Bisou from the ‘City of Love!’
I’m writing this lil’ love note from a swanky cafe Paris. It has these purple velvet damask chairs and great coffee…
Paris turns me on, so I’m inspired to teach you how to attract your Twin Flame using your inner goddess pleasure!
Fittingly, this cafe has a bronze fertility goddess statue. She’s raising a flame up to the heavens, a Twin Flame sign perhaps…
The name Paris comes from its connections to Isis, the Egyptian Goddess of Love. It was formerly called ‘Lutitia of Parisii,’ named after the Isis-worshipping Parisii tribe of Celtic Gauls who came here around 250 BC.
Did you know that Paris was built on the foundation of the Goddess of Love?
The Parisii settled, built their Temple of Isis, and brought their secret rites and mystery school teachings of the Middle Eastern goddess.
Paris: Pleasure Capital
Indeed, Paris may very well be the capital of what I call ‘PU$$Y Power‘…
Isis, the Egyptian Goddess of Love, is linked to the same goddess energy of Venus, Aphrodite, Ashtar, Innana, Lakshmi, Kuan Yin, and Mary Magdalene.
Isis and her Twin Flame Osiris gave birth to their daughter, Bast. Bast was the goddess of cats, passion, the moon, the rising sun, of enlightenment, sisterhood, sexuality, pleasure, fertility, bounty, arts, and battler of serpents.
Bast was also called Pasht or Pasch, among other names.
Pasht is said to be the ancient origin of the word ‘pussy’ and of ‘passion’ too!
To call in your Twin Flame, we women must embrace our inner womb wisdom–aka your PU$$Y Power.
PU$$Y Power resides within each of us. All women are born with it, though it is meant to be awakened or ‘initiated’ when we go from being the virgin (Divine Daughter), to being the maiden (Twin Flame Bride).
Unfortunately, most of us received no initiation rite to awaken our PU$$Y Power. Or even worse, some of us underwent negative sexual experiences that harmed our sacred womb wisdom.
Our job then is to clear the womb and to positively reawaken the PU$$Y Power and align it with pleasure…
The reason I spell pussy ‘PU$$Y’ this way is because you can see ‘Isis’ within the word, as well as the dollar signs which also represent the Twin Flame Kundalini energy. ISIS=$$, representing the kundalini that runs up and down the two sides of the spine, like infinite dollar signs.
Plus, PU$$Y Power is priceless… When it’s activated, we can attract anything with it with our very own pleasure!
To clear your womb wisdom wounds and awaken to your highest levels of PU$$Y Power, the medicine is stepping into your pleasure.
But many women have problems embracing their pleasure because pleasure brings up past traumas, unresolved heartbreaks, and pain.
That’s why I work with my clients to clear these issues out while they raise their sensuality and Twin Flame frequencies.
Parisian PU$$Y Power Pleasure Tip One of the secrets I teach my Twin Flame ladies is to actually create a life full of sensual and spiritual pleasures.
This way, each of your ”11 Twin Flame Chakras‘ are fully spinning at their own tune, singing the song of your Signature Soul Song.
From the street music, to the tempting sweets, to the perfumeries, to the bounty of art/beauty, which of course includes the Parisian men–all of your senses are piqued with pleasure in Paris!!!
The city tempts your senses in a way no other city can…It’s raw. Sexy. Delicious.
Imagine yourself in Paris (or other exotic city that ignites your Twin Flame Love). What kinds of pleasures would turn on your senses?
But you don’t need a ticket here now! Perhaps you can simply integrate a few of these French-inspired pleasures into your life even immediately…
FRENCHUALITY – Stimulate Your Senses French Way Goddess Style!:
– TASTE: could you cook up a French or other exotic meal using that recipe you’ve been meaning to try? Eat it tonight by candlelight with a glass of red wine to enhance the Parisian vibes!
– SIGHT: perhaps you could buy yourself some fresh cut flowers to remind yourself that you are BEAUTIFUL. I have been smelling tons of lillies here in churches and BNBs; they smell and look amazing!
– SMELL: I’ve picked up a ton of essential oils in France, like lavender, juniper, grapefruit, and frankincense. Place a few drops on the bottom of your feet or in a foot bath to ascend in heaven like Mary Magdalen (since she was a queen of holy foot anointments!).
– TOUCH: Are you up for a lavendar-rosemary sea salted bath tonight? It’ll feel like the French Riviera…Add some fresh springs of the herb into boiling water to make a bath-tea, or just add a few drops of the essential oils into a base like olive oil.
– SOUND: Try a French music mix. I like Pandora Radio’s ‘French Cafè’ station!
Here’s me embracing my PU$$Y Power at a Parisian metro station (it’s just a billboard!).
I believe that living in pleasure is what takes to create a and sustain a Twin Flame relationship. I also feel that women are the wisdomkeepers of the family and of the Sacred Union.
We hold that wombspace for the relationship to thrive, don’t we? That’s why we must start out by pleasing ourselves first.
Having an ongoing sensual practice is so vital. Whether you learn my Manifest With Orgasm (MWO) practice, or use some other daily pleasure practice, keep the pleasure flowing!
Lastly, the odd thing is that we’re programmed to undervalue pleasure, and to over-value looking like we’re living in pleasure when we’re not!
To create what I call your Twin Flame Life with your divine partner, you’ll have to become the queen of all of your 11 Twin Flame Chakras spinning at pleasure.
That’s why it’s important to invest in your pleasure: create time, funds, and fun for pleasure. Life is short, and the rewards of pleasure are SWEET!
One of my clients came on a Twin Flame Attraction retreat with me and stepped into her pleasure by activating her wombspace. She began dancing, singing, and even just laying in bed to follow her bliss. A few weeks later, POOF! An amazing man she’d previously known surfaced, and they’re now blissfully married.
Priestess pleasure is NOT just fluff stuff! It’s powerful medicine–something that you want to consistenly keep high in your life. It is the juice that will call in your Twin Flame, and keep your energy high.
Post in the comments area below and keep me posted!
XO, Dr Amanda Noelle
The Twin Flame Matchmaker