You’re a powerful woman. A Divine Feminine healer, and possibly one of the most powerful people you know. Yet as an entrepreneur, you struggle in your biz. Sometimes you’re terrified, and you’re not even sure exactly why. You keep procrastinating, getting stuck, and you’re holding back. You have so much to offer, yet getting paid in abundance for your expertise hasn’t happened yet, and it’s almost killing you.
You know that you must have had something bad happen in your past that took away your power. You may even have had visions of being burnt at the stake, or just have a knowing that you were part of a witch hunt.
Is that lifetime(or lifetimes) being burned at the stake still holding you back in your business, life, and self-empowerment?
Hi, I’m Dr. Amanda Noelle, and I help women Divine Feminine entrepreneurs take back their power so they can make money in ease and have more impact. Most of my clients and students are like myself–they’re magical women who were burnt at the stake in past lives and they’re still getting over it. They have ascended as spiritual masters on some level, and must come back down to earth and ground. Yet there’s tons of old pain and terror standing in the way from living in true freedom.
It’s my soul purpose to help women overcome their past life persecution so that they can launch their soul-aligned 6-figure bli$$nesses, and fully live their soul purposes.
Every day I show up for work passionate, fired up, and also somewhat terrified, because I too am healing from lifetimes of persecution. And as all healers know, healing is an ongoing process, with layers of discovery into our subconscious. Yet I have gone from being stuck in fear and hiding, to running a sexy 6-figure bli$$ness that I love, traveling the world, leading retreats, and creating my dream bli$$ness called Aphrodite University, the world’s first Divine Feminine based MBA program for High-Healed Priestesses.
Here are the biggest three ways I see past life witch hunt fears show up in Divine Feminine entrepreneurs:
#1: Fear of Success
Most of my clients blame themselves, saying that they’re afraid of failure, which is also true. But I would say that the most common reason they’re terrified is that they’re actually afraid to succeed. They are afraid that if they succeed and step into their power, it will be taken away yet again, and they’ll have to feel their past-live death experiences.
How to handle this:
Comfort yourself, reminding yourself that this is not that lifetime, and although it was tough now, you have come so far in your lifetimes and there is no one who can stop you anymore. You can also know that you chose death in those past lives because we (the Divine Feminine holders of the Light) wanted to show our devotion to the Divine. We learned and very strongly agreed NEVER AGAIN! And so it is. You do not have to fear actual death, thank God. Your only true thing to fear is that you will let life pass you by, and that you’ll be living a life stuck in fear vs. living fully in service and bliss.
Affirmation: I choose life and I live it fully!
#2: Fear of Financial Instability
You’re probably not going to die because of a witch hunt. Yet your root chakra is programmed to believe it’s not safe to own your power. Therefore, your psyche creates all kinds of interesting ways to believe that there’s reason to panic. The best way we High-Healed Priestesses can create struggle, pain, and drama is through our finances. Being stuck financially is one of the best ways to give away your power and live like a martyr. When you’re poor, you’ll often start off your sentences with:
“I can’t do that because I don’t have the resources”
“I can’t afford that right now”
“I don’t have the money to live the life I want”
Money becomes a fantastic excuse for staying underneath an invisible guillotine, where you feel like you might be executed at any moment, so you can’t feel into your power. You see, the money systems that we use today were mostly created by dominant patriarchal political figures who did not want the power to go to the masses, and who wanted to keep it for themselves. Ironically, the women who want to free humanity from oppression often feel oppressed by these systems the most. We feel the greed, the pain, the control, and we often manifest headachy money situations that block us from fully living in our power.
How to handle this:
You must simply commit to wealth. Wealth and poverty are two sides of the same scale. Where do you choose to resonate? What frequency brings you the most joy? In order to tip the scale, you must choose to love money, and let money to love you. I call this marrying your Ka$h King, and we do rituals around this at Aphrodite University and in my private coaching work. You’d be surprised by how much old ex-husband or father energy gets in the way of allowing women to let money love them, which is why we have to do spiritual divorce rituals and money exorcisms in order to allow room for Holy MatriMoney with your Ka$h King!
Affirmation: I choose to marry my Ka$h King and we live in eternal Holy MatriMoney
#3: Feeling Financially Unworthy
When I look at my Soulmate Clients, fans, and followers, I see goddesses who have to realize how divinely worthy they are. In order to succeed in their soul-aligned bli$$nessses, they first have to see their value so that they can provide services of value that people are willing and excited to pay for.
There are two aspects of value that are important to harness as a Divine Feminine entrepreneur: (1) is self-worth, and (2) is the value that you deliver to your customers/clients. These two aspects form a powerful trinity of power, which I believe created the success in my 6-figure business.
It’s vital that we as a Divine Feminine Entrepreneurs, work on the self-worth pieces, and remember that when we heal, those around us heal. In fact, I would guess that women across the world who are still being burned at the stake feel our increased self-love and mirror that.
Yes, there are still witch hunts happening to this day in Sub-Saharan Africa, India and Papua New Guinea. Official legislation against witchcraft is still found in Saudi Arabia and Cameroon, according to Wikipedia. We are lucky to be living in a culture where women have granted so much power, and where there are men lovingly holding the space of the Divine Masculine.
How to handle this:
When you wake up in the morning, I ask you to think about the most important thing that drives you: is it fear, or is it love? As a Divine Feminine entrepreneur, you came here to create Heaven on Earth, and it was something that you have always been willing to die for. So don’t let a little financial fear or self-worth programs hold you back from healing yourself and rocking a revolution.
Dr. Amanda Noelle