Twin Flame 1111 Rituals | For Magic and Manifestation on 11/11/17

Twin Flame 1111 Rituals | For Magic and Manifestation on 11/11/17

The date 11/11 is a Twin Flame number and offers a Twin Flame Love frequency.

In this post, I will share with you a list of things that you can do to invoke Twin Flame Love on 11/11/17, or on any 11/11 date, or even at 11:11 time, any day, to create an invocation or Twin Flame awakening ritual. 

There are an infinite number of ways to create Twin Flame 1111 rituals, but I have found that several things have worked to help my clients attract their Twin Flames at light speed so I’ll share them here.

I think you’ll find this guided Twin Flame Reunion Hypnosis Meditation supportive in preparation for your Twin Flame ritual. You can listen to it now, and if you can, re-listen regularly over a period of several days before doing your 1111 ritual!

⇒ Watch the Twin Flame Reunion Hypnosis Meditation Video HERE

Twin Flame Reunion Hypnosis Meditation (Good For Sleep!)

11 Twin Flame Ritual Tips for 11/11 or 11:11

  1. Do a count down and light a candle at 11:11:11pm
  2. Celebrate with arms wide open with the sound “eeeee” (like Spanish/Latin “i” sound) which is a Twin Flame frequency
  3. Do a clearing burning ritual by burning something representing energy from old love(s)and Twin Flame runners
  4. Do a Twin Flame Activation ritual in a group
  5. Unite the elements of fire and water in some way, which represents the Yin and Yang Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine counterparts
  6. Wear your favorite colors representing Twin Flame Love
  7. Wear crystals on your heart such as amethyst, rose quartz, clear quarts, and rhodonite that attract Twin Flame Love
  8. Connect with dolphins on 11/11/17, through music, statues, photographs/art, or actual dolphins if possible
  9. Feel into the frequencies that are available on 11/11 during your meditation
  10. Tune into the 432 hz tuning fork energies for Twin Flame love
  11. Spend time alone out in nature connecting with your Twin, or if you re in Divine Union already, bring them with you to celebrate!

There are many ways to celebrate the beautiful frequencies that are indeed always here, but come in through the celebration of the numbers 11/11 and 11:11.  Find your own unique way to harness Twin Flame Love that day and every day!

Whoa! Synchronicity!!!:

I love this… I just noticed the time of publishing this blog; I copy-pasted the time just now before publishing! “Last edited by Amanda at 11:11 pm.” Holy cow, 1111 is for real! 🙂

Lots of love and 1111 Twin Flame Blessings,

Dr. Amanda Noelle, the Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps women attract their Twin Flames at light speed and create soul-purposed missions that heal the planet.

Twin Soul Self-Love Secret: The Twin Flame Self-Marriage Meditation

Twin Soul Self-Love Secret: The Twin Flame Self-Marriage Meditation

What is the fastest way to your Twin Flame, the ultimate beloved?

I’m a Twin Flame Matchmaker, and I have seen it all. Many women I have worked with have attracted a Twin Flame runner, or even a Twin Flame Counterfeit–someone who looks like the part in every way, but who runs and who cannot sustain a long-term healthy relationship. Some of these ladies obsess over the lost love, but it brings them no where and Prince (or Princess) Charming doesn’t come back until they take this one action:

To choose self-love.

We must never abandon ourselves. We must crave our own love. We must heal our own hurts and tears and tears in our auras.

It’s simply falling in love with yourself, and aligning all your 7 chakras with YOU, singing at your own soul frequency.  Here is a Twin Flame meditation video I hope will help you:

Twin Flame Self-Marriage: Marry Yourself to Marry Your Twin Flame

Enjoy, and marry yourself, knowing that you are always pure love and deserve the very best from your beloved, and most of all, from yourself.



Dr. Amanda Noelle is a Twin Flame Matchmaker and the Founder of Aphrodite University.