Sacred Sexual Healing from the PU$$Y Power
Disclaimer: this is a PU$$Y Power post – it will be super raw, vulnerable, and maybe a little messy or strange. But aren’t we all, in VagiNation?
So, here’s the thing…I masturtate daily and I am going to do it for a long time today.
Masturtate – it means masturbate and meditate at the same time. It feels really good in body and spirit; but what’s more is that it has shifted my life literally from the inside out.
In sanskrit, the male g-spot is called the million dollar point. I think that the same could be true for the female g-spot, so I’m calling it my “Conscious Millionairess Spot.” Truly this is the most luxurious golden spot, honey pot of gold.
Here’s why PU$$Y Power is priceless:
I masturtated my way out of dire poverty and my painful Dark Night of the soul once. It started with a decade of shameful 4-figure poverty. Tuning into my PU$$Y Power, I was able to create my 6-figure bli$$ness in just a couple of years. I now live in my dream home right on the beach in San Diego and finally get to live like a queen.
By accessing PU$$Y Power via orgasm and masturtation, we can transmute the pain of the past into our golden pleasure of the future.
Our PU$$Y Power is infinite, and can create life from one sperm, in the same way that it can create abundance from a seed of an idea. When you implant your next million dollar idea in your g-spot, it can sprout into material world like a child from the womb.
I am now on a path of masturtating daily (or orgasming with a partner during meditation/prayer) as a spiritual and business path. Since I have been manifesting like crazy lately, I feel guided to share as much as I can here in my blogs and on my YouTube channel.
I hope that my own discovery of PU$$Y Power will awaken and impact many women (and their friends, partners, and children) to change the world. As a High-Healed Priestess, it’s my desire that all beings who are willing and worthy, manifest the life of their dreams too. And aren’t we all worthy, once we align with truth? Worthy of infinite abundance, Divine Love, sexual healing, Twin Flame Love, beautiful homes…anything…can be manifested with the PU$$Y Power.
Yet still, my inner child and teen was so conditioned to be ashamed about masturbation, and especially talking about it publicly. It is so confusing, because it’s so blissful, natural, and healing; yet we were taught as kids that we’re “dirty” when we do it. I remember at age 14 we were making fun of someone because they were a known masturbator, and I went along with the mockery so that I wouldn’t stand out, but I was thinking about how mortified I’d be if they found out I’d been masturbating since I was 11.
Thank you for your compassion as I bare my a$$ to the world!
YES – I am going to share more of my sacred sexuality in the raaaaw, despite the fact that some people will think I am a crazy sinner, or worse – a whore. But I am wiling to take it for the team, because I am a spiritual cheerleader leading a movement for other sexy goddesses who don’t want to hold it back any more!
Sure, I was raised to be a ‘good girl’ and I will always be that. We are good, we are God’s children. And we are sexual, and born from sacred sexuality.
I am sexual, and I am human, I am woman, and I am a goddess. It’s our nature to create and to bli$$ out – are you with me sister?!
I AM purity, AND I am sexual. And so are you.
What if each of us were to share more about our sexuality together, in efforts to release the generations of pain, rape, and suffering, in exchange for abundance, bli$$, and magic?! What if we could talk openly about orgasms in front of our bosses, families, and friends in a sacred way?
I have created a sacred container at Aphrodite University where women can safely share their deepest desires and go for them, in all aspects of their life. In love, wealth, business, healing, as we create the New Earth.