You’re a powerful woman. A Divine Feminine healer, and possibly one of the most powerful people you know. Yet as an entrepreneur, you struggle in your biz. Sometimes you’re terrified, and you’re not even sure exactly why. You keep procrastinating, getting stuck, and you’re holding back. You have so much to offer, yet getting paid in abundance for your expertise hasn’t happened yet, and it’s almost killing you.

You know that you must have had something bad happen in your past that took away your power. You may even have had visions of being burnt at the stake, or just have a knowing that you were part of a witch hunt.

Is that lifetime(or lifetimes) being burned at the stake still holding you back in your business, life, and self-empowerment?

Hi, I’m Dr. Amanda Noelle, and I help women Divine Feminine entrepreneurs take back their power so they can make money in ease and have more impact. Most of my clients and students are like myself–they’re magical women who were burnt at the stake in past lives and they’re still getting over it. They have ascended as spiritual masters on some level, and must come back down to earth and ground. Yet there’s tons of old pain and terror standing in the way from living in true freedom.

It’s my soul purpose to help women overcome their past life persecution so that they can launch their soul-aligned 6-figure bli$$nesses, and fully live their soul purposes.

Every day I show up for work passionate, fired up, and also somewhat terrified, because I too am healing from lifetimes of persecution. And as all healers know, healing is an ongoing process, with layers of discovery into our subconscious. Yet I have gone from being stuck in fear and hiding, to running a sexy 6-figure bli$$ness that I love, traveling the world, leading retreats, and creating my dream bli$$ness called Aphrodite University, the world’s first Divine Feminine based MBA program for High-Healed Priestesses.

Here are the biggest three ways I see past life witch hunt fears show up in Divine Feminine entrepreneurs:

money mantras#1: Fear of Success

Most of my clients blame themselves, saying that they’re afraid of failure, which is also true. But I would say that the most common reason they’re terrified is that they’re actually afraid to succeed.  They are afraid that if they succeed and step into their power, it will be taken away yet again, and they’ll have to feel their past-live death experiences.

How to handle this:

Comfort yourself, reminding yourself that this is not that lifetime, and although it was tough now, you have come so far in your lifetimes and there is no one who can stop you anymore. You can also know that you chose death in those past lives because we (the Divine Feminine holders of the Light) wanted to show our devotion to the Divine. We learned and very strongly agreed NEVER AGAIN! And so it is. You do not have to fear actual death, thank God.  Your only true thing to fear is that you will let life pass you by, and that you’ll be living a life stuck in fear vs. living fully in service and bliss.

Affirmation: I choose life and I live it fully!

money goddess#2: Fear of Financial Instability

You’re probably not going to die because of a witch hunt. Yet your root chakra is programmed to believe it’s not safe to own your power. Therefore, your psyche creates all kinds of interesting ways to believe that there’s reason to panic. The best way we High-Healed Priestesses can create struggle, pain, and drama is through our finances.  Being stuck financially is one of the best ways to give away your power and live like a martyr. When you’re poor, you’ll often start off your sentences with:

“I can’t do that because I don’t have the resources”

“I can’t afford that right now”

“I don’t have the money to live the life I want”

Money becomes a fantastic excuse for staying underneath an invisible guillotine, where you feel like you might be executed at any moment, so you can’t feel into your power.  You see, the money systems that we use today were mostly created by dominant patriarchal political figures who did not want the power to go to the masses, and who wanted to keep it for themselves. Ironically, the women who want to free humanity from oppression often feel oppressed by these systems the most. We feel the greed, the pain, the control, and we often manifest headachy money situations that block us from fully living in our power.

How to handle this:

You must simply commit to wealth. Wealth and poverty are two sides of the same scale. Where do you choose to resonate? What frequency brings you the most joy? In order to tip the scale, you must choose to love money, and let money to love you. I call this marrying your Ka$h King, and we do rituals around this at Aphrodite University and in my private coaching work. You’d be surprised by how much old ex-husband or father energy gets in the way of allowing women to let money love them, which is why we have to do spiritual divorce rituals and money exorcisms in order to allow room for Holy MatriMoney with your Ka$h King!

Affirmation: I choose to marry my Ka$h King and we live in eternal Holy MatriMoney

dr amanda noelle #3: Feeling Financially Unworthy

When I look at my Soulmate Clients, fans, and followers, I see goddesses who have to realize how divinely worthy they are. In order to succeed in their soul-aligned bli$$nessses, they first have to see their value so that they can provide services of value that people are willing and excited to pay for.

There are two aspects of value that are important to harness as a Divine Feminine entrepreneur: (1) is self-worth, and (2) is the value that you deliver to your customers/clients.  These two aspects form a powerful trinity of power, which I believe created the success in my 6-figure business.

It’s vital that we as a Divine Feminine Entrepreneurs, work on the self-worth pieces, and remember that when we heal, those around us heal. In fact, I would guess that women across the world who are still being burned at the stake feel our increased self-love and mirror that.

Yes, there are still witch hunts happening to this day in  Sub-Saharan Africa, India and Papua New Guinea. Official legislation against witchcraft is still found in Saudi Arabia and Cameroon, according to Wikipedia. We are lucky to be living in a culture where women have granted so much power, and where there are men lovingly holding the space of the Divine Masculine.

How to handle this:

When you wake up in the morning, I ask you to think about the most important thing that drives you: is it fear, or is it love? As a Divine Feminine entrepreneur, you came here to create Heaven on Earth, and it was something that you have always been willing to die for. So don’t let a little financial fear or self-worth programs hold you back from healing yourself and rocking a revolution.


Dr Amanda Noelle

Dr. Amanda Noelle



How Do I Find my Business Niche? Make More Money, Serve More Peeps

How do you find your business niche? And is niching really necessary to break 6-figures?

This post will help so that you female BLI$$preneurs get excited about developing your niche so you can more easily:

  • Become known as an expert
  • Get paid way more money, way faster
  • Grow your BLI$$ness at light speed
  • Get more biz opportunities such as: speaking gigs, sell to private clients, get YouTube channel hits, make faster sales on your website, get hot book deals etc.

Many of us already know that it’s typically a great deal harder and more time-consuming to build a business without a niche. Generally, unless you have a ton of start up capital to spend on marketing, it’s ideal to have a niche when you’re first getting started in your small BLI$$ness as a solopreneur. When you get started, no one knows who you are; they don’t trust you enough to buy from you.

Trust takes time to build, and it’s faster to build trust when you have a particular niche where you can stand out as the ‘perceived expert’ on something very specific.

There’s lots of competition out there in the marketplace. Other entrepreneurs do the same thing that you do perhaps? Often times who have more experience, with better branding, and at charge cheaper rates?Yes. Indeed. There is a lot of competition out there, especially now that we live online.

You simply have to pop from the crowd and stand out in front of your Soulmate Clients!

But how do you boil your soul purpose down to one teensy tiny expert topic?!

With a  bazillion potential niches, how do you pick just one? This can make anyone crazy, and everyone goes through the niche bitch stage, but we can just as easily turn on the switch and pick our P2PP.
I call a niche a “P2PP”–a Pain to Pleasure Problem–something you solve in people’s lives that they’re happy to pay you for because it saves them a huge headache, time, money, health issues, etc.

divine feminine entrepreneur

P2PP problems are in one of three categories:

1) LOVE                 2) WEALTH/BIZ          3) HEALTH/WELLNESS

Your P2PP, will usually be in the topic of relationships, health, or wealth/biz. Sometimes you can combine two of these, but either way, your P2PP should be super clear and defined so someone can figure it out in a second and go “Oh, that’s for me!” if it’s for them.

Good examples of P2PPs are:

  • Helping tech boys get ten dates a week so they can find their solute
  • Helping spiritual women with their online marketing so they can make more money
  • Helping business women who travel get over jet lag so they can function better

Examples of wishy-washy lame P2PPs would be:

  • Helping empower people (everyone wants to be empowered, but why would they pay top dollar for something vague when they need help from an expert?)
  • Helping women become more confident (still too vague)
  • Life coaching for women
  • Reiki for wellness

The above bad examples are way too vague to charge high-end rates and expect a big following, unless you’re super lucky.  It would be hard to ask someone for a lot of money for simply “empowerment” “health” or “wellness” as you aren’t really an expert. Would you want to go to a general practitioner doctor or a specialist if you had some rare disease? Easy answer, right? For your Soulmate Clients it will be the same: they will hire you when they see you as an expert problem solver to the problem they have on their plate.

how do i pick a niche Get specific! Get more specific. Get even more specific.

Most of us tend to fear niching and we stay vague and our Soulmate Clients don’t want to pay us high end-rates or sign up at all.

Carve out your hot P2PP – the problem in the marketplace that you solve for your specific type of Soulmate Client. She or he is waiting for you and you must speak to her (him) using lingo and concepts that she’s ready to hear! You have to let her know that raging problem she has has a solution: which is you!

Blessings on your unleveled BLI$$ness with your hot P2PP. Share in the comments box what your P2PP is or if you haven’t chosen it yet, some options. Some of us here can give you feedback or ideas!

Namaste and light,



Going from Starving Hippie Chick to Hip n’ Chic High Priestess Business Owner!

Going from Starving Hippie Chick to Hip n’ Chic High Priestess Business Owner!

Guess what!? Gone are the days where we believed that money is the root of all evil. That was so silly! We fell for the oldest trick in the book in fact. Money isn’t the root of all evil; evil is the root of all evil. Evil people tricked us into believing that it was money so that we could give up our root chakra power and financial freedom to become their slaves. Women got hit the most with these money “belief systems” (BS) because we are more vulnerable due to our smaller size, lesser physical strength, and mainly because we get pregnant and it’s harder for us to run off and be financially independent when raising children.  As a former starving healing artist, I used to have all these BS (belief systems/bull shit ideas) that money was evil. Now that I am making a living doing what I love, I realize that it’s not only not evil, it’s freeing and having money in the hands of good peeps can heal the world fast!

Are you done choosing between:

  • being rich and being spiritual?
  • dating someone spiritual who gets you but who has no cash, and dating someone who has money but who doesn’t understand your High Priestess spirituality?
  •  a life of love and happiness, and a life of success and wealth?
  • living in luxury as an environmental vampire, or living like a peasant as a do-gooder?
  • fitting into the mainstream or being this weird alternative rebel who can’t fit in anywhere but an alternative spiritual (aka poor) community?
divine feminine business

Then this article is for you my soul searching sister! As a High-Healed Priestess, it’s my job to match juicy spiritual women with their soul purpose BLI$$ness. To do so, we have to integrate the inner spiritual hippie chick (fairy/mermaid/goddess/High Priestess, etc), with the adult grounded human, future mother, career maven, stellar woman, etc.

Let’s talk about how to balance you out to integrate the woo woo and the grounded you…

So you’re a bit of a hippie chick. I dig it… I am one too – or at least I was one throughout my twenties. I still am one at heart – in a big way – though you can’t totally tell it from the outside.  See, I wear better clothes now, pay for high-end haircuts, and can actually fit into mainstream crowds. I even own a pair of Jimmy Choo’s. I’m currently hitting up some posh spots Italy in Greece without standing out too much (apart from the fact that my jewelry is way too big and rainbow colored, I have big crazy blond hair, and my dresses are bold and artsy. But they’d never guess that I meditate, talk to fairies, channel, believe in the Law of Attraction, and consider myself a Pleiadian as much as I do an American. Hippie with a capital H, and a mystic too.

What I’ve learned since I graduated from full-time hippie chick university and moved onto living wealth goddesshigh-end hip & chick as a BLI$$preneur.

I am living my dreams as a high-end spiritual matchmaker, writer, and woo woo woman and I want this for every High Priestess on the globe.

In this post, I’ll share the 3 biggest mistakes we hippie chicks make to sabotage our financial abundance, so you don’t make ’em anymore. And, I’ll give you some gems so that forever after you will have endless prosperity, my hip n’ spiritual sister!

Stop fearing money and diving into dumpsters

When I was a starving hippie chick, I used to dumpster dive for clothes and housewares and would brag about how eco-friendly I was because I hadn’t gone shopping for anything new in a few years. I once literally dove head over heals doing a handstand in a dumpster (it was clean!) dragging about $300 of clothing items out. While this was kinda fun in a way, I never liked and truly feared money. When it came to paying for things, I panicked or froze up. Truth be told, I was just too cheap or poor to afford anything nice for myself and I had low self-esteem issues I didn’t want to deal with or admit to. I had to find excuses to seem like I had my $h*t together (when I in hindsight, clearly didn’t). Really, I was $h%t scared of money, and had no idea how I was going to make it through my fear.  My abundance consciousness needed a little massaging to say the least:)

Quit sabotaging streams of income

I was either unemployed, leaving a business I started, planning something new, switching out of something that wasn’t spiritual enough, or moving back in with my parents. Again! Rent is expensive in California, but that wasn’t even a real excuse like I made it out to be – I just wasn’t making more than 4-figures a year! I somehow found a way to avoid receiving money or having to work at all.


Me in my office with a view in Crete, Greece

Me in my office with a view in Crete, Greece

My crash landing and bounce-back

Then I hit thirty, my life fell apart in almost every way – happy 30th birthday Amanda! I pretty much fell out of my skin and absolutely had to make a change in every aspect of my life. You try getting arrested, losing the man of your dreams, getting kicked out of your housing situation, and dying a shamanic death while on magic mushrooms all in the same month!  No, don’t try it..Not recommended at all. After months of panic, humiliation, insomnia, and wanting to leave the planet, I eventually began to sew myself together energetically and financially; and I had to because I was running out of cash and mental stamina.
So I got my first long-term job ever in my life (note, long-term for me means longer than 4 months!).  I worked at a high-end (aka snobby and better paying) spa as an esthetician in a chi chi area of Marin, CA for nearly two years.  Finally, I committed to something with promise that would pay the bills, weren’t my parents relieved!
Yet I was working for ‘the man’ full-time in a dark spa room doing work that robbed my soul on the weekdays, and doing what I loved on the all-too-brief weekends, while dreading Mondays. Wash, rinse, repeat. I was miserable at work; I felt like I was energetically raping myself, and for what? So I could have health insurance that I rarely used (I use TCM, nutrition, and holistic healing instead)?  Or was it so that I could shop at Lululemon and Wholefoods?
The thing was, while working at that spa and making decent money, I realized that I really did like money and the finer thing in life.  I didn’t like how I did it – I didn’t like selling my soul to da man or catering to knit-picky snotty women who wanted me to trim their bush because they didn’t get the memo that you have to trim it to half an inch before a bikini wax.  Oh God, I can’t believe what I did for money! What a waste of my time; pube trimming was not soul purpose at all (thank God!). I am a High-Healed Priestess for Heaven’s sake.
goddess of wealthSo after a year or two, I knew I fearlessly had to escape spa-hell to launch my own dream. I knew I’d do whatever it took. “But I’m a hippie girl!” I self-consciously thought to myself. How could I do business if I am just a hippie-chick? Every other business I’d owned had failed financially. Like Ananda Skin Spa, my own organic spa, and Spot Fitness, my nutrition, fitness, and wellness consulting company I ran for expats in Shanghai. All great ideas and visions, never spot on the money.  Why? Because I sabotaged them!
Here’s the thing: we hippie chicks are truly a magical and brilliant breed. We’re full of creativity, spark, sensual essence, and often a pinch of extra beauty and magic. Hippie chicks can be really HOT selling items if you think about it!  He he he. We also have great ideas once we ground and come to earth.
Lemme break it down for you. Here are three mistakes I made when why I was poor as a hippie chick, and why 99% of the hippie chick community is poor too. I will explain how to start changing that in three simple steps so you can go from starving hippie chick to a stylin’ hip-n’-chick high-end hippie too! Wahoo, I hope that sounds good to you?!

Fail One:

We “don’t like money because money isn’t spiritual.”
Translate: we are fucking afraid of our own Divine Feminine power. We are so petrified by the idea of grounding into our lower-chakras and functioning in the “real world” that we get all dispy-tipsy hippie flaky without taking a reality check for Heaven’s sake. I did this all throughout my twenties. I always said that I would “just manifest everything,” so it would work out, and to be honest I kinda did. But it sucks to live like that forever. How much of an impact can you have on the world if you’re freaking out about how you’re going to make rent or pay for gas? How are you going to manifest a roof over your head for your future kids to be a good mama? How are you going to manifest huge changes in the world through your voice when you can’t even afford a functioning laptop?  Money isn’t not spiritual ladies, it’s food for the physical world. And a healthy physical world is going to provide you with a smoother-sailing spiritual world and energetic body.  All seven healthy chakras start at the root with a grounded first chakra.
Step one here is to have HUGE compassion for your wounds in the lower chakras. I was in denial about mine, and it wasn’t until a horrific experience of getting dumped, arrested, losing my housing situation, and having my finances fall apart all in one week that I woke up to the fact that I didn’t have it all together. It was just a few weeks before my 30th birthday and I realized that I needed money to grow up, and that I had a lot of current and past life trauma sitting in there. Sexual shame, fear of being powerful, and lifetimes of getting persecuted for being a healer and High Priestess. Ouch, it sucked!  My reality check sent me into a spiral of desperation and I took my first full-time job for two years straight. I’m so glad I did it though, because it helped me ground and have a paycheck and pay for stuff, and then transition into being an empowered and successful BLI$$ness owner.
I now love money and money loves me.  Affirm that, it feels really yummy.  You can be both a hippie chick and rich – I am just that, a rich hippie chick. Ahh, doesn’t that feel good to own?

Fail Two: 

We focus on fun and forget about what the marketplace needs
If someone is going to pay you loads of money, don’t you think it’s kinda important to think about what they want before they buy, and what they think they need?
Hippie girls often omit one simple step in their business: marketing!  Argh, why does that seem so hard for goddess of abundanceus? I guess because 99.9% of the marketing out there is crap and not even close to heart-based. We flower children want to change the world and make a difference, so we try to help everyone by spreading our love and light.  But without marketing, we are like little children who have no cash and no mic to spread our voices.  Listen, clean marketing will spread your message to a marketplace. Marketplace is the place where there is a money exchange. Hippie girls tend to hang out in places where there is NO market.  In fact, this is how we best sabotage ourselves financially. We do ‘business’ (or something that resembles business) without anything close to a business plan or strategy or marketing launch.  Translation: self-sabotage, letting your inner child run wild, and not focusing on what your audience – the people that pay you by the way – need.
A few years ago I was in Bali and my friend Anna who owns a popular cafe and also a jewelry company told me that she had to learn to make jewelry and products that sell, not just do things from her passion. How sad! I thought.  But she explained how when she made all this fun colorful jewelry it would sit there and not sell, and when she made too many of the unpopular dishes, they’d rot.  What’s the point of expressing all your creativity if no one’s going to buy?

Fail Three: 

We own businesses without really treating them like businesses.
We hippie chicks are famous for being spiritual know-it-alls and for breaking rules. We do it so much that we’re like “I’m gonna own a business and not even follow any rules on having a business because that’s no fun!”
Posing at Positano, Italy
Fact, if you charge money for something and it’s your main source of income, that’s called a business.  I’m not saying that I want you to do business boring, no, not at all. In fact, that’s why I am a BLI$$ness woman, helping High-Healed Priestesses turn their bliss into 6-figure BLI$$nesses that heal the world in the most blissful way possible.
We do dumb $hit they never recommend in business and act as if it’s spiritual, like procrastinating on getting our message out there because we go play with fairies alll day. Or we discourage a client from working with us because they say they “can’t afford it” yet they invest their money in new clothes, festivals, vacations, etc and they really need our help as healers!
After some intensive healing, some major life changes, and a few miracles, I launched a successful BLI$$ness about a year and a half ago as a Twin Flame Matchmaker.  It’s been an incredible road that I am grateful for and I know it’s because I surrendered my fears to God/dess and have been going balls-out on my mission.
I guess I am a high-end hippie girl now, as well as a grounded High-Healed Priestess. I am free to follow my bliss, both energetically and financially.
I’m currently writing this from Crete, Greece where I am soaking up life to it’s fullest and sending you loads of love; check it out!greek goddess of love
I know we high-end hippie chicks are a growing breed… The High-Healed Priestesses are on a rise and we’re bringing our Twin Flames with us!
Gone are the times when we had to choose between being spiritual, and living in luxury. Gone are the times when we had to choose between being free, and having a husband/marital partner.
To your love, your riches, and to your dreams come true, whatever they look like!
Dr. Amanda Noelle



Six Reasons Men (and You) Fear Your Divine Feminine Bliss

Thanks for stopping by!  I’m Dr. Amanda Noelle, the BLI$$ness Coach, helping High-Healed Priestesses turn their bliss into 6-Figure BLI$$nesses that heal the planet. And I’d like to tell you why men and your own Divine Masculine aspect have been fearing your Divine Feminine bliss for the past…oh, several thousand years!

Divine Feminine bliss is the scariest thing on the planet. Boo!  Don’t you fear, doubt, and at some times hate your own Divine Feminine bliss?  I know I do on some level.  I know that’s why High Priestesses got kicked out of Egypt thousands of years ago to create a world and civilizations dominated by men at war, in the most ickiest of ways. Greed, war, financial and political systems that screwed women over completely, and many men too.  The raw, robust, alive power of Divine Feminine bliss has gotten us women into trouble in the past, which is why we subconsciously fear death if we follow our bliss. It’s also why we went through many lifetimes of witch burnings and persecution and why we’ve been kicked out of The Temple (in most all religions worldwide, collectively I call this “The Temple” but it also relates to the Temple of Solomon that was once based on a Sacred Feminine site).

Divine Feminine BlissThe Divine Feminine is bad, the Patriarchy is good, it is God. What!? That’s what we were programmed with for the past 5,000ish years, and it’s only now that we’re really waking up to the BS (belief systems/bullshit) that we’ve been living by.

We’ve been taught to fear our Divine Femininity: our bliss, our beauty, female intuition, and even our own bodies, especially our vaginas. Our own gorgeous vaginas! What the f#c&!  Why in heaven’s name have we been raised with this mashugana, this total distorted brainwashing (and even PU$$Y washing, which is why Summer’s Eve Douche tries to tell you your sacred temple needs some chemicals up there), this dis-ease that has disempowered us from our own sacred feminine treasures and bliss? It’s so unsexy, and it’s caused a lot of healers, high priestesses, and spiritual men – and really all of us – unnecessary pain by this raping and abuse of the Divine Feminine.  Thank Goddess this backwards era is coming to an end and we Vaginas can take over again (or at least share the planet with our Twin Flame/equal men!)

Men (and you) are afraid of Divine Feminine bliss for the following 6 reasons. I am not saying they don’t love it and adore it and even go crazy over it. They do! But there’s a lot of healing we have to do in our businesses and with our own masculine and around being seen with men. So I share this list with you:

  • Power is scary The Divine Feminine is a very powerful force, and power is powerful, which makes the parts of us that don’t feel powerful want to run and hide.
  • Men are envious of our procreative power Men have been envious of the Divine Feminine gifts that we women hold, and that’s natural because we are indeed amazing, but we haven’t set a boundary being like “Yo men, we’re awesome, and you are jealous about that, but it’s not our fault so go deal with it and create something awesome with your Divine Masculine amazingness.”
  • Your goddess energy makes him crazy Divine Feminine energies can make men go crazy; their lust and desires for it can make them feel out of control, so to some men this arousing property in women is very intimidating, scary.
  • He’s angry at his mama The Divine Feminine power has made men very angry at their mothers for creating life (their life) and then for the separation from that life; whereas girls can create life at some point and are always in a womb vibration because we have wombs.  That is why birthing has been so painful instead of ecstatic, when birthing should be and can be ecstatic.  The guilt carried by women in our wombs for being so magical and powerful needs to stop, and we need to start being proud of our magic again.
  • His vibration is slower than yours Females have an energetic vibration of 140 beats/second, while men have a vibration of only 40 beats; when in utero we all have a vibration of 240 beats through our pregnant mothers’ high vibrations.  The separation process from mother can be more traumatic for boys for this reason. The boys grow up and become men but they haven’t resolved this inner conflict and are often holding subconscious anger towards the Feminine for abandoning him. This is why many men abandon women over and over again, and why many women fear abandonment with men.

Men, you are awesome, we need you.  But/and we cannot sit around feeling guilty all the time for the fact that you can’t birth life and that your energy runs differently from ours. We do need you, we are lonely without you and you do so many things for us.  Your energy is very grounding and we’d love your support. But we are no longer willing to pay the price by subduing ourselves, numbing out our Feminine Energy, blocking our sacred sexuality, or trying to become like you.  Finally, we’re not sorry that we’re hot mamas, sexy tantrickas, spiritual-intuitives, and part of the sacred mystery of creation (and so are you, we need your seed)!  We honor your gifts and your abilities, and now it’s our time that you honor ours.  We hope you understand.  We love you, we hold you, and we’re not doing it as martyrs but as enlightened High-Heal Priestesses who expect the best and who are willing to wait until you can join us for this amazing Twin Flame dance party of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine bliss on the sacred Gaian dance floor.

Women, we gotta own our bliss! Grab onto our PU$$Y Power! Hold your O-balls (ovaries)!! Let’s start rebuilding The Divine Feminine Temple again so there’s a space for men and women to co-create together. We must start with rebuilding the Divine Feminine Temple without men as the center and it may take focusing on women at first to ground and stabilize the Feminine frequency.

With our Divine Feminine bliss, we must tap into our wealth consciousness, and our financial power. Honestly, how blissful can a woman be if she’s traveling in hostels or Motel 6s while on her bliss mission? I’m leaving on a jet plane for Italy next month to follow my bliss, and it was the scariest decision I had to make because there was so much energy saying that if I followed my bliss something bad would happen, my business would fail, I would lose money, I would be stuck in a bad situation… But I chose to go anyway to show my HHPs (High-Healed Priestesses) that they absolutely must start owning their Divine Feminine bliss and there are no excuses anymore!

Be a beacon of bliss, be the bliss temple, the ecstasy, and in doing so you will heal all the past generations of persecution and pain in all of your past ancestors and soulmates, and future ancestors and future soul mates. And of course of your Beloved Twin Flame.