Why Heartbreak Hurts So Bad It Breaks a Woman

Why Heartbreak Hurts So Bad It Breaks a Woman

Girlfriend, did you know that getting heartbroken can be so harrowing and hard that some scientists say it feels as bad as severe physical pain?

⇒ Watch Why Heartbreak Breaks a Woman here:

Twin Flame Heart Chakra Pain | From Heartbreak to Healed

Greetings Twin Flame Lover, Hi, I’m Dr Amanda Noelle the Twin Flame Matchmaker….

Has your heart been splattered, like TOTALLY shattered!? There is nothing worse than letting a past heartbreak haunt your life, and negatively impacting your dating game.

A traumatized heart chakra can not only sabotage a woman’s love life, it can infect her health, wealth, and all areas of life as well.

But the good news is that you can always heal the past, and a healed heart chakra is what magnetizes love in all of its divine forms!

So let me ask you the following.

Does your heart desire one or more of the following:

  • Your Twin Flame or sacred union with your ultimate beloved?
  • Deep, nourishing Soul Family connections?
  • Your fully expressed soul purpose, one that contributes to the greater good of our planet?
  • More abundance and financial prosperity?
  • A blissful business (what I call a “bli$$ness”) or work you love?
  • And perhaps most of all: a deep connection to your Divine Creator?

My darling friend, you deserve an abundance of love in all of these avenues…

And guess what: You can have it all.

All it takes is an upgraded, healed, and whole heart chakra. No more bullet holes!

I love helping smart conscious women heal and reveal the hurts in their hearts, and turn them back into Twin Flame Love.

And I can SO relate! I myself suffered from chronic broken-heart pain for several decades… That’s why healing the heart is now my #1 soul purpose and one of my strongest soul medicines!

Being heartbroken can be just as bad as Japanese water torture… 

Why? Because the anterior cingulate cortex, an area of your brain that lights up when you’re physically in pain, is the exact same area that lights up when you suffer from heartbreak.

Research from Purdue University, Macquarie University, and the University of New South Wales found that people experience emotional pain as worse or even stronger than physical pain!

Heartbreak isn’t to be glossed over… If you’ve been through one, it serves you to deal with it and heal it now. The energy can manifest as breast lumps, cysts, cancer, and heart disease. For both men and women, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death.

While men can just as easily go through heartbreak and suffer, I have witnessed from my own experience and that of my clients that women often struggle with this area more than men do. According to Harvard University Heart attacks strike men at younger ages than women. But survival rates are worse in women.

I believe that heart, lung, and breast issues are a reflection of the 4th chakra blocks caused by heartbreak that are rampant in our society.

On top of this, women are programmed to energetically take on pain from men. We do this instinctively with our children, absorbing grief into our heart chakra area. In Chinese medicine the organ associated with the emotion grief is the lungs. I see this as a gray energy in the 4th chakra of so many of my clients.  This energy needs to be cleared in order for your Twin Flame to discover, feel, and help you fully heal your heart.

***Learn more about how my Twin Flame Game Changing training, “From Heartbreak to Heart BREAKTHROUGH!” can help you cut through the heart chakra fog by clicking here. ***

But it gets even gloomier.

Unfortunately, if you’ve been through a bad heartbreak, you’re at high risk for another one… Research from Brown University has shown that if you experience a breakup, the likeliness of a second breakup increases by 75%!

According to Erica Slotter, a psychology Ph.D. candidate at Northwestern University:

“We know that relationships change the way we think about ourselves. When a relationship ends, that sense of self ends.”

Heartbreaks can only stop when we do the work it takes to prevent them from happening again.

So sister, if you’re doing things to distract yourself from the heart pain, hoping it will go away in time, I am here to remind you to jump on the healing bus so you can return your heart to a 4th chakra aligned vibration.

I am here to help you to STOP attracting unnecessary heartbreaks, and start attracting an abundance of fulfilling relationships in all areas of your life that reflect your beauty, bliss, and love.

But I get how painful and tricky it can be.

My name Amanda literally means “Beloved,” and I have fought to learn how to be loved! I used to be a love addict, getting heartbroken all the time by all the wrong people…

Not just by men either! Even friendships would suddenly blow up in my face–I’ve been stood up in every way imaginable.

Before I dealt with my heart chakra abandonment issues, I even got stood up by money BIG TIME. I stagnated at a 4-figure salary for around a decade.

Deep down, my heart was encoded with “I am unlovable” and “I am not good enough,” which I too commonly see within my clients and fans.

Still, my heartbreak syndrome was intense, isolating, embarrassing, and I was starting to feel hopeless.

Why did love deceive me so often, when all I wanted to do was love and be loved?!

That’s why I devoted myself to cracking the code to true love.

My angels and guides started sharing Aphrodite’s magic with me… Higher councils taught me how to clear the heart chakra, open up the feminine gateways, and download the Money Codes of Isis…

I was also taught how to awaken my sacred sexuality, and that my Sacred Chalice is meant to be a Divine portal of Twin Flame Love.

How do you know when love is real?

It hurts when we invest our love in all the wrong places.

There’s nothing worse than being disappointed by those we love, and whom we think love us back…

These types of heartbreaks can also break our love bank accounts.

But is there some type of litmus test we can take to tell if someone is real love vs a Twin Flame Counterfeit?

The reason I have been successful in calling in my Twin Flame, someone I love and adore who feel the same way about me (most of the time), is that I learned to get smart with my heart.

I am so happy to say that, today I have the MOST AMAZING TWIN FLAME UNION, a partner who honors, adores, and even worships the goddess in me.

Are you ready for deep love reflected back through the Ultimate Divine Mirror?

Click the link here to check out my heart-healing course to help you transform your broken heart into a bustling “bank account of love”…

Women hire my help because they are tired of suffering from the intense, harrowing, perhaps even ancient heart breaks.

They let me help them clear out the endless pain, devastation, and sense of hopelessness so they can move on into Twin Flame Love.

The heartbreaks have been inside them for lifetimes, through ancestral lineage held through the epigenetics, and perhaps even heartbreaks from ancient past lives, such as times in Greece, floods in Atlantis, and dark histories in Egypt.

Usually when women are holding onto energy from past lives and ancestry, these heartbreaks are deep, and can corrupt the energy field. They create a disruption of the Law of Attraction, making it hard to attract what your heart truly desires and deserves. Meaning that if she’s attempting to attract money or her beloved, or anything that truly matters, it’s going to call in the wrong thing until the wounds are released or healed.

If you have weird stuck heartbreak patterns, they’ll repel true love coming to you in the form of: dating, relationships, money, your soul purpose, or truly anything that matters… Don’t delay

Click the link here for “From Heartbreak to Heart BREAKTHROUGH trainings!” to create lasting relationships with the right partner that you can grow and nurture for life, or at least for years.

How do you know if your love is the right investment?  

You simply feel it in your heart!

****My extensive home learning program gives you all the tools you need to heal and align your heart chakra so that you can magnetize your Soulmate Clients and Twin Flame beloved.

This exclusive program has been years in the making and this course is available for you right now. Click Subscribe right now and receive a special 77% discount for $33!

Check it out at https://dramandanoelle.com/heartbreakthrough

It turns out that a healed heart attracts quality love. An unhealed heartbreak calls in distortion and disappointment, misleading our soul to believe that we’re unworthy of love, one of life’s biggest potential lies.

You are worthy of love, and you can become the lover of all loves, and attract a Twin Flame Mirror. You can heal your heart, but it takes work. If you have experienced slight or even sever heartbreak in your past, it’s time to free your soul and heal yourself so you can call in all the love you want.

A Radiant Heart Always Calls in More Love

Remember, your happy and vibrant green, pink, and gold-colored heart chakra energy is what calls in yummy, whole, and nurturing love relationships. And if you’re an entrepreneur it’s what calls in raving Soulmate Clients, fans, friends, and opportunities… For you lovers out there, it’s the #1 place you’ll need to unblock in order to call in your Twin Flame.

Don’t be ashamed if you have been single and struggling, and if you have  been magnetizing partners who manipulate, mislead, or misalign with your brilliance.  Do not settle for less! Your love life can explode once you realign a heart chakra that’s been broken or shut off. A clogged heart only attracts persecution, those who mistrust us, and those with cold-hearted love. I know you don’t want that!

A woman’s broken heart blueprint can quickly be shifted, but it takes some work.

When you shift your heart break, when it comes to finding love, it’s always easy to tell if it’s the real deal or not!

If you don’t know how to read the difference between a real soul connection and just plain karma, and it’s hard to run your bli$$ness and life with pleasure, try out the home study program for just $33 for a limited time only.

Twin Flame Love resides in all things. It’s the harmonized love between the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects.

We all have wounding which is why we need our mentors and teachers for support, and I got you girl!

You deserve the REAL DEAL.

It can be tricky to rewire your heart/brain/pussy on your own, which is why I am honored to offer my support to you.

While I know this or any program won’t instantly or totally fix your love life, or business, or soul sister connections, it will absolutely help you tune into your own unique heart chakra vibration of TRUE Twin Flame Love to create miracles...

By learning the signs of healthy love, you can call in a tribe of like-hearted, kindred spirits who do want to support you. Love you. And deeply connect…

Thanks for healing your gorgeous heart and soul.

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Namaste, Amanda

PS: A woman may quite possibly die of a broken heart, so don’t delay on the healing process…find out what you can do to heal your heart here.

What Is Feminine Energy?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...

Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.

(Lovingly) Fuck Twin Flame Runners

(Lovingly) Fuck Twin Flame Runners

I say this with love and compassion. But I also say it with some mama bear passion with my sacred Hell NO!

I have the right to say this, to express my opinion. Especially after watching thousands of women come to me in tears because their supposed “Twin Flame” has run. I heard the same flipping the story over and over again, like a broken record! It makes you think that there’s probably something wrong with our society, not something wrong with these Twin Flame Runners and Chasers.

Women are constantly blaming themselves for making their Twin Flames run (sometimes without much explanation or even compassion) and she is left to pick up the pieces. In the process, she blames herself, and is often absolutely still sure that this man is her twin.

Here is what I have to say to this scenario: Fuck Twin fLame Runners!

A true man has balls… And he holds the moon for you! I had one of those Lame Flames that would blow out if I breathed too strong. I call him a Twin Flame Counterfeit, the TFC. It taste good, but it’s about as healthy for you as KFC. Killing Friendly Chickens.

For a really long time I believed that the other half of my soul just needed to wake up and that he would possibly come back someday. Just like they tell you in the fairytales… The handsome prince comes back to kiss the sleeping beauty. Though prince charming was distant, focused on his own goals and life without caring about me, I stuck around energetically anyways. Asleep at the wheel for thousands of years waiting for my prince.

Because society told me that this was Twin Flame Love, and I also think I was under some sort of witchy she spell, to be honest.

twin flame coach

And so I stayed around for five fucking years holding my breath hoping that Prince Charming would somehow wake up and come back and make me feel loved again, as I had felt the moment we met.

While I send this flame of my past lots of love, I realize that it was a total counterfeit flame that was not serving my light for the long-term. Instead, it was sort of a shadow flame, a dark flame that stoked my passion for love and light. But it was not the love and light itself!

We have to lovingly forgive ourselves for being such freaking idiots in counterfeit love! How did I actually believe that someone who could abandon me in the middle of my deepest opening, activating my ancient wounds, and not stick around and hold me with unconditional love could be my Twin Flame?

I don’t know about you, but the other half of my soul would never abandon me. That’s not my style! I can safely say that the other half of my soul would never leave me high and dry during the most dramatic moment of my life. He would come towards me to resolve the situation the best he could, even if it was messy. My twin flame would never run, at least not for more than a few moments. And that’s how he would treat his children, his family, and his tribe.

My Twin Flame counterpart is a king who loves you and his people and who never leaves you or his people.

That’s why my current partner Jack and I are loving each other up so much. We’re very committed people – to the New Earth, and to Twin Flame Love…and so we don’t abandon. We don’t shut down our emotions and run. We communicate, we look into each others eyes, we work things out. Even when it’s dramatic and traumatic and scary.

Abandonment is not the sacred act of a Twin Flame, it’s not an act of true love. Abandonment is a sin, as sin simply means “to go without.” I never want to “Twin Flame sin” again, to go without my own self-love–to leave and abandon myself by hanging around waiting for some guy to come back. Staying stuck in the pain for thousands of life times while truelove could have been right there at my fingertips. Waiting for someone to come back who has abandon you is the worst thing for the inner child and for children. It touches upon the great father wound that has scarred each of us on the deepest level. In order to heal those heart tissues, we must commit to finding those who do not abandon. And to work on our abandonment issues ourselves.

We, especially women, need to be brave enough to ask for partners who stay.

Who work on the issues. And stop calling those runners our true Twin Flame. Find true sustainable flame he love. That’s 1 million times better than a sexy ungrounded affair that leads to years of pain and wounds… Twin Flame runners will drop the ball on you almost every time. But Twin Flame Stayers will love you and show up to do the work.


Dr Amanda Noelle



Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker


Three Steps to Cure Depression and Severe Heartache Naturally and Shamanically

Three Steps to Cure Depression and Severe Heartache Naturally and Shamanically

I pretty much experience earthly orgasmic ecstasy daily now, without drugs, shamanic medicine, medication, or even meditation really…  But trust me, it wasn’t always that way…

Only two years ago, I was forced to heal myself from some pretty severe depression stuff that was going on for two and a half years, due to a bad breakup which triggered my Dark Night of the Soul. All my childhood and past life issues came up at once, flooding into my consciousness for purging, leaving me feeling traumatized, out of control, and terrified of whether or not it would ever end.

But I healed it all! I received help along the way from family, friends, a shrink, some shamans, acupuncture, and various healing modalities; all of it helped a little, bit by bit, but none of it really did the trick and the pain kept with me into year three, which was scary.  It felt like nothing was fully working to soothe my pain and grief, until I discovered a incredible secret I am about to share (and two other good healthy suggestions as well).

Funny thing is that I only figured out yesterday exactly how I healed my Dark Night depression and doom and gloom. I mean I knew I felt better, but I didn’t realize exactly where the healing event occurred! So I have a huge revelation and secret trick to share…Wanna know how to clear depression permanently and naturally?  Here’s the biggest secret ever, so you can live magically, feel in love with yourself and life, and live soulfully once again too! 

healing depression naturally

Here’s me after I healed my Dark Night of the Soul


First of all, a brief disclaimer that depression should be treated by a pro doctor or shrink blah blah blah, and that the info contained here is just one gal’s opinion and we don’t hold me accountable for sharing my brilliant words. But yep, I do consider myself to be a pretty bright shining shaman who can help you only because I have treated my own issues myself with divine love and success, so here goes.

Oh, and second of all, if you are going through a killer bad ass painful heartbreak with a beloved, a death, or a death-like end of a relationship, keep reading, ‘cuz this blog’s for you! I send you so much unconditional love, empathy, and cheerleading, because I know you can do it, I did!

These are my three steps to recovering from a severe heartache and Dark Night depression, naturally.

Step One

The first step is to reawakening the God/dess Self. Girl, you gotta reconnect to your God/dess Self, or Higher Self, or whatever you call it. You have to surrender and trust to the highest place in your divinity. You’re probably in pain because your soul wants you to wake up to the Light, so she’s brining you over to the Dark Side to force you to turn your Light on. Do it! Connect to the God Light within you. 

No matter what religion or spiritual school you grew up with or still believe in, let it go for a moment. Just connect to pure divinity. Connect to the force of Light in you that has carried through every situation in your life, and in every past life. Tune into your original spark. Align with the Divine Love inside of you.

You must awaken to your Higher Self now, and surrender the pain to your God Self.

atlantis risingHow do you do it exactly?  It’s hard to explain, but you have to keep playing with it until it clicks. You can pay shamans to help heal you, but ultimately you can only do it for yourself. It takes courage, but you will figure it out.

Devote your soul to your soul: ask your soul questions, start trusting her, honor her needs, start feeling your pain and emotions, and begin soothing it with your own soul’s love. Your soul is an ancient teacher and healer here to help.

Reconnecting the disconnects from your God Self requires tender and constant nurturing. It also requires reparenting the inner child, as there is a parallel between your inner child’s relationship with her mom and pop, and your soul’s trust in the Divine Mother and Divine Father. You will project whatever you experienced from good ol’ mom and dad during childhood onto God/Goddess; so until you fix and figure out those patterns, you’ll be repeating the damage and limits.  It’s not fun to be living a life in a lie, in a perspective that there is no God, or that God betrayed you simply because your parents did, or at least perceived that they did. God never would betray you! It’s legally impossible (based on Divine Law) – though it’s easy to set up subconscious beliefs like “God betrays me,” so you keep attracting experiences that reflect this belief. Try repeating affirmations like “God never betrays me and never has,” and see how that feels instead.

Ask to be reconnected to Father Mother God and your Higher Self now in a prayer. Rituals help. Comfort and soothe yourself. You are a great inner mama and contain the Divine Mother within you!

Step Two

searchThe next step is pretty bold, but if you live to be happy, I really do suggest you follow this one.

The second step is to connect to your solar and stellar origins via spending time in sun and starlight. Which  bridges Divine Light into your physical structures (aka the body) consciousness, happy mood, and spirit.

Spend as much time as possible connecting with the sun and stars. Get outdoors as much as possible. Quit your burdensome lifestyle indoors. Take breaks more often.

I know this may require a lot of you, and it may seem unrealistic now because you have your whole life centralized around taking care of people and things that require you to stay in doors and away from the natural light. But I say FUKKIT, it’s your job to nourish your soul and your body, and you can’t stay imprisoned forever…

The ‘Illuminati,’ is a reflection of our shadow selves, which is embedded in our subconsciousness, as well as DNA strands, and in the waters of the earth. It needs to be healed and aligned with Light to clear depression.

Don’t freak out about it, but the Illuminati is present within everything until it gets cleared – within our culture, collective consciousness, in our government and work systems, in our food and health, and ultimately in our spirits and psychologies.  But it can be cleared and upgraded! Illuminati is basically just another word for ‘energy that eliminates the Light.” Everything is a code written into the Divine Computer of all that is. Illuminati energy shows up in its code form when we choose to limit bliss and follow fear. When we say yes to slavery, say yes to poverty and struggle, when we say yes to staying indoors, boxed in cubicles like chickens in a cage, when we are OK abusing our bodies, limiting our creativity and passions, staying married to jobs and people who don’t suit us our our Divine gifts, we are saying yes to Illuminati energy.

Get Light, get happy. It’s time to move away from the polluted cities for a bit, start stargazing, and I swear it will make all of the difference.

Step Three 


Here’s the big secret that changed me and permanently healed like 99% of my depression. It’s spending time in the sea among coral! Who would have guessed?

There is something soul activating about coral, and I have downloaded that it is where we come from. So it’s like this rebirthing place within the womb, and so we get to reset the codes within our bodies and our own divine computer! Water holds memory and is the most basic storage device that is almost an exact replica on a molecular structure level as a silicon chip in your computer storage device. Gaia’s ocean in pure areas will clear and clean your chakras, your DNA, and activate your Light Body as well as your physical body. You can even follow traditions of clearing the body by drinking salt water (do this under supervision as it will cause diarrhea and a detox reaction!) to purify yourself.

What I can say is that when I came here to this snorkel haven a few years ago in the depth of my pain, I opened myself to the healing energies of the ocean and it felt amazing! I went from crabby and stuck to aligned.  I suggest spending time on a tropical island with sand, sun, snorkeling, and clean food. Not much else, and ask to connect to your Higher Self, your God Self and you will heal your soul.

To your bliss and joy!


Dr. Amanda Noelle is the Twin Flame Matchmaker and Founder of Aphrodite University where shamanic high priestesses turn their bliss into monayyyy so they can travel, rise the Goddess temples and create lives to love for!