How to Pick a New Paradigm Niche for Your Conscious Small Business

How to Pick a New Paradigm Niche for Your Conscious Small Business

I have discovered the coolest and weirdest business niche ever! It’s something that I would have never thought of, because it doesn’t exist yet (to my knowledge) and it’s even hard to explain. But it’s working, it’s what’s been bringing me clients and growing my near 6-figure BLI$$ness this year, and I believe I’ve discovered the Holy Grail secret to picking a niche for your spiritual business!

Everyone knows that without a niche, it usually takes years longer to fill your healing practice or small business. But most people I see starting off in their businesses, especially spiritual healers, have a really really tough time picking a niche without feeling like they’re wiping out a part of their soul. Luckily for me, I started off in my work as the Twin Flame Matchmaker, because I’d done Law of Attraction matchmaking for free so many times. As a spiritual matchmaker, I teach women how to clarify what they want in a romantic relationship, and to immediately attract it using psychic tools, the Law of Attraction, magic, and what I call PU$$Y Power. The work that I do has helped hundreds of women fall in love with themselves and attract their Twin Flames, and a few little Starchildren have even been born because of it! Check out the video here to see one of my true Twin Flame matchmaking stories that might melt your heart:

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My matchmaking BLI$$ness pretty much skyrocketed from the start, and overnight I became a successful business owner. Being a kick-ass matchmaker, I was surprised that I somehow naturally attracted a new wave of female clients who needed coaching on their businesses too, as part of a preparation phase for their Twin Flame relationship.

twin flame priestessWhat I learned more recently is that my “matchmaking magic” works for anything, and particularly works well for BLI$$preneurs who are seeking their “soulmate clients.” And that there is a niche for women who need both soulmate clients and their Twin Flame, and that these two answers I provide are really connected to the same core piece of resurrecting the Divine Feminine, connecting to your PU$$Y Power so that you can attract anything you want.

What Are Soulmate Clients?

Soulmate Clients Are in Your Soul-Family Tree

Soulmate Clients Are in Your Soul-Family Tree

Soulmate clients are people in your soul family that you have a soul contract with to teach, heal, and love them in exchange for Love Buck$! All of my clients are soulmate clients, and it makes working feel like bliss and not business. Soul-targeting your soulmate clients is a much faster way that doing traditional marketing, branding, and niching.

My soulmate clients need both Twin Flame attraction, and  support as High-Healed Priestesses entrepreneurs. That’s why I keep inevitably teaching about both topics: Twin Flame matchmaking and soulmate client matchmaking for

divine feminine love6-figure BLI$$nesses (business + bliss + big bucks), which seems random from a business perspective! Like a niche created by someone who did one too many pink Jello shots.

Yet I’ve discovered that for us women healers, these two topics go hand-in-hand: you can’t master Twin Flame attraction until you master soulmate client attraction, and vice versa. Because when we make our income off of healing energy exchanges with our soul family, it makes us whole, healed, sexy, empowered, abundant, wealthy, and blissful. This prepares us for our Twin Flames.Twin Flame Love

What’s interesting is that my soul purpose within soulmate client matchmaking has to do with matching female healers with their female clients. 99% of the time my clients want to work primarily with women clients, like I do.  So, in a way, I am weaving a web of women, soul sisters from around the world, who are part of a grand soul family.

Plus we are also Twin Flame ambassadors. Thus, through our BLI$$ness networks, we’ll be exchanging money from one Twin Flame High Priestess to the next, and creating a sort of “New Girls Network” (a spoof on the Old Boys Network) and new Divine Feminine based economy, which is really exciting for me! It’s time for Mama Gaia to have powerful women who deeply love and care for her to take charge. No more of this funny violence, greed, corruption, pollution, evil stuff! The High-Healed Priestesses are taking our power back and building a Heaven on Earth paradigm.

Looks like I am going to have to tweak my brand AGAIN to include the BLI$$ness stuff back, as it’s showing up in my coaching no matter how much I try not to (because you’re “supposed to pick just one niche” in business. Blah!). Well, I have just one niche now: it combines two seemingly different things that I feel need to be married together: Twin Flame matchmaking and soulmate client matchmaking, and I love it!

Once we learn to receive like a goddesses, manifest magic like a High Priestesses, and take action like queens, we can create ANYTHING we want in our life. It’s the path of the High-Healed Priestess.

Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps stellar spiritual BLI$$preneurs create successful 6-figure healing BLI$$nesses that align them for swift Twin Flame attraction. 

Dr Amanda Noelle

Six Reasons Men (and You) Fear Your Divine Feminine Bliss

Six Reasons Men (and You) Fear Your Divine Feminine Bliss

Thanks for stopping by!  I’m Dr. Amanda Noelle, the BLI$$ness Coach, helping High-Healed Priestesses turn their bliss into 6-Figure BLI$$nesses that heal the planet. And I’d like to tell you why men and your own Divine Masculine aspect have been fearing your Divine Feminine bliss for the past…oh, several thousand years!

Divine Feminine bliss is the scariest thing on the planet. Boo!  Don’t you fear, doubt, and at some times hate your own Divine Feminine bliss?  I know I do on some level.  I know that’s why High Priestesses got kicked out of Egypt thousands of years ago to create a world and civilizations dominated by men at war, in the most ickiest of ways. Greed, war, financial and political systems that screwed women over completely, and many men too.  The raw, robust, alive power of Divine Feminine bliss has gotten us women into trouble in the past, which is why we subconsciously fear death if we follow our bliss. It’s also why we went through many lifetimes of witch burnings and persecution and why we’ve been kicked out of The Temple (in most all religions worldwide, collectively I call this “The Temple” but it also relates to the Temple of Solomon that was once based on a Sacred Feminine site).

Divine Feminine BlissThe Divine Feminine is bad, the Patriarchy is good, it is God. What!? That’s what we were programmed with for the past 5,000ish years, and it’s only now that we’re really waking up to the BS (belief systems/bullshit) that we’ve been living by.

We’ve been taught to fear our Divine Femininity: our bliss, our beauty, female intuition, and even our own bodies, especially our vaginas. Our own gorgeous vaginas! What the f#c&!  Why in heaven’s name have we been raised with this mashugana, this total distorted brainwashing (and even PU$$Y washing, which is why Summer’s Eve Douche tries to tell you your sacred temple needs some chemicals up there), this dis-ease that has disempowered us from our own sacred feminine treasures and bliss? It’s so unsexy, and it’s caused a lot of healers, high priestesses, and spiritual men – and really all of us – unnecessary pain by this raping and abuse of the Divine Feminine.  Thank Goddess this backwards era is coming to an end and we Vaginas can take over again (or at least share the planet with our Twin Flame/equal men!)

Men (and you) are afraid of Divine Feminine bliss for the following 6 reasons. I am not saying they don’t love it and adore it and even go crazy over it. They do! But there’s a lot of healing we have to do in our businesses and with our own masculine and around being seen with men. So I share this list with you:

  • Power is scary The Divine Feminine is a very powerful force, and power is powerful, which makes the parts of us that don’t feel powerful want to run and hide.
  • Men are envious of our procreative power Men have been envious of the Divine Feminine gifts that we women hold, and that’s natural because we are indeed amazing, but we haven’t set a boundary being like “Yo men, we’re awesome, and you are jealous about that, but it’s not our fault so go deal with it and create something awesome with your Divine Masculine amazingness.”
  • Your goddess energy makes him crazy Divine Feminine energies can make men go crazy; their lust and desires for it can make them feel out of control, so to some men this arousing property in women is very intimidating, scary.
  • He’s angry at his mama The Divine Feminine power has made men very angry at their mothers for creating life (their life) and then for the separation from that life; whereas girls can create life at some point and are always in a womb vibration because we have wombs.  That is why birthing has been so painful instead of ecstatic, when birthing should be and can be ecstatic.  The guilt carried by women in our wombs for being so magical and powerful needs to stop, and we need to start being proud of our magic again.
  • His vibration is slower than yours Females have an energetic vibration of 140 beats/second, while men have a vibration of only 40 beats; when in utero we all have a vibration of 240 beats through our pregnant mothers’ high vibrations.  The separation process from mother can be more traumatic for boys for this reason. The boys grow up and become men but they haven’t resolved this inner conflict and are often holding subconscious anger towards the Feminine for abandoning him. This is why many men abandon women over and over again, and why many women fear abandonment with men.

Men, you are awesome, we need you.  But/and we cannot sit around feeling guilty all the time for the fact that you can’t birth life and that your energy runs differently from ours. We do need you, we are lonely without you and you do so many things for us.  Your energy is very grounding and we’d love your support. But we are no longer willing to pay the price by subduing ourselves, numbing out our Feminine Energy, blocking our sacred sexuality, or trying to become like you.  Finally, we’re not sorry that we’re hot mamas, sexy tantrickas, spiritual-intuitives, and part of the sacred mystery of creation (and so are you, we need your seed)!  We honor your gifts and your abilities, and now it’s our time that you honor ours.  We hope you understand.  We love you, we hold you, and we’re not doing it as martyrs but as enlightened High-Heal Priestesses who expect the best and who are willing to wait until you can join us for this amazing Twin Flame dance party of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine bliss on the sacred Gaian dance floor.

Women, we gotta own our bliss! Grab onto our PU$$Y Power! Hold your O-balls (ovaries)!! Let’s start rebuilding The Divine Feminine Temple again so there’s a space for men and women to co-create together. We must start with rebuilding the Divine Feminine Temple without men as the center and it may take focusing on women at first to ground and stabilize the Feminine frequency.

With our Divine Feminine bliss, we must tap into our wealth consciousness, and our financial power. Honestly, how blissful can a woman be if she’s traveling in hostels or Motel 6s while on her bliss mission? I’m leaving on a jet plane for Italy next month to follow my bliss, and it was the scariest decision I had to make because there was so much energy saying that if I followed my bliss something bad would happen, my business would fail, I would lose money, I would be stuck in a bad situation… But I chose to go anyway to show my HHPs (High-Healed Priestesses) that they absolutely must start owning their Divine Feminine bliss and there are no excuses anymore!

Be a beacon of bliss, be the bliss temple, the ecstasy, and in doing so you will heal all the past generations of persecution and pain in all of your past ancestors and soulmates, and future ancestors and future soul mates. And of course of your Beloved Twin Flame.