Is Your Twin Flame Exactly Like You?
Twin Flames Are Our Mirrors
The parts of ourselves that we love and hate are mirrored onto our Twin Flame.
Dang it! I thought when we found our Twin Flames we were going to live in a magic bubble and never have to deal with problems again.
In this post I want to underline how important it is to accept ourselves, and how the way I have rejected myself showed up in my Twin Flame relationship. I almost became the Twin Flame Runner that I so despised because I nearly rejected myself. I don’t want this for you!
Self-Rejection Shows up as Those Annoying Things About Your Twin Flame
I used to have body image issues. Still do. Which is why I projected that I needed a Twin Flame to be as hot as a conscious Ashton Kusher.
I thought I had to have a man like that to be happy in life. My Twin Flame, as it turned out, has reddish hair and a very red beard, which I was NOT expecting and it took me time to get used to. I’m picky! He’s not dark and tan like the man I always fantasized about. He gets sunburnt on Sundays at brunch. Before I met him, I was sure I had to have a tan muscle-man in order to feel satisfied.
Believe me, my Twin Flame has a sexy body. Great arms, broad shoulders I can grab onto and sink my teeth in. But he’s real. He is man and God, but boy is there no escaping that he (like me) is a raw and real human.
I have never felt comfortable with my human body, and my Twin Flame often reflects my discomfort
He’s sexy and yet he’s human. Along with the orange beard, he’s got occasional breakouts on his back (sorry babe, hope I can share!). I’m like, “Babe, it’s time to do a back facial to get rid of that bacne! Boys are so lazy. How can you tolerate bacne?!” and he’s like “Woman, men don’t care about that $hit, leave me alone my back is fine.” Then I attack him with a back brush or yummy salt scrub–and he likes it because it reminds him of being groomed by his mother. We play-fight and it’s fun.
He’s teaching me to chill about my female primping and preening perfectionist tendencies!
What you thought you wanted wasn’t always real. The key pieces that were soul aligned came true:
- He’s beautiful inside and out
- He’s spiritually awake
- He has a heart of gold
- Our soul purposes align
- We love each other as God/Goddess
- Our desire for birthing star children aligns
Is it important that I look like Barbie or that he’ll be my Ken? Nahhhh.
Will Jack look like a GQ model always and forever? Sometimes he does actually, but as we turn gray some day together, I won’t care about the fact that he doesn’t always scrub his back. Plus, I am starting to get more cellulite and I have to love myself there.
What I am most excited about is the way that he makes me feel, and how I get to make him feel. I am an empath, and so is he; so it pays of to bliss each other out. We adore and love each other. We stick each other out in the hard ugly hairy scary moments.
What’s more is that I am so ready to collaborate deeply with our soul purposes in business, with the new earth eco village dreams I have had, and in raising children. What can I say is more sacred than these pieces? I am lucky, and proud that my Twin Flame is a perfect reflection of me and I will continue to do my very best to live myself and of course thus love him too!
How to Manifest Your Twin Flame Quickly! Three Flaming Hot Tips to Ignite Twin Flame Love
As a Twin Flame Matchmaker, I have found that there are so many women and men who get stuck in gloom and doom when it comes to attracting their soulmate or Twin Flame, and they stay stuck and single when they don’t have to! We are more powerful than we know, as we are reflections of our Creator (whatever you call this powerful force), so we can create what our heart desires!
This article will help you manifest your Twin Flame as fast as humanly possible, because I know when you want it you want it now…or yesterday! But trust me, Twin Flame manifestation can be ridiculously fast if you tune into the Field of Universal Creation and surrender to the forces that be! I have helped clients, fans, and friends manifest their Twin Flames in as little has a few days, and in one instance, within a few hours! It’s a pretty magical energy to witness and to see physicalized, especially when I get invited to the wedding and get to sip champagne smugly thinking about how great a matchmaker I am 🙂 I just love love and am proud to be a holder of the Aphrodite Touch!
What not to do? Get stuck in a pit of despair
Don’t despair if you’re feeling single and stuck today, as you really can’t predict what is going to happen tomorrow (or you can if you stay positive and make it happen!). Sometimes even the most desperate and despairing women come to me with only one last tiny shred of hope, and I get them to surrender to their ultimate Divine Love, a well within them, and we bust some blockages and POOF! It’s truly delightful to watch them U-turn around into their heart’s desires and manifest that magical partner they’ve been waiting for for…forever!
This article, How to Manifest Your Twin Flame Quickly will help you immensely if:
- You have been working on yourself for a long time to be the best you can be, and feel that you’re truly ready to attract your beloved
- You’re healthy, on an emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual level
- You’re certain that you’re on a Twin Flame path, not just a Karmic Soulmate path; you are here to meet the soulmate of soulmates, the one true Twin Flame
- Meeting and marrying your Twin Flame has been a huge calling for a long time, and it’s frustrating not to have him/her yet!
- You are fully devoted to self-improvement and spiritual growth, and your Twin Flame will be a partner who supports you to grow further and faster
- You have a big heart, and it’s overflowing – your love needs somewhere to go!
- You have a huge soul purpose and you want your Twin Flame to join you for the ride to enjoy co-creating your most magnificent life to make this world a better place
- You’re willing to throw your skepticism out the window for just a moment and will just shut up and listen to what this Twin Flame Matchmaker has to say!
Alright darling, let’s get down to BLI$$ness, and share the top secrets to helping you ring in the Twin Flame partner and fast. Disclaimer: some of these tips aren’t for the weak, so buckle up and hunker down and be strong… whatever you do, don’t give up on love! Now let’s get your Twin Flame groove on.
Tip #1: Get Happy Being YOU as a Single Gal or Guy
You complete yourself. Your Twin Flame partner will be able to smell you from a mile away, as we’re all energetically sensitive beings and we have fantastic instincts. The question to ask is: Would you want to be with you? If you’re unhappy in your life, he or she is going to sense that gloom, and it’s not going to be a turn on. Men are attracted to happy and fulfilled goddesses flowing with nectar, just like bees are attracted to the sweet perfumed nectar of a flower.
To avoid: the Single Woman’s Vicious Cycle
What I see commonly in my clients is what I call the ‘Single Woman’s Vicious Cycle’ where you start getting lonely, and loneliness breeds depression, gloom, and hopelessness. Then you start dating the wrong people, lowering the bar and feeling desperate, feeling sorry for yourself, and doing silly things like staying in on Friday night with Ben and Jerry’s instead of following your heart’s deepest desires! You might even gain a a few pounds in the process and use that as an excuse not to be dating at the moment. Girl, you gotta get off the couch, stop feeling sorry for yourself, and do whatever you can to get happy and excited, there is a great guy or gal waiting out there and s/he’s reserved for YOU!
Let me clarify that I am not saying that you have to be happy with being single forever; I am just saying that a happy girl will attract more happiness and at the divinely perfect moment, a happy partnership. So do whatever it takes to be happy: join activities, social groups, exciting organizations that get your energy running fast. Choose to stay positive! Get your life moving in the fast lane….Work that body and get a good sweat on with daily workouts with a few breaks a week. Listen to music that pumps you up – you know, those sexy songs that make you wanna go look in the mirror and dance and check yourself out. You gotta start to feel like the bell of the ball in your own universe, and this will make the others’ heads turn and hearts beat in your rhythm.
To manifest your Twin Flame, really dive deep into celebrating life! It’s short anyways, and the sooner you get into the positive vibration, you will bring in a partner who reflects this love for life! Do you want to attract someone who is stuck and lonely? So don’t be stuck and lonely, get out there, have fun doing whatever weird hobbies suit you and be in a bliss vibration. You might not attract a partner at your 80s night girls night, but you will be covered in rainbow bliss vibes that he’ll pick up on the next day in the cafe.
You will always attract the perfect reflection of you or what you need to work on – why not magnetize a happy reflection!
To get happy and excited, I really recommend becoming a manifestations collaging nerd. Go gather magazines and play music that gets you juicy and ready to birth your dream. Then start collaging the relationship and life that you’re ready to be leading, and feel yourself manifesting it into 3D as you put together your creation down. Think of it as a BLI$$ness plan for your love life! Vivid pictures will implant subconscious messages in your mind. Don’t worry if this sounds abstract or weird, I have lots of clients who question the assignment but swear by it afterward when what they’ve collaged shows up in their life.
Tip # 2 Declutter Your Past
The past is what holds our icky relationship limitation stuff. You gotta take out the trash! Though the past serves us as a teacher, teaching us what we want and what we don’t, the past is also where I see people holding onto old blockages that slow down the Twin Flame manifestation. Remember that there is nothing but the now, and you want to get a high vibrating happy life now! It’s time to create a new canvas by letting go of old childhood pain, things that represent awkward times in your life, sad times, and past relationships. Keep the gems of these experiences, but let go of anything that does not serve you now.
Decluttering time! Why keep around all those old FB pics of exes, or the scarf from the Amalfi Coast he gifted you on your birthday (I know it’s cute but get rid of it already!) when it just reminds you of the sad breakup afterward? Go and release anything that represents struggle, relationship strife, or any old attachment to someone that will compete or inhibit your Twin Flame relationship from coming in. Think of everything…you might even want to let go of that expired last name from your ex husband!
Go through all aspects of your life: declutter each of the rooms in your home, let go of anything not working for you in your current friendships, reevaluate your career, upgrade your lingerie collection, and go through all your clothes. Release anything that’s not an 7 out of 10 or more in your life! Let go of anything that doesn’t fit you like a glove for the absolutely joyful and magnificent Twin Flame relationship you’re calling in. It’s time to create your life your way, a portal of bliss. Lots of women prepare for their Twin Flames by becoming man-pleasers, but they only end up in men who expect them to do one thing: please them! Design a life of pleasure surrounding you that pleases you first, and you will have a very happy man like a bee buzzing around your flower in BLI$$!
Tip #3 Radical Self-Acceptance
I know that this tip seems like it’s going to contradict the ones above, but that’s the beauty of radical self-acceptance! You are perfect the way you are! This one is such a fun paradox. The reality is, when you meet and marry your Twin Flame, you will be married to each others’ imperfections for life (we hope!) and this means that you’re going to have to learn how to accept yourself first. Sure it’s nice to try to be a happy superhuman all the time, and it’s a fun game to see how much you can grow and become a super goddess. Yet you are simply a human! And we get things like bad breath, bad credit, and bad kinky thoughts. So what!? So does every other living breathing thing, and the sooner we accept this, the sooner we can move forward and celebrate.
Which of the three tips is the most important? I’d say the latter…What do you think? Please post your comments below and let me know what other tips you have to share.
How Do you Know if Someone Is Your Twin Flame?
In my YouTube video, What the Heck Is a Twin Flame? I define a Twin Flame as the other half of your soul incarnate. It’s living breathing you in the carnage (physical human form) of another. Same soul, different meat-suit.
According to Greek mythology, we were all once attached to our Twin Flame. If we had a male or female other half attached directly to us. But our powers were too strong, we became so godlike that Zeus got jealous and
had humans sliced in half. ‘Til this day, we’re still suffering looking for our Divine Match, according to this metaphorical (I think!?) legend. In another blog article, What Is a Twin Flame? Twin Flame Q & A by A Twin Flame Expert, I talked about the difference between a Twin Flame Love and a soulmate love.
A soulmate in essence is a soul who comes in to teach you a lesson (and vice versa) and it can be romantic or not. If a Twin Flame being the other half of your soul can be a very exciting concept for those of us new to waking up, or those of us who have been awake but not yet totally aligned in relationship. Twin Flame seeking then becomes a very beautiful path of self-discovery then.
Not many people have known about our ability to attract a Twin Flame up until recently.
Many spiritual schools taught that a Twin Flame is something not worth seeking or of importance; some schools teach that it’s outright impossible for most. But it’s 2016, and the matrix energetics are realigning. New perspectives are allowing us to seek the answers within, and often times the answers say “I don’t choose to believe that,” and it is so. We are what we think. Beliefs shift reality. Once indoctrinated to believe we simply couldn’t have what we wanted, now we can indoctrinate ourselves with whatever we choose.
In 2012, we became our own doctors. Our own teachers, masters, gurus, shrinks, and lovers. That doesn’t mean that we can’t get external guidance and motivation along the way and that all external mentors are ineffective. Contrarily, teachers are simply mirrors of ourselves showing us what we believe or deep down know inside of us. When we have false teachings show up, it’s ourselves giving ourselves a test with a trick question on it. Do you (a) Write it off that you can’t have your Twin Flame because someone told you or it hasn’t happened, (b) Believe in Twin Flames but choose that it’s not likely for you, (c) Stay openminded and open-hearted to the idea as you deeply seek deep self-soul love, or (d) Decide that you definitely have to have a Twin Flame or else (you’ll die perhaps!?)? The best answer I suggest is (c). Why not give love a try, with the parachute on your back being the deepest sense of self-love and self care?
How do I know if my partner is my Twin Flame? First, ask yourself, do you even really want a Twin Flame? Here is what is required of being in a Twin Flame relationship:
- Deep soul evolution, being on an Ascension path
- Self-awareness at all times, on all levels
- Being conscious from a Higher Self perspective
- Being grounded in the earth plane and facing your insecurities
- Going through a Dark Night of the Soul, if needed, to get to the Higher Self aspect
- Healing your root chakra and learning to make friends with money, survival, and wealth consciousness
- Being willing to surrender everything you currently “know” as love
- Being willing to leave a bad marriage or even a pretty decent one that is not your Twin Flame relationship
- To learn and know the difference between karmic soulmate love and Twin Flame Love vibrations
- Letting go of the way things look
- Being willing to fall in love with someone who might not fit into the box of traditional relationships
- Being open to your Twin Flame being on another side of the globe or of a different culture
- Tons of clearing, healing cleaning, de-cluttering of your aura, home, finances, and all aspects of your life so they align with the truth
- Finally, and most importantly: deep unconditional self-soul love and gratitude
Darn! That’s a long list, I know you’re saying. It is. Yet think about all the soul growth you’ve already done in your life and even over the past few years. That’s a long list too.
Even if you have just a few things on the list above, you’re already getting Twin Flame set if you so desire. Now back to the question, how do you know if you’re in a Twin Flame relationship? Simply study yourself and how you are showing up in your current relationship.
Twin Flame Examination Starts at the Self.
First focus on YOU, and not the relationship (an external Twin Flame Mirror of you)…
Staring at you allows you to empower yourself and go to the source of the Twin Flame relationship, since you’re the only one you’ll be with 24-hours a day for the rest of your life! And you are the one who decides if someone is your Twin Flame. I have been told by several men that they were likely my Twin Flame and with pressure and persuasion behind it for not so Light reasons…it seems “Hey baby, I think you’re my Twin Flame” could be the latest New Age pickup line!
When we don’t start at ourselves, we often end up in situations of abandonment and needing to heal a broken heart by a false Twin Flame
Here are the questions to ask yourself as you evaluate your current relationship to see if you are with your Divine Beloved:
- Do I deeply know myself?
- Do I love what I see when I look in the mirror?
- Do I spend lots of time doing things I love?
- Do I have a rock solid relationship with rocks, nature, trees, water, earth, fire and even fairies?
- Do I give myself full credit for being as powerful as I am?
- Do I criticize or hate myself in any way and let myself get away with it?
- Can I financially support myself and do so blissfully or do I have a job I hate that gives me migraines?
- Do I have a relationship to my sensuality and understand my sacred sexuality?
- Have I let go of all of my past relationships fully?
- Does my heart feel so open wide that I love all things?
- Do I have a huge dose of unconditional self-love?
- Do I have a huge doses of unconditional love for every being on the planet?
True Twin Flame Litmus Testing to Be Released Next Fall!
Joking:) So you wanna take a litmus test to know if your guy/gal is the Twin Flame for you?! Pee into this panel and I’ll send it off to the lab and tell ya:) Kidding! While they haven’t come out with a Twin Flame fool proof test, you can try this one to get some good ideas:
- Have I “come out of the closet” as a healer, indigo, crystal child, rainbow, etc, or do I hide myself and my talents to “play it safe” in front of my partner?
- T or F? In a way, I know I could leave this person, because we are so entirely at one that on some level it doesn’t matter if we’re together or apart. I have faced my fears of disappointing him or her and my own fears of abandonment.
- Am I staying with this person for the sake of the children, appearances, or out of insecurity?
- Do I find this person attractive on most all levels?
- Has your partner ever abused you verbally, physically, or psychically?
- Is your relationship of service to the planet in a way that serves people outside of the relationship/family? (This can count even if it’s through deep love energetically releasing to the world).
- Is there one single thing that doesn’t fit that keeps eating away at you or the relationship that you can’t let go for over more than a year? Sorry, I hate to break it to you, but this sounds like a deal-breaker…
- Have you not unlocked some really old childhood fears and behaviors and family programs that are inhibiting your current relationship to a great degree? (this is not a total sign s/he isn’t the one, but it’s a good sign that as you heal, your energy will greatly shift making you more TF eligible).
- Does your partner fully love you and support you and accept you?
- Does your partner reject your ideas frequently, or not understand who you are on the deepest level?
- Do you and your partner not know a lot about each others Higher Self energies?
- Would you give your life for this person? If so, that’s not a good sign! You have to always put yourself first:) That was a trick question BTW!
Truly the best way to know if someone is your Twin Flame is to know yourself. Don’t forget that you are your greatest resource at all moments, and you are the Godchild/Goddesschild of the One. Feel free to check out my video How Do I Know if Someone is My Twin Flame?
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Dr Amanda Noelle, the Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps match High-Healed Priestesses with their Twin Flames at light speed while helping them build 6-figure purpose-based BLI$$nesses.
Twin Flame Love Warrior
“Your love is like a poison to the demons that slither across the Earth.”
When you are a Twin Flame Matchmaker, you must create sacred shamanic space for your Twin Flame work. Sometimes in creating these spaces, you hit a snakelike energy that wants to interrupt your ritual, wants it not to happen. It’s as if a viper is telling you that you’re not welcome to spread and ignite the Twin Flame Light.
Yes. There are times where I get hunted for spreading Twin Flame Love across the planet. But as a huntress who has learned a lot about working with dark and Light, I know that the fastest way to cleanse out this dark force-funky is through love and, ironically, with Kundalini blasts.
To learn more about Twin Flame Kundalini CLICK HERE.
We must must unlock the loving Twin Flame energies that rise up our spines; we must then direct this love towards the darkness to transmute it to Light. Being full of endless divine love, we become like a venomous snake to these snakes. As you too are a Goddess of Love incarnate. It’s our job to rise the Love and to never surrender! No matter how scary it seems or even how silly we look!
This week, I am clearing an ancient astral space that corresponds to Twin Flame Energies and to the Divine Mother on Earth, Also known as the Magdalene, Maria, Mare, Mar (ocean), Atlantis, Aphrodite, Ashtarte, Innana, Kuan Yin, Venus, Earth Tribes, Native Nations, and Shakinah. I must be a Warrior of the Light, and be steady with my Love .
You are part of a group of ancient High Priestesses Light Workers who are no longer willing to live a lie, who are called to Twin Flame Reunion and ultimately to awaken to your Divine Self. Your soul calls out to wake up, to shake it up, to writhe, and to create the Golden Era.
I cannot serve this next wave of High Priestesses until this snake energy is cleared. So, I ask for your prayers and love this week as I go to “war” with love and Kundalini as my only weapons. I invite you to pray for your Twin Flame this week, and to feel the Light of the Divine Mother growing ever stronger in your heart.
For those of you who are at an advanced level of Kundalini Awakening, please send your orgasmic light (if you feel called and safe) to transmute these serpents of limitation. And bring forth more Golden Light and love to Gaia.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Dr. Amanda Noelle, Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps stellar spiritual women attract their Twin Flames at light speed so they can carry out large soul purposes and birth Starchildren.
What Is a Karmic Soulmate? Five Signs of Karmic Soulmates
A karmic soulmate is a person who shares some sort of karmic attachment, energetic tie, or psychic agreement with you. It may be based on a past life, where you have energetics bleeding through from past lives that need to be resolved in this lifetime. Romantic karmic soulmate encounters can be very intense: very pleasurable, but often very disastrous, and can be confused with a Twin Flame relationship. They indeed often go from hot steamy romance and connection, to heartache and disappointment.
There are all kinds of karmic relationships, and some are romantic and others are Platonic (non-erotic love). There is usually an intensity common to karmic soulmate relationships, regardless of their romantic or Platonic nature. It can be a good feeling of intensity or love, or an unpleasant one. Here are the top five signs of the karmic soulmate, so that you don’t find yourself deep down the karmic soulmate rabbit hole.
Five signs of of a karmic soulmate:
1) He or she feels unusually familiar from the start
2) There is a strong attraction from the start, and perhaps even a confusing one that can be both push-pull, or even a repulsion type of attraction
3) There are huge lessons to be learned with the karmic soulmate
4) You have had a past life or multiple past lives together
5) There are non-romantic elements to the karmic soulmate lessons, such as business, sexuality lessons, finances, self-worth, beauty, etc.
How do you tell if someone is your Twin Flame, or just a karmic soulmate? Not all karmic soulmates are romantic agreements. “Soulmates” are simply people Spirit attracts to you to teach you a lesson to help your soul evolution. This can be a business soulmate, parent, child, friend, etc. Romantic karmic soulmates often hold an intensity brought through from past lives that can bring up a lot of childhood pain, abuse, neglect, fear, abandonment issues. There certainly can often be heartbreak associated with romantic karmic soulmates! The grief brought in by a karmic soulmate is not meant to be punishment or retribution; it’s meant to be healed and cleared. It is helpful to get healing and professional
support if you meet a karmic soulmate or Twin Flame Counterfeit if there is deep heartbreak. Twin Flame Runner and Twin Flame Matchmaker are in a sense always karmic soulmates to each other but in a healthy, wholesome, and supportive way. Regardless of whether or not the Twin Flame is real or false, it feels like Twin Flame Love, which is your own Twin Flame Love! Twin Flame separation and Twin Flame anxiety can be downright painful! To heal from a karmic soulmate, you need to end the attachment and contract agreement, which can be done either as a conscious and empowered decision, in meditation, or with a Twin Flame expert/intuitive.
Dr. Amanda Noelle, Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps stellar spiritual women swiftly manifest their Twin Flame.
What Is Pussy Power? PU$$Y Power and Origins of the Word Pussy
There is an ancient secret power that resides deep inside every woman…
And meow Priestess, is it sexxxxxy, powerful, and priceless!
Pussy Power is an eternal Sacred Feminine energy. In this article, I’ll do my best define the term “Pussy Power,” which goes way beyond modern history…
We’ll look at the etymology of the word to understand its ancient and deeper meanings. I’ll also share a few secrets and exercises to get your Pussy Power revved up!
The Ancient Origin of the Word Pussy
Did you know that the origin of the word ‘pussy’ goes way back before Donald Trump’s use of the word “Pussy?”
Unknown to most, the word pussy likely comes from Ancient Egypt.
The Egyptians revered and honored cats, and considered them divine.
Pussy comes from the the name Pasht, who was the ancient Egyptian cat goddess. Some say that Pasht was Isis’ spirit guide. Isis was the Great Goddess of fertility, love, and sensuality.
Therefore, Pussy is derivation of “spirit guide to the Great Goddess.”
Here are some fun facts about Pasht:
- Pasht is also referred to by other names such as: Pacht, Past, Pasch, Bast, Basstet, Bubastis, Ubast, Ubasti, and Ailuros.
- Pasht aka Bast is identified as “the soul of Isis,” or as Ba-en-Aset.
- Pasht/Bast is considered a patron of both the sun and the moon, a patron Goddess of women like the Mother Goddess Isis.
- She is the guardian of that which is hidden as well as secrets.
- Depictions of Pasht/Bast include a black cat or white cat, and cat-headed woman. Meow!
- She is also considered the daughter of the Sun God Ra.
What if we were to think of Isis as not just a deity, but as a symbol of the Divine Feminine that is meant to be awakened within every woman?
In that case, pussy in a sense means “Spirit guide of each woman.”
Perhaps you are looking for Pussy Powered spirit guidance that comes from your yoni?
That’s why I teach women how to listen to the inherent wisdom stored within their pussies so they can think, act, relate, love, and speak from their pleasure centers.
What Is PU$$Y Power?
Pussy Power, which I often spell “PU$$Y Power” to emphasize Isis (ISIS = $$ if you put it together), includes not only your vagina in her mechanics, spirit, and orgasmic glory, but also includes the:
- vulva
- labia (inner and outer lips)
- cervix
- fallopian tubes
- ovaries
- womb
- and the procreative matrix, what I call the “Pussy Portal” or 7th Gate.
Pussy Power is the essence of your passion, purpose, and your pleasure, and when you tap into it, you can attract your heart’s (and pussy’s) desires.
This includes birthing a child, or birthing anything into being–such as artwork, your Sacred Union (what I call Twin Flame Union), money, a home, a business (what I call “bli$$ness” if you do it the Feminine way), etc.
Pussy Power is the essence of the Divine Feminine Vortex of Creation.
Within your womb lies a wisdom and force that is a primal and eternal. Your PU$$Y Power is made up of the pure pleasure of the Goddess…
When you’re turned on in your PU$$Y Power, it’s like petting a purring cat–she will not lie about her pleasure! She purrs with authenticity, and if you touch her in a way she doesn’t like, she’ll run away, or even give you a swat!
The pleasure from your Pussy Power is generated, received, and transmitted in the entire female body, and it’s not only related to sexual energy, it’s related to anything having to do with creation from the etheric world into the physical world that we live in, from Heaven to Earth.
PU$$Y Power is a priceless life-force that can help you attract anything you want: a romantic partner, more money, an improved living situation, and anything your heart or your favorite body part desires.
Anatomically, PU$$Y Power is generated from the access points such as the clit, the G-spot, and the center of the womb (the Pussy Portal) and is moved upward through the chakras and Kundalini pathways, as well as downward into the earth.
Your PU$$Y Power Is What Bridges Heaven AND Earth.
It is energetically an attractive energy, as well as a nurturing one. Imagine a bee flying to the nectar of the flower.
That’s why Pussy Power is a force that can attract what you want if you’re focusing on that with intention…
However, when not properly open or empowered, your Pussy Power can attract psychic attacks, dark energy, unwanted energy, or even rape and abuse…
A healthy flower exudes am attractive nectar to attract the bees. Her attractive energy is balanced by her own sources of natural pesticides to keep her safe from the wrong critters. Your PU$$Y Power works the same way.
Get Over Your Shame and Fear of Your PU$$Y!
Shame and fear is the #1 thing that blocks Your Pussy Power.
Why be afraid of this deep and beautiful wisdom within you? Say “OMGoddess, I have a perfect pussy, and I have PU$$Y Power!”
Why don’t they teach women this in sex-ed?!
Unfortunately, women have been taught to fear the Divine Feminine; religious followers have been indoctrinated with patriarchal values. Further, I’d argue that the majority of religions today teach women to see themselves as sinners if they awaken their PU$$Y Power.
How can a woman relinquish the fears instilled in her from birth around her PU$$Y Power? Oh, and a hundred past lives too! Yes, all women have been programed to fear our Divine birthright as women.
Everything in the universe is comprised of the same energy… there is only The One.
The pussy represents the most feminine and childlike aspect of oneness. She is: tender, pink, vulnerable, high-vibrational, and absorbent.
When in balance, the pussy represents bliss that is akin to the magical inner child.
Ironically, we think of having a pussy and Pussy Power as being mature and adult, which it can be… But Pussy power sits upon a foundation that is tender and sweet like a little girl.
Your Pussy Power is not only powerful, but connected to the element water, to the emotions, and to sacred vulnerability. That’s why as a woman it’s important to tend to your emotions, your intimate relationships with self and others, and to maintain a deep intimate connection with the Earth, the Feminine, and The Creator.
For more Pussy Power secrets, click the video 6 Pussy Power Secrets to Discovering and Recovering Your Yoni Power! HERE:
Yet so often women are taught to be and act like men who run a more masculine energy. We are supposed to ignore our emotions and suppress them to fit into work situations, and even into romantic ones.
Perhaps this is because women had to fight for so long–to gain the vote, gain equal rights, and be protected from violence.
So many of my clients and readers tell me they often feel unsafe. This is why I teach women how to clear out their Pussy Power from past incidents and beliefs that caused them to shut down their emotions, and why my work often involves reawakening the inner child.
Right away, you can start taking action to awaken your Pussy Power through the magical inner child. Painting, singing, playing, dancing, or a trip to the amusement park all support this initiative!
Post in the comments below which of the 3 secrets you liked most, and what you’re committed to doing with your Pussy Power Awakening process!
Good luck girls, go to it, get your P-Power on, and enjoy every molecule and moment… It’s an important part of your mission in becoming a Twin Flame, a healer, a leader, and High-Healed Priestess.
Dr. Amanda Noelle is the Twin Flame Matchmaker helping single spiritual women attract their Twin Flames to create stellar families and Starchildren.