Is He My Twin Flame? True Telltale Signs When There’s Total Confusion

Is He My Twin Flame? True Telltale Signs When There’s Total Confusion

Is He My Twin Flame? Real Signs to Help Cut Through Chaos and Confusion

Your soul says YES but your mind says, “There is no chance that this relationship will actually work out.”

What if you think someone might be your Twin Flame on one hand, but on the other hand you feel like it’s never gonna happen, or it would be insane if it did…?

Well then, I have something for you.

Check out the above video, “Is He My Twin Flame? True Telltale Signs When There’s Total Chaos!

True love can be crazy…But how much crazy is good, or safe?

I once met someone who made my heart and soul sing–I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. That is until heaven became a bad trip and couldn’t get out. I was suddenly single again, lost, and struggling to stay sane. I was certain that my beloved was the one, my true Twin Flame and my soul was all IN.

I turned away many good men in hopes that he would return.

I was sure he would come back, but in my case he did not, and luckily I hired the right mentor to help me get his claws out of my aura and move on!

As a Twin Flame Matchmaker, I see this all the time… Women go crazy over someone they think is there Twin Flame, and sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t.

It’s totally normal to wonder if someone is your Twin Flame who is not healthy for you…

And it’s totally normal to not believe someone who is a divine match is a counterfeit. So it’s utterly confusing!

Watch my recent video from my “Is he my Twin Flame” playlist here, to help you break free from all this confusion….

Are you wondering if you should proceed if your spirit is giving you all the signs and symptoms, or hold off if your situation doesn’t make sense?

Watch the vide “Is He My Twin Flame? True Telltale Signs When There’s Total Chaos! here,” and find out!

Today I am answering the question, “How do I tell if he’s my Twin Flame if my Higher Self Says YES! But my lower self (human self) says nope! You cannot see it working out because your lover is running, or the relationship has fallen apart, or never was…

Just because it’s just not working, do you throw in the towel?! It’s SO confusing…I have so been there sister, and I am here to help you move through the madness and confusion so you can align with true GROUNDED magic that leads to Twin Flame Marriage. Aho!

Attend the upcoming FREE Twin Flame Masterclass here.

Boost your Sacred Feminine manifestation skills right here Register for this complimentary ceremony that happens each new moon, to help you clarify your goals, learn about manifestation, and tap into ritual in sisterhood!

Ready for your ultimate beloved? Take the BIG next step of getting a session with Dr. Amanda Noelle worth $1,000 at a promotional rate that comes with a few awesome bonuses. Check out her special packages here! 

Enjoy the video, like, comment, subscribe, and STAY WELL!

What Is Feminine Energy?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...

Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.

Twin Flame 1111 Rituals | For Magic and Manifestation on 11/11/17

Twin Flame 1111 Rituals | For Magic and Manifestation on 11/11/17

The date 11/11 is a Twin Flame number and offers a Twin Flame Love frequency.

In this post, I will share with you a list of things that you can do to invoke Twin Flame Love on 11/11/17, or on any 11/11 date, or even at 11:11 time, any day, to create an invocation or Twin Flame awakening ritual. 

There are an infinite number of ways to create Twin Flame 1111 rituals, but I have found that several things have worked to help my clients attract their Twin Flames at light speed so I’ll share them here.

I think you’ll find this guided Twin Flame Reunion Hypnosis Meditation supportive in preparation for your Twin Flame ritual. You can listen to it now, and if you can, re-listen regularly over a period of several days before doing your 1111 ritual!

⇒ Watch the Twin Flame Reunion Hypnosis Meditation Video HERE

Twin Flame Reunion Hypnosis Meditation (Good For Sleep!)

11 Twin Flame Ritual Tips for 11/11 or 11:11

  1. Do a count down and light a candle at 11:11:11pm
  2. Celebrate with arms wide open with the sound “eeeee” (like Spanish/Latin “i” sound) which is a Twin Flame frequency
  3. Do a clearing burning ritual by burning something representing energy from old love(s)and Twin Flame runners
  4. Do a Twin Flame Activation ritual in a group
  5. Unite the elements of fire and water in some way, which represents the Yin and Yang Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine counterparts
  6. Wear your favorite colors representing Twin Flame Love
  7. Wear crystals on your heart such as amethyst, rose quartz, clear quarts, and rhodonite that attract Twin Flame Love
  8. Connect with dolphins on 11/11/17, through music, statues, photographs/art, or actual dolphins if possible
  9. Feel into the frequencies that are available on 11/11 during your meditation
  10. Tune into the 432 hz tuning fork energies for Twin Flame love
  11. Spend time alone out in nature connecting with your Twin, or if you re in Divine Union already, bring them with you to celebrate!

There are many ways to celebrate the beautiful frequencies that are indeed always here, but come in through the celebration of the numbers 11/11 and 11:11.  Find your own unique way to harness Twin Flame Love that day and every day!

Whoa! Synchronicity!!!:

I love this… I just noticed the time of publishing this blog; I copy-pasted the time just now before publishing! “Last edited by Amanda at 11:11 pm.” Holy cow, 1111 is for real! 🙂

Lots of love and 1111 Twin Flame Blessings,

Dr. Amanda Noelle, the Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps women attract their Twin Flames at light speed and create soul-purposed missions that heal the planet.

(Lovingly) Fuck Twin Flame Runners

(Lovingly) Fuck Twin Flame Runners

I say this with love and compassion. But I also say it with some mama bear passion with my sacred Hell NO!

I have the right to say this, to express my opinion. Especially after watching thousands of women come to me in tears because their supposed “Twin Flame” has run. I heard the same flipping the story over and over again, like a broken record! It makes you think that there’s probably something wrong with our society, not something wrong with these Twin Flame Runners and Chasers.

Women are constantly blaming themselves for making their Twin Flames run (sometimes without much explanation or even compassion) and she is left to pick up the pieces. In the process, she blames herself, and is often absolutely still sure that this man is her twin.

Here is what I have to say to this scenario: Fuck Twin fLame Runners!

A true man has balls… And he holds the moon for you! I had one of those Lame Flames that would blow out if I breathed too strong. I call him a Twin Flame Counterfeit, the TFC. It taste good, but it’s about as healthy for you as KFC. Killing Friendly Chickens.

For a really long time I believed that the other half of my soul just needed to wake up and that he would possibly come back someday. Just like they tell you in the fairytales… The handsome prince comes back to kiss the sleeping beauty. Though prince charming was distant, focused on his own goals and life without caring about me, I stuck around energetically anyways. Asleep at the wheel for thousands of years waiting for my prince.

Because society told me that this was Twin Flame Love, and I also think I was under some sort of witchy she spell, to be honest.

twin flame coach

And so I stayed around for five fucking years holding my breath hoping that Prince Charming would somehow wake up and come back and make me feel loved again, as I had felt the moment we met.

While I send this flame of my past lots of love, I realize that it was a total counterfeit flame that was not serving my light for the long-term. Instead, it was sort of a shadow flame, a dark flame that stoked my passion for love and light. But it was not the love and light itself!

We have to lovingly forgive ourselves for being such freaking idiots in counterfeit love! How did I actually believe that someone who could abandon me in the middle of my deepest opening, activating my ancient wounds, and not stick around and hold me with unconditional love could be my Twin Flame?

I don’t know about you, but the other half of my soul would never abandon me. That’s not my style! I can safely say that the other half of my soul would never leave me high and dry during the most dramatic moment of my life. He would come towards me to resolve the situation the best he could, even if it was messy. My twin flame would never run, at least not for more than a few moments. And that’s how he would treat his children, his family, and his tribe.

My Twin Flame counterpart is a king who loves you and his people and who never leaves you or his people.

That’s why my current partner Jack and I are loving each other up so much. We’re very committed people – to the New Earth, and to Twin Flame Love…and so we don’t abandon. We don’t shut down our emotions and run. We communicate, we look into each others eyes, we work things out. Even when it’s dramatic and traumatic and scary.

Abandonment is not the sacred act of a Twin Flame, it’s not an act of true love. Abandonment is a sin, as sin simply means “to go without.” I never want to “Twin Flame sin” again, to go without my own self-love–to leave and abandon myself by hanging around waiting for some guy to come back. Staying stuck in the pain for thousands of life times while truelove could have been right there at my fingertips. Waiting for someone to come back who has abandon you is the worst thing for the inner child and for children. It touches upon the great father wound that has scarred each of us on the deepest level. In order to heal those heart tissues, we must commit to finding those who do not abandon. And to work on our abandonment issues ourselves.

We, especially women, need to be brave enough to ask for partners who stay.

Who work on the issues. And stop calling those runners our true Twin Flame. Find true sustainable flame he love. That’s 1 million times better than a sexy ungrounded affair that leads to years of pain and wounds… Twin Flame runners will drop the ball on you almost every time. But Twin Flame Stayers will love you and show up to do the work.


Dr Amanda Noelle



Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker


Twin Flame Runner and Chaser: How to End the Twin Flame Runner Dynamics

Twin Flame Runner and Chaser: How to End the Twin Flame Runner Dynamics

TWIN FLAME RUNNER, OR JUST A KARMIC SOULMATE?! Ending The Twin Flame Runner Chaser Chaos

What if a Twin Flame runner, or a Twin Flame Counterfeit, as I call it, keeps running in and out of your life or just your mind, and it drives you crazy? How can we avoid such intense Twin Flame runner and chaser dynamics, so that we can ground true Twin Flame Love?

You know if you’ve got a Twin Flame Counterfeit/runner if:

  • He/she brings up all of your wounding – from your childhood, past lives, and deep unconscious blueprints
  • You start to awaken to unconditional love, and then when the person leaves, it feels like it’s gone (but it’s really not! I promise…)
  • You have suicidal thoughts after they leave you, and you feel like your soul purpose is to be with them always and NOW (which it’s not, I promise! If it were, you’d be with them…)
  • You feel like you’re off your orbit and you’ll never get it back
  • You feel like you’re holding the pain of the entire universe inside of you; particularly, the abandonment of the Divine Feminine by the Divine Masculine at the beginning of this universe’s timeline
  • Your runner abandoning you triggers you to feel a deep longing to go back to the past, like the future will never be the same, because something terrible has happened, a loss so deep it’s unrepairable

A Twin Flame Counterfeit comes into your life with all of the signs of the true Twin Flame, but there is something not quite right. A trauma occurs, and there is a blending of deep true divine love and an ancient heartache. A Twin Flame runner and chaser dynamic is an emotionally enervating and dysfunctional relationship dynamic that comes out of an unhealed trauma or wound in both partners.

What is Twin Flame Love?

People often misunderstand Twin Flame Love. They think that when they experience it for the first time, that it has to be the source that mattered. That that Joe or Jane was their Twin Flame because it was the first person to help her/him active the Twin Flame frequencies within. This is not the case.

Twin Flame Love energies are within all of us, and most of us have a lot of clearing to do to activate, reclaim, and heal our self-love and Twin Flame Love in order to attract the other half of our soul, our Twin Flame reincarnation.

Twin Flame runners and chasers serve a soul purpose

To end Twin Flame runner pain, we have to understand the purpose for them coming into our lives. We have to own that we are not victims, but we are healing an ancient pain that needs clearing pronto for our soul purpose mission and true Twin Flame to come in.

Often times Twin Flame runners are here simply to awaken your soul’s ancient love briefly, like a match igniting a candle, and then it blows out. But the candle stays lit, despite the fact that they are gone. It can be like a painful birthing process, where a new life is born, but there’s a descension happening in occurrence with your soul’s ascension, simultaneously. There is much soul growth and sometimes it can be exquisitely painful…Hang in there!

Are you ready to see the divine truth?

Twin Flame runners activate divine truth at the same time they illuminate lies and deception. You must master this dear child of God/dess! You are here to master of decoding the illusion of love so that you can step into the deepest truest unconditional, Divine Love. Be not afraid, you and your tiny human self will lick her wounds; you will heal, and you will be closer to the truth and to God/dess than you have ever been. You will become him/her indeed! This is the Twin Flame initiation, and it is not for the faint of heart.

Twin Flame chasers pine after you or you for them because the wound is so painful that you have unearthed, it’s a sacred wound held in the Divine Feminine within the collective. As the Divine Feminine Rising occurs, we must clear clear clear the old abuse and abandonment wounds within.  We restore Her within us as we cleanse the pain. There is no love outside of you. You are love. Yet it is normal to want to run and chase after an illusion of love.  This is the core mistake of the Twin Flame runner and chaser dynamic.

How do you know the difference between true Twin Flame Love, and a TFC?

Visit to register for the free annual activation!

As a Twin Flame Matchmaker, people are always asking me, Amanda, How do I know if someone is my Twin Flame? And I always answer that you know when you know, and I highly recommend not rushing it. If it’s real and eternal and infinite, there’s nothing you could ever do to destroy it or push them away. Unless part of you wants to!

If you’re consulting psychics, oracles, daisies (he loves me, he loves me not…), then you are not yet living in a Twin Flame relationship. An adult Twin Flame relationship takes two whole balanced adult and committed people who are not living in a fantasy land where daisies predict the future. You and your Twin Flame don’t leave it up to the gods to take care of you, you control your destiny and you’re not waiting around for someone to come save you or be saving someone else.

Twin Flames allow each other to find each other and stay together when they’re ready.  If you’re struggling and it’s not working and not in the flow, take time apart and heal yourself. Let go. Surrender the relationship. If it’s the real deal, s/he will come back.  But you have to learn to let go and let God/dess and release the relationship that you’re clenching your teeth about.

If you haven’t seen my video about healing from Twin Flame Separation, you can do so HERE:

Healing Twin Flame Separation

Twin Flame runners are here to awaken the ancient Twin Flame energies and clear past life karma

what to do if your twin flame runs

There may be bleed-throughs from many past lifetimes in which you and your Twin Flame Counterfeit were together and something painful happened that you still need to resolve. Perhaps it was a death, a betrayal, a judgement, or an abandonment, and you are here to complete that karmic soulmate relationship. Or, maybe you were connected to some gift together in a lifetime that needs healing. For instance, maybe you were a healer, a shaman, an high priestess and your Twin Flame energies got compromised when you were burnt at the stake and traumatized. Often times, I find my clients who have very strong karmic pulls towards so-called Twin Flames later on find out that they were madly in love because of a past life intense energy, and not a good one!

My Twin Flame Counterfeit karma tale

My somewhat embarrassing Twin Flame Counterfeit (TFC) story is that I was killed in a past life in New England for being a metaphysical practitioner, and my TFC and I both died together in that lifetime. In this lifetime, we had a similar karmic bleed-through and attracted a horrid situation which involved persecution, financial loss, and a death-like out of body experience which got me arrested and traumatized.

I was madly in love with my TFC and was certain that he was my Twin Flame, and I couldn’t imagine letting him go. It felt like a real death. Three years passed and through much healing and releasing work, I let him go and could finally move on.

But I was stuck in a crazy loop for nearly three years that I couldn’t get out of and was convinced he was the one for me! This is an example of how your so-called Twin Flame may be a TFC that has a deep karmic tie that you are here to clear and bring to the Light.  That’s what Twin Flame runners and chases are for!

Dr Amanda Noelle



PS: Watch the Twin Flame Separation video here!

Healing Twin Flame Separation

Dr. Amanda Noelle is a Twin Flame Matchmaker helping single spiritual women swiftly attract their Twin Flames. She is the founder of Aphrodite University, the first online Divine Feminine university for High-Healed Priestesses.