What Is Pussy Power? PU$$Y Power and Origins of the Word Pussy
There is an ancient secret power that resides deep inside every woman…
And meow Priestess, is it sexxxxxy, powerful, and priceless!
Pussy Power is an eternal Sacred Feminine energy. In this article, I’ll do my best define the term “Pussy Power,” which goes way beyond modern history…
We’ll look at the etymology of the word to understand its ancient and deeper meanings. I’ll also share a few secrets and exercises to get your Pussy Power revved up!
The Ancient Origin of the Word Pussy
Did you know that the origin of the word ‘pussy’ goes way back before Donald Trump’s use of the word “Pussy?”
Unknown to most, the word pussy likely comes from Ancient Egypt.
The Egyptians revered and honored cats, and considered them divine.
Pussy comes from the the name Pasht, who was the ancient Egyptian cat goddess. Some say that Pasht was Isis’ spirit guide. Isis was the Great Goddess of fertility, love, and sensuality.
Therefore, Pussy is derivation of “spirit guide to the Great Goddess.”
Here are some fun facts about Pasht:
- Pasht is also referred to by other names such as: Pacht, Past, Pasch, Bast, Basstet, Bubastis, Ubast, Ubasti, and Ailuros.
- Pasht aka Bast is identified as “the soul of Isis,” or as Ba-en-Aset.
- Pasht/Bast is considered a patron of both the sun and the moon, a patron Goddess of women like the Mother Goddess Isis.
- She is the guardian of that which is hidden as well as secrets.
- Depictions of Pasht/Bast include a black cat or white cat, and cat-headed woman. Meow!
- She is also considered the daughter of the Sun God Ra.
What if we were to think of Isis as not just a deity, but as a symbol of the Divine Feminine that is meant to be awakened within every woman?
In that case, pussy in a sense means “Spirit guide of each woman.”
Perhaps you are looking for Pussy Powered spirit guidance that comes from your yoni?
That’s why I teach women how to listen to the inherent wisdom stored within their pussies so they can think, act, relate, love, and speak from their pleasure centers.
What Is PU$$Y Power?
Pussy Power, which I often spell “PU$$Y Power” to emphasize Isis (ISIS = $$ if you put it together), includes not only your vagina in her mechanics, spirit, and orgasmic glory, but also includes the:
- vulva
- labia (inner and outer lips)
- cervix
- fallopian tubes
- ovaries
- womb
- and the procreative matrix, what I call the “Pussy Portal” or 7th Gate.
Pussy Power is the essence of your passion, purpose, and your pleasure, and when you tap into it, you can attract your heart’s (and pussy’s) desires.
This includes birthing a child, or birthing anything into being–such as artwork, your Sacred Union (what I call Twin Flame Union), money, a home, a business (what I call “bli$$ness” if you do it the Feminine way), etc.
Pussy Power is the essence of the Divine Feminine Vortex of Creation.
Within your womb lies a wisdom and force that is a primal and eternal. Your PU$$Y Power is made up of the pure pleasure of the Goddess…
When you’re turned on in your PU$$Y Power, it’s like petting a purring cat–she will not lie about her pleasure! She purrs with authenticity, and if you touch her in a way she doesn’t like, she’ll run away, or even give you a swat!
The pleasure from your Pussy Power is generated, received, and transmitted in the entire female body, and it’s not only related to sexual energy, it’s related to anything having to do with creation from the etheric world into the physical world that we live in, from Heaven to Earth.
PU$$Y Power is a priceless life-force that can help you attract anything you want: a romantic partner, more money, an improved living situation, and anything your heart or your favorite body part desires.
Anatomically, PU$$Y Power is generated from the access points such as the clit, the G-spot, and the center of the womb (the Pussy Portal) and is moved upward through the chakras and Kundalini pathways, as well as downward into the earth.
Your PU$$Y Power Is What Bridges Heaven AND Earth.
It is energetically an attractive energy, as well as a nurturing one. Imagine a bee flying to the nectar of the flower.
That’s why Pussy Power is a force that can attract what you want if you’re focusing on that with intention…
However, when not properly open or empowered, your Pussy Power can attract psychic attacks, dark energy, unwanted energy, or even rape and abuse…
A healthy flower exudes am attractive nectar to attract the bees. Her attractive energy is balanced by her own sources of natural pesticides to keep her safe from the wrong critters. Your PU$$Y Power works the same way.
Get Over Your Shame and Fear of Your PU$$Y!
Shame and fear is the #1 thing that blocks Your Pussy Power.
Why be afraid of this deep and beautiful wisdom within you? Say “OMGoddess, I have a perfect pussy, and I have PU$$Y Power!”
Why don’t they teach women this in sex-ed?!
Unfortunately, women have been taught to fear the Divine Feminine; religious followers have been indoctrinated with patriarchal values. Further, I’d argue that the majority of religions today teach women to see themselves as sinners if they awaken their PU$$Y Power.
How can a woman relinquish the fears instilled in her from birth around her PU$$Y Power? Oh, and a hundred past lives too! Yes, all women have been programed to fear our Divine birthright as women.
Everything in the universe is comprised of the same energy… there is only The One.
The pussy represents the most feminine and childlike aspect of oneness. She is: tender, pink, vulnerable, high-vibrational, and absorbent.
When in balance, the pussy represents bliss that is akin to the magical inner child.
Ironically, we think of having a pussy and Pussy Power as being mature and adult, which it can be… But Pussy power sits upon a foundation that is tender and sweet like a little girl.
Your Pussy Power is not only powerful, but connected to the element water, to the emotions, and to sacred vulnerability. That’s why as a woman it’s important to tend to your emotions, your intimate relationships with self and others, and to maintain a deep intimate connection with the Earth, the Feminine, and The Creator.
For more Pussy Power secrets, click the video 6 Pussy Power Secrets to Discovering and Recovering Your Yoni Power! HERE:
Yet so often women are taught to be and act like men who run a more masculine energy. We are supposed to ignore our emotions and suppress them to fit into work situations, and even into romantic ones.
Perhaps this is because women had to fight for so long–to gain the vote, gain equal rights, and be protected from violence.
So many of my clients and readers tell me they often feel unsafe. This is why I teach women how to clear out their Pussy Power from past incidents and beliefs that caused them to shut down their emotions, and why my work often involves reawakening the inner child.
Right away, you can start taking action to awaken your Pussy Power through the magical inner child. Painting, singing, playing, dancing, or a trip to the amusement park all support this initiative!
Post in the comments below which of the 3 secrets you liked most, and what you’re committed to doing with your Pussy Power Awakening process!
Good luck girls, go to it, get your P-Power on, and enjoy every molecule and moment… It’s an important part of your mission in becoming a Twin Flame, a healer, a leader, and High-Healed Priestess.
Dr. Amanda Noelle is the Twin Flame Matchmaker helping single spiritual women attract their Twin Flames to create stellar families and Starchildren.