by Dr Amanda Noelle | Nov 3, 2013 | Financial Fertility, Holy MatriMoney, Law of Attraction, Pussy Power in Business, Uncategorized |
Guess what!? Gone are the days where we believed that money is the root of all evil. That was so silly! We fell for the oldest trick in the book in fact. Money isn’t the root of all evil; evil is the root of all evil. Evil people tricked us into believing that it was money so that we could give up our root chakra power and financial freedom to become their slaves. Women got hit the most with these money “belief systems” (BS) because we are more vulnerable due to our smaller size, lesser physical strength, and mainly because we get pregnant and it’s harder for us to run off and be financially independent when raising children. As a former starving healing artist, I used to have all these BS (belief systems/bull shit ideas) that money was evil. Now that I am making a living doing what I love, I realize that it’s not only not evil, it’s freeing and having money in the hands of good peeps can heal the world fast!
Are you done choosing between:
- being rich and being spiritual?
- dating someone spiritual who gets you but who has no cash, and dating someone who has money but who doesn’t understand your High Priestess spirituality?
- a life of love and happiness, and a life of success and wealth?
- living in luxury as an environmental vampire, or living like a peasant as a do-gooder?
- fitting into the mainstream or being this weird alternative rebel who can’t fit in anywhere but an alternative spiritual (aka poor) community?
Then this article is for you my soul searching sister! As a High-Healed Priestess, it’s my job to match juicy spiritual women with their soul purpose BLI$$ness. To do so, we have to integrate the inner spiritual hippie chick (fairy/mermaid/goddess/High Priestess, etc), with the adult grounded human, future mother, career maven, stellar woman, etc.
Let’s talk about how to balance you out to integrate the woo woo and the grounded you…
So you’re a bit of a hippie chick. I dig it… I am one too – or at least I was one throughout my twenties. I still am one at heart – in a big way – though you can’t totally tell it from the outside. See, I wear better clothes now, pay for high-end haircuts, and can actually fit into mainstream crowds. I even own a pair of Jimmy Choo’s. I’m currently hitting up some posh spots Italy in Greece without standing out too much (apart from the fact that my jewelry is way too big and rainbow colored, I have big crazy blond hair, and my dresses are bold and artsy. But they’d never guess that I meditate, talk to fairies, channel, believe in the Law of Attraction, and consider myself a Pleiadian as much as I do an American. Hippie with a capital H, and a mystic too.
What I’ve learned since I graduated from full-time hippie chick university and moved onto living high-end hip & chick as a BLI$$preneur.
I am living my dreams as a high-end spiritual matchmaker, writer, and woo woo woman and I want this for every High Priestess on the globe.
In this post, I’ll share the 3 biggest mistakes we hippie chicks make to sabotage our financial abundance, so you don’t make ’em anymore. And, I’ll give you some gems so that forever after you will have endless prosperity, my hip n’ spiritual sister!
Stop fearing money and diving into dumpsters
When I was a starving hippie chick, I used to dumpster dive for clothes and housewares and would brag about how eco-friendly I was because I hadn’t gone shopping for anything new in a few years. I once literally dove head over heals doing a handstand in a dumpster (it was clean!) dragging about $300 of clothing items out. While this was kinda fun in a way, I never liked and truly feared money. When it came to paying for things, I panicked or froze up. Truth be told, I was just too cheap or poor to afford anything nice for myself and I had low self-esteem issues I didn’t want to deal with or admit to. I had to find excuses to seem like I had my $h*t together (when I in hindsight, clearly didn’t). Really, I was $h%t scared of money, and had no idea how I was going to make it through my fear. My abundance consciousness needed a little massaging to say the least:)
Quit sabotaging streams of income
I was either unemployed, leaving a business I started, planning something new, switching out of something that wasn’t spiritual enough, or moving back in with my parents. Again! Rent is expensive in California, but that wasn’t even a real excuse like I made it out to be – I just wasn’t making more than 4-figures a year! I somehow found a way to avoid receiving money or having to work at all.
Me in my office with a view in Crete, Greece
My crash landing and bounce-back
Then I hit thirty, my life fell apart in almost every way – happy 30th birthday Amanda! I pretty much fell out of my skin and absolutely had to make a change in every aspect of my life. You try getting arrested, losing the man of your dreams, getting kicked out of your housing situation, and dying a shamanic death while on magic mushrooms all in the same month! No, don’t try it..Not recommended at all. After months of panic, humiliation, insomnia, and wanting to leave the planet, I eventually began to sew myself together energetically and financially; and I had to because I was running out of cash and mental stamina.
So I got my first long-term job ever in my life (note, long-term for me means longer than 4 months!). I worked at a high-end (aka snobby and better paying) spa as an esthetician in a chi chi area of Marin, CA for nearly two years. Finally, I committed to something with promise that would pay the bills, weren’t my parents relieved!
Yet I was working for ‘the man’ full-time in a dark spa room doing work that robbed my soul on the weekdays, and doing what I loved on the all-too-brief weekends, while dreading Mondays. Wash, rinse, repeat. I was miserable at work; I felt like I was energetically raping myself, and for what? So I could have health insurance that I rarely used (I use TCM, nutrition, and holistic healing instead)? Or was it so that I could shop at Lululemon and Wholefoods?
The thing was, while working at that spa and making decent money, I realized that I really did like money and the finer thing in life. I didn’t like how I did it – I didn’t like selling my soul to da man or catering to knit-picky snotty women who wanted me to trim their bush because they didn’t get the memo that you have to trim it to half an inch before a bikini wax. Oh God, I can’t believe what I did for money! What a waste of my time; pube trimming was not soul purpose at all (thank God!). I am a High-Healed Priestess for Heaven’s sake.
So after a year or two, I knew I fearlessly had to escape spa-hell to launch my own dream. I knew I’d do whatever it took. “But I’m a hippie girl!” I self-consciously thought to myself. How could I do business if I am just a hippie-chick? Every other business I’d owned had failed financially. Like Ananda Skin Spa, my own organic spa, and Spot Fitness, my nutrition, fitness, and wellness consulting company I ran for expats in Shanghai. All great ideas and visions, never spot on the money. Why? Because I sabotaged them!
Here’s the thing: we hippie chicks are truly a magical and brilliant breed. We’re full of creativity, spark, sensual essence, and often a pinch of extra beauty and magic. Hippie chicks can be really HOT selling items if you think about it! He he he. We also have great ideas once we ground and come to earth.
Lemme break it down for you. Here are three mistakes I made when why I was poor as a hippie chick, and why 99% of the hippie chick community is poor too. I will explain how to start changing that in three simple steps so you can go from starving hippie chick to a stylin’ hip-n’-chick high-end hippie too! Wahoo, I hope that sounds good to you?!
Fail One:
We “don’t like money because money isn’t spiritual.”
Translate: we are fucking afraid of our own Divine Feminine power. We are so petrified by the idea of grounding into our lower-chakras and functioning in the “real world” that we get all dispy-tipsy hippie flaky without taking a reality check for Heaven’s sake. I did this all throughout my twenties. I always said that I would “just manifest everything,” so it would work out, and to be honest I kinda did. But it sucks to live like that forever. How much of an impact can you have on the world if you’re freaking out about how you’re going to make rent or pay for gas? How are you going to manifest a roof over your head for your future kids to be a good mama? How are you going to manifest huge changes in the world through your voice when you can’t even afford a functioning laptop? Money isn’t not spiritual ladies, it’s food for the physical world. And a healthy physical world is going to provide you with a smoother-sailing spiritual world and energetic body. All seven healthy chakras start at the root with a grounded first chakra.
Step one here is to have HUGE compassion for your wounds in the lower chakras. I was in denial about mine, and it wasn’t until a horrific experience of getting dumped, arrested, losing my housing situation, and having my finances fall apart all in one week that I woke up to the fact that I didn’t have it all together. It was just a few weeks before my 30th birthday and I realized that I needed money to grow up, and that I had a lot of current and past life trauma sitting in there. Sexual shame, fear of being powerful, and lifetimes of getting persecuted for being a healer and High Priestess. Ouch, it sucked! My reality check sent me into a spiral of desperation and I took my first full-time job for two years straight. I’m so glad I did it though, because it helped me ground and have a paycheck and pay for stuff, and then transition into being an empowered and successful BLI$$ness owner.
I now love money and money loves me. Affirm that, it feels really yummy. You can be both a hippie chick and rich – I am just that, a rich hippie chick. Ahh, doesn’t that feel good to own?
Fail Two:
We focus on fun and forget about what the marketplace needs
If someone is going to pay you loads of money, don’t you think it’s kinda important to think about what they want before they buy, and what they think they need?
Hippie girls often omit one simple step in their business: marketing! Argh, why does that seem so hard for
us? I guess because 99.9% of the marketing out there is crap and not even close to heart-based. We flower children want to change the world and make a difference, so we try to help everyone by spreading our love and light. But without marketing, we are like little children who have no cash and no mic to spread our voices. Listen, clean marketing will spread your message to a marketplace. Marketplace is the place where there is a money exchange. Hippie girls tend to hang out in places where there is NO market. In fact, this is how we best sabotage ourselves financially. We do ‘business’ (or something that resembles business) without anything close to a business plan or strategy or marketing launch. Translation: self-sabotage, letting your inner child run wild, and not focusing on what your audience – the people that pay you by the way – need.
A few years ago I was in Bali and my friend Anna who owns a popular cafe and also a jewelry company told me that she had to learn to make jewelry and products that sell, not just do things from her passion. How sad! I thought. But she explained how when she made all this fun colorful jewelry it would sit there and not sell, and when she made too many of the unpopular dishes, they’d rot. What’s the point of expressing all your creativity if no one’s going to buy?
Fail Three:
We own businesses without really treating them like businesses.
We hippie chicks are famous for being spiritual know-it-alls and for breaking rules. We do it so much that we’re like “I’m gonna own a business and not even follow any rules on having a business because that’s no fun!”
Fact, if you charge money for something and it’s your main source of income, that’s called a business. I’m not saying that I want you to do business boring, no, not at all. In fact, that’s why I am a BLI$$ness woman, helping High-Healed Priestesses turn their bliss into 6-figure BLI$$nesses that heal the world in the most blissful way possible.
We do dumb $hit they never recommend in business and act as if it’s spiritual, like procrastinating on getting our message out there because we go play with fairies alll day. Or we discourage a client from working with us because they say they “can’t afford it” yet they invest their money in new clothes, festivals, vacations, etc and they really need our help as healers!
After some intensive healing, some major life changes, and a few miracles, I launched a successful BLI$$ness about a year and a half ago as a
Twin Flame Matchmaker. It’s been an incredible road that I am grateful for and I know it’s because I surrendered my fears to God/dess and have been going balls-out on my mission.
I guess I am a high-end hippie girl now, as well as a grounded High-Healed Priestess. I am free to follow my bliss, both energetically and financially.
I’m currently writing this from Crete, Greece where I am soaking up life to it’s fullest and sending you loads of love; check it out!
I know we high-end hippie chicks are a growing breed… The High-Healed Priestesses are on a rise and we’re bringing our Twin Flames with us!
Gone are the times when we had to choose between being spiritual, and living in luxury. Gone are the times when we had to choose between being free, and having a husband/marital partner.
To your love, your riches, and to your dreams come true, whatever they look like!
Dr. Amanda Noelle
by Dr Amanda Noelle | Nov 2, 2013 | Twin Flame Priestess Lifestyle |
He’s kind, healthy, hot, spiritual, self-employed, good with kids, open to having children, likes to travel, loves intimacy, even knows some tantra, he eats a plant-based diet, donates to charity, is in touch with the Feminine… The list goes on. And on. And on… Is this you?
Ha ha ha, I know we Twin Flame seeking women are some of the pickiest creatures on earth. Not a bad thing though, as long as we find a balance and realize that everyone – even us – has flaws. The likelihood of anyone completely fitting our list down to the last detail is pretty low. However, the Twin Flame List can help with the attraction process.
Write down everything you want in your Twin Flame relationship. That’s step one.
But let’s be honest: sometimes getting the whole package feels impossible. And so I see so many of my clients, fans, and friends manifesting men who are missing some key items from the list. Yet using the Law of Attraction in combination with a little elbow grease, you can go after and get nearly the whole list. Or something even better!
Why is it that we can get so blocked by our own stories, resistances, and self-esteem issues, especially when it comes to attraction the “who package” in a relationship? The classic case I see as a Twin Flame Matchmaker in women who are new to working with the Law of Attraction to manifest a Twin Flame is that they will pick a man who is only half or part of what is on their desires list. Are you vegetarian and you meet amazing men, except for that one tiny detail: you can’t see yourself marrying a carnivore, and they are meat-lovin’ men? Or perhaps you are a spiritual woman, super into healing, energy work, consciousness, yoga, green juice, etc and everything is perfect, except for the fact that he totally doesn’t accept or nurture your spiritual path?
“Wassup with this!?” you wonder, “Why do I keep attracting that one little thing that is a BIG deal breaker every time I date someone new!?” I’d hate to see you give up and throw away all of your love, beauty, and bliss potential because you are attracting the wrong men (at least in part!) because the Law of Attraction is only half-working for you…
We gotta first ask: Why do you keep attracting these love-limits? In the Big Leap by Gay Hendricks, Hendricks talks about the “upper limit problem,” ULPs, that are sorta like a metabolic set-point of how much we can love. So when you’re manifesting that 98% perfect soulmate except for the 2% which is a total deal-breaker, it’s like “Fuuuuuu%ck, why me!?” Right? But really that 2% issue is the thing you’re manifesting to keep you safely away from love. What?! Why would you ever want to block yourself from love? Because to be honest, we humans are all freaked by love, it’s our nature. We ARE love, we deserve love, and God loves us much. But ironically this is the scariest thing to our human nature – to accept this gift. We create all kinds of crazy ways to block love, including finding people who are 98% there, but who eat several pounds of meat when we’re wanting a vegetarian, or someone who is perfect in all ways but who can’t afford to pay his bills let alone be your future baby daddy. Help!
You can have what you want, you just gotta be willing to receive it, my love. Be willing to receive the love that you are! As a Twin Flame Matchmaker, I specialize in helping women dissolve their subconscious love limits and turn them into love magnets. It really friggin’ works. I’ve done my healing and coaching work on women and in some cases, within hours they’ve manifested their Twin Flame. That’s hot! And it’s delightful to watch every time (especially when I get invited to the wedding, like I’m going to next month!).
I have a sad-to-succsexy story to share! It’ll melt your heart:
I once worked with a client named Laura who thought she’d found her Twin Flame. Everything was perfect… except for one tiny detail: her soulmate was a total vegan and wanted to raise his future children vegan, and he judged her for her eating choices. While she liked living healthy, she’d always enjoyed the occasional piece of fish, organic cheese, or free-range chicken, and she wasn’t wanting to give it up. Plus she’d always wanted to share her favorite family recipes with her future offspring. Initially, it was like everything was perfect for Laura, except that one tiny not-so-cheesy detail, until…
Mr. Vegan Boy suddenly went back to the East Coast for a visit and reconnected with his ex girlfriend. He then dumped Laura, this beautiful woman, shortly after returning but not before sleeping with her one last time. Classy, right? Together, Laura and I did some deep healing work and counseling over the heartache. In our healing work, we realized that God/dess had given her the sign early on so that she could see that he was her perfect Twin Flame stepping stone, the TFC (Counterfeit) to lead her to her true Twin. He’d opened her heart (and smashed it a bit, but it took that to tenderize it!), and she realized how badly she wanted love. Further, she realized that she absolutely needed it from someone who shared her healthy lifestyle with a little bit of fun, cheese, and white meat… It was her style.
Guess what happened next? Only a month later, she fell into the arms of her Twin Flame Aaron at the farmers market, and there was no looking back! Aaron’s a healthy “pescetarian” as he calls it – he eats fish and dairy in small amounts – so they have a ball cooking together! They are now happily married, pregnant, and Laura enjoys their healthy lifestyle without feeling judged for eating her way.
Don’t settle for less Goddess, you are worth the WHOLE package! It’s easy to follow the wrongful thinking that settling for less gets us ahead. Wrong. Settling for less is the harder road. Because your soul knows that you’re worth more, and so you’ll align with potential partners who aren’t really cut out for you in the long-term. You’d best decide what you’re truly worth and what you truly want, and the Universe will bring it to you if you step forth to receive it!
When you let go of what’s not working, the Universe hears your commitment to self and rewards you with a true energy match. You can’t stay in a settling-for-less energy with a karmic soulmate trying to force it. If it’s not an easy fit in the first few dates, let it go, grow, and try again with the right partner. Screen dates before going on them to save you time and heartache. Unless you’re able to control your attraction to people, what’s the point of getting your heart set on someone you know isn’t a fit?
- Don’t settle for less because you don’t have to! It won’t serve you, your beloved, or the world
- You can manifest that whole picture by honoring your desires
- Don’t date men who aren’t a fit unless you’re dating for dating’s sake
- Write down your list and stick to it
- Circle your must-haves on the list that are deal-breakers (I don’t think having brown hair would be a deal breaker, but being spiritually awake and financially grounded is, for example)
- Know that you’re worth it!
Good luck lady, you are the Twin Flame, now go find your match…
by Dr Amanda Noelle | Jun 30, 2011 | Pussy Power in Business, Twin Flame Priestess Lifestyle
I believe that BLI$$preneurs are the sexiest species of women on earth
It is time women, time for the Divine Feminine to rise in all aspects of ourselves, espeically in areas where we have shut Her out. And yep, we have shut out the Divine Feminine from so many areas, including:
- In our bodies (hence the high rate of hormonal imbalances, high breast and female cancers, etc)
- In our schools and universities
- In childbirth (hence high rates of C-sections and overuse of drugs in birth)
- In medicine in general (overuse of antibiotics, doctors prescribing treatments as if we have too many organs and not enough natural chemicals inside our bodies)
- In business (!!!)
- In our farming practices
- In our finances and banking systems
- In marriage and relationships
Oh Goddess (Lakshmi, Aphrodite, Ashtar, Innana, Kuan Yin, and all of your many other faces and names!),we are ready to bring you into our world, all the way down to the lower chakras. Business takes place in the lower chakras, and I say it’s time to bring bliss down from the Heavens and do BLI$$ness Divine Feminine style.
The Divine Feminine has been hiding from being big and beautiful in Her path on Earth in sooo many ways, and it’s time to change this! We women have been hiding from the Divine Feminine within ourselves for so long, in every aspects of ourselves and our lives, especially in relationship to the masculine, in business and with money. Oops! Yet finally, we are waking up. Finally!!! It’s OK to play big, receive our abundance and wear fancy gowns and crowns again and prance around the temple as High Priestesses (or modern day High-Healed Priestesses in heels as I call us!) with our soul sistas.
It’s time to stop playing small ladies, because that’s no fun. Let us live boldy and ruthlessly and BIG with our Divine Feminine energies channeling throughout all aspects of our lives: love, business, spirituality, childbirth, our farming practices, friendship, fashion, the way we dance, do our hair, touch our children, etc., etc…
It’s also time to stop self-abusing our bodies/minds/spirits, and to stop letting ourselves get abused by anything or anyone. Eat more kale. Wear more of your favorite colors. Take more time to walk the beach. Move somewhere you’ve always wished to live and quit that job that’s literally killing you on the inside. That’s all a game, an illusion: everything is US, everything is Oneness. You are a powerful goddess holding Her light, the Light of oneness through the Feminine so woot woot, embody it baby!
I used to wear all black in order to appear thinner which was really funny because I was thin, a size 2. I wanted to be that perfect model-thin girl and I tried to keep up with the rich preppy kids at my college and I was so miserable. After ten years of trying to be like a man, I belly flopped and became super feminine and spiritual and I guess you could call me a hippie healer. Now I’ve come back to center and I am helping the Divine Feminine rise through the structures of the Masculine in business, and I’ve seen how easy and beautiful it is to let business meet your bliss and make BLI$$ness.
It’s time to let go of the old funky stinky patriarchal paradigms and systems and to create our own that feel so delicious and alive in our Feminine bodies.
Finally: It’s Time for the Divine Feminine to Rise in Business!
Let’s be honest…We all need money to survive and thrive as living breathing goddesses. And we women are indeed reflections of the Great Goddess herself. So let’s stop treating ourselves as peasants, slave girls, rejects, settling for less, believing that we’re “not good enough” or even “not God enough,” for we are God/godess created in her/his/Oneness’ reflection. Business is simply an exchange of goods or services for money, and money is a form of Divine Love brought through an agreed value-exchange. BLI$$ness, as I call it, is the Divine Feminine way of doing business.
The Divine Feminine is rising on Gaia, and She has been rising slowly but surely for the past 5,000 years since the Her fall in Egypt way back when! We are all awakening, remembering, and reclaiming the Divine Feminine and restoring the sacred connection with her Masculine counterpart, the Divine Masculine. Like the ocean rising worldwide, her Feminine wisdom is returning and restoring the memory of the Ancient Sacred ways of the Goddess. I totally get the vivid image of Aphrodite riding the clam as I write this! Here’s a fun artwork my friend/client/graphic artist Cora Flora created for me:
We women have been controlled by limiting thoughts, The Illuminati (the shadow of our collective consciousness), and we have given up our power through the financial systems, through patriarchal marriages, and by being afraid of money and business. We convince ourselves that business isn’t spiritual and that money is the root of all evil in many lifetimes.
We take vows of poverty and swear that we are more holy because we sever the Divine Feminine from our financial lives. What a hoax! What a mistake! Money is a form of Divine Feminine spiritual love. Love coming through a physical masculine form. It’s kinda sexy just talking about this! The tantra of money fascinates me.
Financial systems are meant to reflect the highest potential and sharing and Love of humankind. And guess what? We aren’t meant to run from this potential. We are meant to connect with the great exchange of money and love. As we do this we will:
- Eradicate all forms of slavery and enslavement, sex trafficking etc
- Free ourselves into abundance and financial wealth
- Step into limitless prosperity
- Quit our day jobs that don’t serve our highest potential
- Allow us to be honored with coins of Gold as Goddesses
- Make love to our money, and live in Holy MatriMoney
- Donate massively to charities
- Rebuild the Goddess Temples, which are friggin expensive and beautiful!
That’s all I have to say for now. What a fun article to write. My BLI$$ness is done for the day. Lovin’ you!
So looking forward to the launch of next week. Can’t wait to share it with you luscious ladies!
by Dr Amanda Noelle | Jun 30, 2011 | Divine Feminine Awakening, Pussy Power in Business, Sacred Sexuality
There is an ancient secret power that resides deep inside every woman. I am unlocking this BIG time right now, and I wanted to remind you that you have it too…
I call this feline-like Feminine power “Pussy Power,” and I often spell it with two dollar signs, “PU$$Y Power!”
This eternal Sacred Feminine energy is the stuff of life, of passion, purpose, and pleasure, and when tapped into can attract all things your heart desires; this includes attracting your high-paying soulmate clients in your bli$$ness, business opportunities, speaking gigs, cash flowing, etc.
What is PU$$Y Power? It is a primal life-force of erotic power that is generated in the female body. It’s not only related to sexual energy, it’s related to anything having to do with creation from the etheric world into the physical world that we live in, from Heaven to Earth.
PU$$Y Power is a priceless life-force that can help you attract anything you want: from a romantic partner, to more money, a living situation, anything your heart or your favorite body part desires!
Anatomically, PU$$Y Power is generated from the G-spot and the other 6 Yoni Gates: clit, cervix, labia, mouth of the womb, center of the womb, and the “conception area,” as well as all over the body, the other reproductive areas, the brain, and even the entire aura and chakras.
PU$$Y Power is moved through the chakras and Kundalini pathways.
It is energetically an attractive (magnetic) energy, as well as a nurturing one.
Imagine a bee flying toward the nectar of the flower. The flower is exuding her nectar, the physical substance, but the energy behind this sweet perfume is the Pu$$y Power.
In it’s rawest essence, PU$$Y Power is the same as the Female side of your Twin Flame Love, taking form in the female reproductive area, holding the purest form of Divine Feminine essence of your soul.
Get over your Pussy Power Phobias
We are all at least a little afraid of pussy, of our Pussy Power, and that in other women.
OMGoddess, say, “I have a pussy, and she has Pu$$ Power! Hear her roar!”
In the ancient priestess temples, young girls were educated by the other women on how pussies worked, and there was a sacred reverence for pussy, not all this shame!
Why don’t they teach you this sh*t in sex-ed? They really should have had a tantric sex-ed class, right!? Twin Flame Tantra 101…
So now that you know what Pussy Power is, how can you relinquish the fears instilled in you from birth around your PU$$Y Power? Oh, and a hundred past lives too!?
Yes, all women have been programed to fear our Divine birthright as women. We are afraid of the Divine Feminine Herself, which is why religious leaders of the Patriarchal religions have been particularly fearful of women discovering their own Pussy Power.
But I won’t go there because I could rant and rave about that for a lifetime.
Here are six secrets to healing and rediscovering your Pu$$y Power:
1) Pu$$yFirmations instead of writing down assfirmations (affirmations, typo, sorry), write down pussyfirmations – things that remind you of how wonderful having PU$$Y Power is.
Here are my top three today:
“My pussy is powerful and attracts whatever she needs and repels whatever she doesn’t”
“I have a million dollar PU$$Y!”
“My PU$$Y Power attracts 5 clients to me this week”
“My PU$$Y Power attracts my most magical love stud this month!”
2) Rose quartz insemination
So we all know that crystals are powerful healing agents. The science behind crystals is fascinating, and you can research more about this on your own. The molecular structure of silica in crystals brings forth a symmetrical “sacred geometrical” chain lattice.
It basically creates and even flow of energy that is healing and balancing. It’s like a reboot to your system. Rose quartz is a great example – it balances the loving frequencies in a very feminine way, and if you are sensitive and open, you can feel it. It’s known as the heart-chakra stone, and it’s energy is very healing. Place this master healing stone inside your vagayjay. Yeah, in your vag.
Seriously girls, it’s an ancient secret that you won’t find in your Cosmopolitan magazine, but it’s been passed down through the lineage of the High-Healed Priestesses and I pass it to you. Insert the smooth rose-quartz stone (obviously no sharp edges in your honeypot!) after you have cleansed, charged and blessed the stone.
3) Look at your vagina regularly
We are all healing from generations of fear of Pu$$y Power. God forbid your mother or grandmother or X female relative or friend was raped.
Unfortunately, many of us are healing from energetic or actual sexual abuse and shame. So we often fear the beauty of what lies between our legs, because there are too many traumas and old wounds to look. But do it woman, get that mirror, get spread-eagle, and stare her in the eye.
She is beautiful! See her soul, her radiance, and say: “I love you, it’s nice to see you again, I honor your power.” And advanced level Pu$$y Powerettes: ask your pussy to respond, and you can even have a conversation with the “soul of your pussy.” The question would be, do you have an ass-soul? Hmmm, I don’t know if I’d wanna meet him in a dark alley! Lol 🙂
4) Look at other pu$$ies!
What?! But how do I look at other pussies if I am not bi/lesbian? It’s easy…
There’s a little creepy fella I met the other day called Google. Just put the words “pink pussy” into Google, and hit enter. Then hit images for Google Images. You’ll see all kinds of pussies of all shapes and sizes.
You can put other key words next to pussies to get an ethnic mix of pussies. Any type of pussy you can imagine is on the web. Wow, thank you for sharing your innermost flower and Pu$$y Power with us!
Although most porn industry models have been struggling from sexual abuse, I would say that many of them are like regular old lightworkers like you or I but who are healing out those lower chakras by expressing their PU$$Y Power openly.
When you see their images, send them love and light and wish them healing as they heal your sexual shyness and shame. I know that staring at women’s naked bodies on the internet has been very healing for me, as I had a lot of PU$$Y Power shame and it wasn’t pretty.
It was only when I could see the variety of other women’s bodies, that I could see how perfect and pretty my pussy was, and it makes it a hell of a lot more fun with my Beloved in bed.
You’ll want to to look at real pussies too, which is why at my Pussy Power Powwows, I gather women together to face their shame and awaken into their Pussy Power with yoni gazing together!
5) Hit up that twat with a 432 hz tuning fork
There is a little tool called a 432 hz tuning fork that is very cleansing of the water in your body, and water holds onto memory and trauma.
To heal out sexual fear, shame, abuse, and stuckness in the lower chakras, banging a 432 hz tuning fork and placing it spread-eagle next to your lovely leg-connector (your crotch area), you can heal out tremendous amounts of fear, grief, anger, etc., and this is important work since you have a big mission and job to do on this planet! No more stuck blocked lower chakras ladies, you are too precious for that. Unblock ’em, get moving, and be brave and bold with that PU$$Y Power!
6) Pleasure. Pleasure pleasure pleasure!
Get it girl, pleasure yourself. You can use your hands, a dildo, someone else’s hands or other body parts, even a penis will do… Kidding! Penises are sacred and that was a bad joke.
Penises connected to a quality loving man will of course more than do! Thank you men for your magic love-wand-appendages.
My point was, you gotta bring bliss and love and passion into your pussy to activate your Pu$$y Power. A stale and stuck yoni (female part in Sanskrit) holds no water, no nourishment, and this ain’t good! Get grounded into your Pussy Power through pleasure.
Now how’s that for some PU$$Y Power 101!? Good luck girls, go to it, get your power on, and enjoy every molecule and every moment. It’s all part of the soul-purposed mission you have as a high-end healer and as a High-Healed Priestess. You’ll be attracting good stuff left and right, clients, money, opportunities, ease, and bliss, so that you can live your life like it’s one big vacation.
-Dr. Amanda Noelle
High-Healed Priestess