plus we’ll gift you some awesome FREE STUFF: tips, meditations, perks, and bonuses from Aphrodite University!
-You’ll also have a few minutes to ask us any questions you have how to call in your Twin Flame fast, at the end!
Back to the meaning of 1111…
We first need to ask “WTF are numbers?” in the first place! Otherwise, we’re missing a step…
Pythagoras, the ancient Greek philosopher you’ll remember from high school geometry
Numbers hold a primordial, divine VIBRATION.
They can be used as keys to do
Numbers can be used to create “new” codes—vibrations and realities made up of universal life force energy…
Numbers are not mere digits you want to get from some cute girl or guy up in the club!
Numbers are the code of the universe, that can write worlds within worlds–they create sound, light vibration, and color.
In fact, speaking of color, each number corresponds to a color, a sound, a vibration, a chakra in the body, a time in history, a point in your yoni or lingam, as everything corresponds to everything else in this Divine Holographic Universe we call WTF is this place, get me outta here!
Truly, the Universe is all about
The base numbers of creation are:
0 and 1.
You and the Universe alike are made up of two tiny numbers, and you are bonded through the One and the Zero Point!
Ones, and zeros folks, that’s the simple ingredient list in this recipe called life, love, light, and the Universe!
Everything is made up of yin and yang, dark and light, ones, and zeros. We are all One.
To understand the power and meaning of the number sequence 1111, we first have to understand how Creation works.
In the
From zero, we get nothing but a big black vortex, a hole, a giant yoni in the galaxy…We can call this, The Yoniverse (for those of you who don’t know, a yoni means Feminine Temple, womb or “Pussy” (which is NOT a bad word at all, the etymology dates back to Ancient Egypt where Puss came from Pasht, or Basset the feline spirit guide of the Great Mother, Isis.
And then, out of nothingness womb, something was born. For there must be something for there to be
Therefore, the Holy Hole, that Holy Grail, or Holy No-thingness of ZERO birthed the concept of some-thingness. It was then that we went from zero to one, and Sacred Feminine to Masculine. And the circle came to be the line.
The masculine phallus, or lingam.
Thus, from the Sacred Feminine
The entire Universe that ever can will and did exist, and all at once, in every combination has existed through this sequence of 1s and 0s. There truly is nothing we have not already experienced in the combination of infinite codes.
When we see 11:11 over and over it means a few things.
Two is that you’re in alignment…with something. Not necessarily your ultimate Twin Flame. But it is a sign to pay attention to saying “you’re on the right path.”
Three, it means “Pay attention to your thought.” One of the meanings of 11:11 is that the Universe is communicating with your thoughts, which are in alignment. This sequence can mean that your thoughts will manifest almost instantly in your physical reality.
Four, 11:11 (as well as 1:11) is a message from your angels. Your angels are sending you love and guidance, and are reminding you to pay attention to your thoughts
So make sure that you are focusing on the things that you want, and not the things that you don’t want.
And five it means that there is a masculine energy aligning with your feminine energy. A yin-yang, Twin Flame balance.
For behind each one is a zero. The 11s can’t align without zeros at the base. Remember, the Universe is represented by the infinite arrangement of codings of 1s and 0s.
The Zeros represent Feminine Love, or wisdom.
The 1s represent Masculine Light (or consciousness/knowledge). The Sacred Union between zeros and 1s brings an alignment of the 1s in 1111. Light is the Sacred Geometry master, coder, or architect aligning the mathematics. But the Feminine Love is like the glue that brings it all together, and this is felt or emoted, not intellectualized.
So the light cannot do it alone, no matter how much he thinks he can.
Behind every great Master is a great Priestess; similarly, behind every great One is a great Zero, which is why we must balance Masculine Though with Feminine Heart and surrender to the Union once we have found our balance.
Now, more specifically, how does 1111 relate to Twin Flames?
Well, some believe that the Temple of the Twin Flames was originally known by the name the Temple of Solomon.
The Temple of Solomon means Temple of Sun and Moon, representing the Masculine Light (sun/Christ Consciousness) and Feminine Love (moon/Mother Womb) coming together to birth a
The Template of Solomon was built in the shape of the human body.
Like Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, the Temple of Solomon serves as a map comprised of specific codes, perfectly measured proportions known as sacred geometry, and was packed with occult symbolism. This was all devised to help humanity awaken, to build a better brain, and to bring the Twin Flames together.
The Temple of Solomon, or the ethereal version which we call the Temple of the Twin Flames is a gateway to Higher Consciousness and spiritual mastery that aligns your Feminine and Masculine in
The Twin Flame mysteries were embedded into the temple and used as keys, codes, and templates built into the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, which was passed down from earlier mystery schools from Atlantis through Northern Africa and Asia Minor using the Sun, Moon, and Flame Worship.
These secrets then got passed onto the masons of the time who studied and built the architecture and performed initiations within mystery schools. The masons were both temple builders and alchemists, philosophers, and High Priestesses and High Priests who kept their secrets to protect the knowledge, but some kept the secrets to build their wealth.
Unfortunately, greed always leads to wars, haves
But at the center of your head lies the jewel–the pineal gland. It is ready to be activated and the 1111 codes can help with this as well.
The pineal gland is a key player in aligning with, attracting, and keeping your Twin Flame Union.
We all have different abilities to access our 3rd eye vision at the pineal gland–an open gland allows us to see the truth from the Divine Perspective… Each Twin has 1 gland, and together these create two eyes of our Twin Soul Body.
In order to open the eyes to the God’s Eye level, each twin must individually work on herself, and then come together. This individual work includes keeping the temple body in alignment – calm enough, clean enough, balanced enough, and the chakras/energy clear, as well as the mind in a state of balance and gratitude. Perhaps even joy and excitement! We must also bring alignment into all aspects of our lives, representing each chakra.
So many spiritual people have misaligned and abused root chakras, and many powerful wealthy people have weak upper chakras. True Twins do the work to become powerful in all 11 Twin Flame Chakras. The 7 chakras of the body, the Earth Star or Gain Chakra Below, and the 4 Transpersonal Chakras above the body.
We use the acronym FLAME: feminine love aligned with masculine energy! Where the pink love combines with blue light (energy) to create the Violet Flame.
Archangel Zadkiel calls the Violet Flame the flame of joy that flows with the Holy Spirit as it awakens humanity and frees every particle of energy that it touches. We’ll be doing an 1111 Twin Flame Activation at the ceremony that utilizes the Violet Flame, so stay tuned for that.
Twin Flame energy as symbolized as the 1111 Codes is the type of energy that can heal world wars, nuclear disaster, and dark control forces. Not because 1111 is all light. It’s because it is the BALANCE of light and love, with dark and fear. 1111 is
Remember, These Twin Pillars are part of the Kabbalah Tree of Life–the pillar of the feminine is called the pillar of mercy and the pillar of severity. They share
It is in the central chapel that we can bridge our 2 physical DNA strands… That is, the stands science can see that is not the Higher-Dimensional based DNA. The higher dimensional DNA If you count 0-11, you get 12.
Thus, the number 11 becomes a symbol of the 12 strands which align with the 12 chakras. I call this the 11 Chakras and 11 strands of DNA. They also correspond to the 11 balls on the Kabbalah’s Tree of Life (Sephiroth) and the 12 tarot cards.
We’re so excited to see you at the global Twin Flame DNA activating event that’s happening on 11/11/18…An 11 year!
Register now to join us live on 11/11 where you’ll:
– Learn more about the meaning of the numerology and the impact of the Twin Flames ’11 /11 Codes
– Participate in a karma clearing ritual on whatever no longer serves you & your Twin Flame Union
– Get a guided meditation to awaken your energy for this shift on 11/11
And my beloved Jack and I
On the 11/11 gathering, you can ask us any questions you have how to call in your Twin Flame fast–so start thinking up some good questions 🙂
Here is the astrology happening on 11/11 2018:
The Sun in Scorpio is sextile Pluto in Capricorn. This
11/11 is an opportunity to find what you really want from life and go for it with heart, 100%. Utilize your inherent strengths and delegate the rest to those here to support you, perhaps even your other half.
Then I will see you on 11/11!