I Lost My Job and Opened My Online Business Instead, Thank God!
Almost two years ago, I suffered from a neck injury that forced me to suddenly quit my safe job and end my 5-year journey as a licensed esthetician. I was so comfy washing faces, prescribing skin cream, and doing advanced peels for a comfortable income in a dark hidden room. I was good at this work, yet it wasn’t my true passion, nor did it challenge me. I had a liberal arts degree from an Ivy League caliber school, a life coaching certification, and a PhD in transpersonal counseling, yet I had no idea how I’d use these and make money as an alternative healer. So I was stuck working at a posh spa in Marin, California even though I hated it, because the money was good, I got health insurance, and I was “safe” in my little hell.
Then, one day at work, a sharp pain shot through my left shoulder for no apparent reason; by the end of the day, I could hardly move. I had to call in sick for the next month, as I couldn’t stand for more than a minute at a time without the pain becoming severe. At that point I’d just become a part-time employee (so I could build my own business), so I didn’t qualify for disability or unemployment. So I was out of commission, and I wasn’t going to be earning anymore commission any time soon! Basically, I was up sh*t creek.
I think my deep dissatisfaction with my work is what made my body fall apart; my job was literally a pain in the neck.
Yet deep down, I knew it was a sign that it was time to quit my “safe job,” so I listened to my body and quit. My boss pretended to feel sorry for me, but I could tell that he was mainly bummed that I was no longer a financial asset to him. It saddened me that I was a disposable commodity, but it confirmed my decision to take off.
I was both excited to be done with esthetician work forever. Yet I was forced to move forward in my career next steps, and it freaked me out… How do I make money as a coach!? How will I live off my own salary? Ouchh, my neck really hurt. I tried not to panic, and tuned into my best vice when I get stuck: prayer.
I meditated and prayed daily. Lying on my back on my couch, there was not much else to do but pray, clarify my business goals, and to start my online marketing launch.
Belly up from that big cozy white couch, I launched my first successful coaching business, Aphrodite’s Apprentice, helping spiritual women attract their Twin Flame. It was a dream I’d had for several years, but finally, I went for it. For I had no other choice!
Getting a neck injury was the best thing I could have done for myself; it forced me to jump through the fire that I’d been afraid of and avoiding for years. Through the birth pains, and I created a thriving boutique coaching business; I saw clients from over 30 countries in the world via Skype or phone, and enjoyed it more than ever!
The neck pain subsided immediately after I realized that I was never going to have to go back to the spa again – a job that I’d been feeling stuck at for several years. Knowing that I was forever going to be self-employed, set my own hours, and never have to listen to another boss telling me what to do uplifted me and inspired my healing. When I sent an email to my ex-boss again thanking him and sharing with him my new business success – to no surprise – I never heard back from him.
I don’t recommend blindingly jumping. Always make a solid plan to transition from your day job. I actually had one for, but was scared to implement it. So I had gone back to my spa job part-time and procrastinated on launching my biz for about 6 more months. I had made enough money in my spa job to ease into my BLI$$ness over a two year period living really cheaply. The injury was the last push.
Thanks to my neck, my own courage, and to many divine blessing, it took way less than 6-months to succeed in my BLI$$ness. Within the first month, I’d already made $3,000 to my great surprise.
I am grateful I had that cushion of ca$h so I could attract clients in divine timing, rather than in rushed desperation. Desperation scares clients away; I highly recommend all BLI$$ness women start off having a cash-cushion or steady day-job as their BLI$$ness builds.
While I don’t recommend manifesting a neck injury to cut those golden handcuffs, I do suggest stepping through the fire and launching that soul-inspired business/BLI$$ness sooner than later! For me, I think it took a desperate situation to get me to push past my fear. I hope it doesn’t take this much for you.
What I can say is that I have absolutely no regrets on leaving that fear-based J-O-B, don’t miss the work in the slightest (I thought I might), and I have made more money in way less time being self-employed. I also love and adore my “soulmate clients” as I call my clients, and I love the freedom, creativity, and flexibility I have as a BLI$$preneur.
I now get to live between Europe, Asia, and the US coaching, writing, teaching, and running my BLI$$ness, and it’s truly a dream come true. I so wish you the same BLI$$ings and BLE$$ings to come true and know that each and every one of you have what it takes and that your angels are guiding you.