Twin Flame Abundance Higher Self Channeling

Hello Twin Flame Lover!
So many of you have reached out to me sharing how much of a struggle your relationship with men, money, and the Divine Masculine has been….
And I get it!
Some of you have suffered in relationships & jobs that limit your soul (or even suffocate her!), while others of you have refused to do anything that is out of soul alignment, but you’re stuck…you are unable to build your relationship, life, and finances the way your soul desires.
Bottom line is you want abundance, and you want it to align with the infinite nature of your soul. Thus, I sat out on my little porch with the faries today and did this channeling for YOU.
May you meet your Beloved, marry your Ka$h King (your money Twin Flame), and create a union in Holy MatriMoney.
Remember: money and your Twin Flame are the same thing. They’re of the same energy and they both reflect you! Enjoy this channeling knowing that it may spark something in you that will change everything around you, including your man and your money.
Blessed be,
Twin Flame Abundance Higher Self Channeling:
Amanda: Greetings Angels and Aphrodite! I welcome you now to summons the deepest wisdom within me to share with my beloved Soul Family who long for financial freedom.
The Channel: We are here, and we are truly happy to help! We love to relieve those in need, quench the thirst of those who are thirsty for knowledge, and strengthen those who have dreamed of becoming warriors. And most of all, we’re delighted to assist those queens and kings who are ready to restore their Divine Abundance.
Amanda: Amen! Let the abundance channeling begin….
[Deep breathing]
The Channel: You can and always have been able to manifest what you wish.
You are able to create any reality you wish in fact.
Currently, you are already creating your own reality, whether you are aware of this or not.
You can choose to change the dial on your ‘creation frequency’ if you so wish, and you can create or visit any channel you wish to create!
There is so much more freedom and flexibility than you allow your current consciousness to access, especially in terms of your ability to create money and financial freedom.
You have been programmed by your Belief Systems that you cannot ‘change the dial’ because the channels themselves were created by some outside source.
When we are able to realize that the channels we tune into are not only chosen by ourselves, but were originally built by our own subconscious imagination, the ‘Image-I-Nation’ — or a nation state of consciousness of our Creator expressed through image, we rise above the chaos and become Creators ourselves.
Are you ready to become a Creator?
Only then can we experience–truly experience–our own creation.
This experiment is only fully experienced when we recognize that we are living within the petri dish, that we built the petri dish, and that we are the scientists too.
We must recognize that we are the genius and imagination of the scientist as well, and that we are this entire experiment in ALL of its parts.
Only then do we get to create the experiment’s desired outcome, and we become powerful Creator Gods and Goddesses.
It only appears not to be so through the Illusion of Separation, or the divide within the Divine Mind, and within our own imagination.
This crack arose during the ‘Great Quake,’ when the Divine Mind itself split into two parts: the Conscious and the Subconscious Mind.
The Divine Mind did this to learn about itself consciously and subconsciously, so it could experience itself as both itself, and as it were of another.
You see, the Universe would be very lonely if She/He only had Him/Herlself to date! So She/He created a subconscious version of Him/Herself, who ‘forgot’ who S/He was as the Almighty Creator.
In some regard, the Universe created its own Twin Flame from its desire to know itself.
He created His Twin Flame to know Himself, as She created Her Twin Flame to know Herself.
You too created your own Twin Flame to know yourself!
A tool to bring together these two minds and re-hinge the Divine Doors of the I AM Self and the two Twin Flame halves is the use of plant medicine.
Plant spirits have had it easier than human spirits have, in some regards. The Higher Mind of the plant kingdom have never experienced the type of separation from its Lower Mind that humans have experienced.
The body of a plant is correlated to its Lower Mind. The medicine held in the body of a plant is aligned with the plant’s (subconscious) Higher Mind.
Contrarily in the human being’s Conscious Mind became so advanced in order to support its highly advanced human body that the Conscious Mind seemingly ‘grew past,’ or more accurately put, grew apart from the (subconscious) Higher Mind.
Thus, plant medicine can be a gateway to bridging the gap of the Lower and Higher Mind. There are many forms of plant medicine, and the best way to prescribe yourself plant medicine is to ask your Higher Mind which plant to use. Or, you can ask the perfect plant to present
Yet they are truly never separated, as you can never remove the Divine Mind (subconscious Divine energy) no matter how unconscious we are.
Nor can you separate the Divine Mind from matter, or anything at all. It can simply go unconscious to the Divinity that is there.
Now matter how out of alignment the human consciousness goes, God is always ‘there.’
Other ways to integrate the Higher and Lower Minds to integrate Spirit and Matter are through meditation, music experienced with trance, drumming circles, chanting, prayer, hypnosis, regression therapies, channeling, intuitive readings, and spiritual guidance.
Or simply communing with Mother Nature and connecting with the plant intelligence.
One other way is to connect with your Future Self, or your Higher Self that is experienced in a future timeline where he or she has already learned. Where she is a master teacher.
You may be surprised to ‘see’ yourself in a future timeline, or to experience yourself as your future self a hundred, or even thousands of years into the future. Or light years!
Be not afraid–have fun with this version of yourself, as your Future Self loves to play with you and will be delighted to support you in manifesting anything you wish for!
A great time to connect with your Future Self is when you’ve tried everything and nothing else works, and you have no where else to go.
Your Future Self, like a parent, is designed to lift you up and pick you up, and make it all better by problem solving.
Give your problem up to your Future Self, and it won’t be a problem.
If you are concerned about not being able to create or manifest something you want, then perhaps it’s time to tune into the Higher Levels by asking your Future Self for some compassionate care. Let him or her turn the dial on the channel you have chosen to a new and better station! One that is easier and lighter.
For sometimes in the Law of Attraction Game of Life, you can only win your pot of gold by letting go of the reality with the dreary skies. You must be willing to let go and tune into a higher level, one with blue skies and a big bright rainbow!
Know Dear One that you do not have to do this alone–your Higher Self, Future Self, is here to assist you on your path of manifesting the greatest abundance possible.
And truly everything is possible when you are willing to let your Higher Self turn the dial!
A big blessing on your new wave of abundance. Let yourself desire deeply and call in the help you deserve.