Who Is Jezebel and how Can we Restore the Divine Feminine?

Who Is Jezebel and how Can we Restore the Divine Feminine?

I had an intense dream about Jezebel the other night, it was terrifying. I feel you High-Healed Priestesses out there should know about it so we can clear the type of energy attack that keeps the Divine Feminine within us terrified and not wanting to rise.  Let’s clear the dark witchy energy that abuses us, keeps us playing small, and feeling afraid of the dark…

But who is Jezebel? And should we fear her? And how can we use Jezebel’s energy to restore the Divine Feminine and reclaim our power as High-Healed Priestesses (modern-day high priestess healers who are saving the planet while going high-end in their BLI$$nesses)?

exorcise jezebel

Jezebel represents a dark side of the Divine Feminine, but she has a sacred purpose in rebirthing the Light. According to truthunity.net, the metaphysical meaning of Jezebel is:
Jezebel, jez’-e-bel (Heb.)intact; untouched; untouchable; unproductive; noncohabiting; without husband; chaste; virgin; adulterous; base; unexalted; licentious.

Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, King of the Sidonians. In Biblical Hebrew Jezebel’s name means ‘there is no nobility’. Originally, her name meant ‘The Prince Baal exists.’  Baal was a weather god worshipped in the Syro-Palestinians. 

Jezebel is an evil woman in the Bible (Revelation 2:20), but as with all evil, evil doesn’t really exist. It’s just where there is empty darkness, like a void, a canvass for the Light. Darkness is just the other side of the coin of Light, Light being the awakened other half.  For each yin side (darkness) needs her yang (lightness) counterpart.

Everything starts in the darkness, and ends in light, and then returns again, only to complete the cycle. Eternally. All dark energies, entities, and human beings become awakened to Light, eventually. Darkness always becomes seeded with Light, because eve darkness loves the Light, as it loves itself (and the darkness is the Light).

Everything is simply a cycle and a play within polarity! And it can be really fun to witness, which is why we’re all here in the Third Dimension where things are slow and we live by experiencing polarity. Yet the Light always triumphs over Darkness in the the end (or in the bigger picture, since really there is no end). All we have to do is become conscious of what is there. Consciousness breeds and breathes Light. So whether there is darkness or Light in your life, become conscious of it; it will become Light, inevitably.

Darling, don’t be freaked out of the dark, darkness is simply here to hold your Light so you can illuminate it! It’s just a fun divine game we came up with in the collective consciousness. In our collective divine minds. So play, laugh, cry, giggle, you have nothing to lose!

Only the Light is real, and it’s eternal. There is no death in this game.

lightworker clearing darknessAccording to Wikipedia, Jezebel became associated with false prophets. In some interpretations, her dressing in finery and putting on makeup before her death led to the association of use of cosmetics with “painted women” or prostitutes.

We all have the Madonna and the whore in us, so let’s get over this limiting archetype and make friends with all sides of ourselves, including our dark sides. That takes courage and confronting our inner Jezebels, our own shadows, with love.

Behind the darkness is always the truth and beauty.

My crazy Jezebel exorcism dream

Wanna hear my crazy dream? I helped to exorcise Jezebel the other night on the astral plane while in sacred circle with a band of my High-Healed Priestess sisters.  In my sleep, several of us High Priestess Professors at Aphrodite University were in a circle discussing how to raise the Divine Feminine. Suddenly, one of the women of the circle stood up, and spoke harshly about me; she tried to cast me out as if I were a heretic or demon. Half of the group stayed with me, and another half of the women became competitive, jealous, angry, and hurtful towards me. Classic cat-fight energy! Mrow! This is Jezebel: competitive, catty, fear-based, traumatizing, and deceiving. And yet she serves a Divine purpose…

how to exorcise demonsThe Girl Exorcist:

I knew I only had a moment before this ‘woman’ would talk people out of my visions, of Aphrodite University, and of rebuilding the goddess temples with me. So I stood up to her, and I told everyone in the group to look in her eyes. She had these strange blue eyes, they were glassy, and opaque. I told everyone in the group to shine love and stare into her eyes. Suddenly, this woman’s spirit was revealed – Jezebel – and she wasn’t of human origin. She had a emptiness to her, slightly reptilian, but she was more of a vibration of lack and emptiness – a hole without a soul. Behind her eyes were dark pits where love had never been laid. Jezebel cannot receive love, and she feeds off of our energy when we are not housed at love. Where our bodies, minds, and spirits aren’t flowing with loving energies. She’s not evil, she’s just a shadow of ourselves.

How to exorcise a demon

who is jezebel

To exorcise her, I had to stand in my power and in my Divine Love. I started calling in the Christ Force energy in the form of golden light. I had to stay steady, even though I was trembling. When I went into fear, dark pins of pain shot into my root chakra and saw the image of sharp witch fingernails become inserted into my yoni (not so nice!). When I brought in more golden light, I awoke with a wave of powerful Divine Love; the pain cleared and I knew Jezebel returned to her origin of pure Divine Feminine love and beauty.

To exorcise an entity, you must come from Divine Love, or Christ Force energy.  You have to overcome the fear and not surrender yourself to pain, fear, and punishment. Falling for that is falling for the oldest trick in the book. You have to avoid low-self esteem and fear, and step into self-love and unconditional Divine Love. How? By feelin’ it and choosing it!

When we heal our relationship with other High Priestesses, we clear out the shadow side of Jezebel.

mary magdalene bride of christTo end subconscious hatred between women, and to step into 6-figure BLI$$ as High-Healed Priestesses, we need to stare down the Jezebels within each of us, with the deepest unconditional love of Mary Magdalene. We must take off our armor and put on our amour for each other ladies, and we’ll have a ball doing so!

I believe that Jezebel is one shade or one face of Mary Magdalene, bride of Christ. She has gained a bad reputation, but I think she is here to remind us that all sides of the Feminine need to be respected, seen, healed, and integrated. Jezebel is part of the Divine Feminine whole and we cannot leave her medicine out. She challenges us to remember our divinity; she tells us to forget our divine origins.  And she has even forgotten herself and needs to be reminded of her own glory! She cannot corrupt you, unless you choose it my dear. Release the voice of her shadowy reflection, and it too will begin to sing the song of the most pure loving siren, of the Magdalene!

How to be safe from the darkness

To escape the darkness and any good dark night of the soul, you must not run. Stay, and look it head on with piercing eyes of Light and Love.

Be fierce in your love, let your Divine Love Flame burn. Whatever you do, do not surrender to fear. Always return to Divine Love as quickly as possible, and it will save you from any form of Darkness. Feel it burning inside you, let it explode in your heart. Honor the Shakinah in every woman, and when you see the false Feminine who states lies, who creates competition, limitation, jealousy, and who tries to possess your spirit, do not run. No, stare her down with love, look her in the eyes, and she will either join you in the Divine Feminine Rise, or she will leave you alone. Her darkness cannot survive in your Light. You are more magnificent and powerful beyond belief, my Little Shakinah sister.

Lots of love and Light,

Dr Amanda Noelle



Dr. Amanda Noelle is a Twin Flame Matchmaker helping single spiritual women attract their soul purpose, soulmate clients, and Twin Flame soulmates in no time! She is also the founder of Aphrodite University, the first Divine Feminine-based metaphysical university on the planet helping hippie chicks go high-end as 6 & 7-figure hip n’ chic healers.

Who Is Jezebel and how Can we Restore the Divine Feminine?

Defending the Holy Grail as a Temple Priestess – The Secret to Awakening Twin Flame Love

I have something deep to share that is so shamanically wild, that you’ll probably just think I’m crazy.

I am a shamanic High Priestess speaking from the Rose Line, and I just exorcised a demon from the Temple of the Twin Flame, and it was absolutely lovely…

I’d like to share the magical secret weapon that came to me in my dreams that will help you clear away darkness from your most feminine, sensual, and vulnerable parts, so that we can rebuild the Goddess Temple to resurrect the Christ-Magdalene crystalline Twin Flame energies here on Gaia, woot woot!

sangraal  Since awakening as a High Priestess and Twin Flame Matchmaker, I often have vivid shamanic dreams that are otherworldly. Earlier this week, I had a dream in which I was in a Masonic Temple, or with the Knight’s Templar. The energy was very dark and masculine, but I wasn’t afraid. I was there for a reason, I was on a mission. I encountered this nasty beast who was a mixture of animal creatures (dragon, goat, dog, etc), but he also had a human form he took at times to disguise himself within the Brotherhood. He was older than me, like my father’s age, and was at the top of the Order, a dark priest who had corrupted the Brotherhood like poison in the well. He was controlling the Divine Feminine and blocking the Divine Masculine Knights who are standing to defend the Divine Feminine.

In actuality, this dude was a demon disguised as a man or even a false-god. He kinda reminded me of Bush and Berlusconi, the kind of dark power energy that makes you quiver. Illuminati, with a capital “I”.

templar demonThis demon was after me, and had been waiting to take away my power for some time, because of my ancient bloodline within the Order. And there he was, ready to dominate me with his dirty and dark power. The way they do it is through the 2nd chakra as it’s the fastest way to the Shakina energy. So, I was having a lovely dream where I was about to be raped. He wanted to slip through my sangraal – Holy Grail, or Sacred Stargate and to continue mixing through the Holy Bloodline. This dark force being wanted to inseminate the line with his dark DNA and icky energy through all eternity.  I don’t think so buster!

templar high priestessWhat happened next is that my High Priestess Higher Self kicked in and I beamed a energetic eruption of pure Feminine Divine Love and shot it lovingly towards this creature from between my legs, like I was making love from the Cosmos and the Earth and putting all of my love and light into him. I let him know that he could take me only because my love would turn his darkness to love.

What happened next? This nasty monster dude backed off, and said “Umm, I gotta go, no thanks, I am not into love,” or something of that sort. He looked so small and pathetic, it was almost sad! I felt joy, and my field felt clearer than ever before.

Before waking I felt a strong message being delivered through my Higher Self. This demon, this devil, is the shadow of everything that is sacred to you: Twin Flame Love, Divine Love, God, Goddess, Purity.  This dark fear energy is simply in existence as a reminder for you to keep the light burning. We have been running from these demon, these dark entities, but running enslaves us, keeps our energy low, blocks us from having abundance, distorts our self-worth, and dulls our memory of how loving we are. And how infinitely potent we are as High Priestesses!

The Secret Weapon to Protecting your Sangraal

I recommend to those of you High Priestesses who are letting in your Twin Flame right now, or those of you who are clearing out the sacred sexual chakras to follow this teaching:

Know that Love is your greatest weapon, and when you illuminate yourself no darkness can live there.

I’ve felt unsafe and stuck in fear for many years in my life, and now that I think of it, I have only had happiness and freedom when I choose fear over love. Again, and again, and again, we are tested, but the answer is always the same: Love. Divine Love.

PS: I had also been having female yoni irritations for the past two months after a trip to Crete were there was a lot of rape energy on the island (it’s an island of a history of multiple pirate attacks after all); yet when I woke up from my dream, the irritation and itching mysteriously disappeared. Gone, cured! How about that for a shamanic antibiotic remedy, take that demonic entity of fear! I love you!!!

PPS: I think this is the dude that almost got to my sacred yoni well. Send him lots of love from your heart and vag!:


PPPS: I think the Templars were originally created with the Holy intention to serve the Twin Flame Love. My father is a Knight’s Templar and Freemason who has always fought for Twin Flame Love and for Divine Feminine (whether consciously or not), and while the modern temples are a little old and rickety, the memory is held within. Like every organization (political, religious, cultural, etc), fear has infiltrated the group and energies have been distorted.  So let’s send them lots of love and light, and vision a new Twin Flame Temple being resurrected with the Divine Feminine being fully alive in her light on her throne.


Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker