7 Signs of a Narcissistic Man

7 Signs of a Narcissistic Man

Despite their seemingly unbreakable armor, narcissistic men are actually very vulnerable underneath it all. They’re just brilliant at hiding their tenderness from women under their layers of manipulation, lies, illusion, unhealthy behaviors, and possibly playing around with your heart.

Have you ever found yourself in a romantic relationship, and you give him everything, and you’re left with nothing and you feel more powerless than ever before? And you still thought he was your ultimate soulmate or Twin Flame? It’s humbling–you feel drained and super confused as to why this happened to you…. He could be a narcissist man. Here are the 7 signs so you can tell for sure…

Here are the 7 Signs of the Narcissist Man

  1. He has no boundaries and doesn’t want you to set any. If you don’t set your boundaries, you will be victimized by narcissists; narcissists energetically cord into your chakras and leech energy like “energy vampires,” and they’ll do the same with emotions, attention, physical space, finances…and pretty much anything! So set your boundaries and put up psychic protection as well.
  1. He feeds off of your insecurity. He tells her she’s wrong, isn’t entitled to having what she wants, and puts her down to keep her small. If a woman is lonely and desperate and longing for love, she’s likely to attract someone is (a)is attracted to her neediness, and (b) is repulsed by her neediness like he was with his mother. The narcissist man feeds off of abuse and her fear of abandonment, as he has inwardly felt manipulated and abandoned by his co-dependent mother since early childhood. So, by finding a woman who is equally insecure, needy, and longing for love, she makes him feel important–but he has to put her into an insecure state to “keep her.” Macho men who put down women are an example of this. Deep down they’re the ones who are most afraid of being abandoned and heartbroken! That’s why it’s our job as women to take responsibility for our insecurity and heal our Divine Feminine Wounds.
  1. He manipulates, takes without giving, and justifies it every time. An over-giver is always going to be his target, as he feels entitled to taking, taking, TAKING….He actually doesn’t feel strong and secure in the world without a woman’s presence, though that’s the last thing he’d admit.  These manipulators often sleep around with women or are into serial monogamy. The narcissist man has unhealed Mother Wounds–as his mother didn’t set healthy boundaries and was either overly attached or detached. The narcissist man feeds off of his over-giving partner who often gives from guilt, hoping that he’ll stay if she is “good enough” to him.
  1. He leads you to believe that he can give you the whole fairytale, but he never really does.  The narcissist man needs his woman to believe that he’ll soon bring her what she wants, and thus attracts women who are often hopeless romantics, fantasizer types, and dreamers. Deep down these women are wounded by the patriarchy and lack self-esteem so they cannot ask for what they truly deserve. When you’re living in a fairytale waiting for prince charming but you don’t feel good enough, you settle for fakes.
  1. He’s not a truth teller, he’s good at lies, and doing what it takes to get his way. He does this because deep down he doesn’t feel good enough to face the truth. He feels that without embellishing a little (or a lot) he’s not good enough. So he builds up a puffed up false ego that he hopes will attract women in awe. If this is you, if you’ve been duped by a liar, you’ll want to ask yourself, “Where do I feel small, and where am I lying to myself?” This type of man is magnetized to women who are naive and innocent, so make the effort to educate yourself about your circumstances, step into your power, and ask for what you’re worth. If this man can’t give it to you, the right one will!
  1. Lack of empathy. He lacks empathy, you’re an empath. You’re feelin’ for two, baby!  Where he can’t feel, you’re there holding the space for the emotional intelligence…but for him! The job of the empath is to feel how she is feeling, and not get stuck in how others are doing. While easier said than done, the empath female must say NO to any behaviors that feel like a violation. When she starts taking herself and her own emotions seriously, she’ll no longer keep attracting narcissists who don’t have the capacity for empathy.
  1. He’s a perfectionist.  Whether or not he’s trying to be perfect himself, he puts pressure on you either verbally or you just feel it, to be the perfect woman. He is controlling and seeks perfection, and projects this onto you.  So maybe your diet to have the perfect body for him, say or do things to impress or become an overachiever at work…If you’re a perfectionist, end this cycle by choosing not to care about external appearances so much; instead go inward and work on the self-love. Then it’s certain that you’ll no longer magnetize this type of man!

Women, let me know what you felt hearing this list… Have you dated a narcissist? And why do you think you attracted this?  What are you doing now to boost your self-worth to prevent these patterns from happening again? I would love to know in the comments below.

Elephants are a sign of the Divine Feminine, and while the Divine Feminine is awakening rapidly, we’re running out of time. We need to remain calm and steady, but we can’t keep waiting.

We have to let go of our perfectionist ways and take action. We must love ourselves first, feed the Feminine, and heal our wounds.  This is a top priority. We also have to say NO to men who mistreat us, and nurture the little boys and also set healthy boundaries with them so they gain a sense of self.

One of my favorite things to do is donate a percentage of my income to saving the elephants. Click the link below in the description box to donate to the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and help an orphaned baby elephant rehabilitate. Your contribution is not only a cause for African Wildlife but a cause for healing the Divine Feminine Wounds.

Thank you so much, beloved…

Stay tuned and subscribe to my channel, as I will be releasing a few more videos this week about narcissist patterns in men, and after that I’ll be posting about healing the Divine Feminine Wounds, something I discovered I’m deeply passionate about as well.

Thanks for dropping in sister, give a “like” if you want to support my channel, and I look forward to seeing you next time!

Namaste, Dr. Amanda Noelle

The Twin Flame Matchmaker

PS: Donate to the David Sheldrick Wildlife here to save the elephants here.

What Is Feminine Energy?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...

Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.