Sacred Alchemy of Love: Law of Attraction and Sacred Sexuality in Divine Partnerships

Sacred Alchemy of Love: Law of Attraction and Sacred Sexuality in Divine Partnerships

In this insightful conversation, we explore the powerful interplay of the Law of Attraction and sacred sexuality within divine partnerships.
Discover practical strategies to magnetize your life partner or elevate your existing relationship to a divine union.
Gain profound insights into healing toxic relationships, breaking free from karmic patterns, and removing blocks that may hinder your journey towards lasting love and happiness in intimacy.
Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock the secrets of sacred alchemy and embrace a path of profound connection and personal growth.
Check out the channeled message from Goddess Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love…
Here’s the link to podcast:
Twin Souls Orgasms

Twin Souls Orgasms

Twin flames can and often do experience transformational events as during the sexual union, the body and soul are involved making love and desire greatly amplified.

Since twin flames are a mirror of your ownself, both have the same energies. Once they engage in sexual acts, they exhange everything: thoughts, feelings, intentions, love, energy, knowledge, and memories. Once you and your twin flame is ONE, there will be no privacy, you’ll be an open book to your twin.

Every time one of the twins has an orgasm or ejaculates, the other feels its effects within himself or herself. This is something that gets stronger the further they get into their relationship and the more spiritual the person gets.

Get to understand more what are the types of orgasms you can explore and what does it do.

10 Different Types of Orgasms

Keep in mind that there are as many types (infinite types!) of orgasms–as many as there are stars in the sky. 

The Yoniverse is abundant and each orgasm you’ll ever have will hold its own unique signature. However, we’ve compiled a list of the most common ones we hear about and have experienced for your orgasmic inspiration! 

Female Ejaculation

  • Aka squirting, however, technically “real” female ejaculation is the release of a thick and whitish fluid from the female prostate, while “squirting” or “gushing,” is the release of clear fluid from the urinary bladder. Confusingly, but a lot of people use the terms interchangeably so here it can refer to either unless otherwise noted.


  • A clitoral orgasm has a definitive build, a clear climax with pelvic contractions, and then a feeling of descent. It’s similar to a penile orgasm due to the 8,000 nerve endings that congregate there.
  • The biggest mistake of a clitoral orgasm is going straight for it… Have your partner (or you if it’s DIY) play with your breasts, your body, your hair, your labia, and everywhere and don’t just dive into dessert first every time! The problem is that it can be tempting to only focus on the clit, especially if other types of orgasms are more difficult to access.


  • According to a study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. Achieving vaginal orgasm usually requires a woman to have longer penetration sessions without cumming, according to a study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. If you want to last longer, you can try switching sex positions often i.e. vaginal, clit, breast, etc.
  • Keep in mind that about 75% of all women never reach orgasm from intercourse alone — that is without the extra help of sex toys, hands or tongue. And 10 to 15 percent never climax under any circumstances. Though I’m a believer that almost anyone can shift this if she wants.


  • Sexual stimulation of the G-spot leads to swelling of a dense blood vessel network in the urethra area and is connected with the clitoral nerves. That’s why clitoral stimulation will warm up the G-spot too. Female ejaculation or squirting often happens while while stimulating the G-spot


  • This kind of female orgasm comes from the stimulation of a small area of sensitive erectile tissue located in a small area between the urethra and the vagina. That’s just above and on either side of the urethral opening. This spot can be stimulated by a toy, finger, tongue, or the tip of the penis in the same way you treat the clitoris.


  • Breast stimulation and massage can give you a natural lift and implant by up to %25 the pleasurable way! The nipples connect to nerves in the female genitals and many women feel a direct connection with their clitoris when their nipples are stimulated. While not all women can have breast-only Os some can.

Full body orgasm

  • During a full body or essentially other type of orgasm, our brains are also flooded with oxytocin, aka the “bonding hormone,” a chemical that makes you feel connected to your lover and with the Universe. Most women would agree that to have a full body orgasm, we need to feel connected to ourselves, our lover, and to the Creator to then go even deeper.


  • The cervix is the deep center of the vagina. A cervical orgasm is more along the lines of a “full-body orgasm,” or an expanded orgasm. The build is less linear as in the clitoral O. While there is an increase of pleasure, where you feel it spread all over your body and then explode into waves you feel from your head to your toes.


  • According to researchers, observing brain chemistry associated with female arousal supports the fact that we can come without being touched at all. This involves a combination of fantasy and breathing to reach orgasm without touch, while others prefer to use pelvic floor exercises and more imaginative romantic scenarios.


  • Aka astral sex. What we can experience when we’re tapped into our Higher Self, which is what Twin Flame Love is all about. This is where the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine merge into one world. It’s a space of cosmic conception where in a sense your womb and entire body becomes a vessel for the Sacred union of the beloved with God/one love.


Every time the twin souls orgasm and think of each other, the closer to each other they become. The arousal of one is felt in the other. Through passion and sexual arousal the twins call each other. It is like beams of light traveling through the ether to the other person. The more spiritual the twins become, the more they will be able to perceive of each other. They will be able to see each other’s very souls. Twin flame sexual energy never dies, and it grows stronger with time.

Want to grow your business in bliss? Then join the Lunar Priestess Collective, a complimentary monthly gathering for smart, spiritual female entrepreneurs.

Every month we gather to set intentions for the moon cycle, meditate to “download” our visions and soul-guided action steps, and share them with a soul-sister to witness our growth.

Join us live each month, totally free, to build your biz in BLISS!

Twin Flame Telepathy

Twin Flame Telepathy

Hearing a voice, message or even music in your mind constantly, having these images repeat nonstop throughout the day or even weeks, the same energy that links both of you pulls you together for connection.

On a very subconscious level which happens naturally but will grow over time as your journey continues. 

You’ll experience different signs of there telepathic communication with your Twin Flame so once you notice the synchronicities then you’ll know you’re in the journey.

Feeling Your Twin flame Telepathically
You’ll start developing feelings, thoughts and moods of your TF, whatever is affecting them emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually will affect you too. Intense love feelings that you’ll be feeling your TF love inside. You’ll undergo separation preparing each other for the union. Once healing is ready within, then you’ll eventually get back together. We have to admit, a lot of people get this wrong! They have an obsession with someone they believe is their Twin Flame, but it’s actually not certain… 22 Twin Flame Signs Checklist
ONE Subconscious Exchange

You take on your Twin’s patterns/beliefs: All of the sudden, you stop working out b/c your Twin doesn’t workout. You crave PB + J when you’ve never liked it and find out it’s their favorite. Or…you start going to bed super late b/c your Twin is a nightowl…

Amanda was a neat freak, Jack was a “whenever it comes to me” type of cleaner. Now we’re merging our state of consciousness!

In GROWTH perspective, you find certain things REALLY challenging that weren’t challenging before – you used to be really good at time management, productivity, but now not anymore.

TWO Same Flaws

Our TF are our mirror to our own soul which shows us this part of ourselves that we can’t see which is humbling and intense.

Same Quirkiness: goofy, weird, rebellious – make up songs we sing around the house
Learning blissabilities like reading, writing, communication.. Amanda’s migraines and Jack’s lower back pain likely due to side effects from childhood surgeries.

Struggle sharing emotions openly and vocally, Introverts hiding at home, Procrastination

THREE Emotional Clearing

Twin Flame Love awakens laten emotions like shining a flashlight on the old stuff in the attic (or cockroaches scurrying around)

Empathic abilities open both Twins up to CLEAR negative energies before reaching unconditional love.

You feel each other’s feelings, like you feel anxious, when usually you’re a pretty chill person; but really it’s your Twin’s anxiousness coming through.

FOUR Blindspots

You can feel all of your Twin’s blindspots/weaknesses/shadow (when Amanda’s living in fear/scarcity, avoiding prioritization, being a victim, suppressing emotions, etc.)

GROWTH: You no longer desire being in your old career because your Twin demands it – you MUST be on Soul Purpose (no longer a choice).

FIVE Same Intuitive messages 

We’ll both get the same message on the same day i.e. “You need to visit Bali” or “You’re going to live in California until the end of the year” or “It’s time to launch this new program in your business,” or “It’s time to start researching/building the New Earth Ecovillages.”


Maintain unconditional love to create a high vibration for you and your Twin – if you maintain it, then your Twin Flame will too.

Love yourself FIRST before everyone else. You always come first before others.

Separation can be a good thing as you’ll heal and develop Wholeness and Sovereignty. You’ll appreciate your Twin more.

Even if you’re in the separation phase, both of you are still connected so embrace that separation to love yourself first and understand that this phase will go away once both Let Go Let Love…

Focus on your individual journey to wholeness instead of clinging onto a codependent Twin Flame theory.
It starts with YOU b/c there is no separation between Twin Flames.


There are numerous ways or signs to look out for but these are the most common ones.  Understand that yout TF is a mirror of yourself that will show all things you’ll love and dislike about yourself. It is up to you to embrace all those things and grow with it. Your TF will help you heal those negative energies so embrace that healing as you need your twin’s help more than you know. Your journey towards each other will happen once both of you found your wholeness so enjoy the journey, it will eventually happen.

To find out if they’re the one download our FREE 22 Twin Flame Signs checklist here!

How To Attract Your Twin Flame With the Support of Crystals

How To Attract Your Twin Flame With the Support of Crystals

Why Use Twin Flame Crystals?

Crystals are believed to have natural high vibrational frequencies that can be used to assist in cleansing and purification of your soul. Your Twin Flame’s soul is a mirror of your own soul and in that sense is your other half. The aim of a Flame is to align as individuals in your highest frequency, so two can come together as one. 

Many Twin Flames encounter difficulties resulting in Twin Flame separation; crystals activated with love frequencies can help support the resolution of such issues as you take action in healing your psychology, spirit, body, and union.

Crystals assist you as you strengthen, heal, and smooth things over so you have more understanding towards each other, and thus connect on that deep Twin Soul level.

Crystals That Activate the Energy Body

Be very careful when obtaining crystals as high vibration crystals can be so powerful that they release negativity all at once. For people with high toxicity, negativity and blocks in their body can be triggered by these crystals so be mindful as not to create a ‘detox reaction’ that results in lengthening the Twin Flame Separation Phase.


  • It will bring a soothing and calming energy into your life.
  • It will give unlimited energy that attract joy, satisfaction and manifestation
  • You’ll have healthy balance in dealing with relationship issues, challenges, and worries.
  • Crystals emit positive energy that help you restore and re-energize your relationship.


In Christianity, crystals were used to decorate religious objects as it was thought that crystals manifested transcendence and the light of heaven. Some scriptures even used crystals to describe a person they loved. Some crystals were used to symbolize faith, innocence, purity, mystery, desire and even erotic love. 

Indigenous shamans used crystals as an ancient form of medicine. In combination with prayer, plant medicines, energy healing they were believed to heal the mind, body, and soul. Crystal healing promotes the flow of good energy that helps get rid of negative energy that plays a big role for your physical and emotional state.

7 Crystals for True Love

1. Rhodochrosite – terrific for Twin Flame Love! Not to be confused with Rhodonite (great for romance or soulmates but will not help attract your Twin Flame… it’ll only bring in a karmic soulmate).

2. Clear quartz – a very high vibrational crystal that can amplify other crystals. For Twin Flames, this is helpful to dispel illusions of separation and perceived limitations.

3. Rose quartz – To heal your heart and be open to Unconditional Love. Opening to all kinds of LOVE.

4. Amethyst – This is a powerful stone to activate psychic protection and activating the Violet Flame (Feminine Love Aligned with Masculine Energy = FLAME). NOTE: don’t use rose quartz without amethyst because rose quartz opens your heart without discernment. Amethyst helps you tell who your true love is vs a False Twin Flame.

5. Ruby in Fuchsite – To have a passionate love and romance. Helps to boost your energy, courage, self-acceptance and pride. The combination of ruby in the fuchsite helps to activate latent psychic abilities by opening up the Heart Chakra to obtain psychic information (about your Twin Flame Union, or anything!).

This crystal strengthens your spiritual connection and a positive energizing crystal to assist in meeting your Twin Flame.

6. Amber – This crystal is key in protecting your Sacred Feminine energy and will assist you as you heal old blocks around intimacy. With amber, you’ll feel safe and willing to open your heart. Use it to remove fears of intimacy, sexuality, self-love, and unity. Will definitely be useful in your journey to clear blocks on your path.

7. Moonstone – The well-known crystal that opens the heart to nurturing which assists in the acceptance of love. Reunite with loved ones with the crystal. Also is the stone of love and eroticism – ultimate fertility crystal as this is perfect for awakening your Divine Feminine power.

How to Use Twin Flame Crystals

Program them with your intentions

– Crystals have energies that can be used for manifestation. Hold your crystals while closing your eyes and taking deep breaths; clear your mind and gently state your intentions. Don’t forget to say thank you. It’s awesome to set intentions on the new moon. Join the Lunar Priestess Collective here this month for a complimentary ‘moonifestation ritual’ for smart female entrepreneurs (and bring your crystals!).

Put them on altar

– You can meditate with them. Put them on an altar and hold them whenever you can. Connect with your metaphysical powers and have replenished spiritual energy.

 Crystal grids

– Combine energies of different crystals you use by placing them on a grid. 

  1. Have a clear idea for your manifestation – remember needs vs. wants.
  2. Choose your crystals wisely – trust your intuition and let it guide you.
  3. Cleanse your crystals before placing them on your grid, as you want a clear and clean crystal, right?
  4. Connect with your spirit and slowly state your intentions.
  5. Place your crystals in a grid – you can use sacred geometry as it is easier but you can also wing it.
  6. Activate your grid – touch each crystal with a clear quartz point, drawing an invisible line to connect them to one another. 

Wear them as jewelry

– Remember that the more you touch your crystals, the more you’ll tap your energies. 

Rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, the more you wear them the better. Necklaces near the heart chakra are great for heart healing.

Place all throughout your space

– Cleansing the energy of your home or places you’re always around is vital. Place a few activated stones in your space to elevate your vibe plus it makes a beautiful decor. In your workspace, coffee table, kitchen, bedside, and of course in your meditation room.

Water bottle activations 

– Join in on the trend, you know though glass bottles with “gem pod” filled with crystal chips? You can simply DIY by adding a rose quartz crystal and an amethyst crystal to your water bottle. Always drink fluoride free and chlorine free water. These chemicals block your frequency and obstruct the third eye. 

– You can “ingest” the energy from the crystals and it is said to promote wellness and beauty to balance. The crystals between the energy of water back into the 432 Hz frequency, which is a twin flame frequency of balance in the feminine and masculine, as well as in the sacred geometry of the water structures so it looks like three-dimensional Stars of David, aka merkabas.

How to care for your crystals

  1. Place your crystals under cold, running water or any natural source of water. Just make sure it is cool water.
  2. You can use sea salt water to cleanse as salt is known to purify and absorb negative energy. But make sure to check if your crystals can disintegrate with water as you want to avoid that.
  3. Burn sage to get rid of unwanted energies and purify them.
  4. Leave it out to dry in morning sunlight or full moon light as this cleanses and charge the crystals. 
  5. You can bury them in dirt for a week. Earth allows them to cleanse and recharge.
  6. Use a soft cloth and isopropyl alcohol to remove debris and sanitize them but it is advisable to follow up with the above step so it will be clean from energy.

Crystalline Conclusions

Twin Flame crystals can be very helpful in every way possible when it comes to aligning with your Twin Flame energy.

The energies crystals carry can be helpful in your love manifestation and support you when you’re lost and in separation with your Twin Flame. 

Remember that both you and your Twin Flame will go into separation or experiencing separation pain because of your separate journeys as individuals. Deep inner work is warranted, which is why we recommend working with a Twin Flame counselor or guide, or by attending our upcoming 3-day Twin Flame retreat online, called Twin Flames Live.

Attract your beloved now! Join us at our Twin Flames Live 3-day retreat at the Early Bird Rate here plus receive several juicy bonuses.

The crystals you gravitate towards will help you trigger a release of past negative energies and karmic issues that you need to cleanse, to harmonize the Twin Flame Union.

The right crystal will “speak” to you, so trust your intuition.

You can use this medicine not only to reunite with your Twin, but also to promote self-love, empowerment, abundance, and acceptance.

Be very careful when choosing your crystals as some are really powerful and have a mind of their own. Please do thorough research about their attributes and also do research psychically by feeling into your intuition. 

If you’re ready to receive your ultimate beloved in the most pleasurable and fun way possible, then join us for Twin Flames Live…Learn all about it by reading below. 


Dr. Amanda + Team Aphrodite

As a badass spiritual bachelorette, do you find yourself:

    Looking at your love life thinking, “Where in the world is my Beloved??!” even though you’ve scoured the globe and searched every dating site?

    • Convincing yourself that you’re happy being single when you are deeply craving your beloved on a soul level 
    • Frustrated with old patterns where you love someone else more than they love you, and you sit at home waiting for them to commit to you, but they never do? 
    • Yearning to be fully met by a partner energetically, emotionally, and erotically so you can continue your life’s mission and/or start a family?
    • Settling for less, the comfortable lovers who seem “good enough,” but you KNOW none of which are your Twin Flame?

    Root Chakras and Twin Flames: The Importance of Grounding the Union

    Root Chakras and Twin Flames: The Importance of Grounding the Union

    As root chakra deals with our foundation of existence and how we see the world, it greatly impacts our relationships. Therefore, Twin Flames must ground this foundation first in order to heal trust issues, and open the upper chakras necessary for a full-pledged Twin Flame Connection

    Twin Flame love is like a rose–the heart cannot ground in a swampy root!

    Unfortunately most people today are dealing with some serious self-love and self-esteem issues. For instance, in a recent study by Dove, they found that only 4% of women see themselves as beautiful. 

    Self-love and Twin Flame energies start at the root, and we must heal all the chakras. So, it’s important to start your healing journey at the foundation: the root chakra. 

    What exactly is the root chakra?

    The root chakra is our connection to Gaia, aka Mother Earth and her energies that empower our bodies and beings. It allows us to stay grounded so we feel safe, secure, centered, and happy in our bodies. It also connects us with our ancestors, the ones who have gone before us. 

    The root chakra is connected to our survival energies, to abundance, to finances, and if we have unhealthy root chakras we are in lack, poverty, and survival mode. Many Twin Flames are healers who were taught to take vows of poverty, where money was “the root of all evil.” Such Twin Flames must clear their root chakras and their belief systems around money in order to create a strong foundation for their lives and Twin Flame Unions. 

    What is the root chakra symbol?

    The symbol of the root chakra is composed of a four-petaled lotus flower, often stylized as a circle with four petals with a downward-pointing triangle.

    What does this symbol represent?

    The downward-pointing triangle is a symbol of spirit connecting with matter, grounding on the earth and our earthly existence, in our bodies. It’s seen as the center of our vital life force and is the seat where kundalini stays coiled, dormant, until it wakes up to distribute its energy through all the other chakras.

    Where is your root chakra located?

    The root chakra or Muladhara (“mula” or root and “adhara” or foundation) is our body’s fundamental energy center which is located at the base of our spine or tailbone area.

    What are the signs you have an unhealthy root chakra?

    1. You either have trouble saving money or you’re obsessed with it.

    You worry that you don’t have enough money, you have anxiety about your financial status, you either spend too much (or think you do!).

    2. You have trust issues

    You block everyone, you don’t have a healthy relationship with anyone since you’re lacking the “trust” part, and you always want to do it alone in your safe space.

    3. Your focus is work, work, work (and little play)

    You drown yourself with work, but with that you get burnout easily; you don’t usually go out to see people or friends as much as you’d like as you are always tired from work. You might have little energy left over for your Twin Flame Union.

    4. You have an eating disorder

    You tend to either eat more than you need and not care about yourself, or you starve yourself as a result of your inability to nourish yourself with Mother Earth’s love, which may connect to your anxiety or depression.

    5. You have boiling anger inside

    You may hold grudges and lash out to people when you feel like it. You have that powerful will to try to control everything and everyone around you.

    6. You experience physical issues

    Anxiety, depression, panic attacks, heart ailments, lower back pain, constant tiredness, digestive issues, cramps, strained legs and feet, weight gain especially in the lower part of your body, and your hands and feet are often cold.

    7. You have not been going after your goals (or have few of them)

    You don’t know how to proceed on your next step. You feel lost and are stuck in a loop wondering why you’re not moving forward with your career or life. You’ve let go of numerous opportunities saying it is “not yet.” You may be waiting for your Twin Flame relationship to come in “Divine timing,” but that time seems to never come and months or even years have gone by.

    8. You have little to no interest in intimate relationships

    You may say you want your Twin FLame, but there is a lack of desire. This is likely because you lack the confidence to be with anyone, and you tend to shut down anyone who wants to have an intimate relationship with you. You’re afraid to let go, and love.

    How to heal your root chakra

    The root chakra is the bridge between your soul and body, where the energy you supply to your body makes your body whole. If you have an unhealthy body and soul, your root chakra is suffering. 

    You’ll want to heal yourself with these methods…

    • Have an affirmation – Light an incense stick, be on a calm and comforting side of your house and meditate while chanting your affirmations.

    (insert affirmation here)

    • You and the environment  Enjoy the outside, be open with your surroundings, and be barefoot on the land if you want. Breathe in and out, connect with the ground and you’ll feel recharged.

    • Have a warm bath – Select your favorite grounding organic essential oils (such as patchouli, cedarwood, sandalwood, thieves, grounding, and frankincense), adding a few drops into your bath water within a base oil such as organic coconut oil; add sea salt or epsom salt to ease and detox your body. Just unwind. Breathe in the grounding from the essential oils, and breathe out the negativity you’re done with.

    • Exercise – Do yoga, walk, dance, or whatever you want to perspire and ground. Be happy being active. Enjoy the freedom of moving your body, be carefree and just enjoy what you’re doing!

    • Journalize – List all your fears and whatever makes you worry. Once you’ve accepted that you’re vulnerable and flawed (you’re human!), you can tap into love, and then your fears will lessen.

    • Eat healthy “root” or “grounding” foods – Vegetables (especially root veggies like potatoes, yams, radishes, turnips, carrots) and fruits that come from the ground will increase your root chakra and feminine Yin energies. So enjoy baked veggies, green smoothie with kale, avocado, and banana, and enjoy every bite or sip, thanking Mama Earth for the bounty you’ve received.

    • Have “red” stones or crystals – As red is the color associated with root chakra, it is advised to place red root chakra stones and crystals around your house. Jasper, agate, garnet, red carnelian. Bloodstones, hematite or any stones that are color red will help you (and thus your Twin Flame Union) to ground.

    • Red, red, and red – Red clothing, red accessories, red flowers, or anything red that can be near you if possible can heal your root chakra. Twin Flames will want to buy themselves red roses at some point if they find themselves single and ready to find true love!

    • Let go and move forward – Declutter – remove anything negative it may be things or even people who are toxic. Understand that you can be happy without negativity coming from anything or anyone. Let go of negativity and breathe in positivity.

    • Have intimacy – Surround yourself with people you can trust. Go slowly into relationships, and seek counseling, meditation, and journal when you realize that you have walls up. Engage in intimacy, don’t hold back in sharing your true feelings; when you feel safe, let another person touch you intimately and surrender all fears. Don’t worry about rejection–ask for what you need and desire. Just enjoy the feeling and release the stress! That is the foundation of a Twin Flame relationship.
    What is the effect of the root chakra on Twin Flames?

    As root chakra deals with your foundation of existence, how you see yourself and others, which affects your relationships. 

    If this foundation is lacking in trust and love, then you’ll be dealing with self-love and self-esteem issues in your Twin Flame partnership. If someone’s sense of belonging is weak, that’s why they don’t believe that they’re capable of loving another person or being loved. 

    Single and struggling? Spend the time working on your Twin Flame root chakra!

    Try to open yourself to other people, unwind, make friends, and eventually have an understanding of having a Twin Flame Love to be with you always. As your Twin Flame will also understand you and be open to your flaws then you should also be accepting. 

    Ditch the fear of rejection, lose the fear of uncertainty, and just accept your beautiful loving heart. A love that is true and unconditional, that’s what everyone needs, and so do you.

    In summary, if your root chakra is blocked and unhealthy, you’ll feel it and have many of the signs above. But once that blockage are gone and released, all the love, acceptance, and compassion will flow through you and then to you. You’ll have a broader understanding of people, of partnership, and most of all of yourself. 

    You’ll eventually accept that you can’t handle or control everything, and with that realization you’ll live feeling both secure and carefree, and will attract deep love to you from a solid grounding. 

    Ready to strengthen your root chakra and make more money in soul-alignment? Join our Twin Flame tribe for a complimentary new moon ritual. Envision your goals in a sacred space, map out a clear plan-of-action so you can have a financially and spiritually successful month… 

    Apply for the Lunar Priestess Collective here!


    1111 Meaning for Twin Flames & the Spiritual Awakening

    1111 Meaning for Twin Flames & the Spiritual Awakening

    Hi Twin Flame Lover!

    It’s me again, Dr. Amanda Noelle, the Twin Flame Matchmaker, helping badass spiritual bachelorettes align with their ultimate beloved so they can not only enjoy epic, ecstatic lasting love, or perhaps birth a starchild or two, but also so they can live on soul purpose and assist in the awakening of humanity!!!

    First I’m going to share the numerologic meaning behind 1111, and then how 1111 relates to Twin Flames and the spiritual awakening process. At the very end I’ll give you a sneak peek on the energy and astrology update for 11/11/18…

     So, what is the numerologic meaning behind 1111?

    And what does it have to do with Twin Flame energy and the spiritual awakening process?


    Before we dive into the training, I wanted to share with you an exciting global event that’s happening on 11/11/18…We’ll be tuning in on live-stream from Bali, the place I married myself on 11/11/11!

    Join us live online for a FREE Twin Flame Global Activation on 11-11-18…you’ll receive:  
    – A content-rich educational talk about the meaning of the numerology and the impact of the Twin Flame 1111 Codes
    – Get a karma clearing on whatever no longer serves you & your Twin Flame Union- Plus you’ll receive a guided meditation to awaken your energy for this shift on 11/11 on an 11 year

    -And a potent Twin Flame 11/11 activation channeled by myself Dr. Amanda and my beloved Jack to activate your Twin Flame DNA, awaken your soul purpose, and magnetize your ultimate beloved 

    -Plus we’ll gift you some awesome FREE STUFF: tips, meditations, perks, and bonuses from Aphrodite University!

    -You’ll also have a few minutes to ask us any questions you have how to call in your Twin Flame fast, at the end!


    Back to the meaning of 1111…

    We first need to ask “WTF are numbers?” in the first place!  Otherwise, we’re missing a step…

    Pythagoras, the ancient Greek philosopher you’ll remember from high school geometry and and history class while you were distractedly checking out that hot guy or gal from across the room, well Pythagoras knew that numbers hold vibration in this mathematically perfect universe that is built from geometry, law, and Spirit.

    Numbers hold a primordial, divine VIBRATION.

    They can be used as keys to do good, or to cause harm. They are merely tools, keys—or codes.

    Numbers can be used to create “new” codes—vibrations and realities made up of universal life force energy…

    Numbers are not mere digits you want to get from some cute girl or guy up in the club!

    Numbers are the code of the universe, that can write worlds within worlds–they create sound, light vibration, and color.

    In fact, speaking of color, each number corresponds to a color, a sound, a vibration, a chakra in the body, a time in history, a point in your yoni or lingam, as everything corresponds to everything else in this Divine Holographic Universe we call WTF is this place, get me outta here!

    Truly, the Universe is all about relationship between numbers and patterns.

    The base numbers of creation are:

    0 and 1.

    You and the Universe alike are made up of two tiny numbers, and you are bonded through the One and the Zero Point!

    Ones, and zeros folks, that’s the simple ingredient list in this recipe called life, love, light, and the Universe!

    OK.The 1s represent the Sacred Masculine (Yang), and the 0s represent the void, the Sacred Feminine (Yin) in the Chinese tradition.

    Everything is made up of yin and yang, dark and light, ones, and zeros. We are all One.

    To understand the power and meaning of the number sequence 1111, we first have to understand how Creation works.

    In the beginning there was nothing. Zilch. Nada…ZERO!

    From zero, we get nothing but a big black vortex, a hole, a giant yoni in the galaxy…We can call this, The Yoniverse (for those of you who don’t know, a yoni means Feminine Temple, womb or “Pussy” (which is NOT a bad word at all, the etymology dates back to Ancient Egypt where Puss came from Pasht, or Basset the feline spirit guide of the Great Mother, Isis.

    And then, out of nothingness womb, something was born. For there must be something for there to be no-thing! The Universe births itself from itself. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, remember?

    Therefore, the Holy Hole, that Holy Grail, or Holy No-thingness of ZERO birthed the concept of some-thingness. It was then that we went from zero to one, and Sacred Feminine to Masculine. And the circle came to be the line.

    The masculine phallus, or lingam.

    Thus, from the Sacred Feminine Yoniverse there had to be the Sacred Masculine Universe, and they came from each other, and come into each other, like the symbol of the serpent eating itself or birthing itself from its own tail/yoni/lingam.

    The entire Universe that ever can will and did exist, and all at once, in every combination has existed through this sequence of 1s and 0s. There truly is nothing we have not already experienced in the combination of infinite codes.

    When we see 11:11 over and over it means a few things.

    One, is that you’re waking up. Smelling the spiritual coffee so to speak.

    Two is that you’re in alignment…with something.  Not necessarily your ultimate Twin Flame. But it is a sign to pay attention to saying “you’re on the right path.”

    Three, it means “Pay attention to your thought.” One of the meanings of 11:11 is that the Universe is communicating with your thoughts, which are in alignment. This sequence can mean that your thoughts will manifest almost instantly in your physical reality.

    Four, 11:11 (as well as 1:11) is a message from your angels. Your angels are sending you love and guidance, and are reminding you to pay attention to your thoughts

    So make sure that you are focusing on the things that you want, and not the things that you don’t want.

    And five it means that there is a masculine energy aligning with your feminine energy. A yin-yang, Twin Flame balance.

    For behind each one is a zero. The 11s can’t align without zeros at the base. Remember, the Universe is represented by the infinite arrangement of codings of 1s and 0s.

    The Zeros represent Feminine Love, or wisdom.

    The 1s represent Masculine Light (or consciousness/knowledge). The Sacred Union between zeros and 1s brings an alignment of the 1s in 1111. Light is the Sacred Geometry master, coder, or architect aligning the mathematics. But the Feminine Love is like the glue that brings it all together, and this is felt or emoted, not intellectualized.

    So the light cannot do it alone, no matter how much he thinks he can.

    Behind every great Master is a great Priestess; similarly, behind every great One is a great Zero, which is why we must balance Masculine Though with Feminine Heart and surrender to the Union once we have found our balance.

    Now, more specifically, how does 1111 relate to Twin Flames?

    Well, some believe that the Temple of the Twin Flames was originally known by the name the Temple of Solomon.

    The Temple of Solomon means Temple of Sun and Moon, representing the Masculine Light (sun/Christ Consciousness) and Feminine Love (moon/Mother Womb) coming together to birth a Christed Child (awakened human).

    The Template of Solomon was built in the shape of the human body.

    Like Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, the Temple of Solomon serves as a map comprised of specific codes, perfectly measured proportions known as sacred geometry, and was packed with occult symbolism. This was all devised to help humanity awaken, to build a better brain, and to bring the Twin Flames together.

    The Temple of Solomon, or the ethereal version which we call the Temple of the Twin Flames is a gateway to Higher Consciousness and spiritual mastery that aligns your Feminine and Masculine in union, so that Heaven and Earth may become one…

    The Twin Flame mysteries were embedded into the temple and used as keys, codes, and templates built into the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, which was passed down from earlier mystery schools from Atlantis through Northern Africa and Asia Minor using the Sun, Moon, and Flame Worship.

    These secrets then got passed onto the masons of the time who studied and built the architecture and performed initiations within mystery schools. The masons were both temple builders and alchemists, philosophers, and High Priestesses and High Priests who kept their secrets to protect the knowledge, but some kept the secrets to build their wealth.

    Unfortunately, greed always leads to wars, haves and have-nots, and we I believe that many so called powerful modern day Freemasons have learned how to use ancient occult tools for good, but some have gotten lost in evil which played out into the Patriarchal era which cut off the head of the High Priestess and shut down the 3rd eye in the majority of the populace, calling it a sin. This was enforced in all religions across the globe, creating a flock of sheep, in all but the elite.

    But at the center of your head lies the jewel–the pineal gland. It is ready to be activated and the 1111 codes can help with this as well.

    The pineal gland is a key player in aligning with, attracting, and keeping your Twin Flame Union.

    We all have different abilities to access our 3rd eye vision at the pineal gland–an open gland allows us to see the truth from the Divine Perspective… Each Twin has 1 gland, and together these create two eyes of our Twin Soul Body.

    In order to open the eyes to the God’s Eye level, each twin must individually work on herself, and then come together. This individual work includes keeping the temple body in alignment – calm enough, clean enough, balanced enough, and the chakras/energy clear, as well as the mind in a state of balance and gratitude. Perhaps even joy and excitement! We must also bring alignment into all aspects of our lives, representing each chakra.

    So many spiritual people have misaligned and abused root chakras, and many powerful wealthy people have weak upper chakras. True Twins do the work to become powerful in all 11 Twin Flame Chakras. The 7 chakras of the body, the Earth Star or Gain Chakra Below, and the 4 Transpersonal Chakras above the body. THat adds up to 12, but 0-11 is 12 chakras! These are all mapped out in the Kabbalah Tree of Life, in the Temple of the Twin Flames

    We use the acronym FLAME: feminine love aligned with masculine energy! Where the pink love combines with blue light (energy) to create the Violet Flame.

    Archangel Zadkiel calls the Violet Flame the flame of joy that flows with the Holy Spirit as it awakens humanity and frees every particle of energy that it touches. We’ll be doing an 1111 Twin Flame Activation at the ceremony that utilizes the Violet Flame, so stay tuned for that.

    Twin Flame energy as symbolized as the 1111 Codes is the type of energy that can heal world wars, nuclear disaster, and dark control forces. Not because 1111 is all light. It’s because it is the BALANCE of light and love, with dark and fear. 1111 is a number of alchemy, courage, triumph, and also surrender.

    Remember, These Twin Pillars are part of the Kabbalah Tree of Life–the pillar of the feminine is called the pillar of mercy and the pillar of severity. They share an central third pillar – the Pillar of Balance, representing the Twin Flame Union, and a balanced left and right brain.

    A vedic text  Taittiriya Upanishad Says “Where the skull divides there lies the Gate of God.”  Imagine swimming in the central main chapel, the chapel of the flames where there is water and fire together.

    It is in the central chapel that we can bridge our 2 physical DNA strands… That is, the stands science can see that is not the Higher-Dimensional based DNA. The higher dimensional DNA If you count  0-11, you get 12.

    Thus, the number 11 becomes a symbol of the 12 strands which align with the 12 chakras. I call this the 11 Chakras and 11 strands of DNA. They also correspond to the 11 balls on the Kabbalah’s Tree of Life (Sephiroth) and the 12 tarot cards.

    We’re so excited to see you at the global Twin Flame DNA activating event that’s happening on 11/11/18…An 11 year!

    Register now to join us live on 11/11 where you’ll:  

    – Learn more about the meaning of the numerology and the impact of the Twin Flames ’11 /11 Codes

     Participate in a karma clearing ritual on whatever no longer serves you & your Twin Flame Union

    – Get a guided meditation to awaken your energy for this shift on 11/11

    And my beloved Jack and I will  do a Twin Flame 11/11 channeling aimed to activate your Twin Flame DNA, awaken your soul purpose, and magnetize your ultimate beloved! Truly it’s meant to align you with whatever your heart desires, so start dreaming up your Twin-intentions!


    On the 11/11 gathering, you can ask us any questions you have how to call in your Twin Flame fast–so start thinking up some good questions 🙂

    Reserve your spot now!

    Here is the astrology happening on 11/11 2018:

    The Sun in Scorpio is sextile Pluto in Capricorn. This lends to dramatic long-term personal changes that involve commitment and focus can be a start of a positive path of development. This is a good time to conceive a new business project, love commitment, or perhaps even a baby!

    11/11 is an opportunity to find what you really want from life and go for it with heart, 100%. Utilize your inherent strengths and delegate the rest to those here to support you, perhaps even your other half.

    Then I will see you on 11/11!

    Namaste, Namast-GO