Twin Flame Wealth Breakthrough Secret – Ignite Your Abundance to Prep for your Twin Flame
This article is for you if you are a stellar single woman who is seeking her Twin Flame who at the same time is wanting to work for herself. You can do it. You can have your dream business (or BLI$$ness as I call it, business + BLI$$ + big buck$) as well as call in a divine partner. I want to help you have the most magical life with your Twin Flame and be on your Twin Flame Mission together. This starts with grounding your own dreams, financial abundance, and expressing and spreading your gifts out there in a big way.
Thus, I wrote this blog to help you make as much money doing what you absolutely love and adore based on what worked for me. I went from starving hippie-healer to high-end matchmaker within a short period. I learned this one secret that saved my life and got me abundant so that I can travel, do what I love, or at least pay the bills and rest well!
Wanna know the #1 secret to growing your 6-figure BLI$$ness within a year!? FOUR…Yep! To make six-figures in your online business, you need the magic of number 4.
Four hours that is: you need to spend four hours every single weekday doing the following:
Marketing. MaR-KeT-TinGggg!
Awee, don’t give me that look, it ain’t so bad! You say you hate marketing, that you’re not a business woman, that you’d rather shoot yourself than become a part-time marketer!
Well my friend, I have some good news for ya: marketing doesn’t have to be boring, lame, or creepy-salesy, cheesy kinda marketing (though I love cheesy, as you can see)!
It really can be fun (I’m having fun marketing in this moment writing this blog for instance). Really, it’s up to you, you can make your process however you want it to be. But you gotta do marketing regularly and consistently to get your business known, exposed, and to make the cheddar ($$$). If you’re not willing to do loads of marketing at first, your business won’t be a business at all – you’ll be a hidden secret. And eventually, you’ll run out of money and inspiration, and you’ll have to go back to that day job. Don’t do that! Get to marketttting!
Marketing can be real, raw, vulnerable, and even sexy or goofy if you like – blogs, videos, FB posts, interviews, free calls, ebooks, workshops, etc. can each have your authentic flavor. You can put a whole lotta love into your message, and quirk too. I love being me and sharing this with the world, and even though it’s scary and awkward at first, I find it can be a really self-healing journey. I’ve shared some of my most private moments and heartbreaks in my marketing, which has helped me connect deeper with potential clients, and it’s almost like a form of therapy for me!
Marketing is sharing your soul out there with the world so that you can attract your “soulmate clients” as I call them – people who have a soul-contract with you to do healing work, where you get paid in exchange for your healing/coaching/brilliance. You can also think of it like this: marketing is just you being a messenger spreading your message of light out to the world.
You are a High-Healed Priestess – a modern-day high priestess who is determined to make money while following her soul-purpose and passions as a natural-born healer. You didn’t come here to sit around and wait for life to pass you by. NO! You came here to speak, to spread love and magic, and to heal the planet. You came here to make a difference!
So make marketing your friend. There are so many ways to market, and I won’t discuss those here. You do need a marketing strategy, but even if you didn’t have one (or any idea of how to do marketing) but you still spent four-hours five days/week with raw passion and excitement, you’d probably get a few divinely aligned clients. As Woody Allen says, “Eighty percent of success is showing up.”
Marketing…four hours. A day. Five days/week. Not “24-7,” just “4-5,” that’s all!!!!!
You will have six-figure succesexiness soon!
Love and light,