I am a BIG fan of rewriting fairytales to awaken new archetypal stories to rise the Divine Feminine and build new paradigms that teach our children – especially our daughters and our inner daughters – how to love themselves from places of power. More specifically, we need role models and stories that inspire a new Divine Feminine wealth consciousness so we can build more villages in Africa, heal our planet’s waters, and rebuild the goddess temples so that there is a sacred place where women can go to conglomerate and rise the Divine Feminine together.
Cinderella is one of my favorite fairytales, as Cinderella represents the wounded healer, the slave girl, and a Starchild coming from a broken home who finds herself living with an abusive family away from her real family.
I think it was time for a re-make to inspire true Twin Flame Love through the Cinderella archetype. So here goes:
There was a girl named Cinderella who lived in a broken home with 3 abusive women (they were all wicked, and not in the good sense). Then, a fairy godmother came along granting Cinderella one wish. So, she wished for her handsome prince.
And the fairy godmother was like:
“Girl, you gotta get over your fear of women and the Divine Feminine! It’s time that you set boundaries with abuse and stopped taking shit from people all the time just cuz you were raised poor! Why don’t you wish to free yourself from slavery first, and wish yourself into becoming a 6-figure BLI$$ness woman? THEN let’s talk about what kinda handsome prince you wanna manifest.”
Cinderella took a look at her godmother and saw the wisdom in her heart.
She wished herself into a 6-figure BLI$$ness woman and became an online shamanic feng shui artist, because she felt she was exceptionally skilled at cleaning homes of dark energy. She soon became so well known for her home clearing potion-sprays (they were based on crystal elixirs and essential oils) which were sold at Saks Fifth Ave for $100 a pop.
Cinderella became a millionairess over a period of just 2 years.
She then partnered up with an entrepreneur she met online who was building sustainable homes in Guatemala for indigenous people who needed the help. She decided to donate 10% of her profits to his awesome organization. One day, when she was visiting the Peruvian village for the first time, she met the entrepreneur and found him to be the most gorgeous, generous, and gentle soul she had ever met.
The pair fell instantly and insanely in love.
They decided they were Twin Flames, and had two gorgeous babies. They teamed up to create sustainable villages around the world, using her magical potion sprays which provided the crystalline foundation of each town.
And they all lived BLI$$fully ever after…
Your rewritten healing fairytale
How can you re-writing your own cinderella story? Rewriting your own fairytale therapeutically heals the soul by realigning the subconscious with programs that your conscious mind chooses write. The fairytales of the past were written in times where life was tough, where greedy kingdoms ruled the land, and where women had to believe in something to distract them from their subjugation and pain. Now we can create real life fairytales based on our Divine Truth, by using the Law of Attraction, and by tuning into our power and taking massive action.
Here are some ideas to help you re-write your Cinderella story:
- Heal your wounds and fears around sisterhood
- Heal your mother issues and align your relationship with the Divine Mother
- Rewrite a story where Cinderella doesn’t need a fairy godmother to save her
- Love your inner peasant and write down how many skills your inner peasant girl has; turn these into a 6-figure BLI$$ness that heals the world
- Recognize where your inner Cinderella is trapped and free her yourself!
- Find where your inner Cinderella’s strengths are and use these strengths to help her save herself rather than waiting for some guy to come around
- Allow your new Cinderella to marry herself first so that she can truly marry a Twin Flame
- Let her be found by a handsome prince who wants to marry both the princess in her and the peasant/pagan in her; be proud of your inner peasant and turn it into something sexy!
Blessings on creating a new paradigm and story for you, for your daughters, your family, and for all the planet who needs you to rise as the Divine Feminine Shakinah at this time.
Thanks for joining me! Namaste.
Dr. Amanda Noelle is the Twin Flame Matchmaker and Founder of Aphrodite University and she helps women become High-Healed Priestesses who play dress up while really saving the world.