PU$$Y Power Activation: How to Reach 6 & 7-figure BLI$$ as a High Priestess
Hello High-Healed Priestess (modern-day shamanic high priestess, maybe in heels, maybe barefoot!). I know that you’re ready to tap into that unlimited wealth consciousness, the goddess of abundance. I know it is time for the Divine Feminine to rise within every aspect of you – your relationships, your business, your life and bliss. And I am sure that you want your goddess of abundance energies to come (and to cum!) easily like a 6 or 7-figure orgasm, right?
The key to attracting 6 & 7-figure BLI$$ (or anything you want)
The key to breaking free to 6-figures or to attracting your Twin Flame ISN’T by using a template, following have-tos, having the perfect hair, or even the perfect product…The Law of Attraction provides some help with manifesting too, but without this key thing, you won’t be able to attract what you want.
Sure, it’s cool if you have an awesome thing going on – a great product, body, brain, whatever thing that the world needs/wants. Yes, you DO have to have something that is genuine, of quality, and that benefits the world by being in service. But that’s NOT enough to take you to reach 6 & 7-figure BLI$$ as a High-Healed Priestess…
Nope. It’s something sacred and ancient that is being held in the memory of Gaia. It’s within you. PU$$Y Power, the Divine Feminine sacred essence that resides within the seat of the soul AND body of every woman in her root and sacral chakras, that connects her deeply and ecstatically with Gaia (Mother Earth)and every other Divine Feminine body on this earth. It enables her to connect with other customers/clients who are healing and activating their PU$$Y Power after thousands of years of having it cut off due to a patriarchal paradigm that was part of the collective consciousness’ soul contract. But it’s over now, and the Divine Feminine is rising. It’s time to awaken this sacred ancient diamond that is alive and active in your womb/yoni and rock the PU$$Y Power out of the ball park!
The Isis codes in the PU$$Y Power
There are 2 dollar signs in PU$$Y Power. And this spells Isis. ISIS=Isis=$$. Isis is the Divine Feminine symbol of Ancient Egypt, Sacred Sexuality, and the Divine Mother Goddess is encoded within the double dollar sign $$ = ISIS, as are the two pillars of light representing the two spines of the two Twin Flame Lovers, and the ‘S’ is the kundalini that runs up the spine by activating the PU$$Y Power in the female by her beloved. To learn more about Kundalini from my blog What Is Kundalini Awakening? click HERE.
PU$$Y Power is an untapped market and there is a HUGE need in the marketplace.
Your clients are hungry for the activation that you can give them, and you must activate it within yourself. Connecting to Gaia and activating your PU$$Y Power was how I broke free to 6-figure BLI$$ after being in 4-figure agony for all my 20s!
Right now, the Divine Feminine in every woman needs to be healed, and in every man too. When you heal your PU$$Y Power, you become a mentor for other PU$$ies (women, chalice holders) out there. Your clients will be intuitively and magnetically attracted to you because you will have the codex stored within your womb/yoni and woman that can clear and heal her. It’s all very juicy and exciting!
Check out this video to help you womanifest like crazy!
If you are ready to womanifest Divine Feminine style using the Law of Attraction, watch this video! Grab a pen and paper to take notes. You will learn how to:
- Receive whatever you want, in money, career, love, etc
- Stop settling for less! Become a queen of womanifestation
- Get the Universe working for you, not working against you
- Clear old ugly limiting patterns that limit your heart’s desires and abundance
[fvplayer src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7oEH-gACC8″]
Blessings and namaste,
Dr. Amanda Noelle is the Founder of Aphrodite University, the premier Divine Feminine-based university helping High-Healed Priestesses turn their bliss into 6 & 7-figure BLI$$nesses that heal the world.