What’s the Difference Between Twin Flames, Soulmates, and Karmic Soulmates?

What’s the Difference Between Twin Flames, Soulmates, and Karmic Soulmates?

What’s difference between karmic soulmate and Twin Flame soulmates

Soulmates, Twin Flames, and Karmic Relationships. What's the Difference?

Have you ever wondered if there’s really a difference between a “Twin Flame,” a “soulmate,” or a “Karmic Soulmate?”

I know I have… And with all the varying opinions out there, it can be super confusing…

How do we make sense of all this conscious relationship jargon?!

The term “Twin Flame” has been a trending buzz word, and there’s a deluge of content coming out on the web, in books, and in the world. Yet the Twin Flame concept is not new age, and stems back before Adam and Eve, for it is based on quantum physics and polarity, what the Eastern mystics called yin and yang.

Today  there is a lot of confusion around the difference between Twin Flames, soulmates, and Karmic Soulmates. I have been amidst the confusion, and I believe we’re all waking up in this dream together.

The video above is aimed to help you get clarity on the terms, and to inspire your Twin Flame awakening…

Experiencing Twin Flame Love is like tasting the nectar of the god/goddess.

However, just because you are having a Twin Flame Love awakening experience with someone, it does NOT mean that he or she is your Twin Flame. This person might just be your “Twinspiration,” or someone who is calling this energy out of you. This can be a Karmic Soulmate or other type of soulmate (a friend even!).

Love knows no limits.

While it can be useful to know the difference between different types of soulmate categories, I urge you to ask deeper and more important questions as well, such as “What does true love feel like?” or “What does Twin Flame Love mean to me?”

There are some that believe you must understand the Twin Flame Theory in order to obtain your ultimate soulmate. However, others believe that love is love, no matter what you call it.

Interestingly, I once interviewed a former client, who stated the importance of using the term Twin Flame vs. soulmate. She said that she almost immediately called in her Twin Flame once she started using the term “Twin Flame” instead of  “soulmate.” They moved in quickly, got married, and have a daughter.

Isn’t it time you called in your Twin Flame?

I’m hosting an upcoming webinar to support you in calling in true love once and for all. 

Announcing… “Bring in Your Beloved Now: Avoid the 3 Tragic Mistakes That Keep Smart Women Single, Lonely, and Heartbroken.”

A masterclass training. Free of charge. It’s happening soon, and there are limited spots available – I invite you to sign up here.

What Is Feminine Energy?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...

Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.

How to Heal From and Never Attract a False Twin Flame Again

How to Heal From and Never Attract a False Twin Flame Again

false twin flameYour false Twin Flame is a actually gift. While I know that a Twin Flame Counterfeit (as I call it) can bring up some of your biggest $h%t, he or she can also catalyze some of your biggest SHIFTS.

Your Twin Flame Counterfeit is a mere reflection of you. Or more accurately, he or she is a mirror reflection of you–helping you mirror those tricky blindspots so you can see where you must absolutely love yourself.

There are no mistakes within the Twin Flame Mirror, the mirror of love that reflects back to you how close you are to deep self-love.

I have helped hundreds of my clients to call in their Twin Flames, and almost every single one of them has gone through some sort of a harrowing situation with a false Twin Flame. It almost seems like a Twin Flame Attraction initiation rite!

Your Twin Flame is simply a mirror of your own self-love.  So you may want to ask yourself, why did I attract this false Twin Flame?

I know it is not easy, it can be excruciatingly painful, humiliating, and very confusing. But you didn’t sign up for a life of easy and boring, at least not on the soul level!

Every fairytale has it’s goblins and evil queens. These energies get stuck to our Twin Flame mirrors and cause us to attract distortions of who we truly are.

The key to attracting your true Twin Flame vs a false Twin Flame or a Karmic Soulmate is that you must clear out all the Twin Flame Love Blocks that stop you from fully embracing yourself with the deepest Divine Love.

Divine Love is the glue that brings you and your Twin Flame so close to the mirror that you merge with your divine mirror.

You become one with your Twin Flame when you become one with your two inner halves.

To reunite with our Twin Flame, we are required to merge our polar halves of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. The Divine Feminine corresponds to emotions, emotional intelligence, ocean waves of energy that arrive with unpredictability, chaos, improvisation, and flow. The Divine Masculine corresponds to the mind, intellect, linear energy, predictability, organization, structure, and planning.

The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are truly reflections of each other and cannot exist without each other. They are meant to be separate as much as they are meant to merge. There truly is no separation, only the illusion of separation.false twin flame

Twin Flames are not really halves of the same soul at all–they’re much more than this. They are two full expressions of love expressed in the mirror. They are Twin Flame mirrors of the whole soul. They reflect the Divine Union of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine counterparts. They reflect each other (not necessarily expressed as a male and female, as Twins can certainly be same-sex) in their same and polar-opposite aspects.

Why did you attract your Twin Flame Counterfeit–that false Twin Flame who is keeping you up at night crying yourself to sleep? You did it for the lessons of love. Deep divine love never leaves you or abandoned you, but you have in some small or perhaps not-so-small way, abandoned yourself. The golden opportunity of pain from a false Twin Flame is to heal this spot, the area that has perhaps long been abandoned. By lovers, parents, ancestors, and by your soul in many lifetimes.

Maybe you didn’t read the signs of the false Twin Flame and so you hit a massive Dark Night of the Soul. Yet such experiences allow us to reclaim parts of ourselves. By looking in the Twin Flame mirror at yourself when you are in the heartache or pain, you are allowed to fully focus on you. On picking yourself up. On loving the inner child. While this time may be tender, you are actually not heartbroken: you are heart broken OPEN!

twin flame coachWithout this crevice in your heart, the light couldn’t shine through.

It is the role of the false Twin Flame to bring up your greatest fears around Twin Flame Separation. By cracking open your heart, you feel the deep separation of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within your soul. You feel the deep separation of your Divine Self (I AM Self) and your human self. You feel this mirroring through many aspects of your life. It brings up the separation you feel from your community. The separation you felt as a child from certain family members. It brings up traumas and pains that may seem unrelated to the Twin Flame topic.

Truly, everything in our worlds relates to us, as we are the center of our own universe. You are the beautiful central axis of your Youniverse, despite what we are taught to believe.  If you are not at the core of you, who is?

Unfortunately, so many people–women especially–are taught to deny themselves of a self. This has become a generational pattern that creates mental imbalances, mental illnesses, physical ailments, genetic diseases, and spiritual disconnects.

Without finding the self first, you will not find your Twin Flame.

imageWe each have a self. We each need a self. We have been gifted this self from God/the Universe, and when we deny it and try to replace it with the love of another: a lover, a family member, a church member, a leader, a guru etc., we cannot experience the truest joy and divine bliss.

You are at the center of the atom. You are the neutron, with your arms being the Divine Feminine (electron) and the Divine masculine (proton). Your heart is that neutron, that neutral energy, and at the center of the heart lies the self. You cannot take the self away from the self, but you can deny it and forget it. But your self is alway there.

By falling in love with your self, you bring the gift to the world of an awakened one. You become the Beloved who can heal the planet starting at her own heart.

Here is a video to help you identify the signs of a false Twin Flame aka Twin Flame Countefeit:

To your awakened and opened heart.

All my love,

Dr. Amanda Noelle

The Twin Flame Matchmaker

What Is the Origin of the Twin Flame Love Theory?

What Is the Origin of the Twin Flame Love Theory?

Origin of the Twin Flame Love Theory

In my recent article post, How Do I know if my Partner is my Twin Flame?, I talk about the many signs that your partner is your Twin Flame or symptoms that they’re not.  I also mention that the concept of Twin Flames is not a new one, and that in his Symposium, Plato speaks of the ancient concept that Twin Flames are literally the other half of the human soul that has incarnated into a form of another, and the reason why we all have the desire to meet our soulmate (most of us do anyway). Here’s an interesting and at least entertaining read about soulmate love from our favorite Greek philosopher. Click here for my video: What is a Twin Flame? to get a better understanding of the Twin Flame theory:

[fvplayer src=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTlYNs1Q658′]


Aristophanes’s Speech from Plato’s Symposium

Translated by Benjamin Jowett from Collected Works of Plato, 4th Edition, Oxford U. Press, 1953 (189c-189d) p 520 to (193d-193e) p 525

Aristophanes professed to open another vein of discourse; he had a mind to praise Love in another way, unlike that of either Pausanias or Eryximachus. Mankind, he said, judging by their neglect of him, have never, as I think, at all understood the power of Love. For if they had understood him they would surely have built noble temples and altars, and offered solemn sacrifices in his honour; but this is not done, and most certainly ought to be done: since of all the gods he is the best friend of men, the helper and the healer of the ills which are the great impediment to the happiness of the race. I will try to describe his power to you, and you shall teach the rest of the world what I am teaching you.

In the first place, let me treat of the nature of man and what has happened to it. The original human nature was not like the present, but different. The sexes were not two as they are now, but originally three in number; there was man, woman, and the union of the two, of which the name survives but nothing else. Once it was a distinct kind, with a bodily shape and a name of its own, constituted by the union of the male and the female: but now only the word ‘androgynous’ is preserved, and that as a term of reproach.

In the second place, the primeval man was round, his back and sides forming a circle; and he had four hands and the same number of feet, one head with two faces, looking opposite ways, set on a round neck and precisely alike; also four ears, two privy members, and the remainder to correspond. He could walk upright as men now do, backwards or forwards as he pleased, and he could also roll over and over at a great pace, turning on his four hands and four feet, eight in all, like tumblers going over and over with their legs in the air; this was when he wanted to run fast.

Now the sexes were three, and such as I have described them; because the sun, moon, and earth are three; and the man was originally the child of the sun, the woman of the earth, and the man-woman of the moon, which is made up of sun and earth, and they were all round and moved round and round because they resembled their parents. Terrible was their might and strength, and the thoughts of their hearts were great, and they made an attack upon the gods; of them is told the tale of Otys and Ephialtes who, as Homer says, attempted to scale heaven, and would have laid hands upon the gods.

Doubt reigned in the celestial councils. Should they kill them and annihilate the race with thunderbolts, as they had done the giants, then there would be an end of the sacrifices and worship which men offered to them; but, on the other hand, the gods could not suffer their insolence to be unrestrained. At last, after a good deal of reflection, Zeus discovered a way.

He said: ‘Methinks I have a plan which will enfeeble their strength and so extinguish their turbulence; men shall continue to exist, but I will cut them in two and then they will be diminished in strength and increased in numbers; this will have the advantage of making them more profitable to us. They shall walk upright on two legs, and if they continue insolent and will not be quiet, I will split them again and they shall hop about on a single leg.’

Twin Flame LoveHe spoke and cut men in two, like a sorb-apple which is halved for pickling, or as you might divide an egg with a hair; and as he cut them one after another, he bade Apollo give the face and the half of the neck a turn in order that man might contemplate the section of himself: he would thus learn a lesson of humility. Apollo was also bidden to heal their wounds and compose their forms. So he gave a turn to the face and pulled the skin from the sides all over that which in our language is called the belly, like the purses which draw tight, and he made one mouth at the centre, which he fastened in a knot (the same which is called the navel); he also moulded the breast and took out most of the wrinkles, much as a shoemaker might smooth leather upon a last; he left a few, however, in the region of the belly and navel, as a memorial of the primeval state.

After the division the two parts of man, each desiring his other half, came together, and throwing their arms about one another, entwined in mutual embraces, longing to grow into one, they began to die from hunger and self-neglect, because they did not like to do anything apart; and when one of the halves died and the other survived, the survivor sought another mate, man or woman as we call them,–being the sections of entire men or women,–and clung to that.

Thus they were being destroyed, when Zeus in pity invented a new plan: he turned the parts of generation round to the front, for this had not been always their position, and they sowed the seed no longer as hitherto like grasshoppers in the ground, but in one another; and after the transposition the male generated in the female in order that by the mutual embraces of man and woman they might breed, and the race might continue; or if man came to man they might be satisfied, and rest, and go their ways to the business of life. So ancient is the desire of one another which is implanted in us, reuniting our original nature, seeking to make one of two, and to heal the state of man.

Each of us when separated, having one side only, like a flat fish, is but the tally-half of a man, and he is always looking for his other half. Men who are a section of that double nature which was once called androgynous are lovers of women; adulterers are generally of this breed, and also adulterous women who lust after men. The women who are a section of the woman do not care for men, but have female attachments; the female companions are of this sort. But they who are a section of the male follow the male, and while they are young, being slices of the original man, they have affection for men and embrace them, and these are the best of boys and youths, because they have the most manly nature.twin flame 2014

Some indeed assert that they are shameless, but this is not true; for they do not act thus from any want of shame, but because they are valiant and manly, and have a manly countenance, and they embrace that which is like them. And these when they grow up become our statesmen, and these only, which is a great proof of the truth of what I am saying. When they reach manhood they are lovers of youth, and are not naturally inclined to marry or beget children,–if at all, they do so only in obedience to custom; but they are satisfied if they may be allowed to live with one another unwedded;

Leonardo da Vinci Twin Flame

Is Leo showing us a clue here of Plato’s Twin Flame concept?

And such a nature is prone to love and ready to return love, always embracing that which is akin to him. And when one of them meets with his other half, the actual half of himself, whether he be a lover of youth or a lover of another sort, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy, and one will not be out of the other’s sight, as I may say, even for a moment: these are the people who pass their whole lives together, and yet they could not explain what they desire of one another. For the intense yearning which each of them has towards the other does not appear to be the desire of lover’s intercourse, but of something else which the soul of either evidently desires and cannot tell, and of which she has only a dark and doubtful presentiment.

Suppose Hephaestus, with his instruments, to come to the pair who are lying side by side and to say to them, ‘What do you mortals want of one another?’

They would be unable to explain. And suppose further, that when he saw their perplexity he said: ‘Do you desire to be wholly one; always day and night in one another’s company? for if this is what you desire, I am ready to melt and fuse you together, so that being two you shall become one, and while you live live a common life as if you were a single man, and after your death in the world below still be one departed soul, instead of two–I ask whether this is what you lovingly desire and whether you are satisfied to attain this?’–

There is not a man of them who when he heard the proposal would deny or would not acknowledge that this meeting and melting into one another, this becoming one instead of two, was the very expression of his ancient need.

twin flame angelAnd the reason is that human nature was originally one and we were a whole, and the desire and pursuit of the whole is called love. There was a time, I say, when we were one, but now because of the wickedness of mankind God has dispersed us, as the Arcadians were dispersed into villages by the Lacedaemonians. And if we are not obedient to the gods, there is a danger that we shall be split up again and go about in basso-relievo, like the profile figures showing only one half the nose which are sculptured on monuments, and that we shall be like tallies.

Wherefore let us exhort all men to piety in all things, that we may avoid evil and obtain the good, taking Love for our leader and commander.
Let no one oppose him–he is the enemy of the gods who opposes him. For if we are friends of God and at peace with him we shall find our own true loves, which rarely happens in this world at present. I am serious, and therefore I must beg Eryximachus not to make fun or to find any allusion in what I am saying to Pausanias and Agathon, who, as I suspect, are both of the manly nature, and belong to the class which I have been describing. But my words have a wider application–they include men and women everywhere; and I believe that if our loves were perfectly accomplished, and each one returning to his primeval nature had his original true love, then our race would be happy. And if this would be best of all, the best in the next degree must in present circumstances be the nearest approach to such a union; and that will be the attainment of a congenial love.

love and gratitude Wherefore, if we would praise him who has given to us the benefit, we must praise the god Love, who is our greatest benefactor, both leading us in this life back to our own nature, and giving us high hopes for the future, for he promises that if we are pious, he will restore us to our original state, and heal us and make us happy and blessed.

This, Eryximachus, is my discourse of love, which, although different to yours, I must beg you to leave unassailed by the shafts of your ridicule, in order that each may have his turn; each, or rather either, for Agathon and Socrates are the only ones left.

Four Hot Tips to Boost the Law of Attraction to Attract Your Soulmate

Four Hot Tips to Boost the Law of Attraction to Attract Your Soulmate

Applying Twin Flame Law of Attraction to attract your Twin Flame or soulmate is great, but you can’t do it using Twin Flame affirmations, visualization and energy work alone. Mr. or Ms. Right won’t show up up on your doorstep unless you put in a little effort in the ‘real world’ too. Here are four sizzling hot tips to help you meet your Twin Flame fast by playing big, bold, and fearlessly in your Twin Flame dating world!

Tip Number One: Just get the F$%k out There!twin flame coach

I know you might not want to face it, but you’ve gotta start taking action and get moving, shaking, and dating if you haven’t been lately. The molecules should be dancing and spinning at an ‘I am dating and ready!’ frequency in order for  your Twin Flame to arrive in your world. We High-Healed Priestesses can often get lazy when it comes to dating because we get stuck in the spiritual world and often hide there. We make vision boards, write our Twin Flame affirmations, and never get around to actually dating…

Who cares if you’re pretty, popular, or perfect? You deserve love now because you are a Divine creation of the Creator!

Take bold little steps every day. For instance, when you’re in line at the grocery store and like someone, casually chat with him/her. Or even ask him out! Flirt with people by asking them where they got their clothes. Men often like really dumb questions, so don’t get hung up on the words. A simple smile often will do to get things started.

One of my favorite pick up lines that really works is saying this word with a smile: “Hi!”

twin flame reincarnationMy friend Rhea needed to snag her crush before he walked out of the door on the night we did her Twin Flame activation ritual (we were in a pub and it seemed as if her crush was going to leave soon). I told her to run up to him fast and talk to him, and suggested she ask him something random. So she asked him if he was from Texas. He said No, he was from Sweden! Flattered by her bravery, it was love at first sight, they moved in together within a few weeks, and it made one of my favorite Twin Flame success stories success stories!

What do you have to lose? Be bold and playful. Ask him/her to ask you out. Joke and use physical touch to get his attention, even just a little pat on the back or graze of your hand on his. Men love being lightly showered with touch and attention, as do women!

Approach your fears online if it calls you

Ain’t no shame in going cyber-lovin’! Go Twin Flame online dating if you haven’t tried it lately and you feel open to it. A lot of women resist online dating, but a whopping one third of U.S. married couples met online!  This third may not be you just because you decide to hit up the internet for a few dates. If you totally don’t resonate with online dating, just go onto one of the websites and “shop” for men as an exercise, women always get a giggle from this at least, and it puts us in a dating energy. You may browse OK Cupid and not even have to go on an actual date there to meet your soulmate, but the cyber dating energy can be good. It’ll help you get out there, out of your head, possibly out of your house, and back in the dating pool again if it’s been a while.  I’ve heard of some women signing up on spiritual dating sites and then randomly meeting their spiritual partner offline a few days later because they put the energy out there!

Resistance to Success: Online Dating Success Storytwin flame love

My client Jenna hadn’t been on a date in over 6 years. Though she was an amazing goddess–smart, bright, successful, beautiful, and loved to travel, she’d hit a bad heartbreak and then a rut. Before that, she’d dated a slew of bad boyz who didn’t honor the amazingness that she is. She was so super resistant to going online dating, but I told her to get over it and just try it out. So, we worked together on getting her on *a date* to get her back into “dating shape.” So she posted her profile on OKcupid.com, and within a week she’d dated two really great guys!  Her skin glowed, her confidence started coming back, and she felt sexy again. Guess what happened? Within only a few short weeks, she met handsome Seth, her awesome soulmate/Twin Flame partner and they lived pretty darn happily ever after, and have two gorgeous Starchildren.

Moral of the story: get online asap, even using Facebook as your safe playground. Especially if you haven’t tried online dating, or if you have been dateless for more than a year. Try out a new site if you have been glued to the same one and haven’t been getting results. Start taking action, it’ll get the energy moving.

Various clients and friends of mine who have been through a dating dry spell will initially get online as a tool to get the juices flowing. Then, with boosted confidence, they’ll randomly meet a guy at the coffee shop, or notice someone at work and end up dating offline, thinking “Why haven’t I met him before!?” Boys attract more boys through the Law of Male Competition.  Everyone wants a queen bee. Moral of the story: online dating breeds more dating! Get out there and try it out.

how do i find my soulmate

Bottom line: be bold and do things you don’t normally do.

You don’t have to go online, it’s just an option. What’s more important is to just get out there and spread your love! So also do things just for you that knock your socks off, that are outside of the box. Take a salsa class, or cooking lesson, or hit up a comedy club with a new friend. Try a vegetarian meetup or start your own one. Get out of your boring daily/weekly rhythm to bring in fresh romance energy. Maybe even get far far away… Take a Twin Flame pilgrimage to that country you’ve always wanted to see! It doesn’t hurt to travel to meet your Twin Flame. Dress a little sexier if you’re normally in sweats… Do something that gets you out of the house even on a chilly day. Girl, just take your pick, make your move, and dive into bliss!

It’s also important to nourish yourself within and take time for yourself of course, and here’s a bath I recommend for Twin Flame Love: Twin Flame Love Spell Bath Recipe.

Tip Two: Don’t Worry About Getting Rejectedtwin flame reunion

Although it goes against our natural instincts, getting rejected is the best medicine to attract your Twin Flame.  It means that you’re able to love yourself most of all when it appears that God (or in this case, some man or human specimen) doesn’t love and adore you back.

Who cares if he doesn’t like you back?! Go find someone who will! In truth, you are God’s lovechild, and there’s no reason not to be loved… However, you do have to realize the somewhat harsh fact that you simply won’t be loved in that soulmate way by all beings because that’s just how it works – and it would be really complicated. Would you want three million karmic soulmates knocking on your door? I think not!  It’s funny how obsessed we become about not being rejected, when truly the main goal should be to get accepted by our one true perfect match.

Finally, I work with many women who have suffered from body image/self-esteem issues, like I have myself. We beat ourselves up for not being perfect and convince ourselves that we have to change in order to get an attractive guy to love us. Don’t fall for it! It was all a misinterpretation from a shampoo ad campaign you watched in the 80s. Real men want real women; humans like honest and real organic beauty more than sliced and diced makeup perfection. Despite what the cosmetic sales people or plastic surgeons may tell you (it’s probably for their children’s college tuition, so don’t take it personally).

Just a little beauty accenting and color highlights for fun and play is OK. Don’t go overboard. Allow your own true beauty to shine through to attract your Twin Flame with your authentic self. If he rejects you because you have a zit or some larger pores or a cellulite butt like I have, move on; that’s not true love! Your Twin Flame will love all of you and find you absolutely sexy.

Tip Three: Activate Your PU$$Y Power

What!? What’s PU$$Y Power? Click here to get a fuller definition. PU$$Y Power is the Divine Feminine fertile almost feline-like energy that can attract anything to through an ancient magic secrets. It is based in your womb and yoni (vagina) area, and it’s also known as the Holy Grail, Sangraal, and is the essence of Divine Feminine creation. To activate your PU$$Y Power, you have to connect with the Divine Feminine aspect of your root chakra and sacral chakra. You have to fall in love with your sacred sexuality, your body, and love your yoni (pussy!).  Watching this video will help activate your precious PU$$Y:


Tip Four: Be yourselftwin flame love

As tempting as it is to play the “perfect girl” to win love by someone who thinks you’re the cat’s PJs and best actress in town, pretending to be someone you’re not is going to get old real fast. Real fast.

Start the date/relationship by just being yourself. This will pay off BIG! Let your true colors fly. It doesn’t mean that you cannot impress your potential mate, or even shine a bit from the start, but do so with authenticity.  Show some imperfections. While wearing the perfect outfit on the first date can be fun, are you able to dress it down after dinner with some walking shoes and a windbreaker to go on that beach hike?  I hope so, because no one wants to be his Royal Prince Charming’s b*tch.  No darling, you are a queen and queen bees get to set their own rules!

It’s so darn simple: it’s super important to find your soulmate from a place of passion and taking inspired action.  It’s all about playing BIG in the outer game, while nurturing your inner game too.

Go go go, girl, you go this one. Here’s to your implementation of these three hot tips to help you meet your divine match by playing a big outer game. Go have a great week and treat yourself with great care while getting out there in a BIG way!  Thanks for reading, see you on the flip side, and please post your comments below and share with your social groups.

In Love,

Dr Amanda Noelle


twin flame love
Dr. Amanda Noelle is a Twin Flame Matchmaker to stellar spiritual women who feel called to birthing big life-purposes and possibly a Starchild or two.