Twin Flame Pleasure in Paris

Twin Flame Pleasure in Paris

manifest with orgasmBisou from the ‘City of Love!’

I’m writing this lil’ love note from a swanky cafe Paris. It has these purple velvet damask chairs and great coffee…

Paris turns me on, sI’m inspired to teach you how to attract your Twin Flame using your inner goddess pleasure!

Fittingly, this cafe has a bronze fertility goddess statue. She’s raising a flame up to the heavens, a Twin Flame sign perhaps…

The name Paris comes from its connections to Isis, the Egyptian Goddess of Love. It was formerly called ‘Lutitia of Parisii,’ named after the Isis-worshipping Parisii tribe of Celtic Gauls who came here around 250 BC. 

Did you know that Paris was built on the foundation of the Goddess of Love?

The Parisii settled, built their Temple of Isis, and brought their secret rites and mystery school teachings of the Middle Eastern goddess. 

Paris: Pleasure Capital

Indeed, Paris may very well be the capital of what I call ‘PU$$Y Power‘…

Isis, the Egyptian Goddess of Love, is linked to the same goddess energy of Venus, Aphrodite, Ashtar, Innana, Lakshmi, Kuan Yin, and Mary Magdalene.

Isis and her Twin Flame Osiris gave birth to their daughter, Bast. Bast was the goddess of cats, passion, the moon, the rising sun, of enlightenment, sisterhood, sexuality, pleasure, fertility, bounty, arts, and battler of serpents.

Bast was also called Pasht or Pasch, among other names. 

Pasht is said to be the ancient origin of the word ‘pussy’ and of ‘passion’ too!

To call in your Twin Flame, we women must embrace our inner womb wisdom–aka your PU$$Y Power. 

PU$$Y Power resides within each of us. All women are born with it, though it is meant to be awakened or ‘initiated’ when we go from being the virgin (Divine Daughter), to being the maiden (Twin Flame Bride). 

Unfortunately, most of us received no initiation rite to awaken our PU$$Y Power. Or even worse, some of us underwent negative sexual experiences that harmed our sacred womb wisdom.

Our job then is to clear the womb and to positively reawaken the PU$$Y Power and align it with pleasure… 

twin flame matchmaker

The reason I spell pussy ‘PU$$Y’ this way is because you can see ‘Isis’ within the word, as well as the dollar signs which also represent the Twin Flame Kundalini energy. ISIS=$$, representing the kundalini that runs up and down the two sides of the spine, like infinite dollar signs.

Plus, PU$$Y Power is priceless… When it’s activated, we can attract anything with it with our very own pleasure!

To clear your womb wisdom wounds and awaken to your highest levels of PU$$Y Power, the medicine is stepping into your pleasure.

But many women have problems embracing their pleasure because pleasure brings up past traumas, unresolved heartbreaks, and pain.   

That’s why I work with my clients to clear these issues out while they raise their sensuality and Twin Flame frequencies. 

Parisian PU$$Y Power Pleasure Tip One of the secrets I teach my Twin Flame ladies is to actually create a life full of sensual and spiritual pleasures.

This way, each of your ”11 Twin Flame Chakras‘ are fully spinning at their own tune, singing the song of your Signature Soul Song.  

From the street music, to the tempting sweets, to the perfumeries, to the bounty of art/beauty, which of course includes the Parisian men–all of your senses are piqued with pleasure in Paris!!!

The city tempts your senses in a way no other city can…It’s raw. Sexy. Delicious. 

Imagine yourself in Paris (or other exotic city that ignites your Twin Flame Love). What kinds of pleasures would turn on your senses? 

But you don’t need a ticket here now! Perhaps you can simply integrate a few of these French-inspired pleasures into your life even immediately

FRENCHUALITY – Stimulate Your Senses French Way Goddess Style!:

– TASTE: could you cook up a French or other exotic meal using that recipe you’ve been meaning to try? Eat it tonight by candlelight with a glass of red wine to enhance the Parisian vibes!

– SIGHT: perhaps you could buy yourself some fresh cut flowers to remind yourself that you are BEAUTIFUL. I have been smelling tons of lillies here in churches and BNBs; they smell and look amazing!

– SMELL: I’ve picked up a ton of essential oils in France, like lavender, juniper, grapefruit, and frankincense. Place a few drops on the bottom of your feet or in a foot bath to ascend in heaven like Mary Magdalen (since she was a queen of holy foot anointments!).

– TOUCH: Are you up for a lavendar-rosemary sea salted bath tonight? It’ll feel like the French Riviera…Add some fresh springs of the herb into boiling water to make a bath-tea, or just add a few drops of the essential oils into a base like olive oil. 

– SOUND: Try a French music mix. I like Pandora Radio’s ‘French Cafè’ station!

Here’s me embracing my PU$$Y Power at a Parisian metro station (it’s just a billboard!).

I believe that living in pleasure is what takes to create a and sustain a Twin Flame relationship. I also feel that women are the wisdomkeepers of the family and of the Sacred Union. 

We hold that wombspace for the relationship to thrive, don’t we? That’s why we must start out by pleasing ourselves first.

Having an ongoing sensual practice is so vital. Whether you learn my Manifest With Orgasm (MWO) practice, or use some other daily pleasure practice, keep the pleasure flowing!

Lastly, the odd thing is that we’re programmed to undervalue pleasure, and to over-value looking like we’re living in pleasure when we’re not! 

To create what I call your Twin Flame Life with your divine partner, you’ll have to become the queen of all of your 11 Twin Flame Chakras spinning at pleasure. 

That’s why it’s important to invest in your pleasure: create time, funds, and fun for pleasure. Life is short, and the rewards of pleasure are SWEET!

One of my clients came on a Twin Flame Attraction retreat with me and stepped into her pleasure by activating her wombspace. She began dancing, singing, and even just laying in bed to follow her bliss. A few weeks later, POOF! An amazing man she’d previously known surfaced, and they’re now blissfully married. 

Priestess pleasure is NOT just fluff stuff! It’s powerful medicine–something that you want to consistenly keep high in your life. It is the juice that will call in your Twin Flame, and keep your energy high.

Without pleasure, I would not be in alignment with my Beloved, and we wouldn’t be living our life so blissfully. 
It starts at you, it starts at pleasure, and it takes commitment and consistency.
What are three things you’re committed to doing to keep your PU$$Y Power and pleasure high this week!? 

Post in the comments area below and keep me posted!

XO, Dr Amanda Noelle

The Twin Flame Matchmaker

PU$$Y Power Activation: How to Reach 6 & 7-figure BLI$$ as a High Priestess

PU$$Y Power Activation: How to Reach 6 & 7-figure BLI$$ as a High Priestess

Hello High-Healed Priestess (modern-day shamanic high priestess, maybe in heels, maybe barefoot!). I know that you’re ready to tap into that unlimited wealth consciousness, the goddess of abundance. I know it is time for the Divine Feminine to rise within every aspect of you – your relationships, your business, your life and bliss. And I am sure that you want your goddess of abundance energies to come (and to cum!) easily like a 6 or 7-figure orgasm, right?

The key to attracting 6 & 7-figure BLI$$ (or anything you want)

pussy power amanda noelle

The key to breaking free to 6-figures or to attracting your Twin Flame ISN’T by using a template, following have-tos, having the perfect hair, or even the perfect product…The Law of Attraction provides some help with manifesting too, but without this key thing, you won’t be able to attract what you want.

Sure, it’s cool if you have an awesome thing going on – a great product, body, brain, whatever thing that the world needs/wants. Yes, you DO have to have something that is genuine, of quality, and that benefits the world by being in service. But that’s NOT enough to take you to reach 6 & 7-figure BLI$$ as a High-Healed Priestess

Nope. It’s something sacred and ancient that is being held in the memory of Gaia. It’s within you. PU$$Y Power, the Divine Feminine sacred essence that resides within the seat of the soul AND body of every woman in her root and sacral chakras, that connects her deeply and ecstatically with Gaia (Mother Earth)and every other Divine Feminine body on this earth. It enables her to connect with other customers/clients who are healing and activating their PU$$Y Power after thousands of years of having it cut off due to a patriarchal paradigm that was part of the collective consciousness’ soul contract. But it’s over now, and the Divine Feminine is rising. It’s time to awaken this sacred ancient diamond that is alive and active in your womb/yoni and rock the PU$$Y Power out of the ball park!

The Isis codes in the PU$$Y Power

isis dollar sign

There are 2 dollar signs in PU$$Y Power.  And this spells Isis. ISIS=Isis=$$. Isis is the Divine Feminine symbol of Ancient Egypt, Sacred Sexuality, and the Divine Mother Goddess is encoded within the double dollar sign $$ = ISIS, as are the two pillars of light representing the two spines of the two Twin Flame Lovers, and the ‘S’ is the kundalini that runs up the spine by activating the PU$$Y Power in the female by her beloved. To learn more about Kundalini from my blog What Is Kundalini Awakening? click HERE.

PU$$Y Power is an untapped market and there is a HUGE need in the marketplace.

goddess of abundanceYour clients are hungry for the activation that you can give them, and you must activate it within yourself. Connecting to Gaia and activating your PU$$Y Power was how I broke free to 6-figure BLI$$ after being in 4-figure agony for all my 20s!

Right now, the Divine Feminine in every woman needs to be healed, and in every man too. When you heal your PU$$Y Power, you become a mentor for other PU$$ies (women, chalice holders) out there. Your clients will be intuitively and magnetically attracted to you because you will have the codex stored within your womb/yoni and woman that can clear and heal her.  It’s all very juicy and exciting!

Check out this video to help you womanifest like crazy!

If you are ready to womanifest Divine Feminine style using the Law of Attraction, watch this video! Grab a pen and paper to take notes. You will learn how to:

  • Receive whatever you want, in money, career, love, etc
  • Stop settling for less! Become a queen of womanifestation
  • Get the Universe working for you, not working against you
  • Clear old ugly limiting patterns that limit your heart’s desires and abundance

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Blessings and namaste,

Dr Amanda Noelle



Dr. Amanda Noelle is the Founder of Aphrodite University, the premier Divine Feminine-based university helping High-Healed Priestesses turn their bliss into 6 & 7-figure BLI$$nesses that heal the world.

Why it’s Your Spiritual Job to Make an ASS out of Yourself on YouTube

Why it’s Your Spiritual Job to Make an ASS out of Yourself on YouTube

It’s been two years since I made my first YouTube video. It was a “train wreck video.”

Did you know that I sucked at making videos? And I bet some people say that I still suck at making YouTube videos, that I’m constantly making an ass of myself.  But I’d much rather make an ASS of myself than sit around waiting for the world to fix itself, while I keep my mouth shut.

Though I’m no Jenna Marbles, I have hit almost 180,000 views on my YouTube channel, and I have gotten lots of feedback of how I’ve helped women get over self-esteem issues, meet their Twin Flames, or made their life a little sweeter. Even though I still get negative criticism sometimes, like thumbs downs or lame comments, I don’t ever let that stop me from speakin’ my truth. It’s been two years since I made my first YouTube video, which was in a way a train wreck; but I am still alive, and I even may have saved a few lives by sharing my work! The train-wreck video I made had this comment:

“This meditation has helped me so much, Thank you! My life has improved 50% and I’ve been doing this for maybe a month, So thank you!!!!”

Another woman who follows all of my videos attributes meeting her Twin Flame to the tips I share in my videos. So many times I have spoken with women for the first time, who follow my blogs, vlogs, and social media posts, and they tell me, “That X thing you said has changed my life!” Usually I can hardly remember saying what I said, but how cool and flattering that my rambling love can inspire someone to heal herself!

Big money can come through YouTube

I have met lots of clients through my YouTube channel. If you are a a BLI$$preneur, a woman entrepreneur and healer, do you wanna know how to make money on YouTube? It’s not through advertisements or anything sleazy. It’s really simple: in offering useful content, while letting my light shine, people test drive me, and if they like me, they buy.  So often I have had women hire me after watching me for a few months on YouTube. They start getting results, and want to get them faster getting the one-on-one time. So I think of my videos as partial charity, partial marketing. And it’s so much fun! Especially when you let it…

Talk smack, save the worldtwin flame coach

I was verbally abused a fair bit as a little girl, which taught me to “be good,” and keep quiet. Yet this is exactly what I want to scream about, what I want to stop, so that the Goddess of Love can reign again. So I have started to speak up, and I won’t shut up, ever! Owning our “Sacred No” is the only way to rebuild the Divine Feminine structures in society, which we are doing one vlog post at a time. I’m not talking about being a bitch or anything, but just speak your truth with lots of love and don’t let the forces of darkness intimidate you. They’re just shadows anyway…

As a Light Worker, you can’t keep your mouth shut any longer either. Which is why you are getting called to quit your job, reinvent your life, live without shame, and open a 6 or 7-figure healing business (or BLI$$ness as I call it, business + bliss + BIG buck$!).

You’re a Divine Feminine Revolutionary, it’s your job to be yourself. It’s a full-time job. Start dressing outside of the box if you like, dancing outside the box, and breaking the rules.  Because it’s time – the Divine Feminine is rising and doesn’t stand for abuse or suppression any longer. She’s not following what the old scary n’ dark patriarchal systems that told her how to be/act/dress/fuck/speak anymore. It simply wasn’t fun!

YouTube videos are the new music videos, the new Vogue, the new Seventeen Magazine

Pre Internet, we the people didn’t have a voice. Major advertising companies dominated the scene and told you how much to weight, how to act, what to look like, and what to shop for. I totally figured out how to act/look/be when I was 11 years old and read my first Teen Magazine. Thank goodness I successfully figured out how to have an eating disorder and hate myself, or maybe those teenage boys wouldn’t have liked me so much!

YouTube is where we create new culture. It’s where we vaginas get to take back the Feminine Sacred PU$$Y Power, and where we can speak (relatively) freely without anyone to stop us! So why do we stop ourselves?  Stop stopping yourselves, OK? Make your YouTube videos, speak from your heart, and let the Divine Feminine rise.

Let’s all grab our vagina-balls (ovaries or whatever), grab a pink drink, and raise it to the Divine Feminine revolution!

Fear and the inner critic

This is a note about choosing self-love over fear of criticism of others and the inner critic. And I have had huge inner critic my entire life, so I should know!  As a recovering A-student and perfectionist, it has taken me years to get over caring what others think about me.  This blockage stopped me from letting my light shine, has impeded my healing gifts, and gave me writer’s block (or writer’s fear, since I wrote constantly in my diary where it was “safe”).
Two years ago, I finally took a huge step and got over my inner perfectionist enough to start sharing my voice with the world, via simple YouTube videos. I had had a dream earlier in the year where my guides told me: “Just start doing your work, you will learn along the way, and there is NO TIME FOR PRACTICE or procrastination.” The words were loud and clear. So finally, I jumped in and went for it.
Doing the videos was an exciting first step, and I feel so lucky to express my love with the world. I was also proud of this milestone, because for the first time in public, I was honoring the love more than fear.  I love how easy the videos flowed, and though they weren’t perfect, I could get them out quickly and there were actual viewers!  On my third day, I published my fourth meditation video, Goddess Meditation: Spiritually Healing Body Image & Self-Esteem: 
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The content came to me late at night that I channeled from my Higher Self, and I knew that the message was true and powerful, because I could feel it in my body.  I did not take the time to edit the video to the degree I wanted, as I read off the skript that had flowed through me, so you could see my eyes moving.  But So what? I thought, people will close their eyes in the meditation and I had something to say! There was a sense of joy and freedom this decision to Just Do It, even though my inner perfectionist was like “It’s not good enough.” But I chose to listen to my Higher Guidance, and emphasize being of service to others rather than trying to be perfect all the time!   So I delightedly posted my video, and within a day, it had the most hits of all four of the videos I’d posted! I knew it was choppy, but people seemed to be watching the video and feeling into its energy.

twin flame fake

The Critic – Turn Abuse Into Motivation!

Then, to my shock, an old friend whom I’ll simply refer to as “The Critic,” with whom I hadn’t spoken for almost a year, posted a comment next to my video, saying that he’d “Send me a private feedback message”… Uh oh!  I knew he had a big inner critic himself, so I wasn’t looking forward to reading this.  I knew he was going to mirror my own fears of verbal abuse and reprimand.  I knew it was going to hit my scars of when I was a child and was verbally abused and shamed in front of my first grade classroom by this big mean teacher who had long hair and a beard and who happened to look like a lion. I was only five years old, the other kids a year older.  It was really friggin’ scary! The teacher had no patience for my slight learning disability, tendency toward distraction, and my imaginative mind that wouldn’t stick to his plan.  So when he screamed at me, I shut down, and it took many years of healing to recover my confidence.

I checked my in-box to find that  The Critic had messaged me several things he didn’t like about the video, without anything kind or encouraging. His energy felt so familiar and I realized it was a lot like my lion-looking teacher. Feeling punched in the gut, but feeling defensive like a proud mama, I wrote back to share my thoughts, compassionately standing up for myself.

I hoped for a drop of compassion. To my shock, the next response was from The Critic was that my video was a “train-wreck,” and that he was embarrassed for me!

For your entertainment, I have included our conversation:

September 7, 2011 at 8:42pm

The Critic: “Some feedback on the meditation video: It feels really weird watching your eyes read the text. The prompt cards could be much closer to the lens, and you could rehearse, so that you are not so dependent on them. Also, your sitting/lying position up against the wall, looks awkward (tense neck and mouth). The sounds of rain in the background are nice, but need acknowledgement from you to be felt as part of the video.” [Hey–did I ask you?]

Amanda Noelle: “Dear One, I would like you to re-read your comment and pretend that you are me, from my eyes… How do you feel when you hear from someone for the first time in over a year and they say three constructive criticisms without a single word of encouragement or expression of love? Does it feel supportive alone or also hurtful? I wanted to express how one can make videos without being perfect, to just jump and go for it. I will of course at some point go professional and make improvements, but my Angelic guidance through a profound dream I had said “Don’t wait, express your teachings, there is no time for practice anymore.” I am following this, and letting people see my life. Perhaps a feedback I can give you, if I may, is that you ask for feedback first to see if it’s wanted. Then, give some warm encouragement or say one or two nice things to balance things out. When you do this for others, you will be doing this for yourself. For every part of you that feels numb to my pain, is a part that is very, very sensitive. As we all are One. Love and light, Amanda.”

The Critic: “Ok. Most people would not risk the truth. I could have asked first if you wanted the feedback, but why would you put yourself out there, if you didn’t. Sorry to hurt you. It was not my intention.”

Amanda Noelle “I put my gift out there not for feedback, but for feeding goddesses who want to heal self-esteem. Why would anyone assume that I wanted feedback about my gift? If someone dances, do you go up to them and show them how you think their steps should go? It may be your truth, but it’s not The Truth Absolute. Don’t worry, I am not hurt. It was just not something I wanted. And needed to say that to you. Peace, Amanda”

The CriticAmanda, the video was a train-wreck, and I was embarrassed for you. Rather than just ignore you/it, I took the time to write you a private message, in the hope that you might be open to the feedback. But now I understand that you feel it is your Gift to female humanity. Good luck with it. Sorry for my bluntness. Next time I will ignore it.” “Also, the dancing metaphor is a good one, except that in this case, you are not a dancer, you are the dance TEACHER, so of course I would speak to them afterwards, and hope that they would be open to feedback. Sending you love, even if you don’t trust me.” Twin Flame Love

Hold Your Sacred Feminine Powers

So, it wasn’t the most graceful conversation.  But I am for the first time, trying to hold my ground, to nourish the creative feminine juices.  And yes, I sent The Critic love too, and said so in my last message to him. But I also said that I thought he was rude and couldn’t image why he needed to say my gift was a train-wreck (gee, harsh!).  I have since unfriended him on FB, and I rarely do that!  But I do so in love and honoring of myself and my own boundaries.

I know now that negative feedback is part of the job. In putting yourself out there, not everyone is going to be pleased. Not even all parts of myself! We just gotta let it go, and let flow.  When I have time, as I had planned, if I have motivation, I will edit the video unless there is something else that inspires me more. Yet this was a precious test. This was a test of self-love for me… Am I going to hate myself when someone (and mind you, The Critic graduated from NYU’s film school) doesn’t like my stuff? Should I stop speaking?  Shoud I edit my every move as it comes?  Should I be afraid that people will be embarrassed for me as I express my essence in a way that isn’t perfectly graceful?  Should I stop what I’m doing and risk slowing down the flow of my own essence and ignore my intuition that says Just Do It?  No! No no no no noooo!

I’m STILL going to make my “train-wreck videos” if that’s what it takes, and I hope you will too. I’m willing to do anything to be on my soul-purposed mission. Thanks to The Critic, I now go for it with even MORE inspiration to serve others who struggle with their inner critic. Hopefully someday I will “master” the art of video-making, perhaps with the help of a crew of professionals.  That’s a dream of mine for sure. Until then, I am happy that I continue to attract viewers who are in love my energy, and don’t mind the raw, sexy, scrappy style, who aren’t afraid to see the perfection of imperfection. They take what I have to offer, and accept me for me.

I want this for all of us. I hope you see me look like a Goddess Goober, full of love! Thank you for letting me share. Blessings on creating a world where we get to have full expressive creativity without fear of being unloved, ashamed, or energetically/verbally abused.  Where we are whole, healed, and One. It’s so exciting that together we are creating new icons, or “nu icons” where we are no longer shaped by the media, advertising agencies, money-hungry agencies that don’t care if our teenage girls are anorexic, or if we all hate ourselves.

This week I am super proud of my sexy soul sister who always has the ability to rock and shock even me. Shayna Gordon took the dare this week that I challenged her to, which was to share a YouTube video on her expertise of sacred sexuality. Check it out here. Also feel free to leave a link of one of your first YouTube videos in the comments section below, if you so dare!

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Dr Amanda Noelle



Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps stellar spiritual BLI$$ness women attract their Twin Flames at light speed.