Twin Flame Love Attraction Comes From Self-Love

Twin Flame Love Attraction Comes From Self-Love

Hi Beloved, I have an announcement… It feels exciting and scary to share with you here, but here goes: finally unionized with my Twin Flame!

It took me many long, harrowing, exciting, sad, scary, adventuresome years and lifetimes. But I finally let down my guard and was able to see the truth: Jack is my other half (well, more accurately, my Divine Mirror) and we’re diving into our Twin Flame Union!

And I used this one simple secret over and over, and I know it’s what has paid off. It’s also what has worked for all of my Twin Flame clients, and was the only thing that kept my sanity when I was practically left at the altar by the man I thought was my Twin Flame.

It’s called self-love.


Seriously, I cannot over-emphasize this enough ladies: Twin Flame Love is merely a mirror of self-love. So self-love is the conduit for Twin Flame Love and Divine Love to flow.

I want to share my video Self-Love Healing Hypnosis Meditation HERE!(You may have seen it before but it’s great to replay it). It will help you:

  • Clear away those gnarly self-hatred demons
  • Establish a deep sense of self-love and Twin Flame Love
  • Connect with your Higher Self so that you can empower yourself and others
  • Heal out the past energies of violence, trauma, root chakra damage, and hatred of the feminine
Twin Flame Self-Love Meditation: Call in Your Beloved

It’s time to step into the most powerful energy that can hold you forever young, ’till death do us part, and for all eternity: self-love.

XO, Dr. Amanda Noelle 

Founder of Aphrodite University



You may have heard about the signs that someone is your Twin Flame, but what you might not know yet are the signs to tell if you have a Twin Flame.

7 Signs to Tell If You Have a Twin Flame

This video, 7 Signs to Tell if You Have a Twin Flame will help you:

  1. Tell if you are a Twin Flame (someone who has an incarnate Twin Flame who is walking the planet.
  2. Help you identify the 7 signs that all Twin Flames have so that you can make sure you are on your Twin Flame path.
  3. Align yourself with the main 7 keys that are required to attract your Twin Flame quickly.

Watch  7 SIGNS: How to Tell if You Have a Twin Flame HERE!

The seven Twin Flame signs shared in the video above will help you determine that you are a Twin Flame, and have a Twin Flame on this earth.

Many believe that not everyone has a Twin Flame incarnate on the planet…

Are you one of them?

Once you decided that you are on a Twin Flame Path, get started doing the work using Twin Flame Affirmations. Then, read my next article, Does Everyone Have a Twin Flame? The Best Way to Tell if You Have a Twin Flame by clicking HERE.

XO lots of love!

Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker

PS: Learn why using Twin Flame Affirmations really works by reading my blog on Twin Flame Affirmations here.  You’ll get 7 Twin Flame Attraction Affirmations that rock!
