How to Tell if He’s Your Twin Flame By Becoming Your Own Psychic Healer

How to Tell if He’s Your Twin Flame By Becoming Your Own Psychic Healer

No Twin Flame psychic can tell you the truth about your Twin Flame, unless she is reflecting the truth of your own Inner Knowing.

You hold the key to your Inner Truth.

As a Twin Flame Matchmaker, I have never given women readings like “He’s totally your Twin Flame! I see a future with you two.” I have seen potential outcomes but I always put it like “I can see this possibly happening, but proceed with caution.” When I was newer to the intuitive reading world, I made all the mistakes that other healers make at first: we take what is metaphysically showing up on our radar and say it is the absolute truth. But no one can know, only the person who is creating their reality.

Twin Flame practitioners must learn to empower their clients to help them find their own answers

I have learned to never disempower my clients, to instead focus on healing their past pain and getting them clear on their pleasure and creating a pathway to their dream lives. It’s not about being a future reader, as the future depends on how clear, blissful, and strong you are.

I have attracted many young women followers to me (probably because I have a magical little child) and I have to coach them to be empowered and to trust THEMSELVES as a guru.

Twin Flame psychic

Some of ‘the best’ psychics told me that I was not a fit for my Twin Flame Jack. They said he wasn’t my Twin Flame because he was too young or too this, too that; there was someone else they saw for me. Other psychics said he was the one, and there were many pre-encounter predictions including my own readings on myself. Needless to say, it was very confusing when we first met because I had been expecting massive love at first sight Twin Flame Recognition. But of course since my heart was so bruised and guarded because I’d been heartbroken by my Twin Flame Counterfeit Mark, I had a wall up and wasn’t ready to decide right away with anyone.

If you haven’t seen the Twin Flame Recognition video with Jack and I, check it out here:

Twin Flame Recognition: How Do You Tell If Someone Is Your Twin Flame or Not?

In the end, I chose Jack as my truth. I witnessed him as my truest Twin Flame because he is my biggest expression of bliss, fun, play, joy, heart, future, and Twin Flame Love. And for so many more reasons that I will continue to share with you.

Though it took me time to decide if he was the real deal (and I suggest that you take your time as well, because the 3D world can play tricks on you and I have seen SO many clients say “I know he’s my Twin Flame” and it fizzles, and that was me once). After facing so many of our fears and questions together, I felt destiny was in the cards. I even felt it in my body (specifically in my yoni, which I will talk about later).

After nine months of dating Jack, I finally surrendered to our love. I let go and fell in love fully, trusting this man was not going to run or hurt me, and I allowed to build trust in our future

Who cared if several psychics said yes, and several were telling me no!

The answer to “Is he my Twin Flame?” is always within. When you start seeking answers that are outside yourself, you will create chaos and confusion.

A good Twin Flame Matchmaker can support you in neutrality. She’ll guide you to your YES, point out where you’re settling for less, help you discern True Love from love addiction, and help prevent you from running from love because you’re afraid.

I have done it all, and I am so grateful I have had some great mentors, therapists, coaches, and friends who have guided me along the way. But at the end, I made my choice and I am forever grateful for ME.


Twin Flame Love Warrior

Twin Flame Love Warrior

“Your love is like a poison to the demons that slither across the Earth.”

When you are a Twin Flame Matchmaker, you must create sacred shamanic space for your Twin Flame work. Sometimes in creating these spaces, you hit a snakelike energy that wants to interrupt your ritual, wants it not to happen. It’s as if a viper is telling you that you’re not welcome to spread and ignite the Twin Flame Light. Twin Flame Love

Yes. There are times where I get hunted for spreading Twin Flame Love across the planet. But as a huntress who has learned a lot about working with dark and Light, I know that the fastest way to cleanse out this dark force-funky is through love and, ironically, with Kundalini blasts.

To learn more about Twin Flame Kundalini CLICK HERE.

We must must unlock the loving Twin Flame energies that rise up our spines; we must then direct this love towards the darkness to transmute it to Light. Being full of endless divine love, we become like a venomous snake to these snakes. As you too are a Goddess of Love incarnate. It’s our job to rise the Love and to never surrender! No matter how scary it seems or even how silly we look!

This week, I am clearing an ancient astral space that corresponds to Twin Flame Energies and to the Divine Mother on Earth, Also known as the Magdalene, Maria, Mare, Mar (ocean), Atlantis, Aphrodite, Ashtarte, Innana, Kuan Yin, Venus, Earth Tribes, Native Nations, and Shakinah. I must be a Warrior of the Light, and be steady with my Love 946738-bigthumbnail.
You are part of a group of ancient High Priestesses Light Workers who are no longer willing to live a lie, who are called to Twin Flame Reunion and ultimately to awaken to your Divine Self. Your soul calls out to wake up, to shake it up, to writhe, and to create the Golden Era.

I cannot serve this next wave of High Priestesses until this snake energy is cleared. So, I ask for your prayers and love this week as I go to “war” with love and Kundalini as my only weapons. I invite you to pray for your Twin Flame this week, and to feel the Light of the Divine Mother growing ever stronger in your heart.

UnknownFor those of you who are at an advanced level of Kundalini Awakening, please send your orgasmic light (if you feel called and safe) to transmute these serpents of limitation. And bring forth more Golden Light and love to Gaia.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Dr Amanda Noelle



Dr. Amanda Noelle, Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps stellar spiritual women attract their Twin Flames at light speed so they can carry out large soul purposes and birth Starchildren.


What Is a Twin Flame?

What Is a Twin Flame?

“I think I’ve met my Twin Flame.”

I hear this everyday. So, you’ve heard the term, and vaguely you know what it means… And certainly somewhere inside you, you know that you’ve always wanted to meet yours, and with deep longing and passion! You feel your soul’s destiny: to be with the love of all loves of your life… Your Twin Flame.

But what exactly is a Twin Flame?


Twin Flame Love Warrior

Why Is 1111 or 11:11 a Twin Flame Number?

You keep turning your eyes towards the clock (or more likely cell phone) when it’s 11:11 yet again, just as you were thinking of your Twin Flame or a special crush….


Coincidence, or is it really a sign?

What is 11:11 about, and why is 1111 a Twin Flame number?

I know I see 11s all the time, and it’s an a wonderful feeling to synchronize with the spiritual alignment.

But what is the whole 11/11 phenomenon–is it real, or just spiritual rubbish?

Read on to find out…!

Twin Flame 1111 History

Twin Flames and Twin Flame seekers around the world became aware of the 11/11 phenomenon en masse in the years preceding the The 2012 Shift.

There was a rise in consciousness around Twin Flames at this point. Many Beloveds began seeking any signs, information, and energy they could get their heads and hearts on regarding Twin Flame Love.

Many spiritual new age seekers were awaiting the great moment of 11/11/11 at 11:11:11. Some said it was a number representing Oneness, while others thought it was a time for a massive Twin Flame shift and awakening.

Some said that the numbers are only a symbol of Twin Flame Love, while others thought it was nothing but total mashugana!

I believe that 11/11 is one of the many sacred signs of Twin Flame Love, yet it isn’t a means to Twin Flame Love.

Obviously, it keeps coming back every day at 11:11 am/pm, and we are quite likely to see it show up every few days, especially if you’re like me and you have to constantly clock watch!

So let’s not get obsessed, jump into crazy bandwagons, and let’s keep our feet on the ground.

Yet, the 1111 phenomenon is pretty interesting…

11 11 Numerology Symbology

The number eleven is commonly thought represent the two lovers coming together as the sole-soul energy of Twin Flame Love.

It is a symbol of duality (separation of the two one-digits), and of Oneness (eleven as a single number), aligned in harmony.

I believe that 11/11/11  was indeed an important milestone for some significant energetic shifts on earth, and that it brought the Twin Flame consciousness to the masses.

11/11/11 was the start of a new Twin Flame paradigm, where Twin Flame relationships are replacing Karmic Soulmate relationships, so that that more Twin Flame Unions can occur naturally within the collective.

It is no coincidence also that number eleven looks like an equals sign sideways: 11 = equal!

Eleven represents two lovers as equal whole ones (beings) who come together as two individual beings converged as a singular unit.

11/11 represents two individual souls, or ‘flames’ coming together to create a Holy Twin Flame Union.twin flame dna

As eleven is a single number made of two separate digits, it mirrors the two strands of DNA.

Twin Flame experts assert that in order to attract your Twin Flame, you must upgrade your DNA strands to a ‘Twin Flame Vibration‘ where your DNA is healed and activated with deep self-love and Divine Love (and thus Twin Flame Love).

For a Twin Flame DNA upgrade article I wrote, click here.

The 11/11 also represents the two lines of Twin Flame Kundalini that run up the spine: together, the two polarized counterparts create a strong whole, the yin and yang energies together creating the fusion it takes to create new universes.  Indeed, in the case of 11, Aristotle’s famous quote is true:

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” -Aristotle

11 represents the parallel universe or flow of energy through which Twin Flame energies coincide.  The Twin Flame couples share the same direction on one level, and on another level they are “apart” or separate energies.  It’s two sides of the same coin. That is why when you feel like you’re a fiercely independent woman with her own ideas, you are able to harmonize with your fiercely independent Twin Flame and still think and live and breathe for yourselves, but together in a unit. Not 24-7, but for whatever timeframe and rhythm that works for you as a team.

ascension dna

The 11 also is represented by the kundalini energy pathways that run up the spine. The energy runs like a snake – back and forth – but there is also a parallel gridline of magnetics that attracts the energy to move back and forth.  The kundalini is both a line and a circular energy, hence creating a wave.  The feminine spiral/circle meets the masculine line to create the serpent energy that runs along the spine.  For more about kundalini 11 11 energy, do the Kundalini Twin Flame Meditation here.

The 11:11 is a representation of two worlds coming together: of the Higher Self and the Human Self; the Heaven and the Earth.  Twin Flames share the same Higher Self, and thus the Human Self is represented as two separate blood lines of the same Light Line (Divine Whole, God/dess). On the human level, Twin Flames are separate – like the parallel lines within the 11.  And yet they make one whole number, with two separate digits.  As Heaven, and Earth together may seem like two separate worlds, they are yet one.  And they are paralleled, “As above, so below.” So 11:11, or 11/11 are a number holding energy that represents a timeless place, or a placeless time where two worlds (or all worlds) meet.


Careful though darlings, just because you’re seeing 11s everywhere, it does not mean that that man or woman is your Twin Flame.  The Twin Flame Counterfeit can bring in 11:11s too because it is Twin Flame energy that attracts the 11s, not your Twin Flame.  However, using the number 11 or 11/11 etc to harness Twin Flame energy to attract your Twin Flame is a great tool!  Just don’t let the signs of the Twin Flame with those 11s make you decide that he is the one… Wait a bit and see and feel and if he/she sticks around for a yummy Twin Flame Union, then congrats! If not, keep moving forward and take that 11:11 energy with you.

Why Notice Synchronicities?

Slight side note, today I looked my number of Facebook photos and I saw a number representing alignment: 234. Then, next to it, I saw oddly enough, another number representing alignment 2,345. I took a screenshot to share it with you:

11-11-13 meaning

I didn’t put it together that it was almost 11/11, and that I’d be concentrating on Twin Flame Numbers!

The true purpose behind the 11/11 symbolism is to align your soul with your Twin Flame Frequencies.

To do so, I suggest that you activate each of your 7 chakras in the body, plus your Gaian Chakra (the earth chakra a bit below your root chakra) as well as the 3 Cosmic Chakras sitting above your crown chakra.

These 11 chakras are meant to be aligned within yourself so that you can call in your Beloved. (Some say we have 12 chakras, others say 7 chakras, while many say there are an infinite number of chakras. I believe that there are an infinite number of energy centers, and as a Twin Flame Matchmaker I focus on the 11 Twin Flame Chakras explained here).

In essence, let the joy of the synchronicity take you by surprise, but never let it be a sign that someone is your Twin Flame.  My Twin Flame Counterfeit called me at 11:11am to say our last goodbye call to break my heart, and my TRUE Twin Flame calls me all the time, at all hours of the day.  So don’t let the sign spook you, woo you, or stop you from believing that someone is your Twin Flame, because only you (and not the clock) knows the truth!

Happy 11/11s everyone! Enjoy the Twin Flame vibes.

Love and blessings!

Dr Amanda Noelle