Hearing a voice, message or even music in your mind constantly, having these images repeat nonstop throughout the day or even weeks, the same energy that links both of you pulls you together for connection.
On a very subconscious level which happens naturally but will grow over time as your journey continues.
You’ll experience different signs of there telepathic communication with your Twin Flame so once you notice the synchronicities then you’ll know you’re in the journey.
You take on your Twin’s patterns/beliefs: All of the sudden, you stop working out b/c your Twin doesn’t workout. You crave PB + J when you’ve never liked it and find out it’s their favorite. Or…you start going to bed super late b/c your Twin is a nightowl…
Amanda was a neat freak, Jack was a “whenever it comes to me” type of cleaner. Now we’re merging our state of consciousness!
In GROWTH perspective, you find certain things REALLY challenging that weren’t challenging before – you used to be really good at time management, productivity, but now not anymore.
Our TF are our mirror to our own soul which shows us this part of ourselves that we can’t see which is humbling and intense.
Same Quirkiness: goofy, weird, rebellious – make up songs we sing around the house
Learning blissabilities like reading, writing, communication.. Amanda’s migraines and Jack’s lower back pain likely due to side effects from childhood surgeries.
Struggle sharing emotions openly and vocally, Introverts hiding at home, Procrastination
Twin Flame Love awakens laten emotions like shining a flashlight on the old stuff in the attic (or cockroaches scurrying around)
Empathic abilities open both Twins up to CLEAR negative energies before reaching unconditional love.
You feel each other’s feelings, like you feel anxious, when usually you’re a pretty chill person; but really it’s your Twin’s anxiousness coming through.
You can feel all of your Twin’s blindspots/weaknesses/shadow (when Amanda’s living in fear/scarcity, avoiding prioritization, being a victim, suppressing emotions, etc.)
GROWTH: You no longer desire being in your old career because your Twin demands it – you MUST be on Soul Purpose (no longer a choice).
We’ll both get the same message on the same day i.e. “You need to visit Bali” or “You’re going to live in California until the end of the year” or “It’s time to launch this new program in your business,” or “It’s time to start researching/building the New Earth Ecovillages.”
Maintain unconditional love to create a high vibration for you and your Twin – if you maintain it, then your Twin Flame will too.
Love yourself FIRST before everyone else. You always come first before others.
Separation can be a good thing as you’ll heal and develop Wholeness and Sovereignty. You’ll appreciate your Twin more.
Even if you’re in the separation phase, both of you are still connected so embrace that separation to love yourself first and understand that this phase will go away once both Let Go Let Love…
Focus on your individual journey to wholeness instead of clinging onto a codependent Twin Flame theory.
It starts with YOU b/c there is no separation between Twin Flames.
There are numerous ways or signs to look out for but these are the most common ones. Understand that yout TF is a mirror of yourself that will show all things you’ll love and dislike about yourself. It is up to you to embrace all those things and grow with it. Your TF will help you heal those negative energies so embrace that healing as you need your twin’s help more than you know. Your journey towards each other will happen once both of you found your wholeness so enjoy the journey, it will eventually happen.