3 Twin Flame Kundalini Awakening 1111 Secrets

3 Twin Flame Kundalini Awakening 1111 Secrets

twin flame kundalini

Hi Twin Flame Lover,

I first found out about Kundalini energy around ten years ago after I started experiencing extreme migraine pains every month around my menstrual cycle. A psychic told me that I was going through a Kundalini Awakening, and oddly enough that same night I was going to a Kundalini Yoga meditation training.

Years later, I have found out that all of us–even animals–have Kundalini, and it can be harnessed as a powerful life-spirit force energy to call in what we want.

Kundalini is the potential form of prana or chakra life force in our bodies. It is like a coiled up serpent lying at the base of the spine which can spring awake when activated by spiritual activities, past-life regressions or memories, or even when experiencing a Dark Night of the Soul.

Twin Flame Kundalini is the alignment of your spine with that of your Twin Flame Beloved; when you bring you and your Twin Flame’s serpent energies together, it forms a 1 plus 1, or an 11. Since we have two sides of the spine, it becomes the 11:11.

Are you ready to awaken your Twin Flame 1111 energies?


It’s time to unleash your Twin Flame Frequencies in your body, mind, spirit, and spine with…

3 Twin Flame 1111 Kundalini Secrets” [Video Training]

In This Mini Twin Flame Video Training, You’ll Learn Answers To The Following: 

What is Kundalini?
-More specifically, what is Twin Flame 1111 Kundalini?
-What does the 1111 represent, and how do I awaken my 11s to call in my Divine Partner?
-How do we open up my/our Twin Flame Sexuality to expand our bliss and orgasm, and heal our bodies?

Watch the video and dive into your PU$$Y Powers to learn how to develop your Twin Flame 1111 Kundalini skillz.

You and your man (or lady) will love it!

Don’t be shy…Take your free micro-training now!

Click here to watch your Twin Flame 1111 Kundalini Training…

Can’t wait to read your video comments and Kundalini stories in the comment box!

XO, Dr. Amanda Noelle 

PS: Watch and learn more about Kundalini here:

Touch Yourself to Touch Your Twin: How to Attract Your Twin Flame Through Orgasm

Touch Yourself to Touch Your Twin: How to Attract Your Twin Flame Through Orgasm

So this isn’t a tip your mother would tell you about, but it works. As a Twin Flame Matchmaker with a proven track record of helping single spiritual women swiftly attract their Twin Flames, I swear by this powerful Twin Flame Attraction tool.

I Touch Myself (when I think about you) was a song I really liked at age ten, before I knew what it meant. What I also didn’t know then is that the vocalist Chrissy Amphlett probably increased her psychic connection with the person she was touching herself about, whether it was her Twin Flame, or just the next lover she wanted to bring in. This post, Touch Yourself to Touch Your Twin: How to Attract Your Twin Flame Through Orgasm, I will share how and why orgasm can align you with your one true beloved.

Oh, and if you haven’t seen it already, I made a video that has gone a little viral, called How To Manifest Your Twin Flame With Orgasm. You can watch it here:

How To Manifest Your Twin Flame With Orgasm

Why Become a Twin Flame Sex Magnet?

The truth is that sexual energy is a very potent, attractive, healing and cleansing energy. Orgasmic energy is magnetic, electric, and only exists in the now.  When we are in the state of orgasm, we are in the present moment because the energy is flowing so quickly, it becomes one with the Higher Dimensions; darkness and stuck energy cannot exist there, so we can easily release the past.

Twin Flame masterbation is a phenomenal tool to bring in liquid light to the 7 chakras, to expedite Twin Flame healing, and to clear the blocks and past traumas. Most people who have met and married their Twin Flame will admit that it’s not been an easy road to arrive at the Twin Flame Union. It takes years of growth, lessons, and healing to align your 7 chakras to self-love (Twin Flame Love is self-love). You must heal your past hurts, pain, and inner child trauma. Then, you get to your Twin as a reward (and there is so much more healing work to come – it’s never-ending work, but hopefully more blissful and with bigger perks).

Thus, orgasms are an ideal time to send out your prayers and intentions.

To call in your Twin Flame, you can tell the Universe that you are ready for him or her through a prayer before, during, and after orgasm.

During our orgasmic state, our wishes, desires, and intentions can be sent to the universe at light speed. We are also more consciously connected to our Soul Family, Twin Flame, and our Oversoul during orgasm. We naturally enter a very open channeled state. Have you ever noticed how spiritually lucid you are after an orgasm?

You can experience orgasms with the soul of your Twin Flame before the Twin Flame Reunion happens in the physical world.

Think about Twin Flame masturbation as chakra target practice, fueling up the fire and desire on the spiritual level, so that you can converge in the physical. It is possible that your Twin Flame could be feeling your orgasmic energies too, so that by the time you meet you’re already experienced with one another!

30 Steps: How to do a Twin Flame Masturtation (Masturbation + Meditation)

  1. Set sacred space (light candles, play music, etc) in your silky sheets or wherever you may be
  2. Never assume you know who your Twin Flame is unless they’re in 100% agreement to committing to you (I meet hundreds of people who think they know who their Twin Flame is but it’s often a Karmic Soulmate coming in from a trauma/past wound or karma). Be open to the mystery in this meditation
  3. You might want to give yourself a gentle full body massage with coconut oil, rose essential oils, sandalwood, frankincense or any other sacred oils that call you
  4. I take a bite of raw chocolate to activate my physical energy centers (Edible Goddess is the highest vibration I can find)
  5. Call in your angels for psychic protection, or use your favorite psychic protection tools
  6. As you begin to touch yourself, start to feel your 7 chakras flowing and flooding with light
  7. Anchor your root chakra to the center of the earth (Mother Earth) with intentions of grounding
  8. Anchor your crown chakra to the cosmos (Father Sky) with intentions of expanding
  9. Bring in a golden thread of light from your cosmic energy to your earth energy, going back and forth, Divine Feminine Earth to Divine Masculine cosmos
  10. Feel your heart “pedals” unfolding, where the earth and sky merge within your body
  11. Envision your sacred sexual centers activating, water and fire coming together
  12. If you are female, contract your yoni and begin to call in your Twin Flame with pulsations and contractions
  13. The job of the feminine is to call in the masculine energy. So if your Twin Flame is the more masculine side of your soul, then call his/her energy in with the energy of the void
  14. Feel the sexiness of your body, mind, and soul. Validate yourself “I am worthy of my Twin Flame”
  15. See or imagine his or her aura coming into the room to meet you, 7 light chakras in the room
  16. As he or she enters your field of light, feel it, study it, savor it. Welcome him or her and see where you connect first
  17. Some Twin Flames connect at the heart first, others may connect at the crown, and others may connect with their 2nd chakras if they are passionate lovers first and foremost. We all have our archetypes!
  18. Adore him or her, and receive the same. Let her or him see you. Drink each other up
  19. Then, this is the fun part. Let your imagination run wild, and experience and play with as many fantasies as you wish!
  20. At some point, call him/her into your g-spot. You will be guided when to do this
  21. Always keep in mind that you are a healer bringing darkness into light, and you’re healing the past into a blissful now. Avoid staying in dark fantasies or engaging with entities

    I highly recommend you don’t judge yourself for anything you see or desire. You may have past lives that need clearing or to be remembered. You may have fantasies that seem strange or unhealthy.

  22. Just hold space from the Higher Self and ask for a clearing of all dark energies or anything that no longer serves
  23. Allow your Twin Flame to support you in healing past wounds, clearing traumas, and releasing the past by envisioning him or her with you as a witness at your side, holding your hand or hugging you
  24. If you were heartbroken, abused, or raped in the past in any way, ask for the loving energy that you need to receive in order to heal. Your Twin Flame is your reflection, so he/she will want this healing for you if you want it for you
  25. During orgasm, allow your Twin Flame’s male seed energy to come into the center of your womb, entering the sacred void space
  26. When hitting the end of your peak orgasmic state, send out a wave or really a grid of light and see it being wrapped around the earth. Ask your Higher Self to find and activate your Twin Flame with this love activation!
  27. Allow for your Divine Feminine energies to receive his/her Divine Masculine energies.
  28. Allow the orgasm to filter into your whole body – don’t hold back no matter how scary it feels. Women, you may have a female ejaculation or not
  29. After orgasm, you may want to take journal, as you want to remember any downloads you may need. You can ask any questions you have, like: “Where will I meet you?” or, “What do I need to do to prepare for you?” or, “What is in the way of our Twin Flame Reunion?”

Wow, I see you cumming right along into the path of your Twin Flame. Enjoy the healing, the play, and know that Twin Flame Love is the eternal medicine we are simply remembering. It’s awakening Divine Love, and resurrecting a Heaven on Earth.

Namaste! Amanda

PS – What’s really a pleasure is supporting women who are smart, successful, and single like you to call in their Twin Flames fast. If you are ready and you want my support, apply for a complimentary Twin Flame Activation Session here (a $697 value!).