by Dr Amanda Noelle | Jan 1, 2014 | Divine Feminine Awakening, Law of Attraction, Twin Flame Signs, Twin Flame Spirituality, Uncategorized |
I’ll share a secret of my soul with you. My number one goal this lifetime is to resurrect the Atlantean water healing temples in order to rise the Divine Feminine and restore the Twin Flame Love frequencies back on planet earth. I know it’s a bit lofty, but I also know that we can do it…
As a High-Healed Priestess (a modern-day high priestess healer who loves high heels), I have often astral traveled to the Stargates and have visited the water healing temples there. I have also been given guided tours of Atlantis by my angels, and remember being an Atlantean High Priestess. Sounds crazy – I know – but feel into the frequencies of my heart and remember the Atlantean healing temples are within you too, and within your divine mind.
Water spirit in Ancient Hebrew ‘mem ohr‘ or memory
Remember. Memory – the word comes from the two words in Ancient Hebrew ‘mem ohr‘ which mean ‘water spirit.’ Memories are simply spirit-consciousness stored in certain ‘bodies,’ such as a computer, a brain, our cells, and even within bodies of water on planet earth. In fact, everything is a memory storage device. Matter itself is a storage vehicle of consciousness. When we reincarnate into bodies, our souls become solidified into a single object for one lifetime, or so is the experience. The precious piece here is that consciousness can be transformed, and so can matter. We can turn anything into a golden vibration, by aligning it with God/dess, the golden vibration of Divinity. Thus is alchemy, the symbolic transformation of a base metal into gold.
The Atlantean healing temples are about alchemy – of healing the body, mind, and spirit through aligning it wish certain sacred or ‘golden’ frequencies. Using crystals, water, botanicals and essential oils, sound, light, and vibrations, the Atlanteans attuned people with specific divinely aligned frequencies.
The question is, which frequencies do we as individuals and communities choose to vibrate at? And who controls or chooses the frequencies within each community and on earth? Each of us has free will, yet as a collective we have to decide which direction we want to go in and grow in. We are all one, all part of Oneness, yet there are different styles, bodies, subcultures, and tribes. That’s why we humans require a variety of different healing temples scattered all across the globe, with the intention of collectively harmonizing in Oneness. I suggest harmonizing at least one pool within each of the bathing temples at the 432 hz frequency, which I will explain a bit more about.
What is the 432 hz frequency all about?
The 432 hz frequency is a specific vibratory frequency that harmonizes all life on earth through the Star of David sacred geometry structure that is present through water and within all life. The Star of David is present within all water molecules, quartz crystals and many silica-based crystals, and in silicon chips. Essentially, water crystals, crystals, and silicon chips are storage devices that hold memory. Again, memory comes from the word mem ohr in Ancient Hebrew, which means ‘water spirit.’ The 432 hz frequency restores the sacred eternal ‘memory’ of the soul. The Star of David is the storage structure for your body and for your spirit. 70 percent of your body is water, which is comprised of many little aligned Stars of Davids dancing together as amorphous liquid lattice of many moving water crystals.
The 432 hz frequency balances out the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, energies, the upper and lower pyramids representing the Divine Feminine and Masculine respectively, the chalice and blade. If you feel that you suffer from an over dominant male or female side, you may want to bath in water activated with the 432 to heal yourself.
The Star of David is also the structure for astral travel, and you can learn more about this if you study the merkaba or merkabah. The 432 hz repairs the merkabic structure of your soul and returns you to a Twin Flame vibration, it returns you to a Higher Self truth essence. It clears of energies of entities, ‘demons,’ or darkness. The 432 hz frequency is the harmony of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Love.
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I believe that the only question to ask is, “Are we vibrating at Divine Love?” And once we tune into Divine Love, the proper frequencies are put in place, and the next steps become cleared. The Law of Attraction shows up and works in our favor. The Secret taught us to wish for something specific – a red bicycle for instance. But the real secret is to simply attune to Divine Love and abundance, and allow the matter to become formed and manifested alchemically into one’s life.
What’s the matter with matter?
There is no time or space. Matter is simply a construction coming from a program or codex of consciousness. It’s simply solidified sound-vibration. The Atlantean healing temples are a memory of consciousness that we store within our collective and individual subconscious. It is not really a place or time, but a timeless spaceless consciousness that can become translated into a temple. Here on earth, we are living in the 3rd Dimension and have chosen to live in a ‘reality’ experienced through matter.
We as humans take on meat-suits and become matter itself in this experience. This matter – our bodies – can get sick, decay, and eventually die. Yet they can also be enlivened, healthy, ecstatic, and temples of bliss. This is the polarity we live in on earth. There is both heaven and hell potential here, and it is up to us to choose. And this is the game we play here on earth, the university of life!
Atlantean temple as a symbol of healing
A temple is like a temple of your mind. A crown. A 7th chakra or Higher Self connection. An Atlantean temple is a space of community where humans live in spiritual harmony with Divinity and with each other. The healing temples of Atlantis symbolize our conscious choice to heal among one another and to share a collective healing experience through divinity. I’ll share my guided tour dream or astral travel experience of visiting the Atlantean healing temples.
I was flying above Atlantis in my astral body.
Suddenly, I became lucid and conscious of the angels surrounding me. It was really exciting to realize that I was free of my human form. My astral body was light and I was being guided by a higher state of consciousness, though I knew my human mind was awake with me. It was thrilling! I had a sense that something special was going to be revealed to me…
It wasn’t my first time visiting Atlantis, but it was my first time being aware of being in Atlantis and having some very special angelic guides sharing their secrets with me. At the time, in ‘real life,’ I was working as a licensed esthetician within the spa industry, because it has always been my dream of opening a spa of some sort. I have always loved spas because they feel like little magical wonderlands of escape, and the bliss, the warm water, the sounds, the light, the softness – it feels like home to me! Some of the most healing and memorable experiences I’ve had in my life have taken place in spas. So, when I was being shown my majestical angels how they did spas in Atlantis, I was definitely paying attention!
We flew above these gorgeous crystalline pools that were constructed within a hillside. The pools were massive and cut out of marble. I remember that there were about 6 pools laid out over 3 different layers.
Two different pools on each side of a very long set of stairs that were a bit like the Spanish Steps in Rome, going down the hillside. The pools had 6 separate healing frequencies and were overseen by various healers and high priestesses and priests. I remember asking my angelic guides how they afforded such a luxury, and even wanted to know how much it would cost me! They replied that everything there was free, that they had a different consciousness than we have on earth now. The Atlanteans appreciate the value of Oneness and know that we are all one. That no one should suffer at the expense of another, and that there is an unlimited abundance for us to share.
I agree with these values: oneness and abundance, and feel they will be at the base of the structure of the newly rebuilt Atlantean Healing temples. Community pools will be potent places for healing, transmutation, and also for creating a harmonized vibration of community.
Also, I believe that in each of these 6 Atlantean pools, each pool had a different sound and healing frequency intended into it. Meaning that the Atlantean High Priests and Priestesses had infused the water with different vibrations, some similar to the 432 hz frequency that I infuse into my water before drinking or taking a bath. 432 hz is the frequency that balances the Star of David-like structure within water, harmonizing the shape of the two equilateral triangles (the Divine Femine and Divine Masculine symbols).
I have used water healing in many of my rituals and prayers that have come true. One favorite true story is the time I matchmade my dear friend Rhea by doing a shamanic Twin Flame ritual by a fountain and some fire. Within one hour of this prayer, we met her Twin Flame, David, who was visiting from Sweden, and they’ve been together since, married, and live between Sweden and California. I don’t doubt the power of healing through water. I know that I have been a water temple priestess in Egypt, Greece, Italy, Native America, Atlantis, Lemuria, and the Pleiades. It is part of my nature, to infuse love into water, and to use water to spread love. Amanda, my name, means ‘Beloved.’
Atlantean healing temple resurrection in Bali
In Bali 2009, I was biking around the small majestic town of Ubud, seeking a magical place to host a goddess retreat that would be abundant and beautiful enough for a small group of healers, entrepreneurs, and spiritual women.
I spent hours combing the streets of Ubud only to find many over-priced or poorly feng shued places that didn’t have my heart. I gave up, suddenly parked my bike, and in the heat, founded my legs walking me down a small shaded dirt road off the beaten path. Though I had no clue where I was going, I felt guided to keep going even though I wasn’t sure if I was walking into a dead-end, or perhaps even onto a private road.
“WTF, this is a healing vortex!”
I saw a small sign that said Spring Water. Thirsty and hot, I felt enticed and followed my intuition. I followed the sign down a smaller road and noticed a different energy surrounding me. “WTF, this is a healing vortex!” I thought to myself as I walked through what seemed like an energy tunnel that was taking me back in time. As I walked downhill alongside a river, and something inside of me shifted as if I were traveling back in time. Or into a new grid of existence. My frustration melted and I lost track of time and space.
I think what happened is that I walked into a grid with Atlantean consciousness. When I reached the top of the little hill, another sign that said ‘Spring Water’ appeared next to a big gate. Not sure if it was a private property or not, I took a deep breath, followed my gut, and entered.
“Hello? Can I help you madam?”

I was greeted by a young man by the name of Ketut (like one out of every four people in Bali with the name Ketut which means literally ‘four’). He seemed warm and gentle. Ketut explained that it was the low-season at their wellness retreat, and that I could have a look around. Chills swept through my body… This must be the place I have been looking for!
Ketut showed me around the entire near-empty retreat grounds. It was beautiful, green, and luscious. There were papayas, big and juicy, as well as durian fruit, bananas, and coconuts hanging from the trees. It felt like a Balinese version of the Garden of Eden! Colorful flowers were lovingly planted around the property, as well as many statues of various gods and goddesses and Buddha heads.
Then, my jaw dropped when I was taken to the most beautiful infinity swimming pool. It sat over the edge of a background that was a thousand shades of green. The rice paddies in Bali are just stunning, and this one was more beautiful and secluded than the ones I’d seen. I took in the view for a few moments. Ketut then offered for me to take a few hours to try out the pool for free. At that time, this was a precious gift, for I didn’t have the money to pay for such a high-end hotel retreat, and didn’t want to pay for a swimming pool indulgence (mind you I was still making only 4-figures and was stuck in poverty until 2010 when I had a money breakthrough).
Now was my chance to experience my first Atlantean healing experience.
Ketut then lead me down a long pathway of stairs to the hidden bathing springs, a little bathing pool next to a river. There were three statues spouting out water into the fountain bathing-pool. He explained that the dragon represented the spirit, the pig represented the body, and the lion the mind. He encouraged me to fill up my water bottle and take a drink. The spring was over a few hundred years old and the water was pure and healing. He then left me a small blue towel and a little bar of soap, as this literally was a bathing pool that could be drained out like a bathtub. Ketut walked back up to the reception area and left me to myself.
I soaked in the surroundings and felt myself in the presence of magic.
For some reason, I had the feeling that I wasn’t mean to be wearing the bikini that I’d brought with me. In Bali I always need a bathing suit because there is water water everywhere – ocean, pools, fountains, and little springs because it’s a volcanic island. So I tossed my suit aside, stripped down, prayed that no one would come down and find me, and I slipped my feet into the cool water. The warm tropical air contrasted the chilly water that was just cold enough to make me hesitate about dunking under. But I felt guided to do a full-body baptism, so I made a prayer, laid back, and went under. I opened my eyes to the sky and saw the sun shining above me through the crystalline water.
Out of no where, a gust of emotion swept though me, and ancient waves of sadness burst through me. It was like I was returning home. Like I was going back to my Atlantean roots, and for the first time in a long time I remembered how much I missed it. You can only know ‘separation’ if you know what ‘home’ or ‘self’ means first.
Atlantis represents home, birthing, the womb, the Divine Mother, the Sacred Feminine, tribal harmony, crystalline consciousness, and idealism realized. In many timelines, Atlantis has been a place that has gone out of whack, has been destroyed or manipulated or has carried a dark vibration. Yet that is just an experience. The true Atlantis is a place in our Divine Minds where our spirits and God/dess are one, and where crystal cities, temples, communities rise from an honoring of Oneness.
I dried myself off, put on my bikini, and walked up to the main pool. The view was simply stunning. I put my things down and jumped in. Euphoria swept through my body. I felt the deepest sense of Divine Love, of God’s love enveloping. I think it was the first time in my life I felt this way without being in love with another human being.
I twirled around like a dolphin in the water for an hour or so, spinning and somersaulting in celebration with the Divine Feminine. Visions of taking women to this special place and doing mermaid pool dips delighted me. I imagined a group of Atlantean High Priestesses enjoying the pure waters with me, giggling, sharing, praying, and honoring each other. A sunshine beam of joy exuded from my heart. Then I felt that I was not alone, that there were devic beings – loving spirits who were watching over the land. They were watching me and wanted my attention. Feeling only love and joy, I spoke to them telepathically:
“Who are you?” The sun was setting, and the colors were starting to highlight the sky with pink, lavender, and cobalt, with the silhouettes of black palm trees. I heard them respond,
“We are the caretakers of this land. This is sacred land, an ancient territory that holds an ancient magic. It is pure and protected. There is magic waiting for you here, Amanda, and we have brought you here, guided you to come here with your tribe. We have been waiting for you for a long time, to transmit this magic.”
Then they told me something about how those who had been coming to the land weren’t ready for the

information, and that they were grateful that I was a bright and open spirit. I loved that they had honored me with their communications and had faith that I could bring other high priestesses here.
Yet for the past five years, I felt like I had failed them, these gorgeous devic beings. For it has taken me afull 5 years to be ready. I’m finally brining a group of 7 high priestesses to Bali for a retreat on Valentine’s Day 2014. Before now, I have tried every single year to gather a group of women to come to Bali. But for some reason or another, it simply wasn’t ready, or I wasn’t ready. I did go back to the springs once again in 2009, and I brought a couple with me, a Balinese man and Australian woman. We did a water prayer together.
I went back to Bali for their Twin Flame wedding on 11/11/11. I visited the springs and again felt the water’s healing activation. Yet again, the energies didn’t seem ready, or I didn’t feel ready to bring my goddess pilgrims back to Bali. On October 25, 2011, I had a premonition of a tsunami, earthquake, or flood happening and wondered if I should have come to Bali at all before December 21, 2012. Sure enough, on October 26, there was a 6.0 earthquake in Bali that shook me to the core. Ironically, it transmuted my fear into waves of kundalini bliss and I realized that I had nothing to fear.
I trust the slow birth process of rebirthing and rebuilding the goddess temples here on earth. If it were up to me entirely, I would have resurrected Atlantis always and forever here on earth, and let angels’ light guide the government our planet entirely. But that’s just me, I guess it might not be as exciting and interesting as it is with all this darkness to clear up and integrate into the plot. I’m the kind of being who like movies to be happily ever after from beginning to end, but other people say that would be boring. I just think it would be fine! But so here we are, in duality. I am just so excited to be bringing through a new era of Divine Feminine bliss where we can celebrate each other through Oneness, through our own quirky individuality, and through breaking free from limitations. That’s why I came here. Why did you come and stick around?
Fast forward to 2099…
The Atlantean Water Healing Temples and Goddess Temples were resurrected, and they all lived happily every after forever and ever.
That’s the reality I hope to create before my last breath in this lifetime. What’s the reality you’re excited to create?
Oh, and you’re invited to learn more about the Bali retreat here.
In love and light,

Dr. Amanda Noelle is the Founder of Aphrodite University and helps women become high-end High-Healed Priestessses who rock 6 or 7-figure BLI$$nesses that heal the world.
by Dr Amanda Noelle | Dec 30, 2013 | Divine Feminine Awakening, Law of Attraction, Pussy Power in Business, Twin Flame Signs, Twin Flame Spirituality, Uncategorized |
This year, I’ve been reclaiming my passion for writing again, despite the fact that I have a slight learning disability that makes it really easy to make typos, get distracted, and become incredibly self-critical.
I used to struggle with low self-esteem, feeling stupid, not good enough, and it petrified me from sharing my voice through writing. When I did write, it was like pulling teeth, and I had to edit my work like a million times. It was no walk in the park.
It didn’t help that I am now writing about esoteric ‘woo woo’ topics (part of the job as a Twin Flame Matchmaker) that often brings up a lot of my insecurities (like Will they think I’m crazy?!)

As a Twin Flame Matchmaker with a successful private practice, writing has been a key way to access new clients while expressing my heart and soul with the world.
Yet just a few years ago I was blocked in my writing, in my career, in my finances, and in my power. I drove myself so crazy with my blocks, that I nearly wanted to leave the planet because I knew how far away I was from living my talents, dreams, and soul-purpose.
Wahooo….I broke free!
This year’s writing breakthrough helped me heal myself, and my writing has really made an impact on my BLI$$ness (business + bliss + big buck$) which recently hit 6-figures. I am still in shock after making 4-figures all through my 20s! The key secrets to my writing and BLI$$ness success is speaking from my heart, not caring what people think, and being in service while loving myself as a High-Healed Priestess. Bet you didn’t see that coming, did ya?
Writing was love-hate for me before this year. I hated deadlines, feared critics, and knew that I’d be making loads of ‘mistakes,’ typos, and grammatical errors. Unless I hired a professional editor (which cramps my style and just didn’t appeal), I knew I’d be baring my ass out to the world, which was just embarrassing! Yet I was called to spread Light, share my message, and teach others that they too could be Lightworkers changing the world without having to be perfect. Oh, and get paid in the process!

Me writing in my ‘office with a view’ in Crete, Greece
I just love getting paid to write while helping people, like I used to do in my early 20s when I was an expat nutrition and fitness writer in Shanghai (which never made me much money, but it was a start and I was less self-conscious because there was so little competition there as most writers wrote in Chinese!).
Though I am not yet technically a ‘paid writer’ directly through articles or books, I am paying myself with the income I gain from clients who find me via search engines using words like “twin flame soulmate” and “goddess of abundance!” So my writing dreams have come alive again in the most unexpected way!
How to make money off your blog (a few tips):
There is no one right way to make blogs pay off. I know my way has been fast and effective, and it doesn’t include making money directly from the blog, but comes from people finding me through my blog. Blogs can make you good money if you know how to convert readers into paying clients or customers. I highly recommend selling high-end services or products if you’re brand-spakingin’ new in your biz. I would have starved to death if I started selling products at $5-50/pop. I see most spiritual people writing blogs and doing services by donation (e-begging) and it makes me so sad to see those PayPal icons when I know they could be helping people while making good money from their high-end services or products.
Selling is also a big piece of the picture, but I will talk about that in other blogs. Mainly I wanted to reiterate how beneficial it has been for me to gain readers via the blog, gain their trust, and then convert them into paying clients whom I love! These Soulmate Clients burst my heart open with joy, and they feel like they know me before even meeting me because of my blogs (and YouTube/social media posts as well). My clients almost always tell me they hire me because they appreciate my rawness, my weirdness, and my unique flavor. It’s almost as if they can recognize that we are soul family before even meeting me, simply by reading my blog or viewing my YouTube channel. And what a marketing time-saver, instead of marketing to individuals over and over – blogs make you money while speaking to a vast number of peeps! Love the spiritual leverage.
Selling through your spiritual blog is really awesome!
Luckily, I have a magical gift in selling to my Soulmate Clients (soul family members who receive your soul-purpose based services in exchange for financial currency). I am super psyched to be teaching my students at Aphrodite University how to use my Seductive Selling tips to their Soulmate Clients who visit their sites! Because I have converted my blog readers, Facebook followers, and YouTube viewers into paying clients, my 6-figure BLI$$ness has taken me to magical and exotic travel destinations this year, which has unleashed a creative beast in me. I highly recommend trying to make money as a spiritual healer, teacher, writer, Lightworker – your bliss saves your own life as it saves the world!
My perfectionism got converted into my pleasurerrectionism!
What’s more, is that I’ve learned to accept my typos as ‘quirks’ and have really let go of perfectionism! This yielded way more readers, better blogs (if you ask me), and wayyyyyy more pleasure on my part. Because of this, I have successfully been able to write a blog a week (and sometimes several per day because I get so excited!). Blog writers’ block GONE….Cheers to having overcome a diagnosed learning ‘BLI$$ability,’ healing shame about the way I learn and express myself. Anyone can do this, because if I can do it, so can you sister!
My writing adventures have taken me and come with me abroad this year. I have made several blog entries on my pink Macbook Pro Retina from San Francisco, Greece, Italy, Costa Rica, and Los Angeles. My favorite writing local was a remote spot on Crete overlooking the ocean, where I got to access internet via my iPhone’s SIM card. Oh, it was from an ancient cave, a house built right into the cave wall! The views of the ocean, olive groves, and mountains were stunning, and I believe my creativity cracked open on Crete this year (as well as my inner cretan who just doesn’t care what others think about me!).
I highly recommend visiting Crete to rekindle your ties to Ancient Atlantis, if you feel connected and called. Everyone I know who has gone there has come back with the souvenir of more creativity, an Atlantean activation, and a Higher Self soul-alignment. I highly recommend traveling with your writing to wherever your heart and Higher Self guides you, you won’t regret it.
To me, writing has become an indulgence that happens to help some people (or at least that’s what they’re telling me), that helps me express the real me, that gets my ideas and thoughts solidified. Oh, and expressing my inner love and putting it out there into cyberspace brings me a great deal of joy. Finally, the BLI$$ buck$ that naturally seems to be following are a hoot too!

It’s time for you too, baby…
It’s so cool that I’ve used my ‘imperfect brain’ to build a 6-figure BLI$$ness I love! I never would have imagined that my fun goofy side that loves to roll with the punches, channel Pleiadian Light, and be as wild and woo woo and as weird as I want to be could be appreciated, paid, and professional all at the same time! Check out my blog to help you bust blog perfectionism here.
I say YES to loving and living your dream and writing it all out like a giant ongoing love letter to the world. I say go now, no matter how low your self-esteem is, how imperfect you are, or how stupid you believe you are. I say, the weirder, the better. The world has been suffering of boredom for centuries and it’s making us all sick in the head!
You can achieve your dreams, your bliss, your abundance…Because you are a holy friggin’ awesome child of God/dess and the world needs your love and wisdom and woo woo magic! That’s all the recipe takes. Now go bliss, bless, and blog your heart out to the world in 2014.
Lots of BLI$$ings and good blog fortune.

Dr. Amanda Noelle is a Twin Flame Matchmaker and Founder of Aphrodite University.