What if My Twin Flame Is Married?
Some of you have asked, the question, “What if my Twin Flame is married?”
This can be a touchy topic that can bring up a fair amount of inner (and possibly outer!) turmoil.
While I have never been caught in this frustrating scenario myself, hundreds of my Twin Flame fans and clients have told me that they think they know who their Twin Flame is, and yet he/she’s already married to someone else.
I can relate though…Just a few years back, I myself was constantly getting attached to men who were emotionally unavailable, married to their work, or who were committed to other women or playing the field. There wasn’t enough room for me, and it was frustrating! I was longing for the depth of the Twin Flame Union, but something always blocked me…
Additionally, as a Twin Flame Matchmaker, I’ve seen many Twin Flame seekers commit on a soul level to someone who is not committed to them 100%, so they then miss out on the chance to meet someone who is available.
The worse thing that happens–an unfortunately this is very common–is that sometimes the person waits on their potential Twin Flame for years, only to find out it was not their true Twin Flame!
On the other hand, maybe the person you’re in love with is your true Twin… It’s a tricky situation when you experience a deep knowing that someone is your Beloved, and yet you haven’t mastered the alignment of creating a fully committed and healthy Twin Flame Union.
If you are attracted to a potential Twin Flame, and you have already identified the Twin Flame Signs with this person, you are probably assuming that this person is your Twin Flame.
But what happens if you find out later that this person wasn’t a Twin Flame? What if they were a Twin Flame Counterfeit, aka False Twin Flame–wouldn’t you want to have known this from the start?
I am here to help you not waste your precious time on Twin Flame Counterfeits.
If you’re feeling a deep connection to someone who you believe to be your Twin Flame, watch my video, “What if my Twin Flame is married?“ to help you handle this harrowing situation.
Watch this video to:
- Learn why you’ve manifested this difficult type of soul contract, and what you can do about it
- Find out how to handle this frustrating scenario in a positive, healing way
- Discover the #1 question you should be asking yourself that you’re probably not
So what do you do if you’ve gotten Twin Flame entangled with someone who is married and not planning to leave? Just watch this video, “What if my Twin Flame is married?” to find out here:
Sometimes these situations can be long and drawn out, and very painful. Do not judge, blame, or shame yourself. Instead, look at the patterns coming up and get the support it takes to heal them. A Twin Flame Union takes work, support, and often an outside witness to support your growth.
If you have been stuck and spinning your wheels waiting for Twin Flame Love, you may be stuck.
Don’t waste any more precious time, as you deserve Twin Flame Love! Support is here for you and you don’t have to wait any longer!!!
In our Twin Flame Attraction Programs, my Beloved Jack and I help resolve these issues out quickly so Beloveds can themselves of old Twin Flame Love Blocks.
If you are thinking “My Twin Flame is already married,” take a deep breath–the love is always within you and cannot be separated from you.
The path of the Twin Flame is not an easy one, and there are many ‘tests’ that appear in various lifetimes. You must stay strong, clear out love addictions, and call in the healing support you’re here to receive, which always starts and ends within you.
The Twin Flame Matchmaker