How to Clear Dark Energy That Blocks Your Twin Flame Union
Even the most magical women get hit by dark energy sometimes… This can blocks us from attracting what we want: our abundance, our soul purpose, and our Twin Flame.
Beloved, does this sound like you?:
– Is a destructive energy blocking you from your Beloved?
– Do you keep attracting energy vampires left and right?
– Are you having trouble sleeping, focusing, or feeling grounded and safe?
– Is your life being sabotaged for no apparent reason?
– Does something just feel off?
This blog is for you if you’re ready to clear your aura for good and get a sparkly clear love life, sans demons and darkness, to get down to your true essence so you can attract a divinely aligned Twin Flame Love.
I actually recently hit my own struggles with darkness and it was quite a journey returning the crown back on my Crown Chakra. It happens to all High-Healed Priestesses!
My Twin Flame Jack and I just spent the summer between Europe and the East Coast. We stayed in a few spooky old farmouses and castles in France, Vermont, and Upstate New York…places that felt, well, a little HAUNTED! Here’s a pic of me in front of the super spooky haunted barn.
Since returning to San Diego a few days ago, I have been noticing an upper limit to my magic….Something just felt off.
Even all four of our websites went down with malware, even after we’d invested hundreds of dollars in getting them clean! It’s as if the demons are saying they wanted to destroy everything in their path….
But I decided that I am DONE with darkness, and I am ready to spread my light fully!
Would you like to release the darkness too, to tap into your peak priestess performance?
Great! It’s time! By claiming your energy field and building a radiant shield of protection (divine light), you are making room for your Twin Flame to come in.
Your Twin Flame will only be attracted to your soul when he/she an actually recognize your soul, which means your auric field needs to be squeaky clean. No energy blocks or old cobwebs sister!
Here are some juicy goddess tools I have used over the years that really work to spruce up the ol’ energy field. They’ll help you call in your Twin Flame and virtually anything your gorgeous soul desires.
But first…Note that there are many ways to clear an aura.
Here are four useful principles to help you get and keep your aura clean:
- You’ll want to clean your aura regularly, as a practice, and also clear your home and office, and wherever else you spend your time regularly.
- Also, dark energy must be cleared out with love and light, not fear, panic, or paranoia. Love and compassion are the the holiest of sanitizers, like a psychic version of Purell!
- I also suggest having a huge sense of humor, and laughing at the darkness and silly demons (maybe even cackle to loosen things up!).
- Practice makes perfect, and over time you’ll realize how sensitive you are to unclean energy, and you’ll get better at keeping things pristine.
Tips to Cleanse Your Aura
Feather dust! Take a feather–I like wild turkey feathers or ostrich feathers—and ‘dust’ your aura from head to toe, down the arms, down through the feet, and throw all the negative energy into an invisible drain that returns it to the center of the earth.
Light Shower
Turn on the shower of white light, or the violet flame (a cleansing ray), use a rose hue, or anything thing will do! Imagine light pouring down from the heavens and cleansing the parts of you that feel triggered or stuck.
Golden Egg of Protection
This energy field filters out negative energy trying to get in. Sometimes I see women attempting to call in their Twin Flame, but because they aren’t protecting their auras, they’ll keep calling in dark energy which keeps the Karmic Soulmates, Twin Flame Counterfeits, and lower vibrations coming in…
To use this tool, the Golden Egg of Protection, place a bubble–something that looks like a golden egg–around you, about 12-18 inches outside of your body. This sits just at the edge of your aura. Make sure if you have a tendency to have big aura to tuck in your aura so it fits inside this bubble so you’re not up in everyone else’s energy fields! This will help untangle you from other people’s drama and help you claim your own power so you can really step into self-love.
Additionally, you may place any symbols of protection you like in the Golden Egg of Protection, like Egyptian ankhs, Mary Magdalene roses, pagan crosses, merkaba, etc at the edge of the egg and watch energy bounce right off.
Goddess Cleansing Bathing Rituals
Clear things up with the holy sacrament of water! Water be used in ritual to bless our body that is made of water, and our soul that vibrates at the merkaba structure that is held within water.
Use Himalayan or Dead Sea salt to neutrailze negatively charged energy in your aura. Or take a dip in the ocean! The negative ions will balance you out.
Boost your bathing rituals by saying a prayer asking your angels and guides to remove negative and toxic energy. I like to add epsom salts, essential oils, and herbs. Most essential oils have some cleansing properties, though I really like peppermint, lavender, frankincense, and rosemary for cleansing.
It’s crucial to clear your aura of energy from exes, past lovers, your parents and ancestors, and doing an intentional ceremony to help clear out your past from these energies and spirits will be of use. Otherwise, you may get caught in a Twin Flame Runner and Chaser loop, where you try to pull in your partner, but there are past energy blocks impeding him or her from coming in.
Design your own cleansing bathing ritual and use the energy from the fire before and after your bath with smudging.
I normally smudge daily, and I wish I’d done this during my travels!
I was once told by a psychic that it is scientifically impossible for ghosts (spirits without bodies) to reside in homes that have been smudged. Dunno if it’s true, but I’ll take that! I like the way that smudging feels–so purifying! You can use palo santo, cedar, sweet grass, or frankincense as well.
Smudging with sage or other plants clears out negative energy in your aura and in area you’re in. Take an abalone shell and place a handful of loose white sage inside and light them. Or use a smudge bundle and light the leaves.
Allow the sage to smoulder and wave this smoke using a feather or fan into your aura or area of the room with stagnant energy.
Pass the smudge across your heart and hold it there for a few moments stating “I clear unhealed heartbreaks from my past and I now step into a Twin Flame frequency at my heart
Don’t forget to smudge the bottoms of your feet to get grounded, and your crown chakra, and also smudge closets, bookshelves (all that mental energy!), and corners extra well. Enjoy the difference after a good smoke down!
These tools are each super powerful in their own right, and you can use them at your own pleasure, leisure, and way.
I’d love to hear back from you about what you have used to cleanse, or what you’ve struggled with in the aura clearing process.
Simply post in the comments below and share your thoughts, and I’ll do my best to reply!
XO, Amanda
PS: Tell me what color your aura is, and I’ll bonus you a kiss!